F3 Knoxville

Pyramid of Pain

AO: brickyard
Q: Gordie
PAX: Natty, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), flyball, Colonel (Alex Wallace), Appleseed, Simmons, Gmail, Strings, Spokes from Omaha
FNGs: None
SSH, Hillbillies, Overhead Arm claps, Seal claps, windmills, Cherry Pickers, temponsquats, Boogaloop

Rifle carry CMU to cone
10 BBS with block
20 Derkins on block
Rifle carry to cone
30 Squats with block
40 block curls
Rifle carry to cone
50 OHP
Then work back down the list

Apple loop, then repeat pyramid – sub bent over rows for curls. And 60 OHP instead of 50 if you’re a stud!

Wall sit, then 11’s at the planters
Incline merkins + cactus jump squats

MARY: no time


COT: We do F3 because we know perseverance builds strength. If our “Christian life” isn’t experiencing perseverance we’re probably not doing it right.
“Show me your 5” – Show me who you’re hanging out with & I’ll show you where your life is headed. Build a band of brothers who make you better.
Prayers for health, healing, safe travels & job searches

The Billy Madison

AO: thequacken
Q: Otis
PAX: Natty, Gmail, Spellcheck, DoorKicker (Jud), FixerUpper, Otis, Shotgun
FNGs: None
WARMUP: The park loop to make sure no one is running late.

THE THANG: The Billy Madison ruck adventure, only out of order. Ruck to Central High, from there ruck a new way to Fountain City Elementary. We found a good hill this way :sweat_smile: and took a nature trail that was exhilarating! From there ruck to Gresham Middle, found some stairs and explored a little bit. Rucked back to the AO.

MARY: Squats til recover

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Quacken 6 year this Monday 3/3
Lost pearls AO launch is next Friday 3/7
Escape Haw Ridge 3/28, get signed up

COT: “The proud person always wants to do the great thing. But because he wants to do it in his own strength, he is fighting not with man, but with God.” Kierkegaard

Pride and Self-Reliance leads to disaster, not trusting God. The irony is when we accept absolute dependence on God, then we find the strength.

Shame and Fear keep us paralyzed or stagnant doing nothing, but they stem from the same lack of trust and dependence on God.

Self-will leads to failure.
Shame keeps us stuck.
But reliance on the Holy Spirit transforms us into who we were meant to be.
When we walk in the Spirit, God enables us to go higher, endure more, and accomplish what we never could in our own strength. This is exactly how Jesus lived, how much more do we need to?

Serving Up Biscuits and Rocks

AO: brickyard
Q: Switchgrass (Stacy Clark)
PAX: Otis, Appleseed, Gmail, Bail Bonds, Gordie, Natty, Switchgrass (Stacy Clark), Colonel (Alex Wallace), Alice
FNGs: None
Static stretching and walking lunges for warm-up.

Hand release merkins mini-biscuit at splash pad.
70× hand release merkins with 10 laps.

200x curls, triceps, squats with rocks while partner bernies and runs with rock then switching out.

Walking lunges back to AO.


Forgiveness is never a one time thing. It must be executed all the time to prevent bitterness and jealousy from destroying us and other people. From that the peace of Christ is guarding our hearts and minds, saving us from our own destructive behaviors.

Pain, Suck, and Awesomeness

AO: brickyard
Q: fast-n-easy (Nate Votta)
PAX: fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Gmail, Gordie, Colonel (Alex Wallace), Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Spellcheck, Otis, Bail Bonds, Chitchat (Pana), Appleseed, Alice, Strings
FNGs: None
M.A.R.S x10
Overhead claps x10
Chinook x10
Tempo merkins x10
Little this little that

10 MM

20 lines out and back
On the 5s we stopped and added to the MM

To the Gas station and line up according to age
19 MM

Stop off at the School for a Brickyard 7 Bearcrawl!

To the track
Seal claps x10
On the line for 1 merkin every 5 yards

To the splash pad
Line up according to age again
Split teams merkins/hop a lap
Between switching 5 MM each time (10)

To the vet clinic
5 MM
Bear crawl to HC and then lunge, along the way, tempos and. ATMs.

Back to the AO
10 MM
Grab your 6

Celebrate 100yrs birthday! Not sure who’s, but we celebrated it for them!

ANNOUNCEMENTS:hardship hill, escape haw ridge

We lined up according to age 2 by being told to. We then on the 3rd time didn’t. So we had to pay the tax and line up. The 4,5 time we lined up. We are told that in life you must do this or that and you need to stay in your lane. And in some instances that may be applicable, but in life, if you want to do something or be somebody do it. If you want to accomplish something, do it. Do not let anyone tell you that you can not do it.

[lostpearls-otb] Rucking with Coupons

AO: lostpearls-otb
Q: Bail Bonds
PAX: Gmail, Natty, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), flyball, 30 second warning, Bail Bonds, Alec fritts, Patches (Alec Fritts)
FNGs: 1 Patches (Alec Fritts)

Grab a log or sandbag and move.
Take a break at picnic tables for dips and squats.
Ruck to the Firat Baptist hill for 5’s.
Squats at the top, run down, merkins at the bottom, burnee up.
Ruck back to AO


Escape Haw Ridge 3/28

Isaiah 26:3
“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”

Peace is something we all desire in every aspect of our life, but can only truly be found in a relationship with Christ. Let’s spread peace by example and impacting lives around us. Especially when chaos and darkness seem to be everywhere.