F3 Knoxville

Lobotomites/Slappysdoom Escape From Haw Ridge Victory

AO: asylum-am
Q: P3 , Lilydipper, Blindside
PAX: Tropicana, Gibbler, Sawdust, Ashton (Tommy Michaelides), Hot Tub (John Muller), Farley
FNGs: None
COUNT: … a lot

P3 = 20 Burpees

Rest of the pax = Beer/mumblechatter


6.6 mile Ruck to acquire a throne piece, map piece, and 2 clues. No confirmed Wolfdeer sightings but they were out there, no doubt. Tropicana was a master navigator and Sawdust was the master photographer of our throne piece/map/clues. Lady Luck was on our side as we acquired the second lightest throne piece and returned to base camp just as the rest of the PAX had finished our 1500 burpee requirement.

MARY: Beer and Pistachios


COT: Great message but was too far away to hear the F3 name of the HIM leading it.

Paul Newman’s Sourdough Pepperoni Pizza

AO: asylum-am
Q: Waffle House (Brady Greene)
PAX: Abacus, Unibráu (Nick Robinson), Tropicana, Sawdust, Cinco (Scott McGuire), Farley, Bunny, Hands, Rainbow, Cat Gut (Mike Davis), P3, Double Wide, Love’s, Hot Tub (John Muller), Newton
FNGs: None
Matlock (Bill Maddox) was kind enough to share the Q this morning as he and Gene Steratore bought Dick Vitale’s breakfast at Denny’s this morning in preparation for next week’s Bracket Q. Don’t get caught not knowing what Lipscpmb’s mascot is!

Great having Unibráu (Nick Robinson)and the legendary Abacus back out with us.

7 Motivators, some stretching, and we moseyed. We’re all bulletproof until 2035, thank you junk science, and then halfway through getting our shoulders blasted, our buddy Bob led us in some paper/rock/scissors. Bob’s a real one.

My goal was to channel my inner Double Wide and do some sprinting but all too soon I realized it’s Cinco (Scott McGuire) who is uncatchable and P3 who you can’t even see, he runs so far ahead. We have some impressive sprinters among us.

We wandered over to the cloud and your Q’s personal policy is to do whatever Cat Gut (Mike Davis) says. So we went all the way to the Dark Webb. It’s a long journey. I actually thought the Dark Webb would make even Hot Tub (John Muller) be out of breath but I heard him talking about hot tubs, which makes me think we need to have a Q where we can only mumblechatter about what we’re named after.

Some Pavalon work and back to the AO for the Friday main event (cashing out of course) and we were all ready for the weekend.

Tour de Fun

AO: asylum-am
Q: Gibbler
PAX: Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Matlock (Bill Maddox), Tropicana, Hot Tub (John Muller), Bunny, Hands, Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Cinco (Scott McGuire), Double Wide, Gibbler, Kentucky, Love’s, Waffle House (Brady Greene), @Newton, @Archie, @Possum, @Backflow
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH and tempo squats and merkins and Grady corn and TN rocking chair with a mosey

After getting over the disappointment of not having a Love’s Q we settled into the normal complaining.

Pickleball steps with merkins and dry docks and bear crawls down the steps. 3 rounds of fun

Turf baseball field for burps at each base and home plate with step ups and dips. 3 rounds of fun

Soccer field for shoulder taps and froggy squats on either side. 3 rounds of fun Soccer field

Junk science of sprinting 2x across the field. Adds years to your life. It’s science and can’t be denied.

MARY: mixed in after each station

ANNOUNCEMENTS: happy birthday Hands. Haw Ridge and Spring Break

COT: if you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far go together.

Timed AMRAP’s

AO: asylum-am
Q: Double Wide
PAX: Hands, TRC/Crab legs, Rainbow, Charmin (John Willis), Tropicana, Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Matlock (Bill Maddox), Hot Tub (John Muller), Cinco (Scott McGuire), Double Wide, Love’s, Newton
FNGs: None
SSHs, Ti Fighters, Tempo Squats, Calves on the Curb, Balboas, One jog down and back
3 rounds of 30 second X 5 exercises 3 times through

Round 1: Reverse lunge left
Reverse lunge right
Side lunge left
Side lunge right
Round 2: I can’t remember the rest
I’ll have to edit later

Two minutes of Boat-Canoe

Haw Ridge
Tropicana is mustering a team.

Don’t underestimate the power prayer.

3 rounds of 3 rounds

AO: asylum-am
Q: Gibbler
PAX: Matlock (Bill Maddox), Tropicana, P3, Bunny, Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Hands, Hot Tub (John Muller), Cinco (Scott McGuire), Double Wide, Gibbler, TRC/Crab legs, @Newton
FNGs: None
WARMUP: tie fighters and squat and merkins

THE THANG: mosey to oval for a variety of merkins, squats and abs with running to a fantastic destination for up downs and dealers choice at muscle beach and finish with squat suicides.

MARY: mixed in with everything else

ANNOUNCEMENTS: haw ridge and brolunch with Matlock (Bill Maddox)buying become loves us so much. Prayers for Hands family.

COT: God is working in and around us even though we lack the big picture. Come back tomorrow