F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: 35 and damp

Cherry Pickers 15x
Burpees 10x
Ice Skaters 20x
Hand Release Merkins 20x
ISO Squats 20x
Burpees 10x
Ice Skaters 20x
Hand Release Merkins 20x
Mosey to the track…

Buddy up and do laps around the track…stopping at 6 stations for some good livin’

50x Carolina Dry Docks
100x Big Boy Situps
60x ‘Merkins
50x Toilet Seats
50x Plank Jacks
50x Burpees

Flutter Kicks 27x

Hello Dolly! 15x

Little Baby Crunches 20x

16 PAX (and NO FNGs)
Manage Up and Manage Down.

Good leaders manage up the chain of command. They understand the perspective of their commanders. They ask questions. They provide information and build confidence. Engage with your higher-ups; keep them in the loop–especially when they frustrate you. Leading down the chain of command means being able to convey the overall strategic mission to everyone downstream, while also giving people ownership of certain decisions, which leads to higher buy-in.
“If your boss isn’t making a decision in a timely manner or providing necessary support for you and your team, don’t blame the boss. First, blame yourself. Examine what you can do to better convey the critical information for decision to be made and support allocated.


THE SCENE: Moissssssstt


Side straddle hoppity x 20 cadence

Bit o duck walking

Baby arm circles forward and backwards x 12 cadence

10 merkins

short mosey

  • 20 Gob squats with CMU, 20 Burpees, 20 merkins…. Followed by 19 of each etc. Ended after ~10 minutes
  • mosey to the hockey rink
  • Alligator crawl 1/2, bear crawl 1/2
  • At the end we did some fun flutter kicks….. ended up being in cadence
  • 3 Sprints across the rink

Wandered outside to the parking lot

Superman swims followed by a long sprint across the lot

More superman swims

Hello Dolly x 20 Cadence

Sprint back to the beginning

10 merkins

20 Gorilla humpers

Mosey to Tennis Court

Wheelbarrow 1/2, Lunge 1/2  ~2 sets…. It was time to run again


Indian Run to the Matterdorn (dom…. dum… korn… thorn…. THOR?) hill

Lunge 1/2 the hill followed by a run to the AO

17 PAX
This morning I shared a quote from one Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s books, The Gulag Archipelago. The quote was referencing those that were able to survive the brutality of the system, particularly during interrogations after being arrested.

What do you need to make you stronger than the interrogator and the whole trap?

From the moment you go to prison you must put your cozy past firmly behind you. At the very
threshold, you must say to yourself: “My life is over, a little early to be sure, but there’s nothing to be
done about it. I shall never return to freedom. I am condemned to die — ^now or a little later. But later
on, in truth, it will be even harder, and so the sooner the better. I no longer have any property
whatsoever. For me those I love have died, and for them I have died. From today on, my body is
useless and alien to me. Only my spirit and my conscience remain precious and important to me.”

What I gleaned from this is that our spirit and minds are something that we can truly say belong to us. We can allow these things to deteriorate and we will become weak, or we can be strong mentally and stick to our value structures. In multiple points throughout the book, Solzhenitsyn suggests that the ones who survived are the ones who relinquished the suffering and grounded themselves spiritually and mentally. So, be strong. Be disciplined. Live according to your values unerringly.

Hike LeConte this weekend led by Abscess and Steam


THE SCENE:  54 and gloomy

Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
Windmills x 15 IC
Cherry Pickers x 15 IC
SSH x 15 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
Plank Jacks x 15 IC
Squat x 15 IC
   Burpees x 5
   Lunge each leg x 10
   Imperial Walker x 15
   Merkins x 20
   Plank Jacks x 25
   Squats x 30


Quads v. Abs
Outhouse Mosey to across-the-street
Squat / Slap Ground / Jump x 10 OYO
Inchworm 20 yards
LBC x 25 IC
Duck Walk 20 yards
Chinook Squats – Chinook Arm Circles x 3 / Squat x 15 OYO
Ice Skaters x 20
WWII Sit-up x 15
Ice Skaters x 20
Copperhead Squat x 15
Karaoke Right Face 20 yards
Superman/Banana x 10 IC
Karaoke Left Face 20 yards
Gorilla Humpers – Wide Monkey Humper x 15
Backwards Run 20 yards
American Hammer x 20 IC
Fire Hydrants x 15 Each Leg IC
Frog Jump 20 yards
Rosalita x 20 IC
Frog Jump 20 yards
Happy Jacks – SSH x 5 / Jump Squat x 2
Inchworm 20 yards
Mosey back to AO

Shoulder Blasters
Just a quick story and encouragement around planning for the unexpected.
We worked a few exercises that the men hadn’t seen in a while – kept everybody moving so there was little standing around.  I was glad to hear the mumblechatter this morning…
See you Saturday for the Convergence at the Asylum 7am!

Buck in a Yoga Room

THE SCENE: 30 and unexpectedly cold.

Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
Windmills x 15 IC
Cherry Pickers x 15 IC
SSH x 15 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
Plank Jacks x 15 IC
Squat x 15 IC


Mosey to Side-Lot
11’s (circles)
Top Burpees
Bottom Merkins
Plank until everyone finishes.
Mosey back to AO via benches for 40 step-ups
#135 For Time:
21 Squats 42 Ice Skaters
15 Squats 30 Ice Skaters
9 Squats 18 Ice Skaters
Find a Battlebuddy
21 High-Five Low Knuckles Burpees
15 Pistol squats – each leg
9 High-Five Low Knuckles Burpees

Side Crunches
American Hammers (Captain’ would be proud!)
Flutter Kicks
Hello Dolly!

4 PAX!
Don’t charge forward without having a plan and knowing the context of where your plan might take you!

The Story of TTTP!

Truckin to the Pound (TTTP) F3 Knoxville’s first CSAUP event organized by the PAX is in the books!

The idea was hatched months ago around a campfire at Junk’s place. You know the kind of campfire, somebody makes a joke about running from one AO to the next, one guy thinks it’s a great idea, two guys think he’s crazy, the rest of the PAX in attendance join in and the pack mentally revealed a CSAUP event…  Of course it had to have a name, plus Swirlie said he’d only do it if he got a shirt, and TTTP was born.

Lots of planning, emails, text  and GroupMe messages, and laughter later resulted in a route being created. Q’s volunteered and were assigned their AO, date was picked, swim was added then just as quickly discarded. You see the event was planned for all the guys who want to go do an OCR or Ragnar relay or some other crazy event but due to time, expenses, responsibilities, or adulting can’t always make that happen.

The morning of the event was here and we were greeted by a cold, windy, and rainy morning. Perfect weather for a CSAUP event.  A little before the scheduled 0600 departure time, 28 PAX descended on the Truck Stop AO.  Pulling into the Truck Stop it looked someone bought all the reflective tape in Knoxville and was working to create their own runway.  There were guys in shorts and short sleeves, pants and sweatshirts, rain jackets, headlamps, hats, gloves, rucksacks, La-z-boy was sporting a poncho, and Ratchet had on a bra.  But if nothing else we were ready.

THE THANG: Mosey from Truck Stop AO to Dog Pound AO about 8ish miles with 4 mini Qs along the way.

Kicking us off at the Truck Stop was Frosty:
Ssh x 20
Domo squats

10 squats, run to middle light
3 burpees, run to next light
5 thruster Perkins, Sprint back

Mosey to Anchor Park where Swirlie steps up to Q
40 drydocs
Lunge parking lot
Bear crawl parking lot
Wheelbarrow parking lot

Mosey to the memorials on Evans Road

100 Merkins in honor of those who have sacrificed their lives for others.

Mosey to Anchor Park where La-z-boy lays the beatdown

Partner Workout
Partner A Lizard Merkins
Partner B Bear Crawls Reverse and Fwd
Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
PA – Flamingos
PB – Crab walks reverse and fwd
Merkins IC x 15
PA Mtn Climber
PB Gorilla Shuffle
Butt kickers for the win

Final mosey to the Dog Pound for Mayberry (who knew Concord Road had that big of a hill?)

Sandbag work, Pull-ups, Burpees, and squats

And it goes without saying that I think every member of the PAX was thankful we not only had vehicle support for waters, gear, and keys, but Junk patrolled the PAX shouting encouragement and blasting hair band music to keep us going.


What stared as a crazy idea never would have happened without the help of my friends. God puts us where He wants us, and uses us as He needs us. What I also found out is how awesome the men who planned this are. Swirlie, Frosty, La-z-boy, and Toto all were instrumental in getting this thing going.  This event taught me to count on your friends, He puts us where He wants us, but He also puts them into our lives too.  Even with Frosty overly worrying about the details, none of this event would have been possible without good friends. I encourage each of you to go out and be the example of Jesus that He wants you to be, and allow Him to use you as He wants to use you.

We celebrated Swirlie leaving early to bring his baby girl home from the hospital after over a month in the NICU!  Our God is good.