F3 Knoxville

Irken/Dirken Biscuit


32 degrees, snow flurries at a NEW AO – Name TBD – Finally Named Shamrock




  • 20 SSH
  • 20 Cherry Pickers
  • 20 Mountain Climbers
  • 10 Crab Climbers
  • 20 Mountain Parkers
  • 10 Crab Parkers

The Thang: Irken Dirken Biscuit

Go tour the campus and for every incline do 10 Dips, 10 Dirkens, and 10 Irkens.
The inclines are small hills, benches, and stairs. There were also a few side tracks we took.

The first side track/warmup was a Mtn Climber + Lizard stair climb.

  1. Bear crawl up right beside the stairs
  2. Lizard crawl down the stairs = Stagger Merkins as you progress down the stairs crawling
  3. Lizard crawl UP the stairs = Stagger Merkins as you progress UP the stairs
  4. Reverse bear crawl down right beside the stairs

The second side track was a bear crawl stair loop with 10 Dirkens and 10 Irkens at the stairs.

The third side track was 10 Hill climbs and 10 Dirkens and 10 Irkens after the 10 hill climbs.

Then progressed to the Six picnic tables . For each picnic table do 10 Dips, 10 Dirkens and 10 Irkens.

Then mosey to pull up bar. Al Gore hold while your brothers take turns doing three reps of MAX # of Pull ups.

Almost out of time. Mosey around the campus and do 10 Dips, on the benches and marvel at the infinite workout possibilities on campus.


No time for Mary


Drive a Steak – Read out of Joshua 22 – Acknowledging there is ONLY one God, The Rubenites erected a controversial Alter to honor God. At first it was mis-understood, but then when explained, it brought Glory to God and was accepted. What steaks in the ground are you driving to educate your kids and future generations about what it means to be a Christian. This Catholic school invested heavily (driving a steak for future generations) in the combination of permanent “monuments” in which to teach future generations about Jesus. We are very grateful to have the privilege to be able exercise on this Holy ground and potentially call it the home of a new F3 AO.


Welcome two FNG’s – Chicken Wing (Sam) and Hoopti (Kyle). Please tell your friends about this new locations. Let’s make it a permanent addition to the flourishing F3 Knoxville group.

Raise the Flag

THE SCENE: Cool but definitely shorts weather. No rain #BlessUp


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • Name is Stean and I’ll be your QIC this morning – honored to do so
  • Any FNGs?
  • Knock out a few things before we begin
    • Contrary to popular belief I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your body better than anyone – if you need to modify anything we do this morning: DO IT.
    • However here’s my challenge to you for the next 45 minutes and the week:
    • When you’re tired and hurting and ready to throw the towel in, remember 2 things: someone is hurting more than you and is more tired than you are & the name of the game is one foot in front of the other. That’s how we get through the next 45 minutes and the next week.



  • SSH: 12×4 IC
  • Bend & Reach: 12×4 IC
  • Imperial Walker: 12×4 IC
    • 2 burpees on your own
  • Windmill: 12×4 IC
    • 2 burpees on your own
  • Baby Arm Circles: 11×4 forward & 11×4 backwards IC



(Mosey to Pavilion)

(Battle buddy up)

[Quarter Pounder]

***Steam showcases his impeccable taste in music – blasting motivational classic rock for all to hear***

  • Pav: 25 battle buddy sit-ups each with the other holding the feet
    • 1 lap around the AO and back to the Pav
  • Pav: 25 1-count battle-buddy merkins (Hand clap)
    • 1 lap around the AO and back to the Pav
  • Pav: Repeat the 1st – 25 BB sit-ups each with the other holding the feet
    • 1 lap around the AO and back to the Pav
  • Pav: Repeat the 2nd – 25 1-count BB merkins (Hand clap)
    • 1 lap around the AO and back to the Pav
  • Recover in the Pav – Wall Sit


[Quarter Pounder Round 2]

  • 4 sides of the table/bench in the Pav
    • Short sides = 25 chin-ups
    • Long side 1 = 25 incline merkins
    • Long side 2 = 25 dips
  • When PAX gets done with 1 side –> hold the squat
  • All PAX execute 12 4-count SSHs together in between each side of the table/bench

(12 count)

(Mosey to the playground)

(Walk to the arches of the playground – getting breathing back in control)

(PAX execute 12×4 squats while waiting on a rival tribe to finish running down the parking lot they’re headed to)

(PAX mosey’s across the street from the playground to the parking lot)


  • sprint down to far end of parking lot
    • Execute 25 squats
  • Sprint back to start point
    • Execute 25×4 down/up merkins
  • Sprint down to end of lot
    • Execute 25 calf raises
  • Sprint back to start point
    • Execute 25×4 SSHs

(12 count)

(PAX mosey to parking lot in front of AO)

(Battle buddy up)


  • Battle buddy teams sprint to the 3 grass buffers alongside the parking lot
  • Grass Buffer 1: 25 x 4 merkins
  • Grass Buffer 2: 25 x 4 squats
  • Grass Buffer 3: 25 x 4 SSHs

(ALL PAX mosey back towards the playground – Q makes the challenge for 1 of the PAX to lead 25 x 4 SSHs at each point of contact going back)

(PAX steps up to the plate and a new HIM leads each new round of 25×4 SSHs

(Mosey back to AO)


With “We Will Rock You” blaring – PAX execute American Hammers & Flutter Kicks to the beat

To end it, Q leads PAX in Motivators (2)


21 PAX – no FNGs


What flag will you raise this week?


  • What flag will you raise this week? Spoiler Alert – things aren’t going to go your way 100% of the time this week. If they do, that is awesome as well. However, the question has to be asked: “What flag will you raise this week when that happens?” A flag of gratitude and glory and blessing? What flag are you unconsciously raising as well?
  • Think about what flags you raise this week – when the going is good and the going is rough. Does the flag you raise make others want to help raise it with you? Is the flag you raise life-giving? Take the high ground this week – and raise the flag of honor and duty and courage and prayer and humility – in the spheres of influence that God has uniquely placed you in.
  • This is just the huddle – the game is out there. Go take the high ground.


Q101/GrowSchool Convergence THIS Saturday at the Asylum (2/29/2020)

  • 7am – 8am: Q101 led 2 of the F3 Knoxville TRUEbadours team (Judge Judy & Absces)
  • 8:10am – 9am (rough estimate): GrowSchool will take the place of coffeteria post-workout at the Chick-fil-A off Kingston Pike close to Lakeshore park (catty-corner from Panera where coffeteria normally is). The TRUEbadour team will lead a GrowSchool – a short time of leadership sharing and wisdom. Think of GrowSchool as an extended BOM/Leadership training.
  • Any questions/more info –> reach out to Steam or Abscess.

They don’t call me Charmin for nothing

THE SCENE: While still a little damp on the ground, Charmin delivered on his no rain guarantee.  Around 50 degrees for perfect weather.

SSH (IC) x 20 while everybody slowly trickled in (looking at you Cheatsheet); Imp Squat Walkers (IC) x 15; BAC forward and backerds (IC) x 10; Rocky Balboas on the curb (IC) x 20; butt kickers across PL; high skips back to the other side.


  • Mosey to CMU pile for a very quick partner round about (back to back, with CMU passed around) x 20
  • Mosey to Pav-A-Lon for partner leg raise-wall sits (one partner on the ground trying to kick the other one in the head while he does a wall sit and tries to throw the legs back to the ground).  Timed for 1 min, then switch.
  • Mosey to Circus Maximus for some partner exercises.  Each partner runs in opposite directions.  When they meet, do partner Merkins x 20 twice, then partner BBS x 20 twice, then back to back squats x 20.  3 total laps.
  • As we’re about to do another set of the above, the Q feels a tremendous sense of urgency to call an audible and mosey toward the bathroom.  His name is, after all, CHARMIN!
  • While the Q is humiliatingly otherwise engaged, Code Brown (yes, I get the irony too!) assumes the reins and calls out a burpee route 66 up the tail of the dragon.
  • The Q having caught up and knocked out a few punitive burpees on his own, the PAX moseys back to the CMU pile to unwind what was wound up at the beginning.

Dealer’s choice (Buns calls out Hello Dollys; Fabio calls out Am. Hammers); then we finish strong with ATMs.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Been reading “First Lead Yourself.”  From the book: “Leading from good to great requires discipline – disciplined people who engage in disciplined thought and who take disciplined action.  To engage in disciplined action first requires disciplined thought, and disciplined thought requires people who have the discipline to create quiet time for reflection.  The net result is not doing more, but doing less.  Stop-doing lists reflect greater discipline than ever-expanding to-do lists.”


The Power of 3…On Monday.

THE SCENE: 40s, cold, dark, character-building.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam & I’m honored to be your QIC this morning
  • Couple things:
    • I’ll have my phone, water, and a med kit in my ruck throughout the workout just so everyone is aware. If you need to put keys, wallet, or whatever in there, feel free to do it.
    • I’m not a professional (depends who you ask)
    • You’re here on your own volition – thank you for making the choice to be out here.
    • If you need to modify anything we do this morning – do it. BUT push yourself and the men around you. Some people didn’t wake up with breath in their lungs this morning but you did. You did. Make it count.
  • Name of the game this morning = The Power of 3

WARM-O-RAMA: (IC = In Cadence)

  • SSH (Side-Straddle Hop): 10 x 4 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles (Forward): 11 x 4 IC
  • Imperial Squat Walker: 12 x 4 IC
  • Merkin (Down/Up): 10
  • In Cadence Burpee: 5


(mosey to the flagpole down from the AO)

  1. Connect the Dots
  • 3 points of contact: Pavilion – FlagPole – Far Corner of AO
    • Pavilion = Bench pull-ups
    • FlagPole = Man-Makers
    • Far Corner of AO = Jump Squats
  • 3 rounds of this: starting with 3 reps at each point of contact – and increasing 3 reps at each point of contact for the next 2 rounds (3rd and final round = 9 reps at each point of contact)
  • Recover at the flag pole when you’re done –> Flutter Kicks

(Mosey to playground)

(Battle buddy it up)

  • BB1: Incline merkins on bench (3)
  • BB2: Decline merkins on curb outside playground (3)
  • Rinse & Repeat 3x –> adding 3 reps each time

(mosey to parking lot outside of playground)

  • Power of a Curb // Power of 3
    • 10 x 4 Rocky Balboas on the curb IC
    • 10 x 4 incline merkins IC
    • (sprint to a parking space about 20m away)
    • 10 (down/up) merkins
  • Rinse & Repeat 3x
    • HIM are expected to step up and lead. Why? Because you have what it takes. Even when you’re tired. Even when you’re sore. Even when you’re like “Why the hell did I choose to do this this morning?!”
    • Q chooses different members of PAX to lead the next 2 iterations of the Power of a Curb //Power of 3 –> be lead –> lead.

(Mosey to hill outside of AO parking lot)

  • 3 Tree Hill
    • 3 points of contact: Base of hill – middle of hill – top of hill
      • Base of hill = 10 iron mikes (5 each leg // 10 total)
      • Middle of hill = 10 star jacks (1-count)
      • Top of hill = 10 dry docks (1-count)
    • PAX executes 1st round of this – recovers at the base of the hill
    • Q challenges PAX – this IS NOT a dictatorship of the Q. The PAX , the men, honestly the individual decide what exercises to do, how hard to do it, or not to do it at all.
    • Q asks PAX if they want to continue, or do something else (Q did not have anything else planned but could have come up with something hard (Q hoped the men would stay in the fight for just 5 reps more) – adding 5 reps to each point of contact on the hill.
    • PAX voices they want to push/fight on for round 2. Let’s do this.
    • Recover at the Base of the hill.
    • PAX are GASSED. This is not an easy workout.
    • Q challenges the PAX again – makes the ask to kill round 3 together – adding 10 reps to each point of contact.
    • PAX are gassed but still in the fight. Respond to do round 3 on the hill.
    • Q identifies 3 PAX to lead at each point of contact.
    • PAX moves forward up this hill, not leaving anyone behind.
    • Recover at AO.


  • 3 Corners:
    • C1 = 25 x 4 Flutter Kicks
      • Karaoke to C2
    • C2 = 25 x 4 American Hammers (Q called them Boat rowers…made sense in my head lol, didn’t even think of American Hammers)
      • Reverse karaoke to C2
    • C3 = 25 x 4 LBCs
    • Converge in the middle of the parking lot
  • Q identifies 3 HIM to lead at 1 of the 3 corners – PAX choose which corner to go to
  • When each corner is done –> sprint back to the middle and hold the merkin plank –> All PAX execute 5 down/up merkins
  • Rinse & Repeat 3x (Q identifies 3 more PAX each time to lead a corner)


18 PAX – No FNGs


“Then David said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous and do it. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed, for the Lord God, even my God, is with you. He will not leave you or forsake you, until all the work for the service of the house of the Lord is finished.”” – 1 Chronicles 28:20 (ESV)


Knights of the 21st Century Men’s Ministry

This comes from a daily email I get from The Knights of the 21st Century (check it out ^^). Daily motivation and spiritual guidance for men wanting be men of impact, for their families, their work, and themselves. As a young man, I tend to forget to be strong and brave and have courage – both when and not when the odds are stacked up. I’ve included the email below, take a look and be encouraged men of impact!


A Q 47 Years in the Making

THE SCENE: The ambient temp matched the day of the month; a cold 22 degrees

4ct SSH (IC) x 17; 4ct Tie Fighters (IC) x 17; Slow squat jumps x 4; 7 Burpees (OYO)

Mosey to Pavilion to continue warm up; 7’s with Jack Webbs by Pavilion then run over to Cloud for Tricep Press; LBC’s while waiting for 6 to roll up.

Walls of Jericho (OYO):

  1. Merkins x 7 (then take a lap around the Pavilion)
  2. Jump Ups/Step Ups x 7 (lap around the Pavilion)
  3. Carolina Dry Docks x 7 (lap around the Pavilion)
  4. Burpees x 7 (lap around the Pavilion)
  5. Big Boy Situps x 7 (lap around the Pavilion)
  6. Table Rows x 7 (lap around the Pavilion)
  7. Squats x 7 (lap around the Pavilion)

SSH and wall sits (with some spontaneous overhead claps) while waiting for 6 to roll up; Mosey back up to the AO

4 Corners (starting with 7 reps at each corner and reducing by 1 each lap)

  1. First corner do 4ct Monkey Humpers
  2. Next corner do 4ct Flutter Kicks
  3. Next corner do 4ct SSH
  4. Next corner do 4ct Pickle Pounders

Group sprint up Baby Cardiac Hill with 7 Burpees as a group at the top; Mosey back to the AO and circle up for some Mary

To celebrate my 47th birthday… PAX did 47 x 4ct SSH led by Cheatsheet; Then Cat Gut led us down the stream with some invigorating Boat-Canoes; Finished off with 7 Man Makers on our way to 48 (but ran out of time)

Welcomed and named 1 FNG (Synapse)

Story about FDR greeting people in the White House with frustration because no one seemed to listen.  He greeted many dignitaries with the phrase “I murdered my grandmother this morning” but no one noticed and gave rehearsed responses like “how lovely” and ” continue your great work”.  Finally one of the guests actually heard his comment and responded “I am sure she had it coming”.

There are tons of classes at universities and colleges to teach language, speech, debate, and how to argue.  But there is very little instruction and training on listening.  Yet each one of us as HIMs need to cultivate the gift of listening to better lead and serve those in our homes, at work, and in our communities.

James 1:19-20 “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. ”

Most importantly we need to learn to listen to the Creator and Lord speaking to us…. encouragement to cultivate and work on your listening skills.