F3 Knoxville

DORA and Spinning Dragons

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Administered 

SSH IC x 20
Cherry Pickers IC x5
Arm Circles Forward and Back IC x 10 each
Dive Bombers IC x5
Squats IC x10
Mountain Climbers IC x15
30 Seconds OYO


Mosey to the triangle and get lost in the Bearmuda Triangle:

  • 3 Burpees, bear crawl to next corner
  • 6 Burpees, bear crawl to next corner
  • 9 Burpees, bear crawl to next corner

Mosey to the coupon pile and partner up for a DORA:

  • 100 curls
  • 200 overhead press
  • 300 rows
  • Partner runs to parking lot and performs the following:
    • Round 1: 4 Jump squats
    • Round 2: 4 BBSUs
    • Round 3: 4 SSH

Mosey towards the duck pond

  • Stop for 25 flutter kicks administered by Kick-Flip

Perform the following at the parking lot just west of duck pond (named “Spinning Dragons” during workout):

  • Start in plank position and perform 1 shoulder tap, 1 merkin, 1 plank jack
  • Rotate to “3 o’clock” staying in a plank position and perform 2 shoulder taps, 2 merkins, 2 plank jacks
  • Rotate to “6 o’clock and perform 3 should taps, 3 merkins, 3 plank jacks
  • Rotate to “9 o’clock and perform 4 shoulder taps, 4 merkins, 4 planks jacks
  • Rotate to “12 o’clock” and perform 5 shoulder taps, 5 merkins, 5 plank jacks
  • Now go back down to 9, 6, 3, and 12 o’clock. Decrement reps by 1 each time (4, 3, 2, 1)

1 round of jelly legs (30 seconds is all we had time for) then Mosey to the flag with a jailbreak from Butterknife to close us out.

No time
13 strong with a FND (friendly new dog)

There are some incredible fathers in this circle today. I’m inspired every time one of you brings a 2.0 to a workout.

Kids are little sponges and they soak up a lot more than we feed to them. Lately, my son has been getting “dressed” to go to work. It’s my ritual. It’s my religion in some ways. He wants to be just like his dad and at just 3 years old, he’s already starting to see my habits, my religion, and trying to make them his own. What religion are your kids picking up on?  

It’s the things we do that our kids are learning. It’s not the things that we say. 

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Speak up

THE SCENE: 68, expectedly humid but not oppressive

Cherry Pickers, Mountain Climbers, Plank Jax, Moroccan night club, baby arm circles, dive bombers and stuff.

Gave the CMU’s by the flag a tour of campus.  2 Teams.  Team 1 had to carry the cmu while the other did an exercise and then caught up.  Team 1 would then do that exercise and catch up.  The carry rotated through Rifle, Curl, Triceps and [farmer] carry.

The stationary exercises were:

30 Plank Jacks
30 Merkins
15 Burpees
25 Freddie Mercury
30 LBC
30 Flutter (Count 1 leg)
30 Mountain Climbers; count 1 leg
20 Core Exercise chosen by team 1: American Hammer
20 Core Exercise chosen by team 2: Shoulder Taps


We then hung out on the loading dock doing leg raises while your partner did 3 thrusters, then wall hops onto the loading dock while your partner did another 3 thrusters.
Returned the CMU home and had some time for a foot race.  I was not able

Shoulder taps, Heels to heaven, Hello Dolly and American Hammers
Speak up for what God is doing in your life.  When we go through trials or experience blessings, we are not meant to keep these things to ourselves.  God receives glory when we talk about His nearness in a trial or His joy in seeing Him at work in us and those around us.

But why don’t we?

Maybe it is embarrassment – not wanting to be seen as overly spiritual.  Don’t want it to be seen as bragging.  Too often we don’t have a polished, TV ready story of how God has been at work in our life. Or maybe it isn’t dramatic enough or we too private about things.  Consider those things but also consider how to appropriately share what God is up to.
Find an audience: your kids, your wife, the guys out here, a friend at church
Share what God has been doing.
Luke 19 Says the stones will cry out if we don’t give God glory.  “I tell you, if these [disciples] were silent, the very stones would cry out”.
1 Peter 3:15 calls us to be ready to explain the hope that resides in us.

“but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.”

Yes that’s about witnessing, but God’s faithfulness in our life is a huge part of that hope.
To practice this I’ll share 1 big thing and 1 “little”: God has been so good to show Himself working through my oldest daughter.  She recently returned from a month in Nicaragua.  It’s been so clear that God was working through her.  It’s been evident in her love for the people there and the doors that God opened logistically for her to be there and spiritually to connect with students, now great friends, on deep and important truths.

Sunday, my family had a chance to hike Frozen Head between 2 storms.  On the way there it was torrential downpour, but just a light rain as we started hiking.  Miracle #1 is that my M allowed the hike to continue, but it cleared up, the fog was cool, the sun came out again, then it rained lightly some but the tree cover was thick enough to stay mostly dry.  We had the trail to ourselves, saw tons of frogs (that I thought were snakes every time I saw them move), turtles and a full rainbow of mushrooms.  The breeze kicked up where we turned around ant it actually felt comfortable.  For me, and my family, it’s easy to see God at work when we are in the elements, enjoying nature and blessed with the chance to be together.

To God be the glory for the big and little things.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Service Project Saturday 7am.  See Slack for details!


In HIM we Trust & leave no one behind

THE SCENE: Cool, damp & magically dark

Merkins, Squats, cherry pickers, Side Straddle Hops & Terrible cadence counting.

50 reps with [partner running around Haslam.  Cardio & legs

  • Step-ups
  • Derkins
  • Box Jumps
  • BBS


-teams of 3 repeating Merkins, Squats, and BBS at each hash all the way to the top.  All summited and were rewarded with a view of the swirling pending rainclouds.  All were sweaty

Mary was neglected by a perfectly timed return to AS

14 out. (1 not pictured)
Coming out in the gloom makes you stronger.  Strength leads your family and those around you.  Do not be afraid to lead those to Christ and do not be afraid to lead those in need.  As we grow, we find ourselves to transition from receiving encouragement to being the encourager.  People around you need you.  They need your strength.  At times it is draining, at times it is rewarding.  Just like Jucomanjaro!  We can’t stop and we can’t leave a brother behind.  Be the bedrock your family counts upon and the bedrock Christ has called you to be in his kingdom.
Is a great notebook

The fruit of consistency is trust

THE SCENE: Dark, muggy, but not too hot.

Cherry Pickers IC 4 CT
SSH x 25 IC 4 CT
LBACs Front and Back x 10 IC 4 CT
Tempo Squats IC
Mountain Climbers IC
Tempo Merkins IC

2X run across the parking lot

Each time back OYO
10 Squats
10 Mountain Climbers 4 CT
10 Merkins


Those last 30 reps are our Wagon Wheel today (30WW). If ever you finish a set, you rinse and repeat this wagon wheel until we’re all done or until Recover is called.

Indian Run to the sophomore hill parking lot, find a battle buddy.

One man performs our wagon wheel set (30WW) while the other RUNS a lap (not a mosey). Each man completes 3 laps (Bernie up the hill on lap 3)

Mosey to the middle courtyard, find a piece of wall
11s: Dips and BBS
11s: Box Jumps and Derkins (this was pretty killer)

Mosey to the motorcycle learning lot
4 Rush-style strides across the parking lot, with 2 rounds of our wagon wheel baked in.

Mosey back to the flag

American Hammers and a minute of Boat-Canoe to finish things off.
No FNGs today, SOS (Mailbox 2.0) made 10 for the day.
What do you think of when you think of Consistency?

One 5-mile run doesn’t change a thing, just like one healthy meal, one date with your wife, one conversation with your son, or one reading of God’s word.

And my temptation? Focus on the misses, the failures, and the flops. I’d quit a worthy pursuit rather than fail the same way again.

But what about 50 dates? Or 100 conversations? Or 300 dives into the word?

What is the fruit of that consistency?

The fruit of consistency is trust.

Even if I missed 50 dates in the making, I am building a foundation of trust. Trust with my spouse, trust with my kids, trusting my Father in heaven.

Are you willing to keep building that trust?

I challenge you to keep dying to yourself, keep serving your family, keep pursuing your wife and kids.

Habits, Part 2

THE SCENE:  75 and thick.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered.

  • Phelps
  • RFTS / LIH
  • Grady Corns
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Up/Down Dog
  • SSH


  • Mosey to the new building, pick a spot on the bench.
  • 30 seconds of each
    • Derkins
    • Single leg squat (L)
    • Dips
    • Single leg squat (R)
    • Incline CDD
    • Plyo step-ups


  • Mosey to the pond.  There are 2 trees along the path – approx. half way around the pond from each other.
    • 50 merkins + 50 LBCs.  Run to the other tree.
    • 40 merkins + 40 LBCs.  Run to the other tree.
    • 30 merkins + 30 LBCs.  Run to the other tree.
    • 20 merkins + 20 LBCs.  Run to the other tree.
    • 10 merkins + 10 LBCs.  Run to the other tree.


  • Mosey to the Big Lot;
    • Bear crawl one line.
    • 10 flutter kicks (count 1 leg)
    • Bear crawl one line.
    • 10 hello dollys


  • Jelly Legs



  • Dealer’s choice.
  • Jail break!


9 for bootcamp + 5 Rushers


All this week, we’re talking about habits.  For Part 1 on Monday, Guardrail led a discussion about cultivating our hearts in preparation for a habit change – starting a new good habit, killing an old bad habit.  Today we continued talking about habits – as we start a new, or end an old, let’s plan for failure.  Let’s think about what might cause failure and pre-decide on strategies to avoid those or to quickly rebound from them.

When you are starting a new habit, what kinds of things are going to throw you off course?

Stumble:  I’m not making any progress toward my goal.
Did you just set a goal – or did you also define a plan and come up with systems to get you to the goal?  “Systems” are the reminders, queues, routines, notes, people, etc. that you set in place to facilitate your work toward to the goal.  James Clear says “you don’t rise to the level of your goals; you fall to the level of your systems.”  A goal is just a daydream without a plan.  Make sure you have an actionable plan + establish systems to execute that plan.

Stumble:  I’m not seeing change happen as fast I thought it would.
Adopt a long-term perspective.  Have short-term milestones. Especially in the short term, evaluate your progress based on how well you stick to your plan, not your results.  Worry about meeting the plan today – tomorrow worry about tomorrow.  Keep your sights only looking that far out.  If you have a good plan and you stick to the plan, your goal will take care of itself.  Again from James Clear, “You should be more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results”.

Stumble:  I missed a day, so I guess I’m done. 
Sometimes we have an all-or-nothing mindset.  If we fail one time, we think we are a failure.  Like my daughter who is learning to walk, I wouldn’t say to her “just two steps?!?  Come on!“.  No, I say “Two steps! Great job girl!  Now try and again and get three steps this time!!!”  As you are learning to do something new, coach yourself the same way.  Give yourself some grace.  If you miss a day, don’t miss two. Missing one day reduces your chance of success by 5%.  Missing two consecutive days reduces your chances by 40%.

As we start new habits, here are three strategies that we’re going to implement

  1. Create systems to push you toward your goal
  2. Success is sticking to your plan TODAY
  3. If you miss a day, don’t miss two.

You are what you repeatedly do.  Every action you take is a vote for the type of man you want to become.

With that in mind…

  • What good habit do you need to start?
  • What unhealthy habit do you need to stop?

Come back Friday for Part 3 of this Word!



Prayers for Data, Papa Lock, and Shrubbery’s Aunt.