F3 Knoxville

Stay In The Fight

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • Name is Steam & I’ll be your Q this morning so thank you for having me

[ No FNGs ]

  • Couple things before we begin
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • Modify as you need to this morning but push yourself and the men around around here – they made a choice to be here and so did you – make it count.
  • ALSO – As your Q this morning:
    • I will have my ruck (no weight) with me the entire time this morning.
    • Feel free to throw your keys in there
    • There is CPR equipment and a med kit in there as well – in case of an emergency – it’s important everyone knows that.
    • I’ll also have my phone – we’re trying to get men on Q in the habit of having their phone on them, or at least having 1 phone in the PAX for emergency purposes. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.




  • SSH (Side-Straddle Hops): 25 x 4 in-cadence
  • Baby Arm Circles: 11 x 4 in-cadence (Front & Back)
  • Imperial Walker: 11 x 4 in-cadence
  • Merkins: 11 x 4 in-cadence
  • Mountain Climber: 11 x 4 in-cadence


Toe the Line:

  • Karaoke down
    • 2 burpees
  • Karaoke back
  • High knees down
    • 4 burpees
  • High knees back
  • Rockette down
    • 6 burpees
  • Rockette back
  • Sprint down
    • 8 burpees
  • Sprint back

(10 count)

(American Indian Mosey to lighted path by Northshore)

3s Company

  • every 3rd light: 8 up/down merkins in cadence
  • R&R until we hit the street

(10 count)

(mosey to in front of Everest)

Battle Buddy Crushers

  • Battle Buddy It Up
  • As a BB team:
    • in front of Everest: 11 BB situps each (WWII situps)
    • Mosey to the top of that little hill
    • Top of little hill: 11 half-burpees
    • Mosey back to in front of everest and hold Al Gore
  • New Battle Buddy it up
  • As a BB team:
    • In front of Everest: 11 BB high-five merkins
    • Mosey to the top of little hill
    • Top of little hill: 11 squat jumpers
    • Mosey back to in front of Everest and hold the plank
    • 20 SSHs all-together

(10 count)

(New Battle Buddy)

(American Indian Run back to AO)

TPQs (Thought-Provoking Questions) to On the Mosey Back to AO

    • 1) Why do you come to F3?
    • 2) What do you need to leave behind in 2019?

(Arrive back at AO)


  • Core-ter Pounder
    • 25 flutter kicks
    • 25 knee-sit ups
    • 25 LBCs
    • 25 Toe touches
  • Circle it Up –> Cash out with ATMs


17 PAX – No FNGs


I recently went and saw the new Star Wars movie, once on a date and once by myself – loved it both times, would highly recommend. There were a couple quotes that I pulled out of the movie that really got me:

  • “I know what I have to do but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it”
    • I hope you and I find ourselves in this position this year. Maybe we already have. I hope this position can remind us of our necessity of a savior and remind us that he’s far bigger than “fill in the blank.”
  • “The First Order wins by making us think we’re alone.”
    • Don’t be sad clowns. Isolation is a dangerous place for men. The First Order in the movie is representing the bad guys essentially. Creating perversions of the mind to trick the good guys into thinking they’re alone, hopelessness. There is a very real enemy and he thrives of making us think we’re alone. I hope I’m not the first to tell you that you’re not, but you’re not. I encourage you to fight against that theory this year. What we do here is only the launching point for out there. This is the huddle – the game is out there. You’re not alone and you have high impact men that will toe the line and lock shields with you here and out there.
  • “Good people will fight if we lead them.”
    • F3 is in the year-round $free.99 business of iron sharpening. High impact men want to be lead and need to lead. Everytime you come out here, you give another HIM the fighting chance to get a little bit better with you. Your battle buddy, your coworker, your spouse, your kids, your fill in the blank – keep them in the fight. Keep yourself in the fight. Now that fight may look different for you than it did last year, but stay in the fight. Whether that’s the 45 minute fight here in the gloom or a different kind of fight when you leave here, be the kind of HIM that lead people to Keep the Faith & Fight the Good Fight. Be the kind of HIM that keeps yourself keeping the faith and fighting the good fight.


F3 New Year’s Party THIS Friday @ Tank’s House: “F3 Knoxville is having a New Years party…kind of. Bring the wife, girlfriend/significant other or even a FNG. It’s going to be a fun night of fellowship to celebrate the new year! What to bring: a few bucks for the game tournaments, a small dessert or appetizer and BYOB. Tea and coffee will be provided. Make the HC now and let your wife/sig other meet the other idiots that you workout with at 5:30am!” @ 7pm at

Keep the Faith & Fight the Good Fight!

Celebrating 2 birthdays better than 1

THE SCENE: Low 40s with extra gloom

SSH, 4ct, IC x 49
In celebration of the Q’s birthday (49) and High Heels’ birthday (54), the following exercises were performed as follows:  7 sets of 7 exercises (49 total), with 6 sets of 9 exercises (54 total) sandwiched in between each set of of 7.

  • At the AO, line up on curb for Rocky Balboas, sprint to other side for Merkins, run back, rinse and repeat.
  • Mosey to the Cloud for box jumps and dips
  • Mosey to Baby Everest with Squat Jumps at the bottom and Hello Dollys (4ct) at the top.
  • Mosey to the Pavalon for table rows and calf raises.
  • Mosey to the bottom of Cardiac.  Run to the top of Cardiac with 9 man makers somewhere (choice of the Pax) in between.
  • Mosey back to the AO.

Howling monkeys, with each Pax doing one monkey humper in turn with the other pax holding position around the circle till 49 is reached.  Then do it again till 54 is reached.  Now, on the 6 for hands of time, counting to 49 and then to 54.

Revisiting the Q’s BOM from last year, it focused on getting out of my comfort zone and trusting God more.  (Phil. 4:13 and think about Paul’s level of discomfort with his mission).  Taking stock of last year, I’m disappointed in the difficulty I showed to trust God with decisions that might get me out of my comfort zone.  I need to do better.


The Never Ending VQ

THE SCENE: Clear and Sub-zero (for those who understand Celsius)


Knocked off the chill with 20 SSH on 4ct (IC); 30 Grady Corns (IC); 5 Burpees (OYO); 10 Hello Dolly’s on 4ct (IC)


Mosey down to the Pavilion for some 11’s (Table Rows with a jog over to the cloud for Box Jumps/Step Ups); LBC’s while we waited for 6 to roll up.  Great mumble chatter turned to cold huffing and puffing quickly.

Mosey back up the hill to the CMU station to distribute the goods.  Spread out on baseline near ball field with battle buddies to embark on a Brick Relay (in the absence of @Bunny… “it was a race!”).  HIM1 carried 2 CMU’s as fast as possible across lot to other baseline while HIM2 planked with anticipation.  HIM1 sprinted back to relieve HIM2.  HIM2 sprinted to other side to retrieve both CMU’s and return them to original baseline.  Rinse and repeat 3 more times (round 2 SSH for waiting HIM; round 3 squats; round 4 plank). LBC’s while we waited for 6 to roll up.

After brief recovery… Brick Brigade along baseline starting in CMU station corner.  5 CMU’s were passed down the line with an overhead press during each handoff to the next HIM.  Indian run to the front of the line where each HIM added 10 Merkins before joining the rest of the waiting PAX in squats.  Made it all the way across the lot to claim Victory for a brief recovery.  Repeated back across the lot for a second round.  Changed out squats for SSH’s for waiting PAX.

After stowing the CMU’s in their natural habitat… mosey over to far corner for some flutter kicks on 4ct (IC); Detecting @Coolio spying his watch, steered PAX on mosey past AO (leading him to think COT must be close) and headed up Baby Cardiac Hill for a Burpee at the top; mosey back to AO for fake wrap up with some Mary time.  Pushed through 30 American Hammers (IC) led by @Coolio followed by 15 Hello Dolly’s on 4ct (IC).

Convinced it was over… PAX mosey to far corner for Monkey Humpers (IC) led by @Code Brown.  Mosey to CMU corner for some Pickle Pounders (IC) led by @Gibbler.  Mosey to far corner to “cheerfully” complete some SSH on 4ct (IC) led by @Pom Pom.  Mosey back to AO for some Cherry Pickers to finish up.

Luke 2:11 “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

In the middle of their mundane, the shepherds had a divine interruption of good news.  The announcement of Jesus birth was not only a miraculous moment but the culmination of something planned for hundreds of years (see Isaiah 53).  Jesus came not just to be a carpenter or an inspirational leader, but He came to die in our place.  He came to be our Savior.  Philippians 2 speaks of His step out of divinity into humanity with humility.

Finished with a reminder of a very familiar verse and it’s lesser known neighbor… John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life.”  But keep on reading… John 3:17 “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.”

This was my VQ!

Important reminder to always keep a cell phone with the PAX during workouts in case of medical emergency.  (followed by wise-cracks from @Coolio toward HIMs deserving of RESPECT)

Another 12 Days (and a Yule Log)

THE SCENE: Unseasonably warm!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Maybe?  Code Brown was in charge of that and perhaps skipped over some of it.  No FNGs so we’d heard it all.

SSH IC; practice some Manmakers and a Fireman Carry.  Wish Hot Tub and Gibbler well as they took off like scalded dogs to do a little marathon training tour of the Asylum.  Let’s move.
4 volunteers strap in the harness to pull the Yule Log to Circus Maximus.  We use a rotation of volunteers to pull the Yule Log a half lap around at a time, at each stop, we celebrate the Days of Christmas cumulatively as follows:

  • Day 1:  Manmaker;
  • Day 2: Iron Mikes, 4 count
  • Day 3: Jump Squats;
  • Day 4: Smurf Jacks;
  • Fiiiivvveee Buuurrrrpppeeeeeees!
  • Day 6:  Hello Dollys (4 ct, IC)- led by Carney;
  • Day 7:  Merkins (4 ct, IC)- Led by Code Brown;
  • Day 8: Mountain Climbers (4 ct, IC)- led by Double Wide;
  • Day 9: American Hammers (4 ct, IC)- led by Rainbow;
  • Day 10: Big Boy Sit-ups (IC)- led by Honeydew;
  • Day 11: Carolina Dry Docks (4 ct, IC) – led by Pom Pom;
  • Day 12: Partner up and Fireman Carry twelve steps each.
  • Mosey back to AO (with Yule Log in tow)

Bunny takes over and whips us like mules up Baby Everest.  Our distance runners rejoined the PAX and took a turn pulling the Yule Log up.  Manmakers at the top:  Rinse and repeat.

Somebody put Cat Gut in charge for a brutal 5 minutes of Boat/Canoe.

Christmas isn’t about bright presents in flashy wrapping.  God’s ultimate gift of love and grace through his Son came in very humble wrapping.  With that in mind, we should be able to celebrate Christmas in any situation.  Also, this day in history:  The counter-offensive known as the Battle of the Bulge began in the Ardennes Forest.  Those involved certainly spent Christmas without anything fancy or shiny.
Prayers for Pinto and his family and Junk, Junk’s wife, and their family.
Second F gathering at Tank’s house on Jan 3.  M’s are invited.

Ladders and Sh@#ts

THE SCENE: Nice and cool.  Almost spitting snow.

Warm up burpee ladder:  10 4 ct SSH, IC; 2 burpees OYO; 10 BAC forward IC; 4 burpees OYO; 10 BAC backwards; 6 burpees OYO; 10 Imperial Walkers IC; 8 burpees OYO; 10 tempo squats IC; 10 burpees OYO.

  • Mosey to Circus Maximus for Merkin Ladder.  Run (not mosey, run!) 1/4 lap at a time, add 1 merkin at each stop up the ladder till you reach 10 merkins.  Then 1/4 lap back down the ladder to 1 merkin.
  • Mosey to Cardiac for the cardiac ladder:  10 SSH at the bottom, Bernie to the first curve; 10 SSH + 20 Carolina Dry Docks.  Bernie to the 2nd curve.  Repeat SSH and CCD, add 30 4 ct Freddy Mercurys.  Sprint to the top.  Repeat SSH, CCD, Freddy Mercurys.  Add 40 squats.
  • Mosey to bottom of Baby Everest for Jimmy’s (Jacob’s big brother) Ladder.  Run Baby Everest and do a Man Maker.  Add a Man Maker each time you run to the top, topping out at 7 Man Makers.

Hurricane Hoedown ladder.  Sitting flutters with hands over head x 7; reclining flutters x7, regular flutters x7.  Repeat x6, then x5, etc. all the way down the ladder.

Even in dark days, there are things to be thankful for.  From Abraham Lincoln’s proclamation establishing a recurrent Thanksgiving on the last Thursday of November, at a time when our nation was more divided than it has ever been:  They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquillity and Union.
Prayers for Cheatsheet’s daughter
Need supplies for the VA home, please!