F3 Knoxville

A “Blessed” Sweat Fest

THE SCENE: Not too hot, but incredibly HUMID

No Side Straddle Hops, those are only done when Pool Boy is in attendance.
Baby Arm Circles
Cherry Pickers
Pick up CMU’s, and jump into a circuit style workout.
6 stations, workout for 50 seconds, with 10 seconds to rotate.  Hit each station 6 times or until we run out of time.  Push your heart rate knowing you have a built in break.  You can tailor this to any skill level, no counting, and very social.
The stations are as follows:
Bench Press
that is it, rinse and repeat 6 times for a total of 36 minutes

We had time for a short round of LBC’s

What do you think of when someone says “have a blessed day”???  What does that mean?  I struggle with that because of what we consider a blessing might be.  Is a blessing being healthy, wealthy, and wise?  It could be, but in Matthew 5, the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount begins with the Beatitudes.  Some of these statements run counter to culture.  They don’t once reference health, wealth, or wisdom.  You could translate Blessed to mean Happy, and if you read these in that manner, it flips the notion of a blessing on its head.

1.“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”
It means that the people who are “poor in spirit,” or humble, can be with God in Heaven.
2.“Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”
It means that people who are suffering will be taken care of by The Lord.
3.“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”
It means that the ones who are humble are going to be the “heirs of the earth,” or in other words, leaders.
4.“Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”
It means that the ones who are after what is right will get what they want.
5.“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.”
It means that the ones who have mercy on the less fortunate will get mercy from them.
6.“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”
It means that the ones who do not sin and keep their hearts pure are the ones who will go to Heaven.
7.“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.”
It means that if you bring peace into the world, God will call you His son.
8.“Blessed are they that have been persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”
It means that if you do what is right and you know that it is right but people believe it to be wrong, you will go to Heaven.

To be “blessed” isn’t always happy in the moment, but these blessing truly bring you closer to Jesus.  So when someone tells you to “have a blessed day”, take a moment to ponder that meaning, and use it to check yourself to see how you are “blessed” form the list above.  If you tell someone to have a blessed day, are you telling them (#2) that you are wishing suffering upon them?  Are you wishing (#8) persecution upon them?  I do not have the correct answer here, and I am not trying to discourage anyone from using that phrase, but I think that phrase carries a significant amount of weight that is often lost in the moment.  So use this to reflect on your own blessings when you hear this phrase.  Consider how you can draw nearer to Jesus, and the model that it takes to follow him, because it certainly isn’t about health, wealth, and wisdom.

Mandolin has the Rona.
Pray for an F3 Brother at Juco who has been served with divorce papers.
Pringle will be having hip replacement surgery on 6/6.
5/25 we will celebrate the 2 year anniversary of Shamrock, and we will pass the flag to Betty and crown him the new AOQ of Shamrock.

Plant Trees

The Scene


F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


Motivators (Dumpster Dive picked to start from 5)

Cherry Pickers

Runners Lunge w/ reach

Tempo Squats



Challenged everyone to go for at least one more rep above what they think they could do during this workout. We are capable of more than we think. 



Mosey to the CMU Pile and grab one that we will work with throughout the beatdown


We set up around the parking lot for 3 rounds of each exercise with a run around the median in between. Exercises as follows:

3×20 walking lunges (After 20 walking lunges, leave cmu, run around the median back to where you left off.)

3×10 thrusters (Between each thruster take 2 steps) median run between each round

3×10 Big Boy Situps (Knuckles to ground behind your head, heel tap at the top) median run between each round

Some 10 counts were sprinkled in by various HIM’s


New dock work up next

While group 1 went through a plank variation the second group laid down on the ground next to the dock then got up and immediately got onto the dock. 3 rounds then tap a HIM doing a plank to let them know it is their turn. The below planks were completed in the three rounds: 

Standard Plank

Crab Plank

Freestyle plank


Grabbed our CMU’s and headed back toward the CMU pile


We circled up and complete 4 rounds of the following:

40 Rocky Balboas

10 CMU swings


We then moseyed back to the AO.



We had enough time for 1 minute of flutter kicks


14 HIM’s


“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”-Greek Proverb

I changed the quote a little since none of us are old. “A society grows great when wise men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”-Greek Proverb

Challenged everyone to break out of any self-centered loops we find ourselves in a begin to lay the groundwork for the next in line, even if we won’t reap the benefits of our labor. 



Asylum Star Wars Day in 3 Episodes

THE SCENE: In a Galaxy Far, Far Away… the weather was pleasant. The rain moved out and we were dry!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: If you recently battled a Wookie, maybe this workout isn’t for you

SSH IC x25 | LBAC IC x10 Each Way | TIE Fighters IC x10 each way | Tempo Squats IC x10

Episode I:

Mosey to the top of Mini-Cardiac for a Kessel Run in 12 parsecs

(12s of Merkins & BBS at each light pole down Rt. 66)

Episode II:

Travel to Cloud City 

(Partner 1 runs around Pavilion; while the other partner completes AMRAP of the following: Curls, OH Press, Tris, Rows)

  • Episode III:

    Chewbacca Carry CMU to the end of the parking lot for Han Solo Shuttle Runs (Suicides at each island while partner does exercises.

    Cumulative reps:

    200 → Imperial Walkers


    100→OH Press

    50→Hello Dolly

    25→4 ct. SSH

SWB: Stretching with Blindside until time called

13 HIMs; 0 FNGs

Numbers 6:22-27 The LORD said to Moses: “Speak to Aaron & his sons & tell them: This is how you shall bless the Israelites. Say to them: The LORD bless you & keep you! The LORD let his face shine upon you, & be gracious to you! The LORD look upon you kindly & give you peace! So shall they invoke my name upon the Israelites, & I will bless them.”

May the Force be with you.

We hear this quite often in Star Wars. It’s not always a Jedi that says it–one of the first instances is Han Solo telling it to Luke Skywalker, It was often used as “good luck on this dangerous mission” but also as a blessing, for good things to come your way.

Over the past 40 years, it’s become the most notable phrase from the saga. The entire notion of Star Wars Day on May 4 comes from the pun on the phrase. It has taken on almost a religious aspect for fans. It’s not surprising to see some fans respond by saying, “and also with you” as you would hear in a litany in a church.

We want to be blessed and we want to pass along the blessing. When I was in college, the Emory & Henry Choir would close every performance since its founding in 1958 with a hymn with a version of these words called the “Lutkin Benediction.” It was always a powerful and emotional moment at the close of a concert. I had the pleasure of attending many of their performances during my time at Emory since several of my fraternity brothers were always in the choir. Whatever may come, God will be with you. I ask His blessing on you as you go out into the world today. I pray that you will seek Him regularly, that you will call on Him in your dark times and praise Him all the time. May the Force (of the Lord) be with you!


Matlock’s playlist

THE SCENE: 56 and wonderful

Side stratal hop 20

Imperial squat walker 10

Baby arm circles 10


Mosey around the Asylum.  Do a burpee every time a random PAX can’t name that tune from Madlocks play list.


Stop 1- 5 up downs

Stop 2- 10 hand release  mericans 

Stop 3 – add 15  froggy squats 

Stop 4- add 20 4x lbc

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Men are the least like to be a mentor, there are over 59 kids on the waiting list for a mentor most of them boy how could benefit from a HIM a few hours a month.

Home Page


Keep Moving


Perfect low 50’s and clear

SSHs in cadence; Merkins OYO; Tai Fighters in cadence; Cherry Pickers


Mosey to “Boomer Alley” and grab a CMU along the way; Starting at launch pad move 2 at a time into pain stations; 1) 10 x Hand Release Merkins; 2) 20 x SSHs; 3) 10 x Snow Angels; 4) 20 x Squat Jumps; 5) 10 x Big Boy Situps; 6) 20 x Plank Jacks; 7) 10 x Blockees; Remain at launch pad doing CMU Squat Thrusters until station 1 opens up… rinse and repeat for a while.

Group therapy – 10 x CMU Squat Thrusters; Mosey to CMU pile; Mosey to “Circle of Gab”; Jump or Dive around the circle (great mumble chatter about the various nation flags); 10 x SSHs; Mosey for a bit toward AO; Tempo Squats in cadence; Mosey a bit more; Monkey Humpers in cadence; Mosey to AO; Box Cutters in cadence.

11 HIMs and no FNGs

Shared some Boomer (even though I am a Gen-Xer) insights on discipline around Health, Faith, Marriage, Singleness, Fatherhood, Career, Friendships, and Finances.  Read “Choose your hard” poem (stolen from Coolio).  Hebrews 12:11 “No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening – it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.” NLT

CSAUP coming up May 6; Shamrock 2 year maniversary coming up on May 11; Passing of the flag coming later in May; Coffeteria right after Q