F3 Knoxville

GBED: Get Better Everyday

THE SCENE: Warm, clear, 75 degree July morning with high humidity.

Still not a professional…nor a doctor

We started off with 15 SSH, followed by 8 Cherry Pickers, and 20 LBAC. We then moseyed the little loop where we stopped for a few merkins (10) and squats (10)
Station 1

  • 15 Thrusters
  • 5 3-count CMU merkins
  • 15 dips
  • Melungin to cone and back (10m)
  • Repeat circuit 3 times, melungins twice
  • Little lap

Station 2

  • 10 Body Builders
  • 20 Curls
  • 4-count CMU flutterkicks
  • CMU bear crawl to cone and back (10m)
  • Repeat circuit 3 times, melungins twice
  • Little lap

Station 3

  • 10 Mr. Spectaculars
  • 15 CMU bent Rows
  • 10 CMU swings
  • sprint stairs
  • Repeat circuit 3 times, stairs twice
  • Little lap



We held plank til everyone was reunited, then proceeded to do a merkin circle, where each member did 3 merkins before running around the plank circle. After completion we did the same with 3 burpees. The final 30 seconds was spent doing 4 count flutterkicks


Avocado, Espy, Hammy, Hellbender, KY, Moses, Napster, Palmetto, Postpone, Snorkel, Swerve, Taco, Tonka, Veep, Woodshack, Tank

Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone were two prominent British politicians in the 1800’s, but bitter rivals. A journalist had dinner with both and commented how Disraeli ‘made her feel like the most brilliant woman in all of London’. Disraeli was an effective leader because he possess charisma and could bring out the best in people

‘The greatest good you can do for another is not to just share you riches, but to reveal to him his own’
Due to poor explaining, a select few got extra melungins in. Kudos to them for over achieving!
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THE SCENE: 76 degrees F, 78% humidity

SSH, Imperial Squat Walkers, Cherry Pickers

Run length of the grinder and do one merkin at each concrete joint (every 19 feet for a total of 15)

Return to the Pavilion and do one Bobby Hurley at each concrete joint

Everyone grab a numbered CMU and mosey to Mt. Crumpit for a partner workout.  Partner #1 starts the exercises listed below while Partner #2 starts the first ascent of Mt. Crumpit and does the 3 burpees.  Each team is challenged to complete all of the listed exercises.

100 Squat Trusts

200 Bent Rows

100 Upright Rows

200 OH CMU Flutter Kicks

200 Curls

100 Derkins

100 Dips

100 Triceps Extensions

100 Russian Swings


Run up Mt. Crumpit to back side of Tree, do 3 Burpees, run back down, and switch with partner

No time for Mary.  Returned to AO just as time expired.
Total of 14 HIMs
I shared the other magazine/paper clip that I carry in my wallet.  A few weeks ago I shared the one that I have been carrying around for 50+ years.  This one is relatively new; it came from the newspaper in January 1999.

“America first proclaimed its independence on the basis of self-evident truths.  America will remain a beacon of freedom for the world as long as it stands by those moral truths which are the very heart of its historical experience.  And so America:  If you want peace, work for justice.  If you want justice, defend life.  If you want life, embrace truth – truth revealed by God.”              Pope John Paul II, St. Louis, MO  January 1999

Excellent words to ponder.
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Rep and Run

  • THE SCENE: Cool and Humid
  • 15 SSH
  • Cherry Pickers
  • 10 Tempo T-Merkins
  • Mosey to Waxjob Hill
    • 7’s with a Burnie up the hill each time: Prison Get-ups at the top, V-ups at the bottom
  • Mosey to the Grinder
  • 6 Sets of 2 exercises, 3×15 reps of each exercise per round, Suicide between each round
    • Set 1: Box Jumps and Over-Block-Merkins
    • Set 2: Leg extensions on the bench and Decline Merkins
    • Set 3: Super Skater Jumps and CMU Overhead press
    • Set 4: WW2 Sit-ups and Incline Merkins
    • Set 5 Water-pumps (15 each leg) and 1 arm CMU Rows on the bench
    • Set 6 Squat Jumps and Dips
  • Extra Time: AMRAP
    • 10 Peter Parker
    • 10 Lunges
    • 10 Merkins
    • 10 Squats
    • 10 BBS
    • Run to Troll bridge, 3 burpies
  • MARY:Ring of Fire: Plank and J-Lo’s
    • Banana and Canoe
    • Flutter Kicks
    Ps. 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Over the last several months I have greatly dropped off the amount of time I have spent reading the Word. This is just like walking down a dark path/hallway with a flashlight in my pocket but being to lazy or preoccupied with something else to pull it out and use it to know where to go/what to do. God has given us an incredible privilege and blessing of being able to hear Him speak every day, anytime we want to by giving us his Word. Read it and listen to Him!
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No Air for Anger

THE SCENE: 70’s and Thick


  • Grinder Work
    • Jog down to 10 Merkins
    • Jog back to 15 feet release Squats
    • Skip down to 5 Burpees
    • Skip back to 5 Burpees
    • Bernie Sanders down to 10 Froggie Hops
    • Bernie Sander back to 15 CrossFit Big Boys


  • Mosey the Greenway & Battle Buddy with Someone of Similar Speed
    • 10 Hill Sprints with Decreasing Burpees at the top.
    • 1st Hill Sprint – 10 Burpees
    • 2ndHill Sprint – 9 Burpees
    • 3rdHill Sprint – 8 Burpees
    • Complete 10thSprint – 1 Burpee and Continue Mosey to Rock Pile


  • At the Rock Pile – Find a Rock for Each Hand:
  • 3 Rounds
    • (5) Iron Hulks (1:4 Merkins: Push Press)
    • (10) V-Ups
    • (15) Overhead Squats
    • (10) Body Bag Builders
    • (15) CrossFit Big Boys


  • Mosey Greenway Back to Grinder for Lazy Dora:
    • 100 Merkins (P1 does 10 While P2 Holds Plank; 100 total for group)
    • 100 Ankle Touches (P1 does 20 while P2 holds 6″; 200 total for group)
    • 100 Squats (P1 does 10 while P2 holds air chair; 100 for total group)

Lazy Dora Squats took us to the finish line!
5 Pax

As I was creating the beatdown Friday and prior to laying down for bed I had asked the Lord to provide me with the words to share for the men that would be there in the morning. When my alarm went off and I grabbed my phone from the night stand Ephesians 4:31-32 was showing as a notification. As I saw this and began to dig into it a bit more I had realized the next 2 verses were along the same content/message and took this as a sign.  I shared and spoke a bit to the following verses with the men Saturday:

Ephesians 4:31-32: Let all bitterness, anger and wrath, shouting and slander be removed from you, along with all malice. And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.

1 Thessalonians 5:15: See to it that no one repays evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good for one another and for all.

Hebrews 12:14: Pursue peace with everyone, and holiness – without it no one will see the Lord.

Shout out to multiple groups of Men out getting better Saturday morning; Including Archie and Erector running a 12 miler and Snorkel, Cap-n-crunch, Woodshack, A-rod, and Fast-n-Easy for a 10 mile ruck beatdown! Good stuff brothers!

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THE SCENE:  72 degrees F with 92% humidity

WARM-O-RAMA: by Spook
3 SETS (10 mins)
LB Power – lunge jumps x 10
Flexibility- lying shoulder Angels x 10
Core – Shoulder taps x 10 each arm
THA-THANG: by Spook
3 SETS Upper Body (10 mins)
Clapping pushups x 10, 8, 6
Side plank 30 sec.
Under the fence pushups x 10
Reverse Plank 30 sec.
Glute Bridge 30 sec.

3 SETS (15 mins) Lower Body Circuit
25 air squat
25 Box jumps
25 crunches
25 lunges
25 Burpees

3 SETS (10 mins)
Bent over row x 10
Mixed rack carries 100m
Glute Bridge w/march

3 SETS ARMS (5 mins)
Curls x max reps 30 seconds

MARY: by Spook
Cool down (5 mins)
Bretzel x 10 breaths each side
Shoulder Angels x 10
Total of 10 including Spook (Travis Elkins) from Fredericksburg, VA
Christians are called to spread the Gospel but how many of us actually do it.  And if we do, how often and to whom?  We should be doing it at a minimum to our own family and it should be repeated from time to time for our children.  (Spook proceeded to tell us the Gospel complete with Bible chapter and verse references.) At the end he simply said that is God’s expectation of us.
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