Q: Natty
PAX: Gordie, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Gmail, Natty, Herbie, Simmons, Switchgrass (Stacy Clark), DUCKHUNT2005, Jim Norris
FNGs: None
WARMUP:Thai fighters, t-plank arm circles, OH press, seal claps, OH claps, chinooks, army cherry pickers
THE THANG: run to lifehouse lot and hold plank, then tempo merkins
Run to backlot Pair up with 4 stations / 3 rounds exercises: 25 burps, BBS, Superman’s, 50 plank jacks, mkns, am hammers, 75 forward hop overs, toe taps & moguls; 100 Mtn climbers, high knees, SSH’s
MARY: gas pumps, box cutters, hello Dollie’s, Bruce lee’s
Switch on TG or run the Regal 5K with Natty and Mr. Wedgie
COT: Good is the enemy of great. 2 Peter 1:5-7