F3 Knoxville

Le Kraken

57 degrees & storms-a-brewin

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SSH x 25 IC
High knees across parking lot
Little bit o’ this
Little bit o’ that
Butt kicks back across parking lot

Mosey towards the Kraken; wagon wheel at halfway point for 1 round of circle burp.


8 cones are placed in a circle.
Complete the exercise at one cone and then run around
the circle of cones to the next cone (i.e., one loop +
one cone). Rinse & repeat until you have completed
all exercises.

Dry Docks x 30
Narrow Squats x 30
4ct Flutter Kicks x 20
Star Jacks x 30
4ct Should Taps x 20
Reverse Lunges x 30 (each leg is 1)
4ct Hello Dolly x 20
Smurf Jacks x 30

Super 21s:

Perform 1 situp & sprint to opposite side of parking lot.
Perform 1 merkin & sprint back.
Rinse & repeat, adding 1 rep to each round until you perform 21 sit-ups & 21 merkins. (Total rep count is 231 of each exercise if you finish)

Mosey back to AO for Mary:

Shoulder blasters (1 round)
Box Cutters x 25 IC
Mountain Climbers x 25 IC

Number off & Name-o-Rama


My wife and I were recently discussing the end of our 20s/beginning of our 30s and she commented that quite frankly she’s glad her 20s are over because they honestly didn’t start off very well. I found it to be an interesting note because it is so easy to remember “the good ole days”. We tend to relish in our past glory and forget the pain & angst that may have also been present.

Joshua Fields Milburn, 1/2 of the due known as “The Minimalists”, published an essay about this titled “30 is NOT the new 20”. Below are a few excerpts that echo what I’m getting at here:

“I officially turned 30 today…They say 30 is the new 20, but to be honest I’m glad that’s not true. I’m moving forward, not backwards.  I’m growing and I’m happy to be 30…today marks a new decade for me, a decade of opportunity…I will embrace this life, even though it scares…me at times. It is the only life I have. And I will love my life–a beautiful, terrifying, wonderous life–through the good times and the bad. Here’s to another 30 years, and then another”

(The full essay is here is anyone is interested: http://www.theminimalists.com/30/)

I think we are all guilty of some remorse when crossing into a new decade. Often we are not where we want to be financially or socially or emotionally or physically. It’s easy to think about how much better we could have been over the last decade if we’d only known what we know now. I challenge all of you, myself included, to focus on the present and plan for the future. Instead of looking backwards on what you haven’t done, remember to seize the opportunities that lie ahead and focus on what you CAN do now blessed to wake up and spend some time in the gloom with out brothers. Relish in that, and seize the day. Conquer the Kraken, and then move on the next one. AYE!

The Extra Run

The Scene: 57 and clear

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400m Run
Around the Worlds
Figure 8s
American Swing
Russian Swings
‘Merkins 30x OYO
Squat 15x IC
10x KB facing Burpees
400m Run

Tha Thang:
50x American KB swings
40x Sumo deadlift high pull
30x KB sit ups
20x Side-step goblet squats
10x KB Sit-up and stand-ups
50m Waiter Walk – Right out, Left Back
10x KB Sit-up and stand-ups
20x Sumo deadlift high pull
30x KB sit ups
40x American KB swings
50x goblet squats

400m Run (one more, just for fun!)

Count-Off and Name-O-Rama

WORD: Few things can help an individual more than to place responsibility on him, and to let him know that you trust him. –Booker T. Washington

Merkin Mayhem and Mayberry Macarena

Scene: 57 and clear

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IC 4ct BAC, forwards and backwards
IC 4ct Michael Phelps
IC 4ct Confused Penguin
Little bit o’this and o’that


Strollin – walk across the parking lot, no Mosey due to sore legs

5 rounds rounds of Merkin Mayhem slowly
– 10 diamond
– 10 normal
– 10 wide
– Rest with a shakeout and Deadbug x 10 IC 4ct

5 rounds
– 10 IC SSH
– 10 IC Merkins
– 30 second rest between

5 rounds slowly
– 10 Turkish getups
– 10 Love machines (BBS with tabletop)
– 10 Spider-Man push ups

5 rounds of
– 10 x 4ct Freddie Mercury
– 10 steps Lizard walk
– 10 x 4ct V up


Mayberry Macarena (named by I-Beam)
– assume plank position and hold while you
– Tap ears
– Tap shoulders
– Tap hips
– Tap knees
– Tap toes
Floor wipers
Reverse crunch



These shoes.
These are my Ragnar shoes.
Bought on sale at Academy sports.
Took me farther than I ever ran before.
And still my feet hurt.
Because it was not the shoes that took me through the race, it was the group of men I ran with that pushed me to finish the race. It was not only their strength and encouragement but their faith and belief in me that I wouldn’t let them down. For example, I was waiting to get started on my 3rd leg, the longest leg I ran in the race, and the leg I was the most worried about going into the race. As I was getting ready to leave I looked over and all 3 of my teammates were on the phone talking to their wives. And what struck me is not that they were on the phone, or not pumping me up, but that they had the confidence in me to finish this leg without problem. They didn’t need to cheer me know because they already knew I was going to do it, even though I didn’t know it.  But they knew I wouldn’t let them down. As I was midway through the leg and realizingI hated running, and at that point life and everything else, their confidence in me kicked in and helped me through. In turn it was the same confidence and faith I had in them to finish their legs of the race.

Well I tell you this, it is the same faith and belief that God wants us to have in Him. Unfailing, unwavering belief that He is behind us pushing us to go forward, arms out to catch us when we fall, and  also in front of us leading the way. He has a plan for us, and when we put our faith in Him, He will do great things.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight” Proverbs 3:5

40 Days of Lent – Love through the Trials

The Scene:  35 Degrees.  Clear.

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  • SSH x 25 (IC)
  • Imperial Walkers x 20 (IC)
  • Burpees x 5 (OYO)
  • Cherry Pickers x 10 (IC)
  • Mosey around the parking lot

 The Thang


  • Two feet hops
  • Wheel barrows
  • Sprints

Defensive Sliding through the cones

Four Corners (10 minutes)

  • Should Taps x 25
  • Squats x 50
  • Burpees x 25
  • Smurf Jacks x 50
  • Mosey around the parking lot

Mosey to The Sophomore

  • Doras – 200 American Hammers

Mosey back to Start


  • Plank
  • Box cutters x 30 (IC)


Name-O-Rama: 9 PAX

BOM: Lent is a 40 day season of repentance and renewal to ready ourselves to remember and celebrate the heart of the Christian gospel: the death and resurrection of Jesus (Good Friday and Easter). Lamentations 3: 1-8 & 21-24

At times we all enter periods of suffering. In those times it may feel like God is against you, that he is causing your suffering, and that he is ignoring your prayers. When this is the case, remember that he sent his one and only son to earth to die for our sins. Jesus suffered the ultimate suffering in order to enter into our suffering and pull us out of it.

Even through the tears of suffering, maintain hope in Jesus’ work on the cross, and the love that shows he has for us.

Moleskin:  Solid workout for Archie’s VQ!!  Looking forward to his next one.  The mumble chatter was good, the effort was great!  Way to go, Men!!

Island Hopping

The Scene – 39 and clear

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SSH x 20 (IC)

Cherry Pickers X 10 (IC)

LBAC Forward and Back x 10 (IC)

Squats x 20 (IC)

Tha Thang

Mosey to big parking lot

10 Islands in the parking lot. Start out with 2 merkins at first island, run to 2nd island and do 4 merkins, adding 2 merkins per island.  Then repeat-o with the other exercises

Merkins (+2 at each island) Total of 110

Squats (+5 at each island) Total of 275

BBS (+2 at each island) Total of 110

Burpees (+2 at each island) Total of 110

Mosey back to AO


Wind Shield Wipers (Mayberry)

Box Cutters (Toto)

LBC (Buehler, 100 for Junk)

Count off and Name – O – Rama


Calling on the name of God. Exodus 3:14 “God said to Moses, “I Am that I Am.” And He said “Say this to the people of Israel, ‘I Am has sent me to you.”

When we describe ourselves we say “I am tired”, “I am not a leader”, “I am the boss” or “I am awesome”. We are calling the name of God every time.  If we are weak or tired, we have called on the name of God.  If we have accomplished some great task that we are proud of, we have called on the name of God.  Remember that it is God that gives us strength, quenches our thirst and helps us to accomplish everything we do.


Great morning to start the week off right!   The satellite pictures I studied in developing the plan did not show that the parking lot was sloped!  The men all gave 100%.