F3 Knoxville

Ancient Path, September 25

THE SCENE: Cloudy and began to rain

  1. Side straddle hops x 20
  2. Tempo squat x 10 (3 count down)
  3. Tempo push up
  4. Tempo Good mornings


Tha-Thang #1

Mosey to the wooden bridge

  • Stride (75%) to next bridge
  • 1st bridge: 20 Dry Docks (hold plank)
  • Stride to next bridge (all run together)
  • 2nd bridge: 30 diamond Merkins (hold squat)
  • Stride to the road
  • 3rd bridge: 40 lunges (20 each leg) (fire hydrant)
  • Stride to fountain
  • Fountain: 50 squats (Big boys)

Indian Run back to the grinder

Tha-Thang #2

Kraken reps of 20:

  1. Pullups
  2. Goblet Squat
  3. Diamond Merkin/Plyo pushup
  4. Sumo DL high pull
  5. Mr. Spectacular
  6. Swings
  7. Dips
  8. Good mornings


  • V ups x 15 
  • American Hammers x 20

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Several years ago I started to pray, very innocently and ignorantly, that God would remove anything that comes between he and I. I prayed that he would take this decade of my life and tear me down to the foundation if he needed to.  He has since and is still dismantling me and humbling me and teaching me and at times it is down right painful. Asking him to show me my agreements (lies that come out of my hurts and woundings) is one way he is teaching me. Another is through images that he gives us in scripture.  I like to hunt and be in the woods so this image I have been given lately that I can’t get out of mind takes place perhaps in the wilderness. Iit comes from Jeremiah 6:16 “Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is and walk in it”. In my mind I am looking around and I am so busy that I can’t see what is right in front of me, what has been there the whole time.  I can’t see this slightly hidden but well beaten path unless I slow down and take my time, unless I engage, unless I remove the unnecessary things from my life. I am reminded that there are no short cuts. I have to push back the agreement that I make that says, “You are 35 and what do you have to show for it. Work harder, worry more, prove yourself” and believe that this time in my life is a time to take the low seat at the table. To purposefully choose what sometimes looks backwards to the world because I am not fighting for the top spot at the table. I am in search of the narrow gate Matthew 7:13 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.  For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few”. I want to find and take the ancient path to the narrow gate. I want to be led to life. There is a way that has been made for me. I am pleased and honored to be on this path with you.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Eminence Front

THE SCENE: 68 degrees, 100% heavy humidity (aka rain).  Prelude music “Riders on the Storm” by the Doors which happened to be the last recording of Jim Morrison.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  (Check)  You break it you buy it.

SSH, Imperial Squat Walkers, Overhead/Out Front Straight Arm Hand Claps
Mosey to Mt. Crumpet for 11’s (2 run assaults, 1 Bernie, etc. to get total 10 accents)

Merkins at the base, Dry Docks at the summit.

Indian run back to the Grinder

Dora on the Grinder

Under the Pavilion (6 laps by each HIM):  Lap 1. Step Ups;  Lap 2. Derkins;  Lap 3. Dips;  Lap 4. BBS;  Lap 5. Pull ups;  Lap 6. SSH  (As many as possible while partner runs to the far end and does CMU work as follows.)  Lap 1. Lunge Dead Lifts, x10/arm;  Lap 2. Squats, x20;  Lap 3. Bent Rows, x20;  Lap 4. Kettle Bell Swings, x10;  Lap 5. Overhead Lifts, x20; Lap 6. Curls, x20

LBC’s; Box cutters, x25; Protractors, various;  Twisting BBS, x20 (ouch); Superman/Banana
Actually had 12 for most of the beatdown but only 10 recorded.  Overnight (Jeremy Acuff) is not in the database yet.  Drifter head locked a guy (Able ?) but he walked away before the end.
Music theme was “Eminence Front” by The Who.  Here are some of the lyrics to explain Pete Townshend’s meaning of the term:

People forget
Forget they’re hiding

Behind an eminence front
An eminence front, it’s a put on
It’s just an eminence front
An eminence front, it’s a put on
An eminence front
An eminence front, it’s a put on
Eminence front
It’s an eminence front, it’s a put on
It’s a put on, it’s a put on, it’s a put on

I admit that there are times (and some of them are not short periods of time) that I have been a put on, a fake, not who I really am.  Sometimes I had to be in order to fulfill a role/position/job that I was in or was assign to perform.  It may not always be a bad thing but it can lead us to believe we are something we are not intended to be.  It is particularly harmful when we hide behind a façade and try to make ourselves better than we are or better than someone else.  Pride isn’t good and leads us to hurt others.  We think we have to do this to conform to the world but Paul reminds us in Romans 12:2  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Periodic self assessment or “real” conversation with someone that knows us well can help each of us realize when our eminence front is going in the ditch.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Weekend rucks involving numerous HIM’s

Dear John

THE SCENE: Clears skies, 74 degrees F., 92% humidity

SSH x20

Little Baby Arm Circles: x12 forward, x12 backward

Cherry Pickers x12

Overhead Claps x25


Mosey to Mt. Crumpet

Partner Up (one teammate ascends while other starts exercise count):

Run up, Merkins x12, Dry Dock x12                                     300 squats

Bernie up, Merkins x12, Dry Dock x12                                 150 BBS

Bear crawl up, Merkins x12, Dry Dock x12                          150 OH claps

Mosey to Grinder

Partner Up (one teammate runs suicide while other starts CME exercise count):

100 OH lifts                                                                            Suicides

150 Bent rows

100 Curls

100 cross over merkins

100 lunge dead lifts right

100 lunge dead lifts left


Box cutters x20

Flutter kicks x20

Protractors, various

LBC’s for 1 minute

Total of 20 HIMs
It happened on my 5th of 14 trips to Saudi Arabia.  Typical of the United Airlines flight from Washington, DC we landed in Kuwait City and had to deplane while refueling the plane and taking on more passengers.  Over an hour later we would load up and head to my final flying destination in Manama, Bahrain.  3 to 4 hours later I would finish the drive from Bahrain to the work site in Ras Al Khair, Saudi Arabia.

About a minute after deplaning in Kuwait City, I saw John entering the gate holding area and coming toward me.  I stood up, stuck out my hand, shook his, and said “hello, John, it’s good to see you.”  John nodded his head, gave a sheepish grin, and said it was nice to see me.  He continued over to a seat a few rows away.  I sat down and was kicking myself for saying what I said.  I decided to pull out a piece of paper and I wrote a note.  In it I apologized for greeting him with a casual “hello John.”  He deserved much more respect that that.  I recognized the service he has given to our country as a Navy pilot during the Vietnam War, the awful conditions and treatment he endured as a prisoner of war for many years, and his continued service as a United States Senator.  I wished him the best and continued success in his job.  My note began with “Dear Senator McCain.”  I handed Senator McCain the note as we were getting on the plane.  I said, “Senator McCain, this is for you.”  I got another sheepish grin and a slight head nod.

Getting off in Bahrain meant descending the stairs to the tarmac and getting on a shuttle bus to get to the terminal.  Senator McCain entered the bus shortly after I did.  From about 12 feet away we looked at each other.  This time he gave me a real big smile and a more deliberate nod of his head.  I believe his gesture indicated acceptance of my note to him.  I felt better about the entire encounter.

I reminded the group this morning that many of the exercises we did could not have been performed by Senator McCain because of the broken arms and leg he sustained while ejecting from his jet bomber and the subsequent abuse and lack of medical care he received in captivity.  I also said that this story is not really about him.  It is just because of his recent death that I was reminded that I learned something a long time ago that I wanted to share – especially with the younger men in our group.

There are many things that I have done wrong in my 66 years of life.  I have been unkind, judgmental, angry, and a host of other things.  I have hurt others with my words and deeds.  I have found that the best thing to do for those I’ve hurt, and for myself, is to try to make things right.  I try to own up to my mistakes and let those I’ve hurt know that I am sorry, that I recognize how I was wrong, and that I seek forgiveness.  It certainly isn’t easy but it is always good for the soul.  Going through that act of self-inflicted punishment introduces a little bit of pain that helps me on the straight and narrow in the future.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Back to it

THE SCENE: Nice morning

SSH x20 IC
LB Arm Circles x12 each side IC
Squats x20
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
Mosey to the grinder. Do 4 exercises at the pavalon, then bear crawl about halfway across grinder. Inch worm merkin the rest of the way to the scrapyard. Do 4 exercises at the scrapyard, then run down the path and back around to the pavalon. Rinse and repeat until Q calls time.

Pavalon Exercises:

  • CMU Bent Over Rows x10
  • One Hand CMU Merkins x12
  • CMU Curls x15
  • Goblet Squats x20

Scrapyard Exercises:

  • Burpees x10
  • BBS x20
  • Side Tri Rise x10 each side
  • Flutter kicks x15 (4 count)

Boxcutters x20 (with a little extra, led by Hammy)
Captain Thor up to 7×28 (Led by Snorkel)
ATMs (led by Woodshack)
LBC OYO to cash out
13 men strong this morning. No FNGs.
I didn’t really prepare anything this morning, so I just talked a little about my experiences the past couple months. The last two months I have only made it to a few F3 workouts (if that) and I have been stress eating a lot. I’ve gained back about 12-15 pounds of the weight that I had lost since I started F3. I have been so busy and stressed that I started shutting down. I realized that when I get to that point, I put myself down. I am hard on myself for not getting things done. I get mad at myself for not doing 28 hours of work in a 24 hour day and I am very unhealthy. Instead of (as Tony Horton would say) doing my best and forgetting the rest, I do an ok job and then beat myself up for not doing better. I am going to try to do better and keep myself healthy the next time that I get that busy. One great thing about F3 is that we have men we can lean on and talk to when things get tough. Instead of leaning on my F3 brothers, I kept my distance. We all go through times when we feel overwhelmed and stressed. We need to approach these times with our heads up and our brothers on our 6. Staying healthy and talking to our brothers are two of the most important things we can do to stay happy in this life.
Keep praying for Bumblebee and his family.
No announcements this morning.

“Farmers Don’t Carry…”

THE SCENE: 70 and 100% Blessed

SSH (ICx16)
Windmills (ICx15)
Burpees (OYOx5)

Indian Run Mosey (w/3 CMUs) to the Educator…

2 Rounds:

  • Incline Iron Boys (OYOx10
  • Run Up Hill, Jog Down, Bernie Up Hill
  • Pickle Pounders (4CTx10)
  • Jog Down Hill


P1 – 250yd Farmer Carry (CMU Each Hand)

P2 – Mountain Climbers w/twist (4CTx10)
Run 3 Parking Lines; Bernie Back 2
8th Line – Imperial Squat Walkers (4CTx10)
Continue Running 3 and Bernie Back 2
16th Line – American Hammers (4CTx10)
Bear Crawl Back to Start and Repeat if P1 Hasn’t Returned Yet

No Time for this Beauty Today
16 Men Including 1 FNG Dr. Bacon…..WELCOME!
Reminder to the PAX to have patience in and throughout our lives.  Work / Job Related, Family Related, Driving and with others in general….and even with God.
There is just something about seeing all the cars roll into the parking lot at 5:20am….the local neighborhood guys running out of the gloom and into the circle that puts a smile on my face and warms my heart!  Thank you all for making this AO a special place!
Kickball Tournament this weekend!