F3 Knoxville

Down on the Docks

THE SCENE: Nice cool morning.  About 55 degrees with no humidity.

Started with 25 SSH on 4ct then mosey’d to pavilion flag pole for 10 tempo merkins, 10 windmills, and 10 mountain climbers all on the 4 count.  Mosey’d to Circus Maximus for some butt kickers down and jog back and skips down jog backs
Mosey’d to dock on the back side near cardiac for 4 rounds of 4 exercises followed by running the short loop there.  Exercises were

  • 20 Dry Docks
  • 20 Calf Raises
  • 20 LBC’s
  • 10 Burpees
  • Then run loop

Competed 4 rounds then mosey’d to cardiac for10 squat jumps at bottom light pole, first bend, second bend, and top.  We bernie’d all the way up.

Mosey’d to tail of dragon for a trip down route 66 with Merkins

After completion…back to the AO

Had time for some Freddie Mercury’s, Heel touches, and LBC’s all 20 on 4ct

Discussed how character always rises to the top.  Used a story about Grant Williams as an example in light of his NBA record night a few days ago.  What do you do when you think people aren’t watching?

Matlock’s playlist

THE SCENE: 56 and wonderful

Side stratal hop 20

Imperial squat walker 10

Baby arm circles 10


Mosey around the Asylum.  Do a burpee every time a random PAX can’t name that tune from Madlocks play list.


Stop 1- 5 up downs

Stop 2- 10 hand release  mericans 

Stop 3 – add 15  froggy squats 

Stop 4- add 20 4x lbc

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Men are the least like to be a mentor, there are over 59 kids on the waiting list for a mentor most of them boy how could benefit from a HIM a few hours a month.

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Trivia Night

After being properly motivated, we did some Stretchies and we vowed to trust the (Junk) Science. Everybody got 10 years of invincibility; you’re welcome. PAX was quiet, so we did some Shoulder Blasters because that always gets people complaining.

Trivia Night at F3 commenced. If you or your partner got a correct answer, you were both exempted from burpees before the next exercise. Some guys know sports, some guys know art and literature, some guys know history. Some guys (looking at you, Lulu) just start doing burpees.

We hit the Cloud for some Descending Box Baby Box Rows, then traveled to the Caribbean for juuust a hint of a Sutherland Seabiscuit. Just a skosh. The faintest whiff.

Speaking of Seabiscuit, Convoy and Swimmies are like two thoroughbreds among a bunch old mares on their way to the glue factory. They beat us to Cardiac, where we only had time for one and a half Crawdad Comebacks.

Two things about your Q: 1) he is not going to make you do knee-based air presses on asphalt, and 2) time management may not be his strong suit. So we couldn’t complete a full round of the Dark Webb, and it was all Q’s fault. But as Donald Rumsfeld said, “You go to F3 with the Q you have, not with the Q you wish you had.”

Lebowski pointed out another ill effect of Q’s poor clock management, which is that we didn’t go by the ATM and none of us has cash for the weekend.

Sincere gratitude to all F3 men for leading and participating in workouts. I wouldn’t do anything if it wasn’t for you all.

Philippians 4:10-13.

25 or 6 to 4 (+6=16), I think

THE SCENE: Low 40s & foggy
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yes, all the right things.

SSH, Spider Merkins, Rockettes, Tie Fighters, Rocky Balboas, Super Mario Bros., Bernie
Stations on a Circuit

Round of 25’s with a potential Bonus Round

Station 1:
– Burpees (20)
– Lt. Dan’s (5)
BONUS – LBCs (16 – 4 Count)

Station 2:
– Carolina Dry Docks (20)
– Imperial Squat Walkers (5)
BONUS – X-Factor (16 – 4 Count)

Station 3:
– Hand Release Merkins (20)
– Big Boy Sit-Ups (5)
BONUS – Windmills (16 – 4 Count)

Station 4:
– Boxcutters (20 – 4 Count)
– Hello Dolly’s (5 – 4 Count)
BONUS – Reverse Crunches (16)

Station 5:
– Table Rows (20)
– Box Jumpers (5)
BONUS – Calf Raises (16 – 4 Count)

16 CPRs with a local coupon, Parking Lot Loop & a good leg stretch
16 HIMs including one visitor from NOLA, Hogsicle
Q celebrating wedding anniversary and wanted to remember Genesis 2:27. This week the Q played the role as a single parent and appreciates the meaning of God making a helper for Adam, but that Adam still needs to help Eve.

Oak Ridge CSAUP at Haw Ridge & Hardship Hill is back this fall

Nobody Picked up the Q

THE SCENE: Just a hint of a chill at circle up.  36 degrees-ish

Started out with 20 SSH on the 4 count then mosey’d to lower parking lot for 12 tie fighters right and left. Butt kickers half way then jog to other end.  Tempo merkins and imperial walkers, then high knees and jog back.
Partner up for DORA’s at the bottom of baby hill.  Partner 1 starts sets of 150 merkins and 150 4ct flutter while partner 2 goes up hill for 3 burpees and back to relieve partner 1.

When completed head towards Bermuda triangle for 3 jump squats at every other light pole to cross walk.  When 6 was up, grab a rock for 20 4ct curls and 20 4ct OH press.

Mosey to bottom of Everest for 20 4ct LBCs and 20 4ct Freddie Mercury.  Head up Everest…

At top perform 10 bar-b-que squats and head to overlook…

At overlook DORA’s with partner again this time with Squats and LBCs as exercises while partner runs loop.

Mosey back to AO


2 Minutes for some Captain Thor’s

Discussed the “Sphere of Influence” and the importance of us reflecting Christ to the ones around us.  Our job is to impact the group around us and the idea is for it to grow exponentially.