F3 Knoxville

Wait?!? I have shoulders?

The Scene:
72 degrees and muggy as all get out

Welcome & Disclaimer

Warm up:
10 Merkins
5 burpees
10 toe touches each leg
5 slow cherry pickers

The Thang:
Mosey to the dugout stands
10 box jumps, 10 burpees
10 box jumps, 10 decline merkins
10 box jumps, 10 diamond merks
10 box jumps, 10 plank jacks
Repeat till six finishes

bear crawl up hill to the goal line. Run to opposite goalline doing a forward roll every line (6)

And then…
Round 1: At goal line-2 burpees increasing by 1 at every cone (7) Sprint back to goalline each time.
Round 2: 2 squats increasing by 2
Round 3 Mericans AND box cutters starting with 2 increasing by 2
Bear crawl back to Goalline then run field back and forth or join 6 at his exercises till he finishes

Mosey to the playground.
Hangman: hang from bars with elbows bent. Till all fall down. Once you fall, do burpees till last one is left x2
5 pull ups

At hill:
Bear crawl up, 10 Dry Docks, squat walk down
Bernie sanders up, 10 DD, bear crawl down forward
Hop up hill and 10 DD then plank till 6

Mosey back to Field.

Divide into two teams.
While team member sprints to other midline, team does Merkins till their turn. Once all team members get to midline, repeat with BBS. Once all the team gets to goalline, all sprint to other goalline for the win.

Around the clock:
Plank circles around cone doing merkins at each rotation.
Repeat with burpees at each quarter

Mosey to AO.

Flutter kicks
V holds
American hammers

Count off and name o Rama

This past week, I had someone treat me unfairly, and I was pretty upset about it. My mind raced with ways I could get back at them and give them a taste of their own medicine. I didn’t, I wanted to but I didn’t.

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19)

The promise that frees us from an unforgiving, bitter, vengeful spirit is the promise that God will settle our accounts. He will do it more justly and more thoroughly than we ever could. Therefore, we can back off and leave room for God to work.

Moleskin: great work by the PAX this morning in the heavy humidity. We were all literally wringing out our shirts afterwards.

The Agile Bear

65 and Humid!

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Arm circles IC 10 reps FWD then BKWD
Cherry Pickers IC 10x (4 Ct)
American Hammers IC 20x (4 ct)
Side-straddle hops IC 20x (4 ft)

Playground Shuffle 7/7/17 (3x)
7 bench jumps, 7 derkins, 17 Big boys
7 derkins, 7 big boys, 17 bench jumps
7 bench jumps, 7 big boys, 17 derkins


Agile Bear
Cardiac hill-run to spot 7 burpees, bear crawl to next curve 7 burpees, run/bear crawl to top and perform 17 of 1 exercise mosey to bottom start over and do the next exercise at top
-@top of hill:
17 mountain climbers
17 side straddle hops
17 squats
17 high knees
17 bicycles

Indian Moseys back to AO

Number Off and Name-O-Rama

Live each day as they come and give every adverse situation up to the Lord. We do not know what each day holds and we cannot plan for everything. Each situation and event is given to us by the Lord and he provides us strength. Live each day at peace with what is going to happen



The Scene: hot and muggy

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

The Thang:

Michael Phelps IC x10

Imperial Walker IC x20

Side Straddle Hops IC x20

Circuit. Go for time: 20 Minutes. Each round, add 2-3 reps to each exercise. Start with 10 reps.

  1. Mosey to Playground:

Box Jumps


  1. Sprint to Pavilion:

Picnic Pull Ups


III. Sprint to Dugout:


  1. Sprint to Flag at Pavilion:




At the end of time, regroup at the flag:

Vups IC x10

Sundials OYO x20

Mosey to Cardiac Hill

-5 merkins @ bottom.

-Sprint to first turn.

-Mosey back to start.

-5 merkins @ bottom.

-Sprint to 2nd turn.

-Mosey back to start.

-5 merkins @ bottom.

-Sprint to top.

-Plank until everyone is finished. Mosey to bottom, picking up PAX, and then mosey to AO.

BOM: CountaRama, Name-a-Rama, etc.

29 PAX, 1 FNG – Two-Ply

Bears Playing Poker

The Scene: 60 and clear

Welcome and Disclaimer


SSH x21 IC
LBAC IC x11 forward, 10 backward
Little some o’ this/that x2
Imperial Walkers IC x21
Ballerinas (toe squats) x21 IC

Mosey to the trail and line up shortest to tallest.

Bearcrawl IC on a 4 count up the hill
Every 10 reps stop for 10 squats OYO

To the Casino (upper soccer field)

Blackjack – lineup on sideline
1 Merkin, run across the field, 20 LBC
2 Merkins, etc…
– after each set of Merkins, Squats til the 6 is up and then proceed across the field to LBC and back

Main Table (circle up at mid-field)
PAX alternates Al Gore and Plank
– one player at a time runs to sideline and hits (Merkins) however they wish (1-21)
-proceed around the circle
AUDIBLE: changed to two men at a time to keep up the pace

Double Down: back to the sideline for 11s
1 Merkin, run across, 10 squats, back
– this time oyo

Bearcrawl backwards down the hill to the softball field and mosey back to the AO

American hammers x20
Mountain climbers x20

“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.”
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:16-17‬ ‭ESV‬‬

The next few versus after this contain a list of products of the desires of the flesh. The things the tender stand out to us for things such as “sorcery” or “orgies.” Most of us do not participate in things like that and so it’s easy to glass of the rest of the list. However, “jealousy” and “fits of anger” should really be the ones that stand out to us on a list like this. Everyone of us has her own tendencies, but usually we know that we are satisfying the desires of the flesh when we do these things.

I don’t know exactly what completely walking by Spirit looks like, but I know where it starts. It starts with asking for the Spirit’s help in these situations and in life in general. Also, looking around at the men with whom we are in community and reflecting ourselves against them can be significantly helpful. Most frequently we are all dealing with the same issues and can learn from each other and hold ourselves to a standard together.

The men that came out today pushed themselves hard, but in so doing they also set an example for the man dragging behind them. This is no different in the spiritual life, although sometimes the roles are reversed.

This is a brutal workout, but the men attacked it was bigger and finished faster than expected. They were moans and groans with the double down, but the men rose to the challenge and push themselves hard. I am usually the last guy finishing in these long running workouts, and the same was true today…but the men made me proud to be a Q today!

Incremental Growth

The Scene: perfect conditions – 55 degrees, clear

The Thang:

5:30 COP – 7 min

  • Baby arm circles X 10 (forward/backward)
  • Cherry Picker
  • Merkin
  • Goofball
  • Jog 2 parking lot laps

Line up in parking lot Burpee Dans

Beginning at the curb, perform 4 lunges then 4 burpees, rinse and repeat across parking lot, run back to curb. Then 4 lunges and 3 burpees. Rinse and repeat (then 2 burpees, then 1 burpee). Plank or BBS until group finishes.

Mosey to lower parking lot – find a battle buddy

One man runs the length of the parking lot, performs 5 Merkins, then runs back while partner does Merkins (100), then BBS (200), then jump squats (100). Trade each lap until the total number is completed.

Next exercise:

Group splits: Half begin Bearpees (10 bear crawls followed by 1 Burpee), while the other half start Bernie Sanders on the hill. Bernie Sanders group relieves Bearpee group. Endless until 6:15am.


Growth is hard to see. We measure growth. When an acorn is crushed by a 1,000 lb. tombstone, who wins? It’s a no brainer. The acorn always wins. God waters it, and slow growth appears. Let’s all work toward incremental growth in our spiritual life– the same way we are working toward growing in fitness and strength.