F3 Knoxville

Durham Rd Round 2

AO: shamruck
Q: Eliza
PAX: Mermaid, Anchorman, The Situation, Eliza, Hot Pants
FNGs: None
THE THANG: Left campus and headed north on cedar bluff, west at middlebrook and took a left on to Durham rd -took the neighborhood loop and headed back,

COT: don’t be complacent and lazy and do not procrastinate.

Rucking Around the Hood

AO: shamruck
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Betty, Eliza, Bed Wetter, Hot Pants, Toretto, The Situation, Swifty, Mermaid, Voodoo, Skidmark
FNGs: None
We took a little longer and knocked out 4 miles. Toretto, decided to forgo the ruck and ran for 2 straight hours and running 12 miles while we rucked.

It’s the busy season, keep your eye on what’s important and don’t be distracted by the noise. Family, wife, work whatever you deem important, don’t let the noise and less important things distract you from the important things.

Sk8er hops are fun


Perfectly Gloomy

Administered appropriately

Side straddle Hops,Squats,BAC F/B,Cherry Pickers, Back Stretch,Mosey


Mosey around the car parking lot a few time to confuse the PAX

We then performed a “Jeremy Scott Fitness Sunday Advanced Metcon” on a Monday.

10 inchworms w/ 2 merkins, 15 river rock squat presses, 10 spiderman steps, 15 chest flys, 5 slow monkey humpers, 50 seal jacks, 50 sk8er hops w/ toe touch. Run around parking lot. Rinse and Repeat 4x

Hello Dolly, Flutter Kicks, LBS, Heels to Heaven, 1 burpee
15 HIM
An empty LaCroix is easily crushed but a filled and sealed LaCroix can withstand at least 240lbs of pressure. As men, we need to be filling ourselves with God’s word, the right relationships, and accountability to others around us. That way when the trials of life come our way we are filled and sealed like a new can of LaCroix that is not easily crushed under the weight of the trials. I am thankful for F3 and the men that are in my life that hold me accountable to not drain down too empty.

Haw Ridge April 14th. Sign up now and get on a team.

Shield Locks starting soon at Shamrock. Reach out to me if you are interested in locking shields with a few good men and putting another guardrail in your life to keep you on the path.

Shamrock – Trivia

THE SCENE: 22F really dang cold

Run in circles 

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 10

Quad stretch 

Tie Fighters X10 

Cherry Pickers  x5

Toe Merkins 4-ct IC – 10


For the entire workout we are going to do merkins and play trivia. 

10 Merkins, then team 1 answers 1st question within 10 seconds as we walk.  Always on the slow move. 

Then we do 10 more Merkins, then team 2 takes the next question. 

We ended up with 480 Merkins per person.

20 more Merkins to get us to 500 for the day thanks to Mermaid’s suggestion.
14 men:  8-seconds, Slappy, Dumpster Dive, Betty, Nadia, Skid Mark, Hot Pants, Anchorman, Curry, Fabio, Kick-Flip, Mermaid, Voo Doo, Waxjob

Listen to words from the Holy Spirit from songs, the Bible, sermons or just out from nowhere. 

A few weeks ago while running, the Lord’s Prayer popped into my head. I was searching for what I should pray for and the Holy Spirit prompted me to pray the Lord’s Prayer.  I got stuck on the “Thy Kingdom Come” 

I spent the rest of the time considering, “What did Jesus mean by this? What did he want his disciples and future Christians to take away from this? 

When I finished my run and got back to my hotel I opened a devotional book to the next section I was planning to read titled “Meditation”

It started out with this verse – The Kingdom of God is within you (or within your grasp) says the Lord. Luke 17:21

It goes on to say “Turn, then, to God with all your heart. Forsake this wretched world and your soul shall find rest. Learn to despise external things, to devote yourself to those that are within, and you will see the kingdom of God come unto you, that kingdom which is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

I found an article that helped with 3 points about it:


I have pasted only parts of it below. 

Cry of Loyalty

When we pray, “Your kingdom come” there is a real sense of yearning and loyalty. We are anticipating the coming kingdom, on board with God’s agenda and that we love the King himself. Those who love the King eagerly yearn for his kingdom.

And through our prayers, it’s as if the Holy Spirit lifts our chins above our earthly horizon to see the fleet of God’s coming kingdom advancing on the open sea. And we cry, “Make haste! Come, O King and kingdom!”

Cry of Treason

When I talk about this prayer being a cry of treason I mean that Jesus is teaching his followers to pray for the overthrow of the kingdom of this world, the coup of its leader, and the establishment of a new king. This is a cry of dissatisfaction. It wants a chance.

But, please note, I am not talking about the overthrow of the U.S. government—or any other natural government. Instead, I’m talking about the spiritual government of this world, led by Satan. He is the spiritual king of this world. Scripture calls him the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4). He has a ruling seat (Rev. 2:13). His kingdom is darkness (Col. 1:13). He planted his flag in the ground in Genesis 3. He has set up dominion by storming the castle of our minds and hearts (Eph. 2:1-32 Cor. 4:1-4).

When we pray for the kingdom of God to come we are pleading for the kingdom of Satan to be toppled. Like is so often the case when a tyrant is displaced, we want his statues to be defaced, toppled, and dragged in open view. We want Satan and all of his demonic scheming, tactical assaults, deadly seduction, hissing lies, and destructive systems to be shattered!

Cry of Conquering

As we await the full realization of the inaugurated kingdom, we cry for the kingdom to come and conquer souls.

Ever since the garden of Eden, we have turned our hearts from upon God and towards ourselves and our pleasures. It is a spiritual ignorance, even a darkened ignorance. Thomas Watson observed,

Ignorance is a black veil drawn over the mind. Men by nature have a deep reach for the things of the world, and yet are ignorant of the things of God. In 1 Samuel 11.2 Nahash the Ammonite would make a covenant with Israel to thrust out their right eyes. Since the fall our left eye remains, a deep insight into worldly matters, but our right eye is thrust out, we have no saving knowledge of God. Ignorance draws the curtains around the soul so that we are blind and in darkness.

But, when God awakens a person to behold the glory of Christ, he conquers their rebellious hearts and makes them his. Those who formerly would not give Christ honor but pledged allegiance to another (John 19:14-15) are brought into the kingdom of Christ (Col. 1:13-14).

When we pray for the kingdom of God to come we are praying that God would conquer souls! And that he would shine the kingdom of grace upon the hearts of men, women, and children so that they would see and savor the kingdom of glory!

So we pray: “Lord, your kingdom come, your will be done! Conquer hearts by your Holy Spirit to set up the administration of grace in their hearts! Let them see the beauty and worth of your glory! Like Narnia melt the ice of winter and give way to the buds of grace and the dawning day of the kingdom of glory! We know you can do this and delight to do it because you’ve done it to us!”