F3 Knoxville

Opposite & TMI from tweety

THE SCENE: 70, humid



90, 60 and 60 sandbags

3 rucks

Dumbells and kettle bell
5 stations with 2 movements at each.  Switch between movements for 8 minutes then switch station.

1.  Merkins and bent over rows

2.  Triceps extension and curls

3.  OH press and upright rows

4.  Squats and straight leg deadlifts

5.  BBS and superman

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).

Sign up to Q
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Supporting Our Bros

THE SCENE: Sunny and hot, temps in low 90’s.

20 Side-Straddle Hops, 10 Plank Position Sky Reaches, 10 Rockettes, 10 Baby to Wide Arm Circles Forward, 10 Baby to Wide Arm Circles Backward, 10 Cherry Pickers.


Mosey to Stop Sign at Southeast Corner of Admin Bldg.  Go to road and down hill on east side of road.  We will do elevens starting with 1 Big Boy Sit-up on bottom of hill and 10 Squat Jumps on top.

Mosey to grassy area across street from water plant bldg.  There will be four cones set up.  We will do the following exercises at each cone in sequence and move between cones as listed:

  • Cone 1:  1.  20 Smurf Jacks.  2.  20 Plank Jacks  3.  20 Sky Jacks (Bernie Sanders to Cone 2)
  • Cone 2:  1.  20 Hand Release Merkins.  2. 20 Carolina Dry Docks.  3. 20 Diamond Merkins.  (Bear Crawl to Cone 3)
  • Cone 3:  1.  20 American Hammers 4 count.  2.  20 Hello Dollies 4 Count.  3. 20 Flutter Kicks 4 Count.  (Sprint to Cone 4)
  • Cone 4:  1. 10 Shoulder Taps each shoulder.  2.  10 Mountain Climbers 4 count.  3. 10 Iron Mikes 4 count  (Bear Crawl to Cone 1)

Mosey to Area 51.  We will run up hill, stopping to do 5 Burpees at each of four landmarks, the last being the tree by the road that goes back to the Admin Bldg. Parking Lot.  We will then do 20 Bicycle Kicks at the top of the road.

Mosey to Bat House.  We will go down stairs and do 15 Baby Crunches at bottom of stairs.  We then run to piney area near top of Mt. Everest and do 15 more Baby Crunches.  We then run up to the Summit of Mt. Everest and do 15 more Baby Crunches.  Finally, we run back to Bat House and do 15 Baby Crunches.

Mosey to AO.


20 Right side crunches and 20 Left side crunches

Nine men, no FNG’s.
A friend of mine who lives near Chattanooga sent me an awesome article from the Labor Day edition of the Times Free Press of Chattanooga.  The article talked about our F3 brothers in that community.  The link to the article is attached below.  The article meant a great deal to me for several reasons:

  • Us Knoxville guys helped start the first AO in Chattanooga.
  • Our brothers are doing great things in that community.  They now have eight workout groups there.
  • The article discusses how across the United States feelings of social isolation and loneliness are increasing according to the American Psychological Association.
  • The article discussed how one study, published in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science found social isolation to have the same risk factors for death as obesity.
  • The article talks about how F3 helps men to be more fit but also breaks up the patterns among men of isolation and loneliness.
  • The article talks about how the Faith component of F3 gets men to think about things greater than the individual and think of ways to improve the community.

Here it the link to the article:  https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/local/story/2019/sep/02/inside-mens-groabout-more-just-exercise/502599/.

Prayers for Jinxy who has been found to have some matter around his heart, for Simba’s wife who has heart surgery tomorrow, and for Mr. Roger’s and his family who lost their son, Garrett.
Funeral for Garrett this Sunday.

Faith through Doubt

  1. THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

    10 Windmills, 10 Cherry Pickers, Little of This and That, Michael Phelps.
    Mosey to large parking lot with gardens in middle.  We will perform Iron PAX Week 0 challenge, doing the following exercises six times:
  • 24 merkins
  • 24 squats
  • 24 lunges where both legs = 1
  • 400 meter run

Those men finishing first will do the following exercises:

  • 40 Baby Crunches
  • 30 Big Boy Sit-Ups
  • 20 Side Straddle Hops (4 count)
  • 20 Hello Dollies (4 count)
  • 20 American Hammers (4 Count)
  • 20 Mountain Climbers (4 Count)
  • 20 Bicycle Kicks (4 Count)

Mosey to AO

Twelve men, no FNG’s.

The whole problem with the world is that the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.  –Bertrand Russell

As a Christian, I get pissed off by people who are so damned sure about the bible and about God.  I’m talking about the guy who arrogantly proclaims that it is sacrilegious for us to question God.  Do these people really think about God?  With all the pain, injustice, greed, and despair in this world, don’t we have a right to question?  Are we supposed to follow God like robots, like automatons, never wondering, never doubting?

As a Christian, I have found my knowledge of God and faith in God strengthened by my questioning and doubts.  For, it is through my questioning that I seek, read, talk to others with more knowledge than I, and ultimately ponder, wrestle with, and finally converse with God.

It is nice to know that I am in good company.  Look at Christ’s disciples when he was taken to be crucified.  Look at Peter.  Christ told him that he would doubt and deny him, saying that before the rooster crowed Peter would deny his three times.  And, having done so, when the rooster crowed and Peter remember what Christ said, he wept bitterly.  But, like Paul, Peter would become a great apostle who spoke for and spread the word about Christ.  And, like Paul, he was willing to be killed to do so.  And most of Christ’s other disciples, who doubted just as Peter did, also died proclaiming Christ.

I read a 2014 Oped in the New York Times by Julia Baird.  In it, she talked about the backlash he received when Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has admitted that he sometimes questioned God.  The International Business Times proclaimed his statement was the “doubt of the century.”  The Australian atheist columnist, Peter FitzSimons, tweeted, “Victory.”  The Archbishop is a man who has reasons to doubt God.  As a teenager, he cared for an alcoholic father.  He lost his first daughter to a car accident when she was seven months  old.  But, as a follower of God, his questioning has strengthened him.  He understands others because he has suffered.  He understands doubt because he has doubted.  And, he knows that Christ, whJen he died on the cross, spoke for our doubts when He cried, “My God, Why have you forsaken me?”

As Ms. Baird aptly stated in her Oped, “Just as courage is persisting in the face of fear, so faith is persisting in the face of doubt.

So brothers, when you question this world, when you question it’s creator, know that you are in good company.  Doubt, but persist in the face of your doubt.  Persist in seeking answers to your doubts.  And have faith that God understands your doubts, but seeks you.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Hot as Blazes

THE SCENE: Upper 90s… soul-witheringly hot.  Felt like an ant under a magnifying glass.

-20 Side Straddle Hops (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct), in cadence

– 20 BBS

– 10 Baby Arm Circles Forward, Backward (in cadence)


Mosey to intersection of road in front of Asylum and Lyons View entrance road.

  • AIKEN LEGS: 20 squats, 20 Bobby Hurleys (instead of box jumps), 20 lunges (2-ct), 20 split jacks (2-ct)
    • Run two lights, Bernie backwards one, do 5 merkins. Keep going to base of Everest.
    • 20 BBS, then run up to the base of the Summit
    • 6 x 20 seconds Carolina Dry Docks * (10 second break between all sets)
    • 6 x 20 seconds American Hammers
    • 6 x 20 seconds Peter Parkers*
    • 6 x 20 seconds BBS
    • 6 x 20 seconds Mountain Climbers**
    • (We did stargazers in here somewhere because the Q was gassed…)

* = run up small slope to the north of the workout area, **= run all the way up Summit

Mosey to AO.

No time
9 strong.
I recently attended a workout where another Q was talking about how there’s always someone struggling worse than you are, and it can help you if you make it your goal to lift them up and help them out, and raise them up.  I tore my ACL in soccer my Junior year of college, and was in the dumps for months.  The rehab work was grueling, I was uncertain I would be able to play at the level I was accustomed to again for my final year of college, and my course work was particularly challenging that semester.  I decided to go to Louisiana for a Habitat for Humanity effort over spring break after I heard about it through some classmates.  We built gardens for the Chitimatcha Indian Tribe down there on their lands outside of New Orleans, and although they appreciated our help in terms of the physical labor, they were so grateful just to have some people show up with some energy and positive spirit to be with them.  The tribe is very poor, and had very high alcoholism and suicide rates, but the effect of having a bunch of college kids from Wisconsin travel several thousand miles during their spring break to give them a hand and share some fellowship seemed to have an incredible effect on them.  It had an incredible effect on me, as well, being with these wonderful people, seeing how challenging their lives are, but seeing what generous and friendly souls they had in spite of their humble situation.  When I returned from the trip, all the self-pity and darkness that was brewing and I felt more than renewed to face my own path going forward.
Good luck to Nature Boy as he starts his new semester at UT this week.
Trucking to the Pound, Sept. 14.  Order shirts this week!!

Name Game Randorama

THE SCENE: Full moon 67 and humid

SSH x 20 IC (4 count)

Big Arm Circles x 10 IC (4 count / reverse at 5)

Imperial Walkers x 20 IC (4 count)

Cherry Pickers x 10 IC (4 count)

30 sec High Knees

Stretch OYO


Started with timed interval run around the Truck Stop where about every 1-2 minutes we stopped along the way to do random exercises and reps based on my F3 name converted to numerical reps according to Alphabet  1-26.

  • C= 3 Burpees, A= 1 Bear Crawl (100 yds), V= 22 BBS, A= 1 Minute plank hold, L= 12 Merkins, I= 9 Mountain Climbers, E= 5 8-count Body Builders, R= 18 Bobby Hurley’s
  • This totaled 10 minute run X 71 reps at quick pace
  • The we gathered the Pax around a sign made to allow them to quickly spell out their own F3 name and choose from Random Exercises to work themselves as hard as they wanted to and Name their own Game!
  • A= 1 rep, B= 2 rep, C= 3 rep, etc to Z= 26 rep
  • Example FROSTY = 103 total reps
  • Exercises to choose from were: Merkins, Burpees, Iron Mikes, Bobby Hurley’s, Plank Jacks, BBS, LBC, Mountain Climbers, 1 Minute Plank Hold, Bear Crawl 100YDS, American Hammer, 8-count Body Builders, Air Squats
  • After Pax spelled their name and completed first round of exercises they ran 1 lap around soccer field.
  • Rinse and repeat until time to head back to AO
  • Fast 2-3 minute run back to AO


Out of time


What’s does a name say about you? We make a big deal at F3 about getting a name. To me it’s a lot like being born again and given a new name. Just like Isaiah 43:1-3 when God called Jacob by name and the nation of Israel became more than he ever thought he (Jacob) could be. Getting an F3 name has changed my life by changing my perception of who I was into who I can be because of the 3 F’s we embrace and share with each other. Also addressing others by their name means you are in relationship with them and you recognize them. There are a lot of Sad Clowns we encounter everyday just waiting for someone to “see them” and say their name instead of just passing by. So today be aware of your name, what God has called you to be, what your F3 name means you are capable of becoming and someone else’s name that is waiting to be recognized! Call them by name just as God has called you by name and change their lives forever.

Continue to pray for Lady Junk! Also pray for Joy (Lady Frosty) for her upcoming travels.
9/14 Trucking to the Pound CSAUP.  T-shirts will be available for order soon.  See Mayberry for details