F3 Knoxville

A Ride Home

THE SCENE: Cold/Snow/Ice

Well…I didn’t warm everyone up.  They warmed themselves up.  I had to drive a stranded couple home that couldn’t get up the hill at the Asylum.  Once I returned…
It was a bit too icy to roam around so we headed to the Pavilion for a little 1 min of exercise 30 seconds of a “rest” exercise


Minute exercises consisted of

  • Burpees
  • Side S Hops
  • Run around the building
  • Table Rows
  • Dips
  • Step ups
  • Big Boys
  • Flutters
  • Plank
  • Wall Sits

Pretty much the perfect Q

Did a bit of abs

Deuteronomy 31:6

So be strong and courageous!  Don’t be afraid and do not panic before them.  For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you.  He will neither fail you nor abandon you.

This is the way we need to enter 2023!


Twelve Days of an Asylum Christmas

THE SCENE: 24 degrees and ICY.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yes, all the things.

SSH, Tempo Junk Science (40 Merkins), Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Rockettes, Tie Fighters, Rocky Balboas, Bobby Hurley.
Ran a circuit around the Asylum with 12 stations to add a workout:

  1. [Partridge in a Pear Tree]     Squat Thruster
  2. [Turtle Doves]                    Toe Merkins (4-Count)
  3. [French Hens]                    Cosmic Pickle Pounders
  4. [Calling Birds]                    Monkey Humpers (4-Count)
  5. [Gold Rings]                      Man Makers
  6. [Geese a Laying]                Squats
  7. [Swans a Swiming]             Superman
  8. [Maids a Milking]                Big Boy Sit-Ups
  9. [Drummers Druming]          Alternating Shoulder Taps (4-Count)
  10. [Pipers Piping]                    Lt. Dans
  11. [Ladies Dancing]                Dancing Bears (4-Count)
  12. [Lords a Leaping]               High Knee Jumps

There was something about MARY, but not time for her today.
9 HIMs filled with the Joy of Christmas. Sawdust, Hands, Rainbow, Charmin, Gibbler, Fabio, Bunny, Cat Gut & Cosmo 2.
Seeking Joy, not happiness.

C.S. Lewis spoke at length about joy in his book Surprised by Joy

Luke 2:10 – But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all people.”

Happiness & pleasure are fleeting and do not sustain. Joy however is deep in our souls. It comes from knowing the Almighty and His Love for Us. That does not mean that every path will be flat & wide. But carrying this Joy in our hearts will help us weather any storm.

Convergence at Speedway 07-Jan-23.

Just a big ole Arctic Kraken

THE SCENE: It’s been colder, but not a ton (14 deg this morning).
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done with panache

Started with some cherry pickers and a little this here/that over there.  And it is a Bday Q, so 52 obligatory SSHs, IC, on the 4 count.
Mosey down toward the Pav-a-lon and pick up a coupon on the way, size L.  Keep moseying to Circus Maximus to do battle with the Kraken.  It’s a small group, so we decide to stick together for battle.  A wise decision.  8 stations and 2 laps:

  • Station 1: Thrusters and Curls with your coupon
  • Station 2:  Am. Hammers and V-ups
  • Station 3:  Iron Mikes and Squats
  • Station 4:  Merkins and Carolina Dry Docks
  • Station 5:  Big boys and LBCs
  • Station 6:  Toe Merkins and V-Ups
  • Station 7:  Mountain Climbers and Plank Jacks
  • Station 8:  Burpees and Man Makers

After 2 rotations, grab your coupon, mosey back toward the AO and deposit the coupon from whence it came.
Cat Gut put the PAX through about 30 seconds of boat-canoe before the Q called recovery.  .
God wants us to control our anger.  Don’t believe me? Check out Prov. 15:1, or Eccles. 7:9, or James 1:19-20.  I struggle with it.  It can get in the way of important relationships for sure (like with my son).  But I also get mad at little things, even if just for a moment.  Maybe I need to work on those little moments, especially when my son can witness, and that will make it easier to be patient and slow to anger in the really important moments.  The struggle continues. Prayer helps.
You know what is the sign of a seasoned Q?  Planning a workout that literally can be set to auto pilot, so that when the Q himself has a “Charmin moment,” the PAX can continue on and not miss a beat.  🤣
There’s apparently a convergence at the Bomb Shelter with the Smoky Mtn Region coming soon?  Let’s get some details.

Light Pole Pictionary Trail at the Asylum

THE SCENE: 34 degrees & 80% humidity.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yes, all the things.

SSH, Tempo Merkins, Cherry Pickers, Tie-Fighters, Burpees, Suicide Sprints with Bobby Hurley, Mountain Climbers at the base of Baby Everest, run to the top with some Man-Makers.
Tried to figure out the pictures of the workouts between light posts on the trail.

  • Bearpees
  • Hello Dolly
  • Freddie Mercury
  • Lt. Dan
  • Junk Science (40 Merkins)
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups
  • Froggie Squats
  • Bobby Hurley
  • Tennessee Rocking Chair
  • Little Baby Crunches
  • ATMs
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Iron Mikes
  • Gas Pumpers
  • Bonnie Blair
  • Jungle Boi (Jump squat with spoon arms? [Iron Pax Rerun])
  • V-Ups
  • X-Factors

Cat Gut took us down stream with a boat and canoe.
16 HIMs could take the cold. We left it all on the field, the sidewalk, the parking lot, etc.
The Legend of the Candy Cane. Its origin dates to 1670 Cologne, where a choirmaster asked a candy maker to make something to keep the kids quiet during the Nativity Scene and remind them of Christ. The shape obviously mirrors the Shepard’s cane. But inverted it makes the shape of a “J” for Jesus. The sticks are white to represent the virgin birth and sinless nature of Jesus. The red stripes (3 small & 1 large) represent the suffering Christ endured at the end of his life. Those red stripes dissolve as you suck on the candy and bring the candy to pure white to represent how Christ’s sacrifice takes away our sin to make us clean.
None to discuss this time.

Bringing 300’s to 17 Hims

THE SCENE: full moon with a little of wet leaves and miss
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: 17 Hims showed up to push themselves 


  • 11 LBC forward
  • 10 LBC backwards
  • 10 Seal claps
  • 10 Overhead claps
  • 10 Chattanooga Cherry pickers
  • 5 Knoxville Cherry pickers
  • 20 Booyah merkins  with a buddy


  • The PAX lined up in the parking lot and sprinted to the end . Did 30 merkins,  walked back together. Rinse & Repeat 10 times

Climb and tag

  • The PAX divided into two  units. Unit A ran and climbed the rope tree while Unit B attempted to tag. If caught 10 BBS. Rinse & Repeat x1

Five minute double

  • The PAX did 20 dips and 20 step-ups

Mosey back to the flag for some Bruce Lee core

MARY:  the PAX got on their 6 and completed some core

  • 25 America hammer
  • 25 heels to Heaven
  • 25 Awkward turtles
  • 25 little baby crunchesCOUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA

    Roman’s 5:1-5

  • Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
    Romans 5:1‭-‬5 ESV
    God wants to remind us that if I am going to accelerate in my faith.I need to anticipate that there will be some form of tribulation we will come by.
  • ANNOUNCEMENTS: from Hands
    F3Knoxville.com is back up and running. Weds, Thurs and Fri are taken. You still have a chance to Q tomorrow and Saturday this week. Head over to the calendar and pick it up now.