F3 Knoxville

2 totems

THE SCENE: 22 degrees and dry

Not too much just a couple regular things and we got started

Two totem poles (see picture) we did the first one running around the main island of the lower parking lot between each exercise. The second totem we ran up from the parking lot to the bench at the top of the hill and back.

Took care of the ab work during the work out
Five PAX
Today in 1945, the battle of Iwo Jima started. 2500 American soldiers lost their lives on day one. 7000 total American lives were lost over 35 days of one of the bloodiest battles in World War II. 20,000 were injured. We talked about the sacrifice these men made to keep America and the world free. We also talked about our personal sacrifices we need to make on a daily basis. Putting ourselves behind our family and our neighbors. Putting our own desires and once aside while we concentrate on the people around us.
It was my first time back in quite a while. I definitely missed the fellowship and oddly enough to work out.

Lappin It Up @ Dog Pound – 2-10-22

THE SCENE: Colder than the forecast indicated.  Clear skies showcasing a few planets and more than one shooting star

Feet together – touch toes – 20 count; feet apart – rigth, left, middle – 20 count for each; Grady Corns IC x 5; Cuckoo Clocks OYO x 10; Neck Rolls x 5 each way; Grady Corns IC x 5; LBAC IC x 5 each way; Tempo Merkin IC x 5; Down Dog – 20 count; Tempo Squat IC x 5

Mosey across Northshore to the Dog Track for a Seabiscuit-style workout where all PAX performed each of 4 exercises according to the prescribed rep count for each round, and then followed that with the prescribed number of laps around the track for each round.  

Exercises – Merkins – Air Squats – Windmills – Dead Bugs

Round 1 – 25 reps, 1 lap

Round 2 – 20 reps, 2 laps

Round 3 – 15 reps, 3 laps

Round 4 – 10 reps, 4 laps

Time was called with PAX spread out all over the track at various stages of the challenge.  All were accounted for and then moved back to the AO

Flutter Kicks back at the AO – 4-count to 30
10 – Frosty, Mayberry, Earmuffs, La-Z-Boy, Goat Dish, Ribbed, Submarine, Snitch, Trunk
A lyric from the 1994 Soundgarden song, “Fell On Black Days”

“So don’t you lock up something that you wanted to see fly”

Asylum CSAUP Saturday 2/26

Suiting Up @ Truck Stop – 2/5/22

THE SCENE: Cold and clear.  ~24 degrees with a slight breeze and ice on the mosey trail

Feet together – touch toes 20-count; feet apart – right, middle, left 20-count each; Grady Corns IC x 5; LBAC IC x 5 (each way); Cuckoo Clock (forward neck extension) x 10; Neck Rolls x 5 (each way); Tempo Merkin IC x 5; Down Dog 20-count; Tempo Squat IC x 5

Warm-Up Tabata – (20 seconds work / 10 seconds rest) x 3 sets for each exercise; 20 seconds rest between exercises

(1) Side Saddle Hop (2) High Knees in place (3) Front Jacks (4) Jump Squat


EV1 – Toughness Tour: move from one parking lot to the next, completing the prescribed exercises and movements at each.  50 yard sprint before each exercise; 50 yard Bernie after each exercise.

Parking Lot order – Lower Watt –> Harrison –> Upper Watt

Exercises –

(1) Bobby Hurley x 10

(2) Merkins x 20

(3) Leg Levers x 20

(4) High Plank Alt Leg Raises x 30

EV2 – Bath House burpees and inverted rows – 20 of each OYO

EV3 – Bleacher Circuit – Complete all exercises without rest, then move over for the next group.  All PAX performed 5+ circuits

(1) Box Jump to top of bleachers

(2) Alt Reverse Step Down to bottom

(3) Straight-legged Dips x 6

(4) Iron Mikes x 6 (single count)

EV4 – Mosey to Upper Field for burpee 5’s, moving from one sideline to the other between sets

ex – 1 burpee here –> 4 there; 2 here –> 3 there; 3 here –> 2 there; 4 here –> 1 there

Fellowship Mosey then breaking into a Slowsey back to the AO to arrive on time
19, including FN2.0 (Nitro).

Submarine, Tailpipe, Gibbler, Van Wilder, Doubtfire, Brick, Gridiron, Dewey, Frosty, Earmuffs, Waxjob, Cosmo, Biscuits, Butters, Mayberry, Ratchet, Trunk

Not tagged in this post – Van Wilder, Dewey (2.0); Master Builder (2.0)
A prayer to make the passage about the armor of God applicable in our lives:

Lord, I put on the belt of truth.  I choose a lifestyle of honesty and integrity.  Show me the truths I so desperately need today.  Expose the lies I’m not even aware that I’m believing.  And yes, Lord, I wear your righteousness today against all condemnation and corruption.  Fit me with your holiness and purity – defend me from all assaults against my heart.  I do choose to live for the gospel at an moment.  Show me where the larger story is unfolding and keep me from being so lax that I think the most important thing today is the soap operas of this world.  Jesus, I lift against every lie and every assault the confidence that you are good, and that you have good in store for me.  Nothing is coming today that can overcome me because you are with me.  Thank you, Lord, for my salvation.  I receive it in a new and fresh way from you and I declare that nothing can separate me now from the love of Christ and the place I shall ever have in your kingdom.  Holy Spirit, show me specifically today the truths of the Word of God that I will need to counter the assaults and snares of the enemy.  Bring them to mind throughout the day.  Finally, Holy Spirit, I agree to walk in step with you in everything – in all prayer as my spirit communes with you throughout the day.
Ephesians 6: 13-18
CSAUP coming up at Asylum on 2/26, 6:30a – 8:30a with food to follow.  Several service opportunities posted on Slack.  Check the service channel.


THE SCENE: Dark, above freezing & perfect for a gloomy workout

  • SSH IC x 25
  • Windmill IC x 10
  • Little bit of this and a little bit of that
  • Cherry Pickers IC x 5 (Dogg Pound Style)
  • Warm-ups, Butt-kickers, High Knees, Karaoke & Prime Time’s

Grab a CMU & mosey to the track

  • 10 CMU Shoulderings (2 ct)
  • Run 3 laps
  • 10 CMU Shoulderings
  • 20 Over the Top Merkins
  • Run 2 laps
  • 10 CMU Shoulderings
  • 20 Over the Top Merkins
  • 30 Thrusters (Elbows to Knee, head through the Window)
  • Run 1 lap – This is where we ran out of time, but had we finished…
  • 10 CMU Shoulderings
  • 20 Over the Top Merkins
  • 30 Thrusters
  • 40 2 Feet Mountain Climbers


Have you ever asked your kids to complete a chore? Maybe on this occasion they didn’t really want to. They eventually end up doing it, but not before dragging their feet, walking super slow, staring at the task and then begrudgingly start. How did that you make you feel? If you’re like me you anxiety kicks into overdrive and you start offering some verbal motivation.

Have you ever felt a calling in your life, or felt that God wanted you to move in one direction over another? Maybe on this occasion you said, “I’ll pray about it…” “Let me think about it…” Maybe you drug your feet a little…

What we know as Parents or as Leaders, is that delayed obedience is really disobedience. Next time you feel God pulling you in one direction or another, just do it! Don’t delay.

Do you think when Noah was asked to the build the Ark that he was hemming and hawing before he got to work? Or do you think he just got started? He didn’t even know what an Ark was…

If you feel God calling you into something, just step into it. Immediately.


We’re missing Men from our consistent Tuesday crowd. A lot of people are sick right now. Please make sure to pray this week especially for Excitebike and the loss of his Grandfather, Junk & Family as they are answering a call into being foster parents and our community as sickness is spreading fast.


Year of Fear

THE SCENE: Easy, breezy, beautiful

5 merkins
20 SSH, 4 ct
5 merkins
10 windmills, 4 ct
5 merkins
10 tempo squats
5 merkins
5 cherry pickers
22 merkins
Mosey around island
5 rounds of exercise, then a lap around the baseball field with 5 each merkins, BBS, and squats at each light pole (9 light poles = 45 reps per move per lap)

Exercises between laps – 22 reps each move:

  1. Squats, American Hammers (4 ct)
  2. Merkins, Flutter Kicks (4 ct)
  3. CDDs, Star Jacks
  4. Mountain Climbers (4 ct), Wide arm merkins
  5. Dive Bombers, Burpees

Fellowship mosey to basketball goal for 2 rounds of Gotcha (10 merkin buy-in, 10 merkin penalty when out)
Mosey back to AO

1 minute Mary – 22 flutter kicks, 4 ct


We went around the circle and named off something that caused us stress, anxiety, or to be scared in 2021.  Most of us focused on our children, their safety, and how we’re doing as fathers and leaders.  2020 kicked off a 2 year cycle of stress, anxiety, fear, frustration, and anger.  2021, for most it seems, was even worse.  We’ve heard nonstop garbage and noise about all the things we should be scared of.  Covid, jobs, the economy, foreign governments, our own governments, non-citizens and citizens alike.  It’s overwhelming the amount of fear that’s being preached by our leaders and news outlets.

I told myself for most of 2021 to ignore the garbage and shouting, to not be scared, to just keep on keeping on.  It wasn’t until the last stretch that I realized that maybe they were on to something.  Maybe they were right.  Maybe I should be fearful.  But they were, and still are, preaching the wrong kind of fear.

Paul tells us in Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”  In Psalm 56:3-4 we find David saying, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.  In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.  What can flesh do to me?”

Stress and anxiety have no place in our lives, gentlemen.  It will not add anything to our lives.  And we far too frequently find ourselves wallowing in the wrong kind of fear.  There is one, and only one, thing we should fear.  That is the Lord God Almighty.  Our Creator, Provider, Healer, and Savior.  Not as the world fears.  Not as we fear punishment or harm.  But a fear out of love, respect, admiration, and praise.  A righteous fear.

Job 28:28 describes fear in this way, “And he said to man, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.'”  Matthew 10:28 instructs us, “And do not fear those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul.  Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”

Let us live our lives with the right kind of fear, the Fear of the Lord.  Let us give him all of our worldly fear, stress and anxiety to him.  Let us lead our children, spouses, friends and neighbors with a righteous Fear and help spread the Gospel to this dark world that so desperately needs Him.  Make 2022 the Year of Fear!

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