THE SCENE: Cool and Clear
WARM-O-RAMA: (By Dreamer!)
- SSH’s x20
- Cherry Pickers x10
- LBAC’s Fwd/Rev
- Tempo Merkins x 10
The Escalator
From the AO to the parking lot for the middle school baseball field and back to the AO (adding an exercise each 100 yards or so and then dropping one off on the way back)
- 10 Burpees
- 20 Star Jacks
- 30 Merkins
- 40 Squats
The Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese
Bernie there and run back to the start (10,25,50,75,100)
- 10 Yards (Burpees) x10
- 25 Yards (Merkins) x25
- 50 Yards (Squats) x50
- 75 Yards (Mtn. Climbers 4xCount) x75
- 100 Yards (Big Boys) x100
Ab-kraken ( LBC’s, V-Up, BB’s, Flutters, LBC’s, V-Up, BB’s, Flutters)
Abscess, Backup, Butterfingers, Dreamer, Drifter, Fins, Hammy, Moses, Pinocchio, Proton, Snorkel, Woodshack,
Men spend their live in anticipations, in determining to be vastly happy at some period or other, when they have time. But the present time has one advantage over every other: it is our own. -Charles C. Colton
I’ve been working quite a bit lately and this Q sorta slipped my mind. However, as with all of life’s unexpected moments we always have the choice of how we react. What a great lesson we can all learn when we stop to listen, ask for help, and rely on our fellow HIM’s. Thank you all for your help today and every day! -Butterfingers 🙂