F3 Knoxville

Project back blast 06_09_2020

THE SCENE: beautiful june day. high 60s

Welcome & Disclaimer (Welcome, I’m Rocket & I’m on the Q today; I am not a professional, you are here on your own accord, F3 is free, I don’t know your injuries so work hard but modify if you need to, and make sure to social distance)
Note: Due to Corona virus, lets stay 6 feet apart, will not do any partner exercises or shared CMUs.


•Side straddle hops (IC) 4ct
Plank with stretching and hand release merkins.
•Cherry pickers


2 lines or one depending on number run to the track field.
Stop at dip station. Partner up with one doing 10 dips and the other doing merkins until dips are done. Repeat 3 times for a total of 30 dips.
Mosey to track start line and do the F3 Individual Medley: Swimming has the individual medley (IM), swim all 4 strokes in one event. Start with 7 reps of each exercise.
  • 7 Burpees
  • 7 Merkins
  • 7 2 count flutter kicks,
  • 7 SSH,
  • start a new set every 1:20
  • add a rep until you get to 10 of each or run out of time. If you’re fast you get loads of rest.
Get a 10 count break then start the modified Charles Bronsen. At the track, sprint 50 yards, bear crawl 30 steps, then mosey to starting point for a rinse and repeat for each exercise.
  • 50 SSH’s, mosey to cone, sprint hill and continue routine until the 80 yard cone, then army crawl to 3rd point. Mosey back to start,
  • 30 dry docks then rinse/repeat.
  • 50 LBC’s, rinse/repeat.
  • 50 squats

no time for mary this time.

For the word, we challenged the group to think about celebration. One member just found job and the other is getting good news about his sick mother. The challenge during these trying times is to think about the good we receive and often ignore. Instead if ignoring, take the time to celebrate it.

Feeling Froggy

THE SCENE: 73 degrees and breezy


Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


10 Baby Arm Circles (Forward and Backwards)

10 4-count mountain climbers

5 froggy merkins

10 tempo squats

10 4-count high knees

5 count motivator


Break into 4 groups and Indian Run to the CMU pile/stairs 

12 minutes 

1’s and 2’s will grab CMU and go to the starting line 

2’s will be performing CMU OH carries chalk line to chalk line (2 blockees at far line) switching sides on the way back

1’s will do CMU thrusters until 2’s complete their OH carries 

Switch when carry crew gets back to starting line.

3’s and 4’s will go to stairs

3’s run to the top perform 25 merkins and 25 SSH then head back down

4’s at bottom of stairs 10 shoulder tabs and 10 mountain climber taps until group 3’s returns then switch

Groups will switch at the 6-minute mark


Run Indian (Bernie Indian Run) to F2 parking lot for some small group fellowship

12 minutes

Groups from previous exercises will circle up (6 ft apart) and assume the plank position and one at a time will perform the following exercises while the others plank working their way around the circle. When finished with an exercise all members of the group must run and touch a tree. 

5 burpees

10 lunges

10 4 count flutter kicks

5 froggy merkins

10 monkey humpers

10 imperial walkers

**Repeat if group finishes before time/Everyone got about 2 rounds


Mosey to F3 parking lot

5 minutes 

Bear crawl width of the parking lot then perform 10 squats

Froggy jump width of the parking lot back then perform 5 BBS

No Time

16 + 7 for rush (1 FNG but he left before we could give him a name) + 1 observer


Romans 8:28

”28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

We see the greatest example of this in the cross. The most broken and twisted thing imaginable—the murder of the Son of God—became the greatest good thing the world has ever known.

With everything going on and the world seemingly breaking around us, it is hard to see things working out for good but we can trust all of God’s promises. Because of this, we can have hope for the future. 

F3 has changed my life over the past 3 months and I had a blast VQing. Thank you all!


Super Suicides

THE SCENE: Sticky but then cooled down by the rain.

15 SSH, 15 Imperial Walker, 15 Moroccan Night Club, 10 tempo merkins, 10 tempo squats, 15 harry Rockettes
Mosey to the big parking lot east of campus and line up perpendicular to the aisles.  This is a suicide style workout.

  • Run to the first line and do 10 merkins, 10 squats, and 5 burpees
  • Return to start
  • Run to the second line and perform the same exercises
  • Return to start and then run to the third line, etc., until you reach the end
  • After the return from the last line, start scaling back down.

No time
Lucky 13 this morning!
Proverbs 15:1 – “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

So much can be said about how to apply this verse and I encourage you to meditate on it.  My M set me straight a long time ago, but that doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with this.  She told me to “let her cool off first” after we would get irritated at each other.  Before she wanted to work through it, she wanted to make sure that our emotions were down and we could have a rational, beneficial discussion.

I think about how I sometimes get frustrated when my children don’t listen.  For some strange reason, I think that if I bear down on them by raising my voice, it will end the frustration.  What have I done? I have taught my children to respond to their emotions when they get frustrated.  Quite the opposite impact I was hoping for.

What other aspects of our lives do we let our emotions take over? How could a “gentle answer” have a stronger impact? Think on this.

Kudos to everyone for pushing hard this morning through a non-stop beatdown!
Continue to fill up the Q calendar. Betty VQ on Wednesday!

Spring to Action

THE SCENE: Perfect 67 degree morning, clear and dry

High Knees, Mtn Climbers, Shoulder Tap Merkins, Moroccan Night club, Side straddle hops
Fun-dian run through courtyard. – A chaotic scramble of two lines running through the courtyard.  Each leader gave up the lead by introducing an obstacle.  (Jumping over benches, bear crawling, snaking through trees).  Then planking till the back of the line made it through his obstacle.

Took a nice mosey of tour of 6 stations

  • Tricep Dips in courtyard
  • Burpee in parking lot (one we seem to never use)
  • Merkins at the stop sign
  • Squat Thrusters by CMU pile
  • Pull Ups at the pull up bars
  • Leg raises on the loading doc

Got into team of 4.  Each team could earn points (Springs) at each station.  The more of an exercise cumulative points, the more springs the team brought back.  Teams would then do core exercises till “released” by the next team to arrive. (this only sort of worked)
Welcome 2 FNGs!    5K’s 2.0 Sunrise

Welcome Buttons – glad you made it out to clown around with us.

You all inspire me. I push way harder out here than when I work out on my own.
There is a risk we only push on the physical things and we have to have the humility to express that we don’t see our own blind spots in other areas of our lives.
In prepping for this morning I discovered I was treating the spiritual discipline of reading as a chore. I’m not much of a reader. I was afraid of the length of Psalm 119. But just as you may dread 100 burpees, doing it is live giving, full of awesome verses like:

Give me a helping hand, for I have chosen to follow your commandments.  Psalms 119:173

Jesus faithful provided his promised helper.

John 16:8 Nevertheless, I tel you the truth; it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away the Helper will not come to you, but if I go, I will send him to you.

The Holy Spirit is that helper and will talk to you through His word (and other ways)
If you don’t know that Helper talk to me about it in person, online -anywhere.
Challenge to you is to Read Psalm 119; it is life giving.

Prayers for 2 Moms with major medical needs (Heart Surgery coming Friday and broken hip from a fall last week)  Prayer for our nation and the protection of those keeping peace

JUCOnapolis 500

THE SCENE:  Perfect Morning
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone

Cherry Pickers IC, Harry Rockettes IC; Grady Corns in Squat IC, Projectivator IC

Indianapolis 500 may have been cancelled this week but the JUCOnaplis 500 was a GO!

Quick mosey to Coupon Pile – stopping for 20 Merkins halfway.   Grabbed a coupon and started tabata timer – 10 AMRAP exercises for 50 seconds each with 10 second recovery between exercises for a nice 500 second push.  Did Walkover Merkins, Swings, Curls, Goblet Squats, Tricep Extensions, Heavy Freddy Mercuries, Overhead Press, Rocky Balboas, Bench Press and Squat Thrusters.   Dropped the coupons and headed over to the parking lot for our time trials.

Lined up on the curb across the parking lot.   Ready / Set / Go!   5 Burpees – Sprint to other side of Parking Lot; 5 Burpees; Bernie Back; 5 Burpees; and line up in the order you finish.

Now that we had our pole positions set it was time for the race.   Everyone ran the first lap (0.4 mi) without stopping at the pit (pain) stops.   At the start of the the second lap the pit (pain) were now open.  When you came to an open cone with no one at it you would stop and do the exercise on the ground then get up and start running again.  Ended up modifying to have two at each cone to make sure we didn’t run too much.  There were 10 cones with 50 reps at each cone.  10 exercises were Merkins, SSH, Flutter Kicks, Iron Mikes, Box Cutters, Single Leg Calf raises, Plank Jacks, Hello Dolly, Overhead Claps in Squat, and Mountain Climbers.

Mosey back to the AO; with a tire squealing JAILBREAK at the end.

No time for Mary
20 HIMS in attendance

Here is my best effort to put several rambling thoughts into one message for the day.   We talk about it often in F3 that we are all called to be HIMs (High Impact Men).    While we all got the Man part down…even clean shaven.   I know for me personally I can struggle with the first part – HIGH IMPACT.    When I reflect on my life, I often question am I making the high impact I am called to.   While I know I am far from perfect, I can make myself feel pretty good when I think about serving and impact those closest to me.  My family, my friends, co-workers, church community and next door neighbors (or at least those I know and like).     Where I have struggled in being a HIM is serving those that have nothing to give me in return.

You read from Matthew 5 and 6 – Jesus sermon on the mount and in Matthew 5:46-47 – Jesus says….If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?   Are not even the tax collectors doing that?  And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others?  Do not even pagans do that?

Those are hard words to speak, to hear, to digest.  Because I know if I am honest with myself they expose the realities of my sinful nature.   But they are in red letters, Jesus is calling us to be different, to be set apart.   Mark 10:45   For even the Son of Man came to serve, not be served and to give his life as a ransom for many.   Jesus during his entire life was serving and ultimately gave his life to people who had nothing to give in return.

I can click on the link to donate money or hand out a $20 dollar bill here and there to the cause of the day and try to convince myself I am doing my part to help those in need but I know that in that moment that small token of generosity, while the right thing to do isn’t really a sacrifice.    Once again if I am honest how often am I willing to sacrifice myself, my time, my comfort, my needs, for those in true need, the orphans, widows, foreigners, poor.   That is the part of my life where I have been feeling God pull at me to make a change.   I am far from a finished product but want to be a doer of the Word, not just one who hears (James 1:22).  One who without hesitation knows the right thing to do and does it.   (James 4:17)

I stand here today thankful for many things.   Thankful for men around this circle who are constantly speaking truth and challenging one other to be the men God called us to be.   Men who are challenging each other to spend more time in scripture and prayer.   Men who are encouraging self reflection and repentance.  Men who are challenging one another to step up and help those in need.   Men who are living on mission day in and day out in the forgotten places and looking for others to join them.   I know I wouldn’t have done it on my own, I am too selfish.   But luckily, I have found you all and I have chosen to not do life alone.   


Coffeeteria at DD still on even if GUMP isn’t here.