F3 Knoxville

Oh Well, Part 1

THE SCENE: 34 degrees, clear skies, calm wind

• SSH x20
• Arm Circles (forward/backward) x20
• Windmills with back stretch x13
• Jog/Sprint​(length of parking lot, wait after each length)
• Skip/Sprint
• Karaoke/Jog
CMU carry to Mt. Crumpet (stop at every second light post)
• 10 incline merkins
• 10 CMU curls
• Al Gore till all ready to mosey

Base (b4 each trip up)​            To Top/To Base​​           Top
• 10 curls​​​​                                 Run/jog​​​​                      15 BBS
• 10 presses​​​                             Bernie/jog
• 10 swings​​​                              Bear Crawl/jog
• 10 rows​​​​                                  Bernie/jog
• 10 chins                                 ​​​​Run/jog​​​​

Repeat as time allows

CMU carry to AO stopping once for 10 incline merkins/10 curls


10 box cutters; 20 flutter kicks, superman/banana

13 total, no FNG’s
Oh Well Part 1 is a song recorded in 1969 by Fleetwood Mac before the group had Christie MacVie, Lindsay Buckingham, and Stevie Nicks in the group. Written and sung by then lead guitarist Peter Green, the second verse is:

Now when I talk to God, I knew He’d understand; He said, “Stand next to me and I’ll be your guiding hand.  But don’t ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to.  Oh Well.

I don’t need to ask God that question because I know the answer.  He created me, pursued me in my sinful nature, and loved me enough to send His Son to live among us.  His Son loved me enough to bear the burden of my sin, to face rejection by the Father, and to die for me.  His Spirit is willing to live within me in spite of my sinfulness and filthy rags and loves me enough to lead me in my ongoing road to sanctification.  All Christians have that same love and assurance.  Just like we try to headlock other men and get them to join F3, we ought to headlock everyone with the good news of the Gospel



Reminder about Hardship Hill Team OCR on May 19, 2018.  Looking for teams and volunteer workers the day of the event and days leading up to it.


THE SCENE: Low 50’s


  • Tempo Merks x 10
  • Jog across PL, high knees back
  • Jog across PL, wide knees back
  • Jog across PL, butt kicks back


20-1 Circuit

  • 20 Decline Mt Climber 2 count
  • 20 Step ups each leg
  • 20 Derkins – Feet on top of table
  • 20 Close-grip Under table pulls
  • 20 Release Squat with Coupon

Do 1 round through, then suicide out for increasing burpees at the other end. Mosey back, dropping rep each round. Repeat until no reps left.


  • Cross leg sit up x 20 OYO
  • Side v-ups x 20 each OYO

13 including 2 FNGs Tin Man & Neighbor


Push hard to the end. This temporary discomfort will not last forever. When you want to stop, just keep moving. One foot in front of the other.


Sign up to participate or volunteer for Hardship Hill May 19!

Here Comes Peter Cottontail

THE SCENE: Mid 30s to start, but warming up quick!

SSH x25 IC
TN Rocking Chairs x11 IC
Monkey Humpers (4ct!) x25 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Imperial Squat Walkers x10 IC

Mosey down the road to the Elementary School/Little League park (wagon wheel and a stop for 30x BBS OYO halfway)
Pax split into 2 teams, each team with an Easter basket (5 gallon bucket w/25lb sand).
Easter eggs are hidden on the playground.
One PAX from each team carries the basket down the hill and collects one egg. Then bunny-hop back up the hill and hand off to next man.
Remaining PAX alternate between plank and Al Gore with each trip.

Once everyone has run twice, gather in the middle of the basketball court.
Exercises were going to be color-coded to egg color, but looks like we’re short on time.
Just make one run through the list.
PAX pair up for:
15x Low-5/High-10 Burpees
60yd partner carry
20x Leg Throws
20x Squirkins
Wheelbarrow around perimeter of the court
20x Reverse Rows/OH Leg Press

Mosey back to the AO… Getting so late!

Not much today… Just some LBCs, Protractors, and Tempo Merkins.
15 PAX including one FNG. Or FOG… Turned 73 yesterday! Welcome Dozer! Thanks for being our War Daddy today.
The silliness of bunnies, eggs, candy, etc. is fun, but try to get as much of it out of the way as possible today and reserve tomorrow to celebrate and meditate on the real reason for Easter – Remembering the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ from the grave, sealing the long promised gift of Salvation. It’s even more free than F3 – He did everything for you.
Great to have Moses’ dad with us this morning.
Hardship Hill is May 19th… Sign up today! If you need a team, jump on GroupMe and you’ll get recruited real quick.

A stroll with my CMU

THE SCENE: A HOT and dry 62 degree morning (it’s all relative)

SSH x25 IC
Tempo Squats x10 IC
Cherry Pickers x8 IC

Everyone grab a CMU and mosey across the street to the first light pole. We lunged holding the CMU overhead and stopped at each light pole to do the following exercises:

  • 10 merkins on your CMU
  • 15 overhead presses
  • 20 CMU rows
  • 25 Decline Merkins (feet on CMU)

Mosey on over to the fountain and holding the CMU straight out, get in an Al Gore position and move to the right around the fountain. When the Q calls halt, we do 5 CMU burpees. We only did this once due to a little Q modification.

Mosey over to Mt. Crumpet and do 11s. At the bottom, we did CMU merkin rows and at the top we did squat jumps. On the trips up the hill we did the following:

  • 1st and 2nd trips – Bernie
  • 3rd and 4th trips – Bear Crawl
  • 5th and 6th trips – Bunny Hop
  • 7th and 8th trips – Sprint
  • 9th and 10th trips – Bears and Blocks (only Snorkel and Woodshack made it to this point!)

Mosey back to AO with a little bernie thrown in. Did a round of Blocktanamo as soon as we got back to make sure the shoulders were thoroughly burned.

Guantanamo – 1 round
Boxcutters – 15 IC
Woodshack special – Captain Thor to cash out (Got to 6 and 24)

14 men strong including one FNG!
Fear. We all know it. But when we think of the way that early Christians were persecuted and gruesomely martyred because they were spreading the Gospel, how do our fears compare? In this day and age, many people are scared to share the Gospel because they’re afraid of what someone might think of them or that they might “unfriend” them. Why do we give in to these fears when we know how the early Christians were persecuted?

This does not only apply to spreading the Gospel, we all have fear in every day life. Fear holds us back. Some people want to start businesses, but they don’t because they’re afraid the business will fail. Even many people who do start businesses fail, and they think that their fears were justified because of that failure. They don’t realize that it’s the other way around, they failed because they focused on their fear. Some fears are rational while some are irrational. For those rational fears, we must be courageous and overcome them. For those irrational fears, we need to think logically and get rid of them. Everybody’s fears are different, but nobody should let fear hold them back in life.

Hardship Hill on May 19th. Need more teams and volunteers to sign up.

Tennis Court Circuit

THE SCENE: 42 and Wet…Was able to keep the clouds parted long enough to have a rain free beatdown…


  • SSH ICx25
  • TN Rocking Chair ICx15
  • Tempo Squats ICx10
  • Windmills ICx10
  • Rockettes (Left Leg First) ICx10
  • Squat Jumps x15 on Q


Battle Buddy – Following Movements are done together:

  • Burpee Broad Jumps Down
  • Walking Lunge Back
  • Wheel Barrow Down & Back

Tennis Court Circuit:

  • 10 BBS w/twist
  • 06 Hand To Sky Merkins
  • 10 Ankle Touches
  • 06 Squat Jumps
  • 10 X’s and O’s
  • 06 Shoulder Tap Merkins
  • 10 CMU Press
  • 06 Burpees
  • 10 Box Cutters
  • 06 Spiderman Merkins

Half way through Pax go for a run around the block and return to the circuit in the opposite direction.

8 Minutes of CMU Shoulder Work to Finish Out the Beatdown!

Psalm 62 – I encouraged the Pax to spend time in Psalms 62 and find out what that means to them/for them. I explained what it meant for me and my daily battles and life long pursuit of God.