F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Mid 60s no humidity

10 baby arm circles in cadence

10 reverse baby arm circles in cadence

10 imperial walkers in cadence

10 cherry pickers in cadence

10 mountain climbers in cadence

10 American hammers in cadence

25 SSH in cadence

Mosey up hill by parking lot stopping at each light pole for 5 merkins. Moseying to various parking areas to do some Tabata work :20 work :10 rest 12 rounds

  • Bear crawl
  • Bilateral bear crawls
  • Reverse bear crawls
  • Gorilla hops

Mosey back to AO along same path hitting 5 merkins at each light pole
13 pax no FNGs

“On a cold January day, a forty-three-year-old man was sworn in as the chief executive of his country. By his side stood his predecessor, a famous general who, fifteen years earlier, had commanded his nation’s armed forces in a war that resulted in the defeat of Germany. The young leader was raised in the Roman Catholic faith. He spent the next five hours watching parades in his honor and stayed up celebrating until three o’clock in the morning”

Excerpt From
Start with Why
Simon Sinek
This material may be protected by copyright

Reading this we might think the situation is referring to JFK, but in actuality it’s referring to Adolf Hitler. I encourage everyone to not make assumptions on what we think we know but make informed decisions with every possible bit of knowledge at our disposal so that we carry out our purpose of serving others and serving God!

Bears and laps

THE SCENE: Super muggy, humid and gloomy
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  – No FNG’s so it was brief

Split Jacks, high knees, butt kickers, Rockettes, some yoga and stretches.  Bernie up baby Everest.

-So, I wanted to do something terrible.  Went to the newest path on the NE part of the park.  First light pole – 5 dive bombers, bear crawl to the next light pole, jog to next light pole and start the cycle again.  We did this until we reached the road.

-Jogged to the Overlook.  Did 25’s with merkins and BBS, did a lap around the oval in front of the admin building between sets.

-Back to the AO.  Bear crawl 360 down the parking lot, then Super Mario back, then Frankenstein back again.

– Finished off with a super terrible Ring of Fire that was Al Gore/Jump Squats.  Kinda like a failure to launch.


Did 10 O-Rings in each direction in honor of the failure to launch.

16 Pax, no FNG’s.

Jesus gave us the parable of the seed and the mustard tree to show us that we are all works in progress with small beginnings and then a final fruitful glorious form.  Realize that growth, difficulties, change is all part of God’s plan for us.  Ignore words of discouragement if your path is currently not what you’d like it to be, listen to the words of encouragement as you move forward.
We prayed for Katie who recently had bypass surgery.
Safe Haven still needs donations.  CSAUP coming up at Dog Pound.

Envelopes of Possibility

THE SCENE: Nice and warm. 63 degrees give or take

It was by birthday Q so we started off nice with 43 4ct SSH’s which was followed nicely by some tempo merkins, mountain climbers, baby arm circles forward and back, some overhead claps, rockettes, and some rocky balboa’s.
So we had 7 stations with 7 envelopes with 2 sets of exercise in each envelope.  At each station, a member of the PAX was selected to open an envelope and pick one one the two sets of exercises to perform.

Stop 1 was Little Everest.  Exercise selected was run up 3 times with 5 burpees at the top each time.


Stop 2 was bottom of Cardiac.  Exercise selected was mosey to first bend, 20 merkins, bear crawl to next bend, 20 merkins, then run to top and wait on 6


Stop 3 was Bridge. Exercise selected was 50 walking lunges, 50 squats, and 20 4ct Monkey humpers


Stop 4 was light pole. Exercise selected was Route 66 with Merkins


Stop 5 was open Church. Exercise selected was 2 minute wall sit


Stop 6 was cloud. Exercise selected was 5 burpee box jumps


Stop 7 was pavilion.  Exercise selected was 20 table rows

mosey to Little Everest again for 3 times up as hard as you can go.



She didn’t show up

Spoke on John Chapter 18 vs 36 Where Christ is being quizzed by Pilot about who he is and Christ reply’s “My kingdom is not of this world.  If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that  might not be delivered over to the Jews.  But My kingdom is not of this world.”

If anyone should have felt hopeless it was Jesus in that situation.  He was going to be tortured and killed, and he knew it.  Yet he knew it wasn’t the end for him.  That his kingdom is not of this world and neither should ours be.  That evil may when for a short time, but our God triumphs over it in the end.  So we should be hopeful not hopeless in our times of trial, because we were made for something bigger.





THE SCENE: Pre Rain and warm.  Around 60 degrees or so at circle up.

30 SSH on 4ct while we waited on Showcase.  Then curb for baby arm circles, mosey to other end to reverse them.  Mosey back down for rockettes, mosey to other end for imperial walkers (all at 10 on 4ct) Last did a down and back with tempo merkins and plank jacks…
Mosey to bottom of cardiac.  Ran up to benches.  Six up then went back down to first light pole.  Went back up cardiac but this time Bernie up.  Wait on six then back down to first light pole.  3rd time up cardiac 10 merkins at bottom, first bend, second bend, and top.  Waited on six then did 10 4ct flutters on way down at top, 2 bends and bottom.  Then…

Mosey towards Circus Maximus for reverse Route 66 with 4ct plank jacks at every pole.  When six was up, mosey to Pavilion for 2Rounds of 20 table rows/20 dips and 20 step ups and 20 Bulgarian squats.

Ab sesh with

20 4ct freddie mercury

20 4ct heel touches

20 side crunch (10R and 10L)

Mosey to Little Everest…up 2x’s with 5 squats at top each time.

Circle up

She wasn’t there

It was my 18 year wedding anniversary.  Message was serve your wife.  Love her and serve her without looking for something in return.  We are to love her like Christ loves the Church.

Treat all your relationships this way.

Hello Darlin

SSH, Tie Fighters, Butts-Up, Preachers, etc.
Unlike CMUs, rocks found in the woods can’t be thought of as private property, and they don’t seem like huge threats to children’s safety. There happened to be some (rocks not kids), so we took them out for a shuffle.

We did the Hands Fast Ten, then over to the Caribbean.

Laps around the islands, 20-15-10-5 reps each lap, with and without our naturally occurring, non privately owned and totally harmless companions. Q has to admit that he cheated his reps on the hand release merkins. Let this be a lesson to everyone that if you can’t do it, you shouldn’t Q it. Conway got Ribbed pumped up, and I failed Kentucky by not playing “Borderline” by MDNA. She was next on the playlist!

Lesslie Newbigin said that rational doubt always rests on faith and not vice versa.