F3 Knoxville

Time keeps on ticking!

THE SCENE: We had a little fog with temps around 65

Side Straddle Hop, Tempo Merkins, Willie Mayes Hayes, LBC’s, Moroccan Night Clubs, Knoxville Cherry Pickers and we were ready to go.
Workout area was set up like a clock with each hour of the clock identified with a placard identifying the hour and the exercise to go with it.

12 o’clock- Merkins, 1 o’clock- heavy squats, 2 o’clock- low planks, 3 o’clock – Hello Dollies

4 o’clock- curls, 5 o’clock lunges, 6 o’clock – high planks, 7 o’clock box cutters

8 o’clock- triceps extensions, 9 o’clock 8 count body builders, 10 0clock- mtn climbers, 11 o’clock Freddie Mercury’s

The Q kept the time of 1 minute increments continuously running.  Each HIM was on a different exercise and when the timer was started the first round, each person would do the exercise for 40 seconds and then move to the next exercise within 20 seconds.  This was done until the round was completed (12 minutes) and then time stood still as we ran appx 200 meters.

Once the group was back in position, the Q started the clock and the group repeated the trip around the clock with 50 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds to move to the next exercise.  This was done until the round was completed (12 minutes) and then time stood still and we ran appx 200 meters.

For the 3rd round, we took turns picking out an hour on the clock and doing the same exercise as a group until 6am.

Rampart had 6 HIMs beat the gloom and utilize our time that we were given to strengthen our F3″s
The word came from Luke 13:6-9.  The story of the gardener that took care of the owners fig tree.  The owner comes and sees that the tree once again has not produced fruit (after 3 years) and tells the gardener to cut it down “Why should it use up the soil”!  The gardener asks for another year to fertilize and care for the tree.  It in one years time it has not produced fruit, it will be cut down and replaced with a tree that will produce fruit.

As we emphasized the use of time and the importance of utilizing the limited amount that we are given, we must look at this parable and see that we are given a specific amount of time on this earth to produce fruit.  If we don’t produce the fruit, God will use another to fulfill his will and we will have missed out on the opportunity he has given us.  At the end of our life we will be judged.  We will not enter Heaven by our good works (our fruit) but by the mercy and grace given to us freely by God and the sacrifice of Christ.  It is because of this mercy, grace and sacrifice that we should strive to utilize every second that we have to produce good fruit.  This can be leading people to Christ or just showing the love that Christ showed to others.  Our clock is ticking, utilize every moment.

AED and med kit familiarization on Saturday, July 1.

Slow and Steady. . . and Wet

THE SCENE: Cold and wet to start. Progressively colder, and wetter as we went along. Perfect Gloom.

15 SSH, 6 WMH, 3 slow tempo Knoxville CPs, 5 Slow tempo Merkins, 5 Slow tempo Squats, Long and slow shoulder burn series.
Hoist CMU and mosey to the track.

  • Carry your CMU any way you see fit around the track for one mile. Hold a stationary until 6 is in.
  • 10 Derkins, 12 Overhead press, 14 curls. 5 Rounds OYO
  • Static overhead hold for one minute.
  • Static Toe Merkin hold for one minute.
  • Wall sit with CMU on lap for one minute.

No Mary.
16 with one FNG
Build a relationship with Christ to then be able to hear Him speak.
Really proud of everyone toughing it out in the rain and cold.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.


THE SCENE: It’s warming up… Steamy today


SSH x 10

Chuck Norris Merkins x 5

Tempo Squats x 10

Projectivators x 10

Shoulder burn: LBAC-F, LBAC-B, Moroccan Night Clubs, Chatty Cherry Pickers

Knoxville Cherry Pickers x 5

Willie Mays Hayes x 8




  • 10 Merkins
  • 22 Ruck Single Arm CMU Row (11 each arm)
  • 11 CMU OHP
  • 10 CMU Squats
  • 6 CMU Reverse Lunges
  • 13 CMU Swings
  • Mosey to Rampart Sign

3 minute Roulette Flutter kicks, Freddie Mercury’s, LBC’s


On March 10th, 2010 ISAF directs U.S. Forces, Afghanistan to develop a Cultural Support Team.

7 CST teams deploy to Afghanistan from 2011-2014

10/22/11: CST Ashley White killed in Kandahar Province while supporting 2/75th Ranger Regiment

10/6/13: CST Jennifer Moreno killed in Kandahar Province while supporting 3/75th Ranger Regiment

So as you think about sacrifice consider Romans 12:1


“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”

How do we live as a sacrifice? 


“Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.””

Matthew 22:3740

Welcomed our Project Brothers, Mathlete and Biohack for encouragement to attend Esape from Haw Ridge,

Huge welcome back to Foghorn Leghorn, and welcome FNG Shanghai Dave.
Escape from Haw Ridge, Hardship Hill, GoFund Me for AED, CPR training

Early Easter Egg hunt at Rampart

THE SCENE: Cloudy with temps in the mid 40’s


Side Straddle Hop: 20-4 counts, Beach Body Stretch: 5-rotations, Merkins: 10-4 counts,Tempo Squats: 10-4 counts, Willie Mays Hayes: 6-4 counts, LBAC: 10-4 count (forward), LBAC: 10-4 count (Backwards), Chattanooga cherry pickers (5-4 count)


The Easter bunny made an early trip to Rampart just to help in the mornings fun. As we followed the Q’s instructions, the PAX found Easter Eggs.  Once and egg was found, it was opened and the PAX was rewarded  with a surprise.

Light jog to the sign.

Egg 1= each person will do 15 squats with the provided 75 lb CMU. While you are waiting your turn you will hold either a high plan or a low plank until everyone has completed the squats.

Medium run to the jungle gym.

Egg 2= Each person will do 20 squats with the provided standard CMU. While you are waiting your turn, you will do flutter kicks until everyone has completed the squats.

Mosey to the track

Egg 3= Group will pair off in teams of two. Each 2 man team will carry the provided 75 lb CMU from point A to point B and back (appx 50 yards). While they are doing this, the other teams will rotate doing 10 merkins, 10 mountain climbers and 10 side straddle hop until each team has completed the team block carry.

Jog to the bleachers:

Egg 4= Each person will do 15 dips and then go up the bleachers to the top and then come down the stairs. This will be done 5 times. Once completed, the team will go to the track and hold Al Gore until all PAX’s have completed the task.

Mosey back to the track

Egg 5= The team will then begin an Indian run around the track back to the sidewalk.

Egg 6=  HIM’s cut into two groups of 6.  Each HIM takes a track lane and completes the following sprints:

1st sprint=  40 yard sprint, back peddle sprint back to start-  Second team does the same.

2nd sprint= 40 yard sideways leg crossover sprint then back to start- Second team does the same.

3rd sprint= 40 yards lunges then sprint back- second team does the same.

Mosey back to the COT


@Bobbitt (Kevin Gray), @Skeletor (Tyson Canup), @ Binks (Caleb McDaniel), @ Feeny (Josh Banken), @ Ride Along (Steve Brooks), @ Wilbur (Jimmy Munsey), @ Lucille (Austin Williams), @ Runaway Bride (Seth Strahan), @ Outnumbered (Daniel Hildebrandt), @ Fridge (T.J. Seiber), @ Laces Out (Andy Spellman), @ Olive Oyl (Will Burgess), @Skewer (Stephen Anderson)

Yesterday I received this text from my daughter concerning my grandson.  “B. just told me the world is filled with bad people and someone blew up three people and one person died. I am sure he heard if from one of us talking. If you hear him saying this try to reiterate that people are good. Also, try to not talk about that stuff in front of him. He is too little to know about people killing people outside of his pretend superhero’s. It seemed like it worried him and I don’t want him to be scared of life.”

It seemed like it worried him and I don’t want him to be scared of life.

We are talking about a 4 year old boy but when I thought about it more, how many of us go through stages like my grandson where we can be (scared of life). As adults, we all know the world if filled with difficult times and evil as well as good but how often do we let the evil put us into a mental state that makes us scared of life.

John 19:28 records Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, I am thirsty. A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus lips. When he had received the drink, Jesus said, it is finished. With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

It is finished. Those 3 words should give us great comfort when we fall into the trap of being scared of life. We cant control the evil and hard times that we will face during our life. Whether its a death in the family, a sickness or the spin of Fox or MSNBC concerning the world news, an active shooter situation in a Nashville school or a shooting in Midtown, we cant hide from the hard times and evil of this world. With this said, we have the blessing that when Jesus made the statement “it is finished”, he completed the last step that was needed for us know that as believers, we are assured an eternity in the presence of The Father.  This was due to a perfect sacrifice we did not deserve. Don’t let this world make you scared of life. Always remember, the requirements for our salvation was finished by Jesus on the cross.  We don’t have to be scared of anything!


We need 2 to 3 more members for Hardship Hill Rampart team.  AED and life support training is scheduled for April 13th (contact Wilber for questions).

Just try and bounce your butt!

THE SCENE:  36 Degrees, to cold for all these warm days we’ve had!!

10 SSH, 5 Tempo Merkins, 10 Mtn. Climbers, 5 Willie Mayes Hayes, 10 LBAC Foreward & Backwards, 11 Morroccan Night Clubs,  12 Hallelujahs, 5 Tempo Squats, 5 Knoxville Cherry  Pickers
Mosey to the Ampitheater

7s- Derkins; 2ct. Lunges

11s- Dips; Squats. Box jumps up the ampitheater

21s-Monkey Humpers; Toe Merkins

“Just bounce your butt if you can!”


1 Peter 3:13-15

“Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened. But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

Be the light of Christ to the world and people around you. Regardless of situation and bad attitude. We have the promise of the eternal promised land.

Praise for Feenys girls bloodwork; prayers for good news from Fridge’s Ms ultrasound, thoughts and prayers for Nashville.
Ruck in the morning. Escape from Haw Ridge coming up. Piston working on building Bravo Shieldlock