F3 Knoxville

1K…. And Then Some

THE SCENE: 30’s, a little windy, dry and clear.

SSH -IC x 15

Tempo Merkins-IC  x 10

Tempo Squats -IC x 10

Cherry Pickers-IC  x 10
Partner up. Partner 1 does the first exercise while partner 2 does the second then the partners switched when partner two got back.

  • 50 Burpees/CMU Lunge to first cone.
  • 200 Overhead tricep extensions/Bear-crawl to second cone then crawl-bear back
  • 200 Merkins/Farmer walk to third cone.
  • 200 LBC’s/Plank Walk to first cone.
  • 150 Bench Pres/ Overhead CMU lunge to first cone.
  • 150 Reverse Curls/ Suicide to third cone and back then fourth cone and back.
  • 100 CMU Squats/Wrestler Walks to first cone.

25 BBS on your own.

Slutter Kicks-IC x 20

Flutter Kicks-IC x 20

One Minute hold with feet six to twelve inches off ground.

There are 2 different mindsets, fixed and growth. Someone with a fixed mindset for example would fail a test and say “I’m stupid” or “I’m not good enough” or something of that nature because it’s very very easy to make excuses for failure.  A person with a growth mindset for example would fail a test and ask their self what they have to do to make sure it does not happen again or why they failed the test.  A growth mindset is almost mandatory to succeed.


Sound the ALARM

THE SCENE: 54 Perfect degrees, partly cloudy and still a little moisture from the overnight storms

Little of this/Little of that, Michael Phelps, Big Arm circles, Cherry Pickers x 9, Easy jog to middle of parking lot, then high knees to the other side, Butt-kickers to middle, easy jog to the curb.

Started with a bear crawl CMU drag from one end of the grinder to the other.  The CMU was then used in the following circuit:

Round 1 – 20 curls, 20 dips

Round 2 – 20 goblet squats, 20 lunges (10 per leg)

Round 3 – 20 BBS, 20 2-count flutter kicks

Round 4 – 20 Rows, 10 pull-ups

Round 5 – 10 Merkins, 20 CMU bench presses

Between each round, PAX ran an approximately 1/4 mile loop.  At the end of Round 5, start over again with Round 1

We cashed out today to the Cupid Shuffle.  During the verse, PAX would perform Mtn. Climbers, during the “down” part of the song, Pax would perform Merkins, during the “to the left” and “to the right” parts PAX would kick their feet in that direction from a plank position.  Continue through the song (4:39 in length).

One year for Christmas a kid in my neighborhood got a 10-speed bike.  We all had BMX bikes with the old school coaster brakes and Mike Benson was the first in our neighborhood to get a 10 speed.  There was a large hill we called Denton’s Hill that ended into a cross street.  You had to go left or right at the bottom, straight was a field with a picket fence.  We were riding down the hill and got near the bottom and Mike went flying past us, eventually crashing through the fence and into the field.  Turns out he didn’t fully understand how the brakes work on a 10-speed bicycle.  He got away from the fundamentals.  Often as men, we over-complicate things.  In our jobs, with our wives, with our kids and our friends. I have found that if I keep 2 simple, basic fundamentals in mind, everything else just kind of falls into place.  Those are:  love God and love my neighbor.  That is it.  If I am doing those things correctly, I treat my co-workers, my wife, my parents, my kids and my friends the way that God has called me to treat them.  My challenge to myself and the PAX is simple, get back to the basics; love your wives the way you did when you first started dating, be present in your kid’s lives, be the kind of friend that God wants you to be.  Get back to the fundamentals.


The 300

THE SCENE: Upper 30’s

  • SSH x 15
  • Monkey Humpers x 20
  • Drydocks IC x 10


  • The 300 (with CMU)- 50 Merkins, 50 pull-ups, 50 OH Press, 50 squats, 50 dips, 50 rows
  • Do 10 of each exercise, then do lunges with CMU to cones and back. CMU press every time you come up from lunge. When down at other end of cones, 5 CMU burpees


  • CMU Dora – 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 BBS
  • Partner farmer carries while other exercises


  • Ring of Fire
  • 1 min plank
  • LBC’s until end

12 Total – 1 FNG (Cable Guy)
Defining Manhood

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” -Hebrews 10:24-25

“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” -1 Timothy 4:8

“Rejoice in your sufferings, because you know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” -Romans 5:3-4 (EMBRACE THE SUCK!)

Being a man isn’t about showing off or outdoing others, it’s about staying humble and uplifting to others. Being there for other people will get you much more gratitude than any object can.



Simple but effective

THE SCENE: 46 w Drizzle my nizzle

last year we did a February challenge that Capn started. It was really good and especially when traveling. The challenge was simple. Do 2017 reps of merkins, big boys, squats, burps, dry docks, pull ups in the month of February. This averaged out to just over 70 reps a day of each exercise to reach the goal of 2017 reps of each. Based on such, I did mine in sets of 20 (10 on the burps)for 7 rounds. Between each round, I ran roughly a 1/4 mile. It’s a great , simple, triedsbd true workout that takes about 45 minutes. This morning, we modified a little and went like this;

  • 7 rounds w a lap between each round
  • Each round consisted of , 20 merkins, 20 big boys or other AB, 20 over head presses w CMU(replaces dry docks) 20 rows w CMU(replaces pull ups), 20 squats, 10 burps and added 20 cmu curls .
  • When running the lap, we moseyed, we did Indian run for a lap abs a few laps of reverse Indian run.
  • We completed 6 rounds

Was this this workout a ball buster, NO! Was it cray cray creative, NO! Did we sweat, yes! Did we get some reps in, yes! Did we get cardio in , yes!! Did we stay together and get better together, YES! Sometimes, a good workout is keeping it simple and effective.

Part of the thang
8 pax
I was out all week last week resting my hamstring. It killed me not to be in the gloom w my F3 brothers. I needed the rest but I also felt myself slipping to the dark side. I know that I need accountability. I need to be in the gloom w my brothers from another mother. I am not the type of guy that will go 100% alone as it’s too easy to take a break and walk when I should run . Long story short, I need to be surrounded by positivity (F3), I am a glass is half full guy but still need the accountability and the positivity that F3 has to give. So, if your injured, rest up and get well but don’t let yourself slip out of the positivity and consistency that F3 offers.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The Bomb Shelter Run (C.S.A.U.P. Event)

THE SCENE: Low Mid 60’s with some light rain

Drifter Q:

start things off with the Disclaimer (He is NOT a professional, refers everyone to take notice of how he is dressed; clearly NOT a professional…1 PAX member commented that Drifter must have had a Blink182 concert to attend after the event…

SSH (IC) x10 slow / x10 fast
Boxer Jacks (IC) x10 slow / x10 fast
Mosey to Grinder:
Lunge forward then backwards
Inchworm Merkins w/hand release
Quad Stretch
Cherry Picker Stretch (fists on ground, walk legs out to the side and back in)
Merkin Ring of Fire, but as a Wave!
Mtn Climbers (IC) 10x slow / 10x fast

1st leg was approximately 3.2 miles of running until arriving to the Beatdown:

Mayberry Q:

21 Jump Street:

  • 21 Pull-ups (side of the Alcoa bridge)
  • 21 Burpees (middle of bridge)
  • 21 handstand push-ups (far side of bridge)
    Run back to start and drop 1 rep. (15 min time limit)

2nd leg was approximately 3.2 miles until arriving to the Beatdown:

Snorkel Q:

Split up into 2 groups and then partner up. Near side of Bicentennial Park bridge do:

  • 10 Plank Tri Ext & Derkins Then Wheel Barrel Half of Bridge Switch and come back
  • 8 Plank Tri Ext & Derkins Then Wheel Barrel Half of Bridge Switch and come back
  • 6 Plank Tri Ext & Derkins Then Wheel Barrel Half of Bridge Switch and come back
  • 4 Plank Tri Ext & Derkins Then Wheel Barrel Half of Bridge Switch and come back
  • 2 Plank Tri Ext & Derkins Then Wheel Barrel Half of Bridge Switch and come back

Far side of Bicentennial Park Bridge Partner 1 Wall Sits until Partner 2 completes 15 side to side Merkins.
Partner 2 then monster tire walks to replace Partner 1; Partner 1 bear crawls to area to complete side to side Merkins.

3rd leg….who cares how long, we were too far away to quit and had to get back to the car somehow…(another 3… something miles…felt like 10; here we go!).

Waxjob Q:

Split into 3 groups. 1st man plank, 2nd man bear crawl ahead and plank, 3rd slalom bear crawl to front. Remaining PAX continue to slalom bear crawl to the front until team reaches 50 yard line.
Reverse the process, planking person is now facing the sideline while the PAX in motion jump over the planking PAX.
Mosey to jungle gym:
15x Partner reverse-merkins/OHP on monkey bars
15x Squirkins
10x Over/Unders
15x Leg Throwdowns

4th and final leg was very short, no lies, really short…more like a mosey.

Cap’n Crunch Q:

Starting with 1 exercise, adding another exercise until all 5 exercises are completed in succession. then work back down until only the last exercise is left. 20 seconds per exercise:

  • Burpees (20 sec)
  • Burpees (20 sec) Dry Docks (20 sec)
  • Burpees (20 sec) Dry Docks (20 sec) Narrow Squats (20 sec)
  • Burpees (20 sec) Dry Docks (20 sec) Narrow Squats (20 sec) Diamond Merkins (20 sec)
  • Burpees (20 sec) Dry Docks (20 sec) Narrow Squats (20 sec) Diamond Merkins (20 sec) High Knees (20 sec)
  • High Knees (20 sec) Diamond Merkins (20 sec) Narrow Squats (20 sec) Dry Docks (20 sec) Burpees (20 sec)
  • High Knees (20 sec) Diamond Merkins (20 sec) Narrow Squats (20 sec) Dry Docks (20 sec)
  • High Knees (20 sec) Diamond Merkins (20 sec) Narrow Squats (20 sec)
  • High Knees (20 sec) Diamond Merkins (20 sec)
  • High Knees (20 sec)

No PAX were interested in any ladies, specifically Mary by the end of this event!

38 PAX!!


BOM – CSAUP – Bomb Shelter Run (Cap’n Crunch)

I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.

I ask not for an easier path, but for stronger feet.

I ask not for weaker enemies, but for a stronger self.

Jewish Proverb

Congratulations brothers, you did it.  You embraced the challenge and are victorious.  Take and let it sink in…you’ve earned.

I’d like to share something I’ve been thinking about for a while now.  F3 has been a life-changing experience for me.  Every morning I leave a workout I truly leave better than when I arrived.  Lately I’ve been thinking about why that is the case.  Here are my observations.

I believe there are two simple truths that we have lost as men:

  1. The opposite of manhood isn’t womanhood, it’s boyhood
  2. Manhood isn’t a destination or a journey, it’s a mindset

When we lose the distinction between boyhood and manhood our worlds begin to spin off kilter.  We become self-focused, self-protective, self-indulgent and self-reliant.  In other words, it becomes all about us.  As we reject passivity and accept responsibility for our lives we grow as men in all areas: physically, mentally, relationally and spiritually.  We begin to be others-focused, self-sacrificing and interdependent.  We begin acting like men.

In this world, three things serve as resistance to our growth as men:

  • Comfort
  • Convenience
  • Certainty

Overcoming these boils down to our mindset.  We have to daily set aside a boyhood-mindset and embrace a manhood-mindset.  We combat comfort with challenge, we set aside convenience for consistency and we abandon certainty and embrace camaraderie.  I see it as two contrasting mindsets:

A Boyhood-mindset seeks… A Manhood-mindset seeks…
Comfort Challenge
Convenience Consistency
Certainty Camaraderie

Every time we gather, the COP becomes our arena to consistently embrace challenge in the company of like-minded men.

But it’s not enough for us to do this physically.  We MUST carry this mindset to all areas of our lives, especially our relationships with our loved ones and with God.  Never stop striving for more brothers.  Keep embracing new challenges and keep any eye on the six so you can help the man who has stumbled.  Together we will make a difference!