F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Light rain, temp in low 60s.

20 Side-Straddle Hops, 20 Plank Jacks, 10 Windmills, 10 Rockettes, 10 Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward, 7 Wide Arm Circles Forward and Backward.
Our AO for the day was the pavilion at the Northern Ball Fields.

Mosey to semi-circle roadway that goes by soccer fields.  We ran high knee for 10 stakes, did 10 squats, then butt-kicked for 10 stakes and did 10 squats.  We continued that pattern until the end of the semi-circle roadway.  We then returned to the start with the same pattern but this time doing squat jumps instead of squats.  We, finally, went back on the semi-circle, this time doing Bernie Sander for 20 states and 5 Imperial Walkers, repeating that pattern to the end of the semi-circle roadway.

Mosey to parking lot by southern ball fields.  We did suicides up parking lot, running to each of the large light posts along the parking lot.  When we got back from each cone we did 20 Squats.  We rinsed and repeated.

Mosey back to the street but stop at curb before stop sign.  We did 10 tempo merkins by curb.

Mosey to parking lot with the islands that is located south of the Northern Ball Fields.  We divided into three groups.  Two groups positioned themselves on islands on the opposite end of the parking lot.  While the third group ran from one end of the parking lot to the other, the groups on either island alternated between doing 10 incline merkins on curb and 10 bench dips on curb.  Once the running group got to the island then they started the exercises while the group that was there ran to the other end.  This pattern continued until all groups had run from one end to the other two times.

Mosey to Pavilion.  At pavilion, we ran to benches, did 10 bench jumps and ran back to pavilion.  Rinse and repeat.

Finish at Pavilion.

17 men, no FNGs.

Galatians 6:17

From now on let no one cause trouble for me, for I bear on my body the brand-marks of Jesus.

I’m going to talk a little bit about the importance of scars, the importance of wounds.  As men, we sometimes take a bit of pleasure in showing our scars to one another.  Sounds weird, but I think there are good reasons for it.  By sharing we show one another that we have been wounded and have that in common.  We also show we were tough enough to take it.

Our brother, Pusher, has told me of a tradition in the Philippines where boys are circumcised at the age of ten.  Think about how painful that is for a ten-year-old.  For two weeks after the circumcision that boy, in fact, wears a dress because the touch of pants to the circumcised area would be too painful.  Filipinos realize that they could change the age of the circumcision – to circumcise at that age is certainly not a medical necessity.  But in the Philippines it is a rite of passage.  The boy fears the moment, fears the pain, but in enduring it makes a major step toward manhood.  He can walk proudly, knowing he has endured it.

The Aborigines have an interesting rite of passage that I read about.  At the time of puberty the male or female meets overnight with the same sex members of their community who tell them stories of manhood or womanhood.  Afterwards, the male or female meets in a ceremony with their father and mother.  Both the father and the mother each take a sharp claw from an animal and cut the skin on the chest of the child.  The cuts form permanent wounds that will remain on the daughter or son’s breast for the rest of their life.  It is a symbol of recognition: “I have been wounded by my parents and I must accept that fact.  In accepting it, I can become a woman or a man.”  I love that – my parents love me but they have also wounded me and I need to man up to that.

I can remember my cousin and I talking, at about college age, about the types of women we would like to marry.  Of course we talked about physical beauty.  But we also talked about the character of the woman we wanted to marry.  We both agreed that we would rather marry a woman who had been wounded by some hardships than marry a woman who never had faced hardships and was completely innocent.  Our scars give us character.  They also help us to empathize with the pain and hardships experienced by others.

I accept that I have been scarred by life.  I cannot deny it or escape it.  I am not the Innocent Man that Billy Joel sang about.  But, as a Christian, the ultimate example of empathy for me is our Lord Christ.  I expose my scars to Him.  For, He was willing to take on the scars of the Cross to save humankind from our sinfulness.  In recognizing this, in baptizing myself to this, I am given the ultimate rite of passage.  And, as Paul states in Galatians 6:17, “from now on let no one cause trouble for me, for I bear on my body the brand-marks of Jesus.”

Prayers for Helga and his wife who is having surgery, for Steam’s father who just had total knee replacement surgery, and for Steam as he considers a new job.
Hardship Hill on Saturday, October 3.


THE SCENE: Sweater Weather

-SSH (4ct IC) x15
-5 burpees
-cherry pickers (4ct IC) x5
-3 Navy Seal burpees
-baby arm circles forward (4ct IC)
-baby arm circles reverse (4ct IC)

5,4,3,2,1 – Burpees (Change) 

10 – Squats (Stay the same )

-5 Navy seal burpees
-10 sumo squats

Mosey to rocks

-5 rock-ees
-10 narrow squats

Mosey to basket ball court (circle)

-5 burpees
-10 normal squats

Mosey to splash pad (long cut)

-merkins x25
-flutter kicks (4ct IC) x50
-merkins x50
-V-ups (4ct IC) x20
-Ring of fire merkins x3
-LBCs (4ct IC) x50

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
“If you aren’t getting better, you are getting worse” Charles Barkley

Japanese mentality of Kaizen “continuously improve”


Welcome FNG – Ponzy

Hardship hill 10/3/20

Double Ring of Fire and some hard work and sweat at the Asylum

THE SCENE: Slightly overcast, temps in the mid-80s and a bit muggy

Cherry Pickers 15 IC
Windmills 15 IC
Grady Corns 31 IC
Merkins 10 IC


Mosey to Hill west of stop sign
1. 15 Merkins – Bernie to next station
2.  15 BBS-   Run to next station
3.  20 Squats Bear Crawl to next station
 4.  20 American Hammers (4 ct) –Run

Rinse n repeat

Mosey to Tree at bottom of hill – divide across each cone
Cone 1 – 20 Hello Dollys (4ct) , Cone 2 – 20 Imperial Walkers (4ct), Cone 3 – 20 shoulder taps (4 ct)

Rinse and repeat

I minute Plank
Quick Ring of Fire – 1 merkin each
Mosey to Island
Partner up
Run Opposite direction.  When you meet within 6 feet, 5 Merkins , run again, 10 Merkins, run again – 15 merkins
Rinse and repeat – 5 Bobby Hurleys, 10 Bobby Hurleys, 15 Bobby Hurleys
Mosey to halfway up hill towards AO – One more Ring of Fire




Wayne Dyer- Power of Intention.
Need to separate from Ego.Move away from Ego dominance. Your free will can either move with universal spirit and its unfolding or away from it toward ego dominance. We do not create anything alone, we are all creatures with God. Our free will combines and redistributes whats already created
1. I am what I have. My possesions define me
1. I am what I do. My achievements define me
3. I am what others think of me. My reputation defines me
4. I am separate from everyone. My body defines me as alone
5. I am separate from all that is missing in my life. My life space is disconnected from my desires
6. I am separate from God. My life depends on God’s assessment of my worthiness

Pray for @Jinxy’s wife who is having surgery
Hardship Hill Obstacle build- supply pick up at Christmas Lumber on Kingston Pike ~ 3 pm friday and build at HHOR site in Kingston on Saturday starting at 9 am, need able bodies, skil saws, cordless drills and impact drivers. Let Sparkler know if you can come

CMU Shuffle

F3 Q – 9/14/2020

Asylum AO


[ The Scene ]

70s and dark – groggy but alive and well

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’m honored to be in your company and be your Q this morning
  • FNGs?
  • Couple of things before we begin:
    • (1) I am not a professional
    • (2) You’re here on your own volition
    • (3) If you need to modify anything we do this morning – feel free to do so as you need but push yourself and those around you.

[ Warm-o-Rama ]

(1) SSH – 10 x 4 IC

(2) Baby Arm Circles – 10 x 4 each side IC

(3) Imperial Walker – 10 x 4 IC

(4) Merkin – 10 x 4 IC

(5) Windmill – 10 x 4 IC

[ The Thang ]

(1) CMU 4 Corners

—HIM get CMUs—

—Move through corners clockwise—

  • Corner 1: 25 curls (1 count)

(Run up the hill — 10 V-Ups — run back to CMU — carry to next corner)

  • Corner 2: 25 chest presses

(Run up the hill — 10 V-Ups — run back to CMU — carry to next corner)

  • Corner 3: 25X4 Rocky Balboas on CMU 

(Run up the hill — 10 V-Ups — run back to CMU — carry to next corner)

  • Corner 4: 25 CMU swings

(Run up the hill — 10 V-Ups — run back to CMU — carry to next corner)

(10 count)

(2) CMU Lunges/Pull-ups

  • Men circle up with CMUs in the middle of the parking lot
  • 5 lunges with CMU on one shoulder or above head
    • Switch shoulders every 5 lunges
  • Run to Pav — execute 10 pull-ups
  • R & R until you reach the other curb
  • Recover with 25 Big Boy Sit-ups with your CMU when you’re done
  • Men take CMUs back and Charming leads PAX in 30×4 flutter kicks

(3) Nickel/Dime/Quarter x2

  • PAX mosey to playground
  • All PAX find a bench (all my benches)
  • Round 1
    • 5 Dips
      • 10 Box Jumps/Step-Ups
        •  25 1-leg squats on bench
  • Round 2
    • 5 1-leg squats on bench
      • 10 Dips
        • 25 box jumps/step-ups


  • BTTW back to the AO

[ Mary ]

  • Slow 25
    • 5×4 Flutter Kicks
    • 5×4 American Hammers
    • 5×4 LBCs
    • 5×4 Cockroaches
    • 5×4 Little LBCs

PAX stretch down to the ground – raise 1 vertebrae up at a time – execute some shoulder shrugs – done. Boom.

[ COT ]

  • # off – 16 + 4 Ruckers = 20
  • Name o Rama
  • FNGs – none 
  • BOM
  • I wanted to start the week off for us with a slap on the back and vote of confidence.

[ From the QSource  – by DREDD ]

  • Foundation4 (F4) — Leadership Development Process (LDP)

Here’s the chapter – worth the read.

1. Great Leaders Develop New Leaders

While leadership is critical to all groups, leaders are always in short supply in most groups because only a few groups employ a systematic Leadership Development Process (LDP = the process employed by a group to develop new leaders). What separates those few groups from the rest is simple: they are led by great leaders.

Great leaders are intent on leaving a legacy that will resound to their groups’ advantage long after they have gone. Knowing their leadership tenure is limited by human mortality, they get prepared for the expected event of their departure by developing new leaders. Because they cannot predict the precise time of their departure, they stay ready for the unexpected by ensuring that the leaders they develop are ready right now instead of sometime tomorrow. Great Leaders are constantly working themselves out of a job. 

Great Leaders develop new Leaders systematically, through an LDP that is tailored to the needs of the group they lead. They see this as a primary part of their responsibility as a leader, not something they also do if they can find the time.

For great Leaders, developing new leaders is leadership, of the highest caliber. 

2. The LDP has four steps: schooling, apprenticeship, opportunity and failure

Healthy communities, effective organizations, and dynamic teams each employ some form of an LDP that is periodically adjusted to suit their unique need for leaders and the manner by which they develop them. While every LDP reflects the purpose and character of the particular group in which it is housed, every useful process has a form of the same four components:

  • First, there is some kind of Schooling, the didactic instruction that the potential leader receives on the timeless fundamentals of leadership.
  • The second component is Apprenticeship, where the new leader is given the chance to develop the skills he learned from his Schooling  under the watchful eye of a more experienced Leader.
  • Third comes Opportunity, the chance for the growing leader to put what he has learned into practice under conditions where he is directly responsible for the outcome. While Schooling + Apprenticeship creates a Leader with the potential to be effective, Opportunity is the required element for the man’s skill to become kinetic and have actual impact on his group. 
  • The fourth component is Failure. A lizard uses its LDP to intentionally court minor disaster in order to fully develop its Leaders, because it is from Failure that Leaders learn the most. Success teaches far less because it does not isolate what works from what does not the way Failure does.

3. The LDP depends upon decentralized execution to a central purpose.

F3 is an organization whose purpose is to invigorate male community leadership. Not surprisingly, since our mission is leadership development itself, F3 needs a very deliberate LDP to be effective. However, because the organization is comprised of thousands of small teams that are not in proximity, that deliberate process cannot restrict the individual initiative and genius of its Leaders. We are absolutely dependent upon our great Leaders to be about the business of developing our new Leaders.The execution of the LDP is in their hands because it is their hands that are physically upon the new leaders. 

As  a result, we do not dictate the precise manner in which our Leaders are to execute F3’s LDP but rather encourage and focus them upon our central purpose. They must know the “why” of the LDP before they can perform it’s “what.” Also, they must be affirmed in their efforts to be incentivized to continue them. 

This model, decentralized execution toward central purpose, is not something unique to F3 or a theory that we invented. It is the LDP methodology employed by the great Leaders of healthy communities, effective organizations and dynamic teams and always have been.

4. Takeaways

  • Great Leaders develop new Leaders
  • The LDP has 4 steps: Schooling, Apprenticeship, Opportunity, and Failure
  • The LDP depends upon decentralized execution to central purpose


  • “For great leaders, developing new leaders is leadership, of the highest caliber.”
    • And I see all of you as high caliber, high impact men that have done that for me for the past 4 years or so. You all have a power inside you to do that. Something that drives you to be the high caliber, high impact men you are.


  • I came to F3 as a lost college kid trying to figure it out 4 years ago. When I say F3 has been, and continues to be, a Gamechanger in my life, I mean it. I’ve experienced F3 Knoxville’s LDP in the past 4 years and am a better, more equipped and confident man thanks to YOU MEN – men of the highest caliber and quality – Great Leaders as the QSource chapter talks about. And I just want to say thank you. You all have done more for me and my journey towards being a HIM than most of you will ever know.


  • From a young leader to a Great Leader – thank you.

God Is God

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

20 Side-Straddle-Hops, 10 Pinto Twists, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Windmills, 7 Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward, 7 Wide Arm Circles Forward and Backward.
Mosey to Northeast Corner of Admin Bldg.  We will do 20 Hello Dollies.  Mosey to CMU Pile.  Each man grabs CMU and places it on east side of Parking Lot.  Cone 1 is at that side of parking lot.  Cone 2 is on opposite west side.  We will do one of the listed exercises at Cone 1 with CMU.  We then
Bernie Sanders (without CMU) to Cone 2 and do one of the listed exercises.  We then run up mini cardiac to crosswalk and run back to Cone 1.  We will repeat this sequence with the next set of exercises.  We will have run up and down mini cardiac three times by the time we are finished. Here are the exercises at each cone:

  • Cone 1:  1. 25 Overhead Presses.  2. 25 Curls.  3. 25 Rows.
  • Cone 2:  1. 20 Flutter Kicks (4 ct).  2. 20 Bicycle Kicks (4 cts).  3. 20 Hello Dollies (4 ct.)

Replace CMUs.

Mosey to parking lot that has islands on the other side of ball fields.  We will run around the parking lot stopping at each island to do 10 Merkins.  At island that semi-circle that we semi-circle around we will bear crawl instead of run.  Once around the parking lot, we will do the same thing but do 10 Big Boys at each island.

Mosey to beginning of Pickett’s Charge.  We will Pickett’s Charge to Northeastern Corner of Parking Lot.  We will stop at each hill of Pickett’s Charge to do 5 Hand Release Merkins.  We will also bear crawl up each hill.  After finishing Pickett’s charge we will do 20 American Hammers.

Mosey to Bat House.  We will sprint from Bat House to Parking Lot.

Mosey to AO.

23 men, no FNGs.

The Kingdom grows, because the kingdom is already planted.  It grows of itself and in its own good time.  Above all, it grows we know not how.

–Robert Farrar Capon

Difficult times, like those we are facing with the coronavirus, racial protests, and our very heated political situation, test our beliefs and faith.  Our faith in our government, in other people, in ourselves, and even in God is being put to the test.  At a time like this we may be asking questions such as:

  • God, how can you let this happen?
  • God, where are you in all of this?
  • God, do you have any power to stop this?
  • God, what is your purpose?

We look to solutions to this world problem as if we know the answer, as if we know how the world should be run.  We do that individually and corporately, blaming the whole state affairs on others or claiming that surely us Democrats or us Republicans are in “the right.”

At such times of angst, of confusion, of bewilderment, it is reassuring to know that, as Robert Farrar Capon proclaims, the kingdom is already planted and it grows of itself in its own good time.  It is good to know that God is in control and that is the truth whether we like it or not.  Look at history, at humankind’s treatment of one another, at the devastation of war, of slavery, of corruption, of pollution, and we can see how we botch things when we play God.

One of my favorite songs is “God is God” by Steve Earle.   In discussing fate, uncertainty, miracles, and life he proclaims both that “God ain’t me” and “God ain’t us.”  But through the mystery and uncertainty he believes in God:

Every day that passes I’m sure about a little bit less.
(But) even my money keeps telling me it’s God I need to trust.
And I believe in God, but God ain’t us.

If we believe in God then we must accept that he has a plan that goes beyond our understanding.  His plan is a mystery but one that we must trust.  God is God.  And that is certainly reassuring in difficult times like these.  Personally, it gives me hope.  And, it gives me comfort to know that neither I nor the rulers of this world have the final say.

I will close with the last stanza of Steve Earle’s song which puts in better words than what I can say this mystery, this miracle, and our need to accept it.

God, of my little understanding, don’t care what name I call.
Whether or not I believe doesn’t matter at all.
I receive the blessin’s.
And every day on Earth’s another chance to get it right.
Let this little light of mine shine and rage against the night.
Just another lesson
Maybe someone’s watching and wondering what I got.
Maybe this is why I’m here on Earth, and maybe not.
But I believe in God, and God is God.

Prayers for Sparkler’s son and daughter-in-law, whose son, who died last Christmas Holidays, would have been two today.  Prayers for Jinxy’s wife who has surgery on September 17, for Lilydipper’s wife, and for Thunderstruck’s mother.  Prayer’s for Lulu and Doubtfire whose mothers died this summer.

The Fake Gloomers will be building two obstacles for Hardship Hill.  We will get started the weekend of September 19-20.  Talk to Sparkler for details.  Be at Asylum PM this Thursday because Pusher will be on Q and is bringing Filipino noodles (made by his mother-in-law) for our board meeting!