F3 Knoxville

Great day at the 1st F3 Knoxville Inner-City Kids Workout

God blessed us today with beautiful weather for F3 Knoxville  to come downtown and hold a kids workout for kids that need male leadership in their lives. 18 F3 HIMs came out to bond with 21 of their kid partners and crush the workout. We also had 8 F3 2.0s in attendance as well as an adult FNG or two that need to come out again!

During the BOM, We shared the importance of leaning on each other in tough times, keeping each other out of bad situations and trusting God to help us through those difficulties. At the end, Christmas came a little early as men brought a small gift for each of the kids. They were very happy and had a great time. Several were asking when F3 would come back again….This may be the start of a good relationship with these kids as we can plan other activities as well. Praise God for the opportunity to be with these awesome kids today. A special thanks to @Tinder (program director at WH) for getting the kids together and allowing us this opportunity to serve theses kids. He is a true HIM!


Truck Stop Trail

The Scene:
46 degrees…perfect weather for some work to be done

Warm up:
Little of this and thats
5 burpees

“The level of your commitment is measured by what it takes to stop you.”

Tha Thang:
Mosey along the 1+ mile trail (long way around) to the bleachers stopping at 10 different cones for:
5 Burpees
10 lunges
15 Merkins
20 Squats
9th cone plank til 6 catches
10th Cone 15 shoulder touch Merkins and 20 Ratchet Squats
At bleachers :
30 second fence Spider-Mans
10 pull ups
Bleacher box jumps x3 then bear crawl up hill to field

At the field,
50 yd Sprint, 2 Round the clock Merkins, 50 yd sprint, 20 BBS, ….repeat 3 Times

Mosey to the bottom field hill up from the  baseball field trail.
7s with Dry Docks at bottom and SSHs at the top.

Mosey to bottom of trail:
100 Merkins
200 BBS
300 squats
Partner runs up the trail hill to park bench (60 yds) alternating Bernie Sanders each trip up.

Mosey to AO
No time for Mary

Count off and name-o-rama

“The level of your commitment is measured by what it takes to stop you.”

What stops you? Fear? hardship? Pain?

With exercise, we can sometimes find strength from within ourselves.
With life we can push ourselves only so far without the help of God. Lean on his mighty shoulder. Trust him that he has you covered.

“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:3-4‬ ‭

Moleskin: Great job by everyone this morning. we stuck together pretty tight on the trail and wasn’t much of a need to wait for the 6 to catch up.

Announcements and Prayer requests:
Inner city kids workout tomorrow
La-z-boy traveling
Kids to find a mentor at the workout tomorrow


Back to the Basics

  • THE SCENE: 40 degrees and cloudy.  Much warmer morning than previous
  • SSH IC x15
  • a little Michael Phelps
  • Tempo squats IC X10
  • a little of this and that


Route 66-11 cones set up along the road.  1st cone 1 rep and add 1rep after each cone.  Last cone will be 11 reps last cone.  66 total reps per excercise.

1st round – Burpees, 2nd round – squats, 3rd round-merkins

  • Mosey to Materdorn (horn?).  7s 1 rep (jump squat) bottom and to light pole 6 reps (Carolina dry docs).  Back to bottom 2 reps and back to light pole 5 reps.  Always a total of 7s Rinse and repeat.  Finish when 6 reps on bottom and 1 up top.
  • Finished with sprint to top of hill.
  • mosey to road.  Suicides 1st round 50% to 1st light pole and 100% to 2nd pole.  2nd round Bernie sanders suicides.
  • Mosey to another hill.  Crab walk or lunges to top and finish with 20 sit-ups.  Back down and lunges Or crabwalk to top finish with 10 sit-ups.
  • Back to AO.  Finish with 25x flutter kicks

17 PAX

As someone who has struggled with depression I challenge all HIMs to seek those who may struggle with these disease.  A lot of times you may not realize they are going thru this.  So this holiday season talk to your family, friends, co-workers, and your kids.  Say hello to those you may not necessarily hang out or talk to.  A simple hello can be such a powerful gesture.  If someone you suspect is going thru depression invite them to church or an F3 workout.  I have been blessed to have been led to  F3 knoxville.

Inner city 2.0 workout this Sunday at 2pm at the Wesley house.  All F3 and non-F3 guys welcome.  See Tank for further information.

No Phish, Just Embracing My Inner Singing Cowboy in the Clouds with EDM Playing in the Background

THE SCENE: Warm 32 Farenheit
Warm up

Round the clock merkins x 5

High knees and butt kickers

squat and stretch

Some stuff on your own

That’s it, we got to it.

Insert information about the workout.

  • Mosey to track, 15 merkins IC, 1 Lap as fast as possible, Flutters after IC
  • Mosey to Indoor Rink, Lunge across, 10 burp skurps (burpees), 2 rounds of sprints
  • Indian run to the big hill (MatterEverest?), IC merkins, superman swims, and Flutters IC, Then we charged the hill
  • At the top, more swims, flutters, and merkins
  • Mosey to the base of the Tavern, 2 rounds of 5 turkish getups each leg with a trip to the rock (Now named Icculus), 50 calf raises, and some Hello Dollys IC
  • Mosey back to AO
    MARY: We saiddddd naaaaahhhhhh to Mary today. We got no time for her today.
    20….. Where was this last time?
    It is good to remember that often, ideas have people, not that people have ideas. Be careful when making decisions to avoid falling into the trap of attempting to justify decisions after making them.

    Come out to The Wesley House Sunday and exercise with some young lads. Football is over and I know none of you watch hockey, so come out der.

Tallest Tower Wins

THE SCENE:   Mid 30’s….cold!



  • SSH x 20
  • Burpees x 10
  • OH Press x 10
  • This/that stretch
  • Cherry Pickers


  1. Split into 2 teams.  Each team had 4-5 CMUs, 4-5 pee rocks, a 70lb kettlebell and an 87lb steel gas can.  Mosey/ruck as a team to the paved hill by the restaurant carrying all of the team’s weight.  Once we reached the hill it was time to build some towers.  Each team had to climb the hill with all of their weight.  Once at the top they could drop 1 item of the team’s choosing and perform 3 burpees as a group.  Then take everything else back down the hill where the group performed 5 squats with whatever weight you were holding at the time.  Rinse & repeat until all weights have been left at the top of the hill.   Teams competed to stack the weight at the top of the hill into the tallest tower possible….tallest tower wins!  All in all it was a pretty good workout….each team made 11 trips up the hill carrying different amounts of weight.
  2. Mosey/ruck everything back to the AO.
  3. Suicide lottery for the remaining time.  There was a bucket filled with exercises.   PAX choose a ticket lottery style and we do the exercise on the suicide course.  The following were chosen:
    • Bear crawls
    • Nose Wipers x 5
    • CMU squats x 10


  • 4 ct Flutter kicks holding CMU x 10
  • 4 ct Slutter kicks holding CMU x 10
  • Big Boys with CMU x 15
  • Peter Parker on the CMU

18 PAX:  Mayberry, Frosty, Sparky, Bowflex, Underhand, Zygote, Detention, Slide Rule, Flute Loop, Waxjob, Tank, Peach Fuzz, Booger, La-Z-Boy, Shooter, Smoker, Junk, Bartman


Ecclesiastes 4:12 talks about a chord of 3 strands and that it is not easily broken.  This is often talked about in light of marriage, which is absolutely correct.  We need a chord of 3 strands (husband, wife, Christ) to have the strength to endure all life throws at us.   But I believe the “3 strand” analogy also applies to other facets of our lives.  Friendships, work relationships, mentoring relationships…I could go on and on.   The question is:  are you allowing Christ to be a part of all of your relationships?  Are you squeezing him out so that there are only 2 strands, or are you letting him in to provide the strength of the 3rd strand?


  • Lots of travel this week…I hope everyone stays safe on the road and enjoys the Thanksgiving holiday!