F3 Knoxville

Giving Thanks… and no Beaver Moon!

THE SCENE: Cold, low 40s, fairly calm and clear, but the hallowed Beaver Moon didn’t make an appearance, to everyone’s disappointment.



– Motivators 7 count decreasing

– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct), in cadence (aborted this exercise due to mumblechatter around 6 or so…)

– 10 Rockettes (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Grady Corns  (4-ct), in cadence

– Calf stretches


Mosey to Caribbean Parking Lot

  • NO MERCY MILE (really more like a half mile)
    • Near end: Bear Crawl around turn
    • Run to ½ way point. 25 Merkins. Run to curve
    • Far End: Lunges around turn
    • Sprint to ½ way point. 25 Squats. Run to Curve.
    • Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey to open air Chapel

    • 30 sec dips, rest 10 sec. R&R x4
    • 30 sec incline merkins, rest 10 sec R&R x4
    • 30 sec isometric squats (alternating), rest 10 sec R&R x4

Mosey to east down path towards the bottom of Cardiac.  At intersection, 20 American Hammers (4-ct)

Mosey to bottom of Cardiac.  20 Imperial Walkers (4-ct)

  • Cardiac Crusher
    • Run to first curve and back, 20 flutter kicks (2-ct)
    • Run to second curve and back, 20 flutter kicks (2-ct)
    • Run to top, stop at each turn to do 10 merkins, 10 squats, and 10 BBS

Mosey to AO

Homer/Marge leg raises

16 strong


Back in 1620, 102 separatists Christians left Europe and came to America via a little boat called the Mayflower.  The first years in America were very hard, and about half the population died within the first several months.  They likely all would have died without the help of the Native Americans, who provided food and taught them how to grow crops.  They celebrated the harvest the following year, in 1621, with Thanksgiving. The celebration lasted 3 days. Thanksgiving was only sporadically celebrated until 1789 when George Washington called for it to be a recurring celebration.  Even then, it still didn’t totally catch on until 1941, when FDR and Congress declared it a national holiday.  Why is it so tough to celebrate Thanksgiving?  We seem to want to skip over it it and move right from Halloween to Christmas.  If you’re cynical, maybe it’s because there’s no money in Thanksgiving?  Not as many cards, gifts, and promotional events…Except for the Macy’s parade, and for that everyone is just waiting for Santa at the end.

But there is a human need to give Thanks.  One of the first things parents teach their children is to say Thank You (when handing a young child something…: “What do you say? What do you SAY??”).  Giving Thanks is important because it interrupts the Self, recognizes the Other in our life.  We value that other.  We have an imperative and a need to give Thanks to those we have relationships with.  And who or what is the primary relationship in our life?  It’s God, and we need to give Thanks to God.  Giving Thanks reminds us that we are recipients, not creators.  It allows us a moment to pause and count our blessings.  STEAM recently posted a message in Sticky Notes Channel: “GAS PRICES ARE HIGH, THIS SUCKS” VS “I WAS ABLE TO FILL UP MY CAR WITH GAS. THANK YOU JESUS.” What a great perspective for the week of Thanksgiving.

I love the line from the song Signs that was sung by Tesla and written by Five Man Electrical Band… “Thank you Lord, for thinking about me, I’m alive and doing fine.”

Here’s what I think.  I think we need to build a world that strips out the biases and fear of other religions, other cultures, other world views and focuses on the basics.  Love God, Love your Neighbor.  Easy Peasy.  Right?  Wrong.  It’s simple, but it’s not easy.  How do we do that? Giving Thanks can be a great place to start and get beyond the differences.  Seek first the Kingdom of God.  The Kingdom of God is love, generosity, thankfulness, and justice.  That is how we live in that Kingdom.  This is what was in the heart of the Pilgrim’s journey. To be a loving, generous, and thankful community.

Prayers for Steam’s mom who has COVID, for other friends and family members going through illness or trials.  Prayers for the victims of the Waukesha driving calamity.  Prayers for our nation as tensions rise and the Enemy tries to divide and discourage us.
Christmas party Dec. 11!

Getting Uncomfortable

THE SCENE: Rainy day, but skies cleared by start of Q as temperatures started to drop

20x Side straddle hops, Cherry Pickers, 15x Moroccan Bightclubs, Tempo Squats and Little of this and that

The grass was wet, but we hit it early anyway

  • Straight to the bottom of Pickett’s Charge for a Pickett’s Charge Suicide run.
    • 5 merkins at the bottom each time back, 1st tier 5 Prisoner Get-ups, 2nd tier 5 Imperial Walkers and 3rd trip all the way up to the Coliseum and stayed there
  • Coliseum, under the string lights. A little back and forth.
    • One side under the lights, lunges to each pole and 10 Big Boys at each of the 4 stops, run back to the other side
    • Other side is bear crawls to each pole with 10 squats at each stop then run back to first side and rinse and repeat each side twice to finish up
  • Mosey to the light pole at the base of the Haslam Rock. Route 66 heading towards the rest rooms downhill. 11 light poles adding 1 merkin each stop to 11 lights.
  • After gathering ourselves we wandered to the adjacent parking lot across the street from the Cloud and ran 2 Karaoke runs the full length of the lot switching sides halfway each run and sprinting back to the beginning
  • Slosey to the base of mini-Cardiac hill where we did 5 Burpees before a Bernie to the sign a bit more than halfway up and then sprinted to the top. Followed by a run back to the AO for circle time and a couple minutes of stretching

Just a few leg stretches to finish off the last 2 minutes

Spoke of a retired Marine friend of mine who has spent the last half year getting himself into uncomfortable positions talking to those less fortunate than us on the streets of Tampa and befriending them to know their stories and helping them out as much as he can. He related getting uncomfortable to the November tradition of men growing facial hair and how that can remind those that do that to embrace getting uncomfortable and seeking to find hard truths during the month. That is a great lead in to Thanksgiving week where we then express thanks for what all we have, which then leads to December where you can better target giving and gifts and the great holiday spiritual journey ties up nicely in January where you can then find a way to better yourself with a resolution for the New Year. Don’t coast through the holidays, grow through them.

The Q started tough and didn’t let up, but our 10 hung tough.

We also welcomed an FNG tonight. Welcome to @Moneyball

Announcement on the upcoming F3 Christmas party on Dec 11

Farewell Q

THE SCENE: 54F, drizzling

Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community. I’m Jetlag and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!


Motivators starting at 5

Box jumps + run around pavillon

High knees

Plank jacks

Mountain climbers


Pyramid: 20 reps

  1. Merkins
  2. Merkins – shoulder press
  3. Merkins – shoulder press – curls – table pulls/cmu rows
  4. Merkins – shoulder press – curls – tp – squat jumps
  5. Merkins – shoulder press – curls – tp – squat jumps – step overs
  6. Intermission break: run around pavilion twice or burpees (F3 names, F3 workouts, F3 AOs, F3 Hospital Names)
  7. Shoulder press – curls – TP – squat jumps – step overs
  8. Curls – TP – squat jumps – step overs
  9. TP – squat jumps
  10. Squat Jumps
  11. Burpees



5min yoga stretching

16 HIMs in attendance.

There will be times in your life that you may question God and His plans for you. These times are usually when you struggle, lose someone, or uncertainties in life. But, I tell you this – God’s plan is perfect. He’s timing is always right. It may not seem like it but have faith that God is working His ways for the better of you.
My brothers, as I host my last Q (at least for this year) I am truly grateful and honored to be part of such an amazing brotherhood that we have here in F3. I was supposed to stay for only 6 weeks here in the US and that 6 weeks turned into a year. And you guys made it truly memorable for me and my family. You have made a huge impact on my life and my family’s. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you and until next time! I love you, brothers!


Coat Drive – Coats donation still on going. You can give out your old coats to Rainbow.

34 and On a Birthday Q

THE SCENE: Not as chilly as it could be. 

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done and Done. Lots of chatter during this, mostly from the lawyer in the group.


SSH IC x34; LBAC IC x17 EWay; Tempo Squat x10; Tempo Merk x10; Butt Kicks; High Knees


Route 66 

  • Captain Thor 1:2 ratio every other light for 10 sets 

Mosey to Everest and go up it

Mosey with wet shoes to the Coliseum 

Ghostman Baseball 

  • First → 10 Merkins 
  • Second → 10 Squats 
  • Third → 10 Should taps 
  • Home → 4 Burpees 
    • 1 group goes to 1st and back while the other does ab work; switch
    • Repeat adding a base and an exercise returning back down the bases 
    • Q led one group through ab work
    • Choir Boy (the inventor of Ghostman Baseball) led the other group

Long Mosey to Circus Maximus 

Circus Maximus

  • Blindside’s Fellowship Biscuit  (PAX stays together, once 6 starts the ab work; Q starts the 10 count)
    • Lap → 34 Merkins → Hello Dolly 
    • Lap → 34 Squats → Flutter Kicks
    • Lap → 34 4 ct. SSH → Freddie Mercury

Return to AO 


Stretching out the legs after (almost 3.4 miles) a lot of moseys 


17 HIMs; 1 FNG; Welcome “Bag-Daddy,” a double respect HIM who also happens to be Blindside’s own dad! 


Luke 13:8-9 … Parable of a fig tree not bearing fruit. 3 years without fruit? The owner of the vineyard wanted to cut it down, it was wasting space. The steward pleads by saying he will dig around it, fertilize it, and tend to it more. If we want the fruit of God’s presence in our lives, then we must continually choose to make our hearts a fruitful garden in which the virtues of God grow and are nourished in abundance. 

Today is my birthday. I signed up for this Q several months ago when I learned that Birthday-Qs were a thing. It took me a while to remember that by performing a Birthday-Q, I would be publicizing my birthday. For most of my adult life, I have hated celebrating my birthday. I had several poor birthday experiences in a row during college and felt like it was always a burden on others like I didn’t want to be let down. I have gone so far as to ask my M to cancel a surprise party she was planning for me a couple of years ago because I didn’t want to celebrate. 

What I have learned recently is that by acting this way, by acting like I don’t want to be celebrated, I am actually taking away others’ ability to celebrate me. I love celebrating others and I am taking that joy away from the people that mean the most to me in my life. I thought I was being humble and not a bother to those around me, but in actuality, I was being selfish and hurtful to my family, my friends, and all those in my life that care about me. 

Don’t be selfish, ya’ll. It’s a bad look. 


  • Coats for the Cold: Donate coats for KARM now through November 13th. 
  • Brovember Challenge: F3Knoxville’s November Challenge. Sign-up on Slack. Slack channel “brovember2021” 


Mini Seabiscuit at Asylum

THE SCENE: Mostly sunny ,slight breeze, low 80’s


Cherry Pickers 20 IC

Michael Phelps  OYO

Baby Arm Circles – Up 10 IC

Baby Arm Circles – Down 10 IC

Merkins – 10 OYO


Partner Up, Grab your CMU

Mosey to south stop sign at “Y

Do 33 CMU curls

Mosey to Lower Gravel Loop

Each Team of 2 selects 1 or 2 exercises from following list:


Iron Mike


CMU Overhead Press

CMU Curl



Jump Squat


4 ct American Hammers

Hello Dolly

Grady Corn

Bobby Hurley

Squat Jack

The Combined count of reps between the one or two exercise must add up to 33

For example, each person on the team does 33 reps. of chosen 1 exercise, or they each do 16 of one and 17 of another. Or 30 of one and 3 of another, etc. Must add up to 33

Do set of exercise, then run as follows:

1 lap, exercise, 2 laps, exercise, 3 Laps, exercise, 4 laps, exercise, 3 laps, exercise, 2 laps, exercise, 2 laps (goal is to complete 18 laps)

Mosey Back to stop sign at “Y”, do whatever set of 33 exercises you were doing at seabiscuit

Mosy Back to AO

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
19 HIMs total

Life is tough and full of unexpected challenges. We can be better prepared to face life’s challenges if we take control (the best we can) and make a plan. Of course, situations change and we may not follow our plan, but we are certainly better prepared when we do have a plan. Tonight my plan seemed simple (I had planned 18 laps plus mosey distance for everyone at a reasonable pace) to end up at 3.3 miles. I chose 33 because my late son Grady’s (F3 Quikrete) 33rd birthday was 10/17. We didn’t quite hit 3.3 miles but we got close. Situations usually never go as planned, but plans are invaluable.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.