F3 Knoxville

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

AO: juco
Q: Booster
PAX: Windex, Lt. Dan, Booster, Wheelchair (Jonathan Perelman), Love Shaq, Stye (Hal Phillips), Guardrail
FNGs: None

– Side Straddle Hops (IC) X 10
• Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
• Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 (IC)
• Baby Arm Circles Backwards X 10 (IC)
• Overhead claps X 10 (IC)
• Seals Claps X 10 (IC)
• 1 minute on your own
• Mosey to my SUV to pick up dumbbells


Walk & Perform Exercises W/ Various Size Dumbbells – AMRAP Style

• Dumbbell Curls
• Dumbbell Overhead Press
• Dumbbell Side & Front Raises
• Dumbbell Shrugs & Farmer Carries (With Heavy Weight)
• Pause for Merkins, Dumbbell Bent Over Rows
• Rinse & Repeat

At CMU Pile
– 20 CMU Curls
– 20 CMU Tricep Extension
– 20 CMU Bent over Rows
– 40 CMU Bench Press
– Run Stairs
– Rinse & Repeat


– Sign up t Q/VQ
– KARM needs volunteers to walk/jog with some of their long-term guests who are in recovery


Erector led & spoke about leadership, being selfless and serving those you are leading

Enjoying the morning

AO: juco
Q: Dart Gun
PAX: Guardrail, Survivor, Wheelchair (Jonathan Perelman), Wanderer, Booster, Lt. Dan, Dart Gun
FNGs: None
Harry rockets
Tempo merkins
Grady corn (couldn’t remember the name so we ran with T-claps)
Motivators from 8

Mosey to the strip mall

20 ct for each workout
Corner 1:

American hammers

…lunges to next corner

Mtn climbers – 2 count
Heels to heaven
Carolina DD


Corner 3:
Peter Parker

…broad jumps

Corner 4:
Hello dolly
Wide merkins
Squat jacks


Dealers choice:
Squat hops with a 5-count pulse
Flutter kicks
Imperial walker
Pickle pounders

Dad Camp

I’ve had a few times where I’ve been challenged with some unexpected changes that have directly affected my and my families lives.

It’s natural for most of us to immediately respond emotionally whether externally or internally, and to start thinking of defensive measures or responses. But..if were honest…how often do we smile and think of how great an opportunity it is for our spiritual life or that we’re blessed with another challenge?

While that may not be normal for anyone, think about where you turn for support? Do you vent or call a specific person that you think will give you the answer you want to hear? How long does it take you to come to the prayer?

If our faith is Luke-warm or we don’t have a solid foundation, is not difficult to be affected by small challenges/storms.

It’s all like prepping and practicing…when something sudden and unexpected happens, the natural instant is based on what thoughts and muscles you frequently have or use.

1 Corinthians 15:58
“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.”

What’s in a Name

AO: juco
Q: Lt. Dan
PAX: Guardrail, Trash Panda, Cheap Ride, Erector, Wanderer, Wheelchair (Jonathan Perelman), Fetch
FNGs: None
– SSH – 15
– Windmill – 15
– Chery Picker 15
– In Cadence merkin – 10
– Roll over – V-ups – 15
– Flutter Kick 15
– Stretch on Own – 30 sec

Mosey – Courtyard Wall
Drop for 10 Burpee’s on call
Series of 4, then lap:
– Dips – 25
– Incline Meerkin – 25
– BBS – 25
– VUP – 25

PAX Choice: Flutter Kicks, Hillbilly Walker, Johnny Walker, Tempo Merkin
Dad Camp

I had the honor of joining Mr. Wanderer and his family at their church this past Sunday. And, while the sermon was based on the importance of doing Good Work, the thing that I kept hearing over and over and over again both in the sermon and in the music was an emphasis on God’s Name. If it had been only one reference, I would have thought – well, ok we should certainly respect the name of God. However, this was such a frequent refrain throughout the event it I began to over analyze… again. Then, there was that Ahh ha moment – Why such emphasis on the word “Name”? and His Name in general? So, what I surmised is that the name of God and His son Jesus is above all others. The name represents all that God represents. Since His name is clean, and above all others, and His name is truly beyond reproach and should be exalted above all else, what does that say about our personal names? Yikes! That’s a high bar to set for ourselves, right? To respect our name as we would His own? Well heck, have any of us ever fallen short of these expectations? Have we done things that we are not so proud of? Have we disrespected our name or the name of others? And, are my own transgressions so great that I should just crawl in a hole and stop trying? That hardly seems fair. No, he is a fair God, and a righteous God – and thank God he offers Forgiveness. As each of us go out into our communities this week, I encourage us all to practice forgiveness of others and also of ourselves.
What I remember growing up is how my mother always told me that the most important possession in life is our reputation, and that our reputation is all we take with us when we are no longer here.
And so I I found the following excerpt from…
Bible, Matthew 6:14-15: “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

The life of a Christian

AO: juco
Q: Erector
PAX: Butterknife, Dart Gun, Guardrail, Fetch, Love Shaq, Ike, Wanderer, Erector
FNGs: None
15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan Night Club, 10 tempo squats, 5 cherry pickers, 10 Harry Rockettes
Mosey to the coupon pile. Grab a block. After performing each of the following, run up the steps and alternate between 5 pullups and 5 toes to bar.
-25 OHPs, goblet squats, curls, lunges, merkins, squat jumps
Mosey to the courtyard and stop at the brick benches. Do 20 step ups and run a lap, stopping to bear crawl each of the short legs of the loop. Repeat with pickle pointers and Freddie Mercury.
PAX choice Mary exercises: flutter kicks, LBCs, planks, tempo squats, SSH
Dad camp
The life of a Christian…
Some would say that this is a life of restriction, rules, and lack of fun. I would disagree. It is true that the Bible teaches a standard to live by. Yes, there are commandments to follow, and that means avoiding what much of the world would consider “fun” in some cases. However, what is missed by this viewpoint is the intent behind those commands. Take for example the law against drunkenness. There may be some temporary pleasure in this, but there are many possible negative consequences: damaged families, health concerns, risk of injury, etc. God’s way is better because it shields us from those negative consequences. God always has our best interests in mind. He demonstrates this ultimately by sending His son, Jesus Christ, to live as a human, experience all the temptations that we do without sin, and then sacrifice Himself for our sins. He did not deserve death; we do.
Romans 5:6-9 NASB1995
[6] For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. [7] For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. [8] But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. [9] Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him.
The Christian life is the best kind of life. If anyone ever wants to talk more about this, I am always happy to discuss.

15 Days Away…

AO: juco
Q: Windex
PAX: Guardrail, Mailbox, Love Shaq, Wheelchair (Jonathan Perelman)
FNGs: None
15x SSH, LBAC Forwards and Backwards, Tempo Squats, Tennessee Rocking Chair

Mosey to the big lot – stop, drop and do 1 Merkin w/ 4 Plank Jacks and progress through 2,8 – 3,12 – 4,16 – 5,20.
Mosey around a few islands and find a tree with some grass – stop, drop and do 1 BBS w/ 4 (2 count) American Hammers and progress through 2,8 – 3,12 – 4,16 – 5,20.
Mosey to the quad and find the brick wall(s) and get down on some 15’s. As follows:
1 Dip (one side of wall), 1 Merkin (on top of wall), 1 Dip (other side of wall). That’s :point_up:. Run to the covered area down the stairs and do 14 Squats. Repeat until finished with 15’s.
Mosey back the way we came and stop at the last stop sign before the flag – do 15 Burpees collectively (3 each). Mosey to the flag.

Flutter Kicks, Freddy Mercurys, Hello Dollys, and LBC.

UnCOVEred this Saturday. Dad camp in August.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
– The plans He has for us always exceeds our wildest expectations because it aligns with what we are meant to be doing, not what we expect we should be doing.

Proverbs 27:1
Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.
– This does not forbid preparing for tomorrow, but presuming upon tomorrow

God’s Perfect Timing

On June 25th my daughter went about her normal Tuesday stuff, and Beki and I took my mom up to Cades Cove. The entire time we were up there, Beki felt stressed about not having cell service. The second that we got out of the park, and her phone got service, she got a phone call from a stranger who was with Maddie and stopped to help. She didn’t miss a call, there weren’t a bunch of voicemails…it was literally that the service bars came back, and the phone rang. Perfect timing. We rushed to UT and were there when the ambulance showed up. Perfect timing. Work was at a point that I could step away and be there the entire time. Perfect timing.

But in all of this, I’m looking for, and becoming more aware of God’s timing. My daughter has been struggling with anxiety and depression, and then, boom, throw this on top of all of that. I just have to keep remembering that there is a plan in all of this, because God’s timing for everything, no matter what, is never off.

When I think about Maddie’s accident, I can’t help but wonder “how does this align with what she is meant to be doing?” I don’t know the answer to that question, but I pray that Jesus would reveal the answer to her, because I know that she is wondering as well.

Thank you guys for all the prayers and support. I’m extremely happy to say that she’s coming home tomorrow!! 😃