F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Partly cloudy skies, 59 degrees F, 69% humidity

Windmills x10, cherry pickers x10, overhead hand claps x30, tempo merkins x10

Indian run to Mt Crumpit with 40 sandbag.

5’s on Mt. Crumpit

2-Hand release Merkins

Run Up

8-Bodybuilders (8 CNT)

Run Down

(Increase/decrease 2 each trip)

Big boy sit ups till 6up

Indian run to AO  with 40 sandbag.

AMRAP Circuit on 1/4 mile AO Loop

  1. Box Jumps x12 orStep Ups x12/leg (run across AO)
  2. Derkins x12 (Bernie back to pavilion)
  3. Squat Thrusts x12 (run across AO)
  4. Pull Ups x8 (Bernie back to pavilion)
  5. CMU Swings x12 (run across AO)
  6. Box Cutters x12 (run AO 1/4 mile loop)
  7. Burpees x8
  8. SSH x10 (4 CNT)
  9. WWII Sit Ups x12 (run back to pavilion)
  10. Curls x12 (Start back at 1.)

Flutter kicks (4 count) x30, LBCs to cash out (x46).

13 HIMs with a couple of prodigal sons among the group.
Control.  Some things are within and some things are not within our control.  Coming up the hill for the last time this morning my SSHs were very sloppy, low energy style.  I realized midway through them that I was in control of the way I performed them and I better make a better showing for myself.  I was in control and I could just go through the motions or I could do them for my best benefit.  I was in charge of the impact they had.

Sometimes I get the false impression that I control things that are really bigger than me or my capabilities.  I remember a time when a very well know company did something I personally did not agree with.  Although I did not own any of the company’s stock, I called my financial adviser and told her to never invest my money in the company in the future.  A few weeks later another company began acting like an activist for a particular cause that I did not agree with so I called my adviser and informed her to sell the shares in my portfolio.  It happened again last week.  But this time I let it go and didn’t make the call to “sell.”

Why my different reaction this time?  I’ve become aware of my lack of impact, my lack of control.  I need to focus on what I can control, and let go of the things I cannot .  Yes, I do need to hold to morals rooted in God’s expectations.  Yes, I do need to stand up against sin and evil of others … and myself.  And finally, yes, I need to let God be God and let him dish out the wrath.  Vengeance is His, He will repay.  Jesus summed it up for me when He said that all the law can be summarized in two commandments, love God and love others.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Tough or Dead

THE SCENE: Cool Summer Morning

Little Baby Arm Circle’s (FWD/BWD) x 10 4-Count, Cherry Pickers x 10 4-Count, Tempo Squat x 10, Side Straddle Hops x 15 4-Count
Cardio – & 7’s ( Body Builder’s @ The Troll Bridge & WW2 Situps @ The Grinder)

Dora Time (2 Rounds)

  • 100 Box Jumps – Farmer Carry CMU
  • 100 Bent Row’s CMU – Bear Crawl to the far side of the bathroom
  • 100 Overhead Press – Lunge to the first basketball goal (CMU Overhead)

Ab Kraken – 25 of each (8 Stations) WW2 Situps, Flutter Kicks, Peter Parker’s, Mtn Climbers
5 HIM’s to Kickoff June!  Drifter, Hammy, Flash, Napster, Butterfingers
Sometimes when that alarm goes off at 4:30 am we probably ask ourselves why.  Well recently one of our PAX shared a little wisdom with us.  “Getting old ain’t for sissies!”  That really got me thinking about what makes up a good long life, and what we don’t always think about is the suck.  You are going to hurt, your kids are going to keep you up all night, and basically life is just going to keep kicking your ass.  But here at F3 we have a little secret, and that’s the mental toughness we forge each morning.  We are preparing our minds and body for the suck, so when life does get tough we are ready.  Our family and friends rely on this strength, so be prepared and keep embracing the gloom.

Fat Amy strikes again

THE SCENE: Warm n dark

Quick one
11s with big boys and leg lifts at each light pole. If you passed a bench , do 20 dips

  • Fat Amy:

    50 Squats

    – 10 Burpees

    40 BBS

    – 10 Burpees

    Lunge to Cone, Sprint Back

    – 10 Burpees

    20 Star jacks

    – 10 Burpees

    Bear Crawl to Cone, Sprint Back

    – 10 Burpees

    20 Star jacks

    – 10 Burpees

    Lunge to Cone, Sprint Back

    – 10 Burpees

    40 BBS

    – 10 Burpees

    50 Squats

Big boys w a twist x 15
9 pax
Insert the WORD here.
Read the inserted picture ….aye!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

An Honorable Thing


Warm and Muggy

SSH X 15

Arm Circles Front/Back X 15 each

Cherry Pickers X 10

Insert information about the workout.

At lower half of Springbrook and starting at the 1st light pole near pavilion.

Complete 10 Burpees

Sprint to the 3rd light pole

Complete 20 Air Squats

Sprint to the 5th light pole

Complete 20 Merkins

Sprint to the 7th light pole

Complete 20 BBS.

REPEAT this rotation at every other light pole until we return to the pavilion.

At Pavilion

20 CMU Curls

Sprint to Grinder

20 dips

Sprint to pavilion

20 CMU Tri’s

Sprint to Grinder

10 pull ups

Sprint to pavilion

20 – 4 co flutters with CMU

Sprint to Grinder

20 leg lifts

Sprint to pavilion

20 CMU Swings

Sprint to grinder

20 step ups each leg.



Box Cutters X 15

LBCs Cash out

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Discussed Honor in regards to Memorial Day. Remember all those who have served and treat the elder folk with utmost respect and honor.  Finished up with a quote.

“Honor your father and your mother”


Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Fully Known

THE SCENE: Clear skies, 58 degrees F, 89% humidity

Cherry pickers, Imperial squat walkers, Baby arm circles, Tempo merkins.

7’s on Waxjob Hill

1 to 6 Hand release merkins

Bear Crawl UP

6 to 1, Eight count Body builders

Crab Crawl DOWN

Bobby Hurley’s till 6 up

AMRAP Circuit

  1. Box Jumps x20 or Step Ups x20/leg (Run across AO)
  2. Derkins x20 (Run across AO back to pavilion)
  3. Squat Thrusts with CMU x20 (Run across AO)
  4. Pull Ups x10 (Bernie across AO back to pavilion
  5. Mower Pull with CMU x20/arm (Run across AO)
  6. Box Cutters x20 (4 CNT) (Run down hill on the 1/4 mile loop to Stops 7 thru 10.
  7. Burpees x10
  8. Bear Crawl x20
  9. SSH x20
  10. WWII Sit Ups x20 (Run back to pavilion)

Repeat as time allows


LBC’s to cash out (so little time, so much Mary needed)
Total of 11 HIM’s
I added a short thought for the day as I was driving in this morning.  Motivation was a problem for me as I’ve just completed two exercise related goals – Goruck Light and Hardship Hill.  It reminded me of 35 years ago when I hit my goal of a sub 40 minute 10K run on my first attempt.  Took me several days back then to be motivated to continue my training regimen.  The lesson is to always have a goal or goals.  As Snorkel said, “Always have a WHY.”

The second thing I originally planned is based on a Christian song with the words, “fully known and loved by You.”  The you is capital and it is amazing that our God is so loving that He loves us, yet He is really the only One who truly knows everything about us.  Everything.  He knows me more that my wife after almost 45 years of marriage.  He knows me more that any child, grandchild, friend, neighbor, … anybody.  Yet He loves me.  What a gift!  What grace!  What an example for us all!  As Jesus said, all the law is summed up in two commandments.  Love God. Love each other.


2nd F at Hardrock Pizza next to JUCO at 11:30 am today.  Breakfast at Drifters after the beat-down this Saturday.