F3 Knoxville

Luck of the Draw

THE SCENE: 65 humid degrees with a light wind out of the west

Cherry Pickers x 10, LB Arm Circles x 10, SSH x 15 then skip across the parking lot and back, high knees across and butt-kickers back.


14 PAX set out to get better today

Luck of The Draw

  • 2 decks of cards placed at opposite ends of the parking lot.  On each card is written an exercise.  Random PAX draws a card and calls out the exercise and the face value of the card (which equals the number of reps).  PAX runs to the cones placed at the mid-point of the parking lot and performs the exercise and the prescribed number of reps.  After completion, run to the opposite curb where a card is drawn and the exercise is called.  Exercises are performed at the mid-point of the parking lot (run 25 yards-exercise-run 25 yards), rinse and repeat.
  • Mosey toward the sand-bag barricade while singing cadence (message me if you want the cadence)
  • Pine Tree Hill with a Battle Buddy
  • Pick a battle buddy.  Buddy 1 runs to the pine tree at the top of the hill, touches the tree and returns.  While Buddy 1 is running, Buddy 2 is performing an exercise with a CMU.  When both have completed 1 run and 1 set of the exercise, round 1 is complete and Round 2 begins.  The exercises are as follows and all are performed with a CMU:
    • Round 1 Clean and Press
    • Round 2 Squats
    • Round 3 Bench Press
    • Round 4 Rows
    • Round 5 Overhead Press
    • Rinse and Repeat
  • Mosey back to the Grinder slingshotting with the CMU.  Buddy 1 runs while Buddy 2 does 5 Merkins.  When the Merkins are complete, Buddy 1 runs to catch Buddy 2.  When he catches him, Buddy 2 does 5 Merkins while Buddy 1 runs with the CMU.  Continue to the Grinder.

25 Big Boy Sit-Ups, 10 Flutter Kicks, 10 Slutter Kicks

My oldest son Eli is on the autism spectrum.  A while back he observed his younger brother and me interacting with some friends of mine in town.  Later that night, he shared with me that he wished he was like me and Luke.  His desire was to be able to interact better with people and be more comfortable in social settings.  I shared with him that I would not change him even if I could, that what made him special was that he has a unique perspective and gifts that are different than mine.  I told him his mom and I have always referred to him as our magnificent puzzle and that we love who and what he is, no matter what.  He went on his way and returned a little while later and put his arm around me and said, “I love you, dad.”  The word this morning was that sometimes all of us need to hear that our Father loves us unconditionally, defects and all.  We are his wonderful creation.  Jeremiah 1:5 says “before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.”  The Creator of the universe knows me, a screwed-up dude in Maryville, TN.  And that is pretty awesome.
Thank you to my Bomb Shelter brothers for the support and encouragement on my VQ.  I love you guys, you are the best.
2/23/18 Meet at the AO around 5:15-5:30 to set-up for CSAUP, there will be a little running, a little driving and a little fellowship at Public House for Fermentation Friday.

2/24/18 CSAUP at 6 AM sharp.  Please park in the parking lot of the Methodist church adjacent to the park.

Tour De Park

THE SCENE: 9 degrees and snowy

Seal to Predator Jacks  x 15 4-count IC  (arms out front hand together, jack down into a wide squat)

Suicide Combo, fwd 3, bck 2:

Sprint Suicides

Bear Crawl suicides


Tour de Park – start towards the fountain 5 stops: 1. Right around the corner from fountain 2. Far back side of park 3. Mt Crumpet 4. Sidewalk straight to grinder 5. In front of the church

Extra stop at rock pile for some shoulder work:

  • Rock Pile Shot Put x 20 each arm
  • Rock Pile arm circles fwd/bck x 20 each
  • Rock Pile fly-row-press-rev curl

(active rest: duck walks, bernies, plank, al gore)

10 reps each of the 5 stops:

  • Burpees
  • Dry Docks
  • Roll up v up
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Squats lateral side to side


In and Outs x 20 4-count IC

9 PAX no FNGs


Some Wise Quotes

When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new – Dalai Lama

Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don’t control what you think, you can’t control what you do – Unknown

There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live – Dalai Lama

Open-minded people don’t care to be right, they care to understand. There’s never a right or wrong answer. Everything is about understanding – Unknown

The true mark of maturity is when somebody hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back – Unknown


Looking Back

THE SCENE: I Bomb Shelter, clear skies, light wind, 27 degree F.
WARM-O-RAMA:  Locomotive Breath by Jethro Tull

  • Baby arm circles – 20x both rotations
  • SSH 20x – 4 count
  • Tempo Squats – 20x
  • Tempo Merkins – 20x
  • Imperial Squat Walkers – 20x

THA-THANG:  Whipping Post by The Allman Brothers Band Live at the Fillmore East

  • Indian run to Mt. Crumpet (2x sprint to front)
  • Mt. Crumpet workout – 5 trips up (run, Bernie, run, bear crawl, run), 5 burpees decrease to 1 burbee at top, 2 BBS to 10 BBS (increase by 2 each trip) at the bottom of the hill, mosey down each trip.
  • Mosey to fountain center – 10 dips, 10 merkins, times two reps
  • Mosey to Grinder stopping halfway for 10 BBS and then 10 BBS at Grinder
  • Grinder workout – 10 bench hops, 10 merkins, 10 dry docks, 20 dips. Each one separated by running length of the grinder for 20 SSH then back.  (Two repetitions.)


  • Hello Dolly’s in cadence 20x
  • Leg lifts/box cutters on command
  • Bicycles
  • Superman/Banana
  • Little baby crunches

17 including FNG “Tinkle” and renamed PAX “Pup”
I read my response to an email chain with a former boss from April 17, 2003.  Towards the end he asked me if I missed my days as a volunteer baseball and soccer coach and the days when my children were still at home.  In it the following thoughts and points were presented.

Do you miss the past? Do you wish you had done things differently?  Do you find joy in the here and now?

What we make of life is mostly above our shoulders.  How much better would it be if we let our hearts rule!  How much better would our memories be if we just let our hearts have more influence and be less selfish!

The impact the parents have on their children and their children have on parents is a blessing.  Parents are teachers, bosses, and friends to them but the emphasis must be on the first two.  They can find friends elsewhere but they can’t find other parents.  What a joy it is when their is mutual respect especially as they reach adulthood.

Strive to live in a way where the need to “go back” doesn’t exist, where there is satisfaction in the past.  Look forward to the next bend in the road or the crest of hill knowing that the days of the past will help us face it.  Live by faith with Spirit and Truth.

I am so thankful that I have joined up with F3.  I am thankful that my son, I-Beam, thought to invite me, to have faith that I could endure this.  I look forward to the Fitness, I have come to cherish the Fellowship, I am blown away by the Faith that I have come to experience with F3.  I don’t know how long I will be physically able to stay involved but I do know that whether it is 1 year or 5, I will look back with great satisfaction knowing that this time will help me face the future.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
CSAUP February 24, 2018


THE SCENE: Mid 20’s with snow on the ground.

  • SSH x 15
  • Mountain Mule Kicks x 15 (kick legs Back and up landing right leg forward then switch, then kick again landing left forward and switch. That’s 1.) x 15
  • Cherry Pickers x 10
  • Arm Circles x 10 each way


Mosey to Mt. Crumpet doing Thruster Merkins at each light post increasing by 2 each time.

Battle buddys. Buddy 1 bear crawls to the tree and moseys back down, buddy 2 doing Bernie hops up to cone (1/2 way), run back down to do 30 calf raises, repeat until buddy 1 comes back then switch. 6 rounds.

Mosey to circle around the fountain.

  • CMU Dips x 30 (legs fountain)
  • CMU Single-leg Goblet squat x 15 each leg

2 rounds.

Suicides back to Pavalon running forward 2 posts and back 1 touching the ground each post.

  • Decline Merkin x 20 legs on table top
  • Balance lunge x 20 each leg
  • Lunge across grinder, run back

2 rounds


  • Hundreds
  • Single leg touch x 15 each side
  • ABCs
  • LBC to cash out

14 including FNG “Calf”

The Values and Conscience of a Leader

How are we to respond to others who hold values different from our own? That’s the issue of Romans 14. Paul speaks in this passage not of eternal issues or absolute truths, but about “gray areas”—subjects that are questionable and maybe even fuzzy. Christians can differ on these issues and still be part of the same organization. On these issues, no scripture declares an unequivocal right or wrong. Note Paul’s counsel for situations like this:

Be open, not condescending (vv. 1–3).

Remember that everyone answers to the Lord, not to you (v. 4).

Cling to your own convictions (v. 5).

Whatever your values, your motive should be to please God (vv. 6–9).

You are ultimately accountable to the Lord (vv. 10–12).

Do not cause anyone to stumble (v. 13).

Don’t let others impose their values on you, and vice versa (v. 14).

Make love your highest aim (v. 15).

Major on the majors and minor on the minors (vv. 16–18).

Pursue peace and adding value to people (v. 19).

Don’t destroy anyone by imposing your values on them (vv. 20–22).

Anything is wrong that is not done out of personal faith (v. 23).


CSAUP February 24

Lap after Lap

THE SCENE: Actually above freezing this time, tropical paradise

  • SSH x20 IC
  • Worst Merkin Ever x5 OYO
  • Squats x20 IC


Mosey to hill at the AO with CMU

  • Run up hill with CMU over head – do 10 squats, 10 press, 10 merkins, mosey back down. Keep repeating, subtract 1 rep of the exercises until complete.

At the Grinder:

  • Exercises at each corner – Merkins, Squats, Dry Docks, Iron Mikes
  • Do 20 of each exercise at each corner. Once one lap is complete, repeat again but subtract two laps from last one. 20, 18, 16, 14, etc…

Back to AO:

  • Partner up – You and partner must total 200 BBS. One person does BBS while other does Farmer Carry with CMU


  • Protractors!
  • LBC’s

PAX count – 9
Be humble with your giving and your prayer. Do not use the good things you do to brag, but use that as motivation to do more.

In Matthew 6 –

Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then you Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Matthew 7:7 – Ask, and it will be given. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will open