F3 Knoxville

Freeze Tag Track Day

THE SCENE: Cool 44 degreeze with a gentle southwesterly breeze.



  • SSH x15 IC
  • Knox Cherry Pickers (4 or 5…we were) IC
  • Rickey Hendersons (or just WMH) x6 IC
  • Tempo Merks x10 IC
  • Tempo Sq. x10s IC
  • Tennessee Rocking Chairs x10 IC (Blame Piston)
  • LBAC x10 IC
  • RLBAC x10 IC
  • Seal Claps x10 IC
  • SSH x15 IC

11s on the Hill with Merkins and Bobby Hurleys

Indian Run with Burpee to the Clubhouse

7 minute Wall Sit

  • Air punches IC
  • Upper cuts IC
  • Hallelujas IC
  • Chattanooga Cherry Pickers IC
  • Repeat!

Mosey to the track for Freeze Tag! PAX mosey around the track. If tagged from behind, PAX perform Big Boys until tagged back in.

Indian Run with Burpees to the flag for Mary.


  • Flutter Kicks x15 IC
  • Heels to Heaven x10 IC
  • Undertakers x10 OYO


YHC recently got some tough news. An exciting career move was suddenly changed at the last minute.Taken away in an instant. YHC has given himself to this moment to mope. However, a summary read last week has come to mind.Kick the dirt and be mad

David Goggins, in his book Never Finished said,

“It’s an unwritten natural law of the universe that you will be tested. You will get smacked in the face. A hurricane will land on your head. It’s inevitable for all of us. Yet, we are not formally taught how to handle unexpected adversity. We have sex education, fire drills, active-shooter drills, and curriculum on the dangers of alcohol and drugs, but there is no rug-just-got-pulled-out-from-under-you class. Nobody teaches how to think, act, and move when disappointment, bad news, malfunction, and disaster inevitably strike.”


Think about that. No one ever teaches us how to handle failure, disappointment, bad news, or disaster. Usually people default to being the victim.  Goggins continues,

“No matter what life serves me, I say, Roger that.” Most people think that simply means, ‘order received.’. However, in the military, some people infuse ROGER with a bit more intention and define it as, ‘Received, order given, expect results.”  

Sickness? Roger that! Boss gives you something unpleasant? Roger that! Roger that! Unexpected loss? Roger that! Unexpected expenses? Roger that!

The story of Joseph in the Old Testament is super-long but it tells the story of a man who faced difficulty and kept a good attitude. He was his father’s favorite. He had these dreams about his brothers bowing down to him. They sold him into slavery, told his father he was dead. Once he sort of made something of himself as a slave he was accused of sexual misconduct and thrown in prison. When he thought he had some hope of gaining his freedom, he was forgotten. All this happened; setback after setback before the situation was ever redeemed.

BUT…he finally can say…

Gen 50:20 – “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

If God can turn a rough situation into good, we can be faithful and say, “Roger that!” Received! Order Given. Expect Results!

It was never stated in the rules not to cut across the football field. Holes were found. People were ambushed.
Piston giggling while playing tag made YHCs day. 🙂


  • Rampart Hats are available. See Slack for details.
  • Get ready for the Murph in May!
  • As we approach switching over to PAXMiner, Backblasts will be essential.
  • AED funded! Stay tuned for details!
  • Hardship Hill – May 29. Obstacle build imminent. See Skeletor for details.
  • QCal – Wingman Wednesday; Lucille Saturday
    • Speaking of 10 mile ruck and subsequent beatdown Saturday! Brace yo selves! See Lucile for deets!


Rampart April Accelerator Metric

THE SCENE: Could not have been more perfect

Included in the price of admission, aka $Free.99

  • SSH – 4
  • Tempo Merkins – 10
  • Tempo Squats – 10
  • SSH – 8
  • Willie Mays Hayes – 6
  • Knoxville Cherry Picker – 5
  • Plank Stretch
  • SSH – 12
  • Run to sign and back


The Workout:
  • Part 1:  RUN
  • 10 minute timer
  • Start the timer, then…
  • Run from Line 1 to Line 2 (~10 yards) and back to Line 1
  • Run from Line 1 to Line 3 (~20 yards) and back to Line 1
  • Run from Line 1 to Line 4 (~30 yards) and back to Line 1
  • That is 1 rep
  • Rinse and repeat as many times as you can in the 10 minutes.
1 minute rest
  • Part 2:  AMRAP
  • 3×2 minutes timer
  • Count the total number of reps (cumulative, not individual)
  • Start the timer, then…
  • 2 minutes AMRAP SSH
    • (no rest)
  • 2 minutes AMRAP High Knees (count 1 leg)
    • (no rest)
  • 2 minutes AMRAP mountain climbers (count 1 leg)


Now…REPEAT the full routine – starting over with your rep count

Submit four scores: Round 1 run reps, Round 1 AMRAP reps, Round 2 run reps, and Round 2 AMRAP reps

No time for Mary


2 Corinthians 13:4-5

4 For though he was crucified through weakness, yet he liveth by the power of God. For we also are weak in him, but we shall live with him by the power of God toward you.
5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

It is good to test ourselves physically, but also test ourselves spiritually.

Birthday Q for me. It was great to spend the morning with my brothers. I was presented with the most awesome CMU I have ever seen, thank you men.

Young man in Kingston lost his life in a car accident last night, close friend of Stetson. Please pray for his family, and all of the youth struggling with the loss of a friend today.

Hardship Hill, signup, flag hand off, BFF tomorrow at Shamrock, Rampart 10 miler with beatdown on the end, May 6.

The cards will decide!

THE SCENE: Weather was so nice there was no gloom.

Side straddle hop, Body stretch, Merkins, Tempo squats, Little baby arm circles, Chattanooga cherry pickers, Knoxville cherry pickers

The Q separated a deck of cards into two groups.  Number cards 2-9 and 10-Ace.  10 through Ace also had a red joker and a black horsehead joker.  Each number card was assigned an exercise.  The PAX would hold Al Gore while a card was pulled from each group.  The exercise was determined by the 2-9 cards while the number of reps was determined by the 10-Ace deck.  10=10, Jack=11, Queen=12, King=13, Ace=14, Red Joker=25, Horsehead=50.

Pax completed 3 exercises in a location and would then run 200 to 400 meters to the next exercise location.  The PAX completed 6 stations while also running a 1/4 mile Indian run.  The PAX finished at the original starting point with a CMU MARY that lasted 6 minutes until 6am arrived.

Exercises: Flutter Kicks, Merkins, Tempo Squats, Mtn Climbers, Burpees, CMU arm curls, Sit-ups, Side Straddle Hop, Dips


As we are continually bombarded with information concerning local, state, National and international news, we need to consider the following.  How do we decide what we are going to believe.  Are you getting the right wing perspective by watching Fox all day or are you swinging left by viewing MSNBC.  Either way, you are not getting the truth.  You are getting a slant of what the truth actually is.  We as leaders of our families, and influencers of friends and co-workers have a responsibility to seek the truth before we make important decisions.  How do we do this.

Lets take an example from a person that was making the most important decision that we will ever make.  Was Jesus Christ the Son of God, a perfect sacrifice and our risen King or was he a fake, just a prophet or a guy who died and his body was stolen from the tomb by his disciples.  Luke had to make this decision.  Once he made his decision, he told his friend what he believed and why his friend (Theophilus) should also believe in Christ as the Savior of the world.

Luke 1: 1-4 reads  Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word.  Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write and orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.

Luke had a decision to make and instead of blindly following a crowd, he researched everything he could to determine the truth about Jesus Christ.  The eyewitness accounts, the story of the Roman guards losing the body to the disciples (a penalty of death), the apostles and other disciples losing their lives for the gospel.  This lead him to make his decision concerning who Christ was and it lead him to follow Christ’s last command to spread the gospel throughout the world.

We need to also fully investigate who Jesus was and make the most important decision we can make for ourselves and also for our friends and family.  But with that said, we need to use the same criterial for this decision as well as other decisions (political, moral, legal) to make sure we are finding out what is the complete truth so we can inform and lead others.

Escape from Haw Ridge (get signed up), Hardship Hill (get signed up), AED ($870 collected so far)

Slow and Steady. . . and Wet

THE SCENE: Cold and wet to start. Progressively colder, and wetter as we went along. Perfect Gloom.

15 SSH, 6 WMH, 3 slow tempo Knoxville CPs, 5 Slow tempo Merkins, 5 Slow tempo Squats, Long and slow shoulder burn series.
Hoist CMU and mosey to the track.

  • Carry your CMU any way you see fit around the track for one mile. Hold a stationary until 6 is in.
  • 10 Derkins, 12 Overhead press, 14 curls. 5 Rounds OYO
  • Static overhead hold for one minute.
  • Static Toe Merkin hold for one minute.
  • Wall sit with CMU on lap for one minute.

No Mary.
16 with one FNG
Build a relationship with Christ to then be able to hear Him speak.
Really proud of everyone toughing it out in the rain and cold.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.


THE SCENE: It’s warming up… Steamy today


SSH x 10

Chuck Norris Merkins x 5

Tempo Squats x 10

Projectivators x 10

Shoulder burn: LBAC-F, LBAC-B, Moroccan Night Clubs, Chatty Cherry Pickers

Knoxville Cherry Pickers x 5

Willie Mays Hayes x 8




  • 10 Merkins
  • 22 Ruck Single Arm CMU Row (11 each arm)
  • 11 CMU OHP
  • 10 CMU Squats
  • 6 CMU Reverse Lunges
  • 13 CMU Swings
  • Mosey to Rampart Sign

3 minute Roulette Flutter kicks, Freddie Mercury’s, LBC’s


On March 10th, 2010 ISAF directs U.S. Forces, Afghanistan to develop a Cultural Support Team.

7 CST teams deploy to Afghanistan from 2011-2014

10/22/11: CST Ashley White killed in Kandahar Province while supporting 2/75th Ranger Regiment

10/6/13: CST Jennifer Moreno killed in Kandahar Province while supporting 3/75th Ranger Regiment

So as you think about sacrifice consider Romans 12:1


“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”

How do we live as a sacrifice? 


“Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.””

Matthew 22:3740

Welcomed our Project Brothers, Mathlete and Biohack for encouragement to attend Esape from Haw Ridge,

Huge welcome back to Foghorn Leghorn, and welcome FNG Shanghai Dave.
Escape from Haw Ridge, Hardship Hill, GoFund Me for AED, CPR training