F3 Knoxville

Friday Fun Day…

61 and cloudy

Twist and Pivot X 25 IC
Imperial Walkers X 20 IC
Chinook Squats x 20 IC
Ranger Merkins X 20 IC
Side Saddle Run Burpee x 5 on 14 count
Burp and Merk-Begin a traditional burpee with a single push up at the bottom, then complete. Drop back down for a second burpee with two push ups, then complete. x10

Mosey Lower Parking and Partner up

Big Boy sit-ups on one side
Devin Hester to other side
Bropee on far side – Performing a burpee with a partner simultaneously so that on your squat jump up you execute a most excellent high ten.

Mosey to bottom of cardiac hill and collect coupons on the way.

Dora 1,2,3
150 Curls w/coupons
200 Rows w/coupons
250 calf Raises on coupons

Plank Sphinx Combo – 60 Seconds
Star Fish Crunch x 10 IC
Flutter Kicks x 25 IC
Crunchy Frog X 25 IC
Hello Dolly X 25 IC

Number off & Name-O-Rama

Where do we find our Significance?

I have been reading a book called the true measure of a man that was introduced to us by Byonce and God has really been using it to speak to me about where I find my significance.

Significance is the belief that your life makes a lasting difference.

There is a Theory proposed in the book the men find their significance in how the most important person in his life sees him. I think that often it is easy for men to get that confused.

What do you think would happen if Christ were the most important person in our life. What if Christ were the audience that we wanted to please most? It would truly transform our lives because Jesus understands we are each of incredible value. We are of infinite worth to him. He loves us with everlasting love.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.


42 and Clear

Side Straddle Hops x 20 (IC)
Big arm circles x10 IC (forward and backwards)
Burpees x5 OYO


Four Corners
4 Circuits, 25% Effort Mosey between corners
1st Station – Merkins x 20
2nd Station – Squats x 20
3rd Station – Reverse Lunges x 20 (10 each leg)
4th Station – Burpees x 10

Rinse and repeat – 50%, 75% and 100% Effort

Planks when complete

Partner up
Run one suicide while partner does BBS
Switch up, run two suicides each

Mosey back to parking lot

Ab cycle:
Flutter kicks x 10 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Hello Dolly’s x 20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Reverse crunches x 15 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
1 FNG – Mogul
Pledge of Allegiance

“Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the tree is known by its fruit. You brood of vipers! How can you speak good, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil. I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Matthew 12:33-37 ESV


Just One More…

55 and rain

Planted the Flag
Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH x25 (IC)
Baby Arm Circles Forward x10 (IC)
Big Arm Circles Forward, back & low 5 (IC)
Baby Arm Circles Reverse x10 (IC)
Calf-raises x 15

Pair up and mosey to the loop around the tavern.

Round 1: Merkins
Run to first light pole and do 1 merkin, run to second light pole and do 2 merkins, etc.
…for all 17 poles, and end back at start.

Round 2: Squat-Jumps
Run to first light pole and do 1 squat-jump, run to second light pole and do 2 squat-jumps, etc.
…for all 17 poles, and end back at start.

Round 3: Carolina Dry Docks
Run to first light pole and do 1 CDD, run to second light pole and do 2 CDD’s, etc.
…for all 17 poles, and end back at start.

Mosey back to parking lot as one group for ab work.

Superman Banana’s (You only get wet once.)
Hello Dolly x25 (IC)
Big Boy Situps x25
Box Cutter x15 (IC)

Number off and Name-O-Rama

To become an effective HIM, we need to empty ourselves and make room for God.  Daily in prayer, “Less of me, more of you, Lord.”  Colossians 3:10 (NLT) Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him.

The PAX came out with high energy ready to take on the rain!  Mumble chatter was limited by all the counting, but we were able to get some of the second F in during the short runs.  BTW, 17 light poles =153 reps!  Good job PAX

Playtime at the Asylum

42 and clear

Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH x20 (IC)
Atlas Stretch x10 each leg (IC)
Dive Bombers x15 (IC)
Arm Circles Forward x15 (IC)
Arm Circles Backward x15 (IC)

Split into to groups, one group to playground the other to the parking lot next to the playground.

Group 1…
Zig-Zag Run
Run to each cone and do x15 of stated exercise, then run to next cone. At the last cone run on the outside of the parking lot to start line. Rinse and repeat.
Cone 1 – BBS
Cone 2 – Narrow Squats
Cone 3 – Merkins
Cone 4 – Hello Dolly
Cone 5 – Jump Squats
Cone 6 – Shoulder Taps
Cone 7 – Diamond Merkins
Cone 8 – Burpee

AMRAP for 15 min

Group 2…
Bench Bonanza
5 Rounds, each round 2.5 min with 30 second break between rounds. One person does Ex 1 while other does Ex 2. When the person finishes Ex 1 switch, rinse and repeat until time expires.
Round 1: Ex 1 – Step Ups x15/leg; Ex 2 – Bench Dips
Round 2: Ex 1 – Box Jumps x15; Ex 2 – Flutter Kicks
Round 3: Ex 1 – Bulgarian Split Squats x15/leg; Ex 2 – Incline Merkins
Round 4: Ex 1 – Side Step Ups x10/leg; Ex 2 – Decline Carolina Dry Docks
Round 5: Ex 1 – Elevated Reverse Pickle Pounders x15; Ex 2 – Derkins

Group 1 and 2 switch places

After both groups have completed each sequence, mosey to parking lot as one group


Thor Hammers – (1 BBS + 4 American Hammers, then 2 BBS + 8 American Hammers, 3 BBS + 12 American Hammers…)
x6 IC

Number off and Name-O-Rama


To be a HIM, we have to be leaders who know where we are going and why we are going there. Life is full of distractions, but HIMs stay committed and focused. One of they keys to living this type of life is to establish and stay true to your N.U.T.s – Non-negotiable, Unalterable Terms! Without our NUTs we can’t be men of impact.

For your YHC it starts with looking beyond this life. Matthew 6:33 – “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”


The PAX came out hungry and ready to attack this morning’s workout! We used every minute of the 45 we had, and got better together.


Just Another Day at the Asylum…

44 and clear

Welcome and Disclaimer

Butt kicks 15x IC
High Knees 15x IC
Windmill 15x IC
Big arm circles forward 15x IC
Big arm circles backwards 15x IC

Get in groups of 3 PAX.


Station Work
PAX will rotate between 3 stations. At each station do AMRAP for 50 seconds of the stated exercise. Sprint to next station.  Rinse and Repeat 3x.

  • Round 1: Spiderman Merkins, American Hammer, Imperial Walker Squats
  • Round 2: Dive Bombers, BBS, Mountain Slalom,
  • Round 3: Side-to-Side Merkins, Crunchy Frogs, Jump Squats

Mosey to hill/steps by Asylum with your cinder block (CMU) or coupons.

Coupon Stair Work
Perform AMRAP in 4 minute cycles of the following:

  • Round 1: Bicep Curl with CMU 10x OYO, carry CMU up stairs and do Tricep Press 10x OYO.  Rinse and repeat.
  • Round 2: Kettlebell Swings with CMU 5x OYO, carry CMU up stairs and do Shoulder Press 5x OYO.  Rinse and Repeat.
  • Round 3: Frog Merkin 5x OYO, run up stairs/hill, do Burpees 5x OYO

Mosey back to parking lot.

Perform AMRAP for 50 seconds of each:

  • BBS
  • Flutter Kicks

Count-o-Rama AND Name-o-Rama (5 FNGs)

What you afraid of? What’s one thing you can do this week to move towards that? Prayer for Cupcake who’s shipping out this week.

It is always an incredible privilege to be with this PAX, and to attempt to lead them as Q is a humbling experience. Adding to the joy of the gloom this morning was working side-by-side with my dad, Smallmouth taking on his VQ 2.0 (yeah, that first VQ doesn’t count…). My big questions at the end are so relevant–the fear of failure ever looms before me, along with public speaking, and sometimes, dark creepy places. Being Q at the Asylum brings those fears into my headlights. The challenge: don’t swerve, hit the throttle and face it.