F3 Knoxville

Sled 2.0

  • THE SCENE: humid, until it rained, then it was real humid

    The pax had some quick stretching while we went through the different stations
    7 pain stations consisting of:
  • 20 burpees 20 plank jacks
  • 30 sec electric chair 30 sec plank hold with rucks
  • 20 sandbag squats 100ft sandbag sled drag
  • 20 diamond merkins 15 COBRA merkins each arm
  • 20 squirls 20 bent rows with sandbag
  • 20 stocky balbowas 10 rep shoulder blasters with pre rocks
  • 20 bbs 20 v ups with pre rocks

Pax had 3.5 minutes at each station with a battle buddy to get AMRAP of each excersize



Part of a sermon from last Sunday, if we aren’t in Gods word consistently our default will become self worship. Truth is found in Gods word and we need to live our lives with the idea there is something bigger than us in this world. When we live as though we are the center of the universe it leads to a miserable and stale existence.
We prayed for lady junk who is starting chemo soon and for tweet-e’s friend Kyle who is going through a 12 step program currently.

Pain with a partner

THE SCENE:  74 clear and humid

SSH, Merkins, Stretch, tempo squat
Workout took place with a parter, working together to complete 10 of each listed exercise followed by one partner running up around Dwayne Johnson while the other partner ran around the island. The next set required a total of 20 reps of each exercise followed by a run and then 30, 40 and 50 before working back down to 40, 30, etc…

  • Burpees
  • CMU Curl and Press
  • CMU Lunge

Dry Docks, punitive burpees

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Lean hard on your spouse or friend or family because when you fall down its important to have that strong, braided cord to pull you back up. When we see couples weathering through difficult times and keeping their focus on God, that should be a reminder to us about the importance of drawing nearer to our spouse and showing them grace.

Great workout today, partners pushed each other hard and this ended up being a really tough one

Beyond Words

THE SCENE: Cloudy and very humid

20 Side Straddle Hops.  10 Burpees.  10 Tempo Squats.  10 Windmills.  5 baby arm circles forward and backwards.  5 wide arm circles forward and backwards.

Mosey to stop sign at southeast corner of Admin Bldg.  20 American Hammers (four count).

Mosey toward Northshore gate of the park.  Stop at shade tree near Area 51.  20 Hello Dollies (four count).

Mosey to the perimeter trail that crosses road near the Northshore Gate.  We will do Nickel, Dime, Quarters (running one light and stopping for five of an exercise, running two lights and stopping for ten of the exercise, and running five lights to stop and do 25 of the exercise) heading south on the perimeter trail and staying on the perimeter trail until it reaches the Southeastern Ball Park.  We will do the following exercises during our stops:

  • Merkins
  • Squat Jumps
  • Big Boy Sit-ups
  • Star Jumps
  • Dive Bombers

Mosey to the Pavilion by Southern Ball Fields. We will do Elevens at the picnic tables starting with one decline merkin and ten bench dips.

Mosey to the Outdoor Chapel

We will pair up into teams of two men each.  While one man on time runs around the chapel on the sidewalk the other man does bench dips.  Partners switch off after one circles the chapel.

Mosey on roadway back toward the Admin Bldg.  We will stop 1/3 of way their to do 20 Flutter Kicks (four count) and 2/3 of the way there to do 20 Bicycle Kicks.

Mosey to AO.


Eight men, no FNGs.

Last Friday, I was reading a book when my wife, Jan, happened across the movie Steel Magnolias on television.  I had seen the movie back in 1989 when it came out.  I kept reading my book but as the movie went on I gradually cast the book aside and focused on the screen.  OK, my wife and kids make fun of me for crying at movies and I cried at this one.  The movie centers around a group of women who are friends played by famous actresses and a famous songwriter, Sally Fields, Dolly Parton, Shirley MacLaine, and Olympia Dukakis.  It also focuses on two younger women played by young actresses who would later become famous:  Daryl Hannah and Julia Roberts.  All of these women are bonded to one another and their bond becomes stronger over time.  They keep that bond, despite the quirkiness of each individual.  They also keep the bond despite the fact that they sometimes say idiotic, off-base or even hurtful things to each other.  But what they say counts, is relevant, and helps each of them to grow – they are not therapists, they are friends and the power of their love for one another GOES BEYOND WORDS.

In the movie, Sally Fields plays the mother of Shelby who is played by Julia Roberts.  Shelby dies of medical issues.  The friends are together at the cemetery after the funeral.  Daryl Hannah’s character is a simple young woman and a quirky religious fanatic.  She at first sounds trite when she says to Sally Fields, “we should all be rejoicing because Shelby is with our king.”  Fields gets pissed off at this saying “excuse me if I am selfish and don’t feel like rejoicing.”  But it is the simplicity and earnestness of Daryl Hannah’s character who, thereafter, touches Field’s heart.  Hannah talks about how Shelby had to fight to stay alive and about how her “body just couldn’t keep fighting any more.”  She apologizes for her simplicity but talks about how she views heaven as a better place with Shelby there.

In another scene in the cemetery, Fields is breaking apart with her friends, hurting, angry, questioning the unfairness of her daughter’s death, and screaming that she just wants to hit somebody.  The Olympia Dukakis character pushes her friend, a sort of curmudgeon character played by Shirley MacLaine, in front of her and says, “Here, hit this.  It will make you feel better.  Go ahead and sock her one in the face.”  MacLaine stomps off pissed while the remaining women, including Fields, break down laughing.

You then see the apology scene between Dukakis and MacClaine, a touching scene where Dukakis explains she was just trying to break the tension of the moment.  She playfully nudges MacClaine and MacClaine nudges back.  The two end up bumping each other off the park bench.  It is the simple, joking act of pushing each other back and forth that shows the love between them.

I bring all this up to say that as F3 brothers, as friends to one another, we do not have to always say the right thing.  If you care for your brother that care is gonna show through, no matter what kind of stupid thing you say to him.  It may be a silly joke, it may be a bopping of hands, it may be you placing your hand on your brother’s back during prayer time in the Circle of Trust.  Our connection between one another GOES BEYOND WORDS.  It is the being there that counts.

Prayers for Tank and for two people who were killed by drivers under the influence of substances this past weekend.

Whiskey, Soft Beds, and Buttermilk

THE SCENE: Perfect. Low 70s, nice breeze, sunny



  • SSH, 20 IC
  • Bolt 45s (15 top ½ squats, 15 bottom ½ squats, 15 full squats)
  • 5 PCMBs OYO
  • 10 Plank Jacks (4-ct, IC)
  • 10 Windmills (4-ct, IC)
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward (x10, 4 Ct, IC) and backward (x10, 4 Ct, IC)


  • Mosey to grassy field below Admin building.
  • RECTANGLE OF DEATH!!!! (Q was not too original with the name…) Cones set up in rectangle.
    • Run suicides on long sides, but Bernie Sanders back to baseline instead of turning around. Run to ¼, ½, ¾, and full length.
    • Short sides, Burpee Broad Jumps (3 jumps then a Burpee)
    • Do exercise listed at the corner. Do 5 reps of each exercise the first lap, then 10, then 15
      • Corner 1: Mountain Climbers (2-ct), Tempo Squats, Iron Mikes (both legs =1) (5x/10x/15x)
      • Corner 2: Hand Release Merkins, Carolina Dry Docks, and Shoulder Taps (both shoulders = 1) (5x/10x/15x)
      • Corner 3: Star Jumps, Smurf Jacks, Bobby Hurleys (5x/10x/15x)
      • Corner 4: Big Boy Situps, American Hammers (2-ct), and box cutters (4-ct) (5x/10x/15x)

Only did two laps… too many other fun things to do.  Plus these were hard as heck and Q was out of breath.

  • Mosey to CMU pile.
    • CMU Farmer Carries!
      • Line up on Curb. Take turns lugging two CMUs around perimeter of parking lot.  Rest of PAX will be running back and forth across parking lot doing merkins at one end and squats at the other.  5x/10x/15x, rinse and repeat.  Keep repeating until everyone has carried the CMUs.  Tank, Lillydipper, and maybe one other PAX I’m forgetting volunteered to team up and do an extra lap to keep company with the last person to carry the CMUs, exmplifying the sacrifice and No Man Left Behind philosophy of F3.  Tank did it while battling calf cramps.  Beast.
      • Hat tip to Judge Judy!
  • Get a partner. One partner runs straight normal, the other Bernie Sanders up Baby Cardiac.  Switch half way up.  At top do 10 patty-cake merkins.
  • Mosey to AO.

No time.  Barely made it back to the AO.

13 strong! (J-Lo and Thunderstruck not tagged)


I recently revisited the book Lonesome Dove, which truly is a Great American Novel, and has countless memorable quotes and words of wisdom in it. It’s a tale of an ambitious (but tragic) cattle drive undertaken by two ex-Rangers-turned-cattle-ranchers, Gus and Call, from Texas to Montana.  During the drive, a woman companion on the trip, Lorie, a gentle soul who has led a difficult life surrounded by men who take advantage of her, is abducted by Comanches and is treated brutally while she is prisoner.  She survives and is rescued, but has many scars, both physically and psychologically.  She decides she needs to strike out on her own and finally realize a dream of hers to travel to California and start a new life.  In a letter that Gus writes to Lorie when she sets off, he says: “You see, life in San Francisco is still just life. If you want any one thing too badly, it’s likely to turn out to be a disappointment. The only healthy way to live life is to learn to like all the little everyday things – like a sip of good whiskey in the evening, a soft bed, a glass of buttermilk, or a feisty gentleman like myself.”

The message is pretty clear… The grass isn’t always greener on the other side of the fence. If you’re always looking ahead, you will miss the enjoyment of the present.  If you are always chasing a dream, you will not realize the simple pleasures of the present that are Gifts from God.

    • Take pleasure in the simple things.  Life is what you make of it.
    • The trap we often fall into is looking at someone else’s situation and thinking that I wish I had what they have.  The reality is what they have may not be as good as it appears as we stand in our field looking across at theirs.
    • Phillipians 4:11-12 And I am not saying this because I feel neglected, for I have learned to be satisfied with what I have. I know what it is to be in need and what it is to have more than enough. I have learned this secret, so that anywhere, at any time, I am content, whether I am full or hungry, whether I have too much or too little.

Several members of the PAX have friends and family members battling serious illnesses.  We are thinking of them and keeping them in our prayers.

30 Seconds, Rinse and Repeat

THE SCENE: Sunny and warm, high 80s, thankfully not too humid


– 5 decreasing Motivators (in cadence), 10 Rockettes, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Imperial Squat Walkers, Little of this/that


  • Mosey to Stop Sign south of Admin building. Do 30 seconds of the following 4 exercises.  Rinse and Repeat.
  1. Plank Jacks
  2. Pickle Pounders
  3. Mountain Climbers
  4. Shoulder Taps
  • INDIAN RUN to new bathrooms. Do 30 seconds of the following 4 exercises.  Rinse and Repeat.
  1. Big Boy Situps
  2. American Hammers
  3. Little Baby Crunches
  4. Flutter kicks
  • Mosey to CMU pile. Get in a circle, every other man has CMU.  Do 30 seconds of the following exercises, then pass the CMU.  If not doing the exercise, then do what’s in parentheses.
  1. Overhead Press (LBCs) (2 minutes)
  2. Curls (Imperial Walksers) (2 minutes)
  3. Rows (merkins) (2 minutes)
  4. Squats (Side Straddle hops) (2 minutes)
  • Mosey to top of Baby Cardiac. Do 3 Burpees and sprint to the top.  Then do 30 seconds of the following 4 exercises.
  1. Froggie Jumps
  2. Lunges
  3. Bobby Hurleys
  4. Smurf Jacks
  • Mosey to road intersection up to Admin building at Stop Sign northwest of building. Do 30 seconds of the following 4 exercises.
  1. Diamond Merkins
  2. Burpees
  3. Carolina Dry Docks
  4. Ranger Merkins (ran out of time for these)
  • Mosey To AO (Bernie Sanders to tree)

No time!


See Tags, plus J-Lo who isn’t in the system??


ARTICLE: Why Highly Efficient Leaders Fail (Harvard Business Review)

  • One of the key attributes of leaders is the ability to execute and get things done. Whether it’s at work, at church, at home, or in your community.
  • Sometimes leaders who have super high productivity have sacrificed their people-based focus.
  • So the irony is that sometimes High Efficiency makes people less effective leaders overall.
    • They tend to push others around them to the point of burnout.
    • They place unrealistic demands on others, leading to stress and frustration among the team.
    • Their lack of personal relationships can be an obstacle to promotions, as well as costing them in their personal lives.
  • Great leaders balance Task Focus (getting r done!) with People Focus (inspiring, empowering others, etc.) skills.
  • Not just about being efficient, it’s about being effective. Sometimes you have to go slow to go fast.  Take the time to make those personal connections
    • 6 out of 10 of the top differentiators of effective leaders relate to people skills (e.g., listening, developing others, and empowering team members).
    • Highly task-focused leaders can display controlling or perfectionistic behaviors that can alienate others. They also fear letting go of control to others because it might reflect poorly on them if results suffer.

Best wishes to J-Lo during his deployment to Florida.
