F3 Knoxville

JUCOmanjario and JUCant Hill Workout

THE SCENE: Fair, 60 degrees

Tempo Squats
4-count Merkins
Mt Climbers


Mosey to JUCant Hill
15 Burpees
30 Freddy Mecurys
45 Merkins
60 Squats
Mosey to JUCOmanjaro
60 Squats
45 Merkins
30 Freddy Mercurys
15 Burpees

Just enough time to do one set of Hello Dolly’s


Eph 4:29 — stressed how unwholesome talk ruins a witness (and how the converse is true)



THE SCENE: 60 with Misty Mountains
Apologies for the mislabels, and mis-anything.

A few of these, a few of those.  Pre-cursers of criss crossy things to come.


At base of JUCOManjaro.  Each HIM within a team of 4 takes turns carrying a CMU to the top of JUCOManjaro.  As they carry the CMU to the top they cross over to the other side of the road where they will find a orange cone with a exercise on it which they will do.    There were 9 stations to get to the top which were labeled:

  • 50 Imperial Walkers
  • 25 Cross Toe Touches
  • 50 Freddy Mercuries
  • 25 Mountain Parkers
  • 50 Scissor Kicks
  • 25 Plank Destroyers
  • 50 Travoltas
  • 50 Windmills
  • 50 American Hammers

As the group finishes, do American Hammers with the CMU’s being passed from HIM to him in a back facing circle of HIM’s on their six.  Keep doing CMU American Hammers until the whole group is in the circle.  Switch directions a couple times.

Take CMU’s back down to the A.O.


Had a fun time naming our FNG who is now Blackbox.



Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.

Fellowship reference: https://fellowshipknox.org/wl?c=1 (5/5/2019)

Hardship Hill coming as well as Bridge.

The Hindenburg

THE SCENE: High 50’s and overcast.

  • SSH x20 IC
  • Cherry Picker x10 IC
  • Tempo Squat x10 IC
  • Nancy Kerrigan x10 IC (baby arm circles forward while going up on one leg like figure skater)
        • x10 IC (switch leg, baby arm circles backwards)
  • Chinook x20 IC (overhead arm circles)
  • Diamond Merkins x10 OYO

The “Flight of the Hindenburg”

  • Mosey from AO to back of JUCO campus coupon pile.
    • Discover hidden history tablet w/ Hindenburg BLIMPS workout and Hindenburg trivia.
  • Mosey back to AO while giving PAX history lesson on the Hindenburg.

The “Crash Site”

  • Hindenburg BLIMPS (4 corners, mosey/spring between each corner, all single count)
  • Exercises are completed in “rounds” or “laps”
  • B – urpees x10 at each corner = 40 burpees total
  • L – unges x20 at each corner = 80 lunges total
  • I – mperial Walkers x30 at each corner = 120 imperial walkers total
  • M – erkins x40 at each corner = 160 merkins total (embrace the suck)
  • P – lank jacks x50 at each corner = 200 plank jacks total (shoulders much?)
  • S – quats x60 at each corner = 240 squats total
  • Called “recover” during the Squats round.


  • Hurricane Hoedown (flutter kicks in 4 styles: hands at hallelujah, behind head, normal, LBCs)
    • 7 of each style IC
    • 6 of each style IC


Total of 12 HIMs: Kenjo, Snaggletooth, Trolley, Spotter, Sty, Judge Judy, 5K, Erector, Bulldog, Booster, Chaco, Guano


The Hindenburg’s creators were silly enough to put a lavish smoking room on board. However, their primary job was to get people safely from point A to point B. Challenge: What’s your primary objective as a Christian, man, husband, father, friend, etc.? Do you focus on the tasks, easy things, comfort, etc.? If you can get 1 thing right in your day that’s actually important what would that be?


Prayers for Guano’s grandfather’s funeral and Trolley’s wife’s health.

Good to see Bulldog come out to JUCO who normally posts at Asylum and Big Ball.


Trolley, 5K, and Judge Judy on Q next week at JUCO. Booster says it should be easy. I think that’s a challenge. 😉

Don’t slow your roll

THE SCENE: Plenty warm to work up a good sweat. Mostly clear. Air stinks kinda bad for some unknown reason…

SSH x25 IC
Cherry Pickers x6 IC
Crabettes x15 IC
Outside plank heel touches x15 IC
Inside plank heel touches x15 IC
Tempo Merkins x10 IC
Tempo Squats x15 IC

Mosey to the restaurant courtyard by the Poke Bowl place.

Split into 2 teams. Each team has an identical pile of exercise cards.
One extra-large size die with numbers 1,2,3.
One team rolls the die. That’s the number of laps up the stairs and back around.
While that team runs the laps, other team works through the pile until laps completed.
When entire team returns from laps, other team rolls.
When pile is complete, set up a cone as a counter and start again.
See how many times each team can work through the pile.
Pile exercises:
15 Merkins
15 4-ct Monkey Humpers
10 Iron Mikes (each leg)
10 Squat Jumps
10 Burpees
20 Flutter Kicks
15 Carolina Dry Docks
20 BBS
20 4-ct Mtn Climbers

The die seemed weighted to roll 3’s… Lots of stairs for us!
Each team completed two trips through the pile, came out pretty even when time ran out.

Mosey back to the AO, stopping halfway for 15 4-ct Monkey Humpers on Hardin Valley Rd.

Hey! We have some time for Mary this time!
20x 4ct LBCs
25x Hello Dolly IC
20x Flutter Kicks IC
4x Row Your Boat

8 HIMs made for 2 pretty evenly matched teams.
Even with the die rolling this morning, both teams came out pretty evenly in the end. I had no idea if it would work out that way or not. We don’t always know how things will turn out in life either, but rather than just random chance, the thing controlling our situation is an all-knowing God, who works things for our good. Even when we don’t understand what’s going on at the time…
Great effort today! Both from the team-to-team competition aspect and the push within each team! Hitting those stairs really sucked, especially right after that opening sequence of Monkey Humpers, Iron Mikes, and Squat Jumps…
Hardship Hill coming soon – If you’re not registered, you should be! Abridged OEW benefit night Thursday 5/9.

All Around JUCO

THE SCENE: Beautiful 50 something.

15 SSH, 10 tempo squats, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan night club
In an attempt to run around all of JUCO, begin mosey toward the Sophomore.  At the four corners,

  • 20 merkins
  • 20 squats
  • 20 mountain climbers
  • 20 Freddie Mercury

Continue run around the back of the maintenance building to the grassy hill.  Run up the hill 5 times while zig-zagging around each tree.  At the top, alternate with 15 diamond merkins and 15 lunges each leg. Squats at the bottom at the end until the 6 gets in.

Mosey to the small parking lot next to the pond and do 20 Flutter kicks IC.  Run around the walk path and stop as instructed to perform exercises:

  • 10 burpees OYO
  • 20 Hello Dolly IC

Cut off the walk path at the large parking lot northeast of the school.

  • 10 8 Count body builders IC

Run to the next corner of the parking lot towards Hardin Valley road.  Perform exercise at the intersections.

  • 20 squat jumps
  • 20 star jacks
  • 20 iron Mikes
  • 10 burpees back at the shovel flag

LBC smoker:  10 of each of these LBCs, reverse LBCs (moving the lower body only), 6 inch LBCs (LBCs with legs straight and 6″ of the ground), and full-grown LBCs (regular and reverse together).
13 HIMS made it all the way around JUCO this morning!
Take time to appreciate the mothers and especially stay-at-home mothers in your lives.  They do not get the credit they deserve, but try your best to remind them how important they are.
May 9th fund raiser for Operation Enduring Warriors at Abridged. May 19th Hardship Hill.