F3 Knoxville

Shamrock – Circle of Fun

THE SCENE: Crisp 52F

Side Straddle Hops 20-4 count

Cherry Pickers: 5

Mountain Climbers 15-4 count 

Tie Fighters 10-4 count each way

LBCs – 25 OYO

Calf Raises in cadence 

Stretch it out 


Mosey to tall sidewalk and line up with 6’ apart

5 Tricep dips, flip over to 5 Merkin – repeat this until we hit 25 each 

Mosey to the pull up bars. 

Each man will try to get 20 total pull-ups in, break them up into 5s, 8s or 10s. 

If you are not on the bars you are holding a squat or plank. 

Mosey to tall sidewalk and line up with 6’ apart

5 Tricep dips, flip over to 5 Merkin – repeat this until we hit 25 each 

Circle of fun 

2 CMUs total for the circle of men. When you receive the CMU, do 5 blockies then pass on the fun. 

For those not having fun with blockies

  • Flutter kicks
  • Twinkle Toes
  • Merkins
  • LBCs
  • Squats

Then we mosey from 06:05-06:13 


10 Snow Angels, Super man, swimmers, 25 – 4 count American Hammers

Dumpster Dive, Honeydew, Mermaid, Waxjob, Pickle Lock, Sparkles, Ribbed, Jenner, Anchorman,

I’m pretty sure we have read this verse many times at F3, but it’s one of those that I need to read often. 

Matthew 6:31-34

31 “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God[e] above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

I’m sure none of us here are guilty of worrying. Our jobs, families, friends, health, money. The Bible tells us over and over that God’s got us.

To be honest, things are not going so well at my work. I’m very busy right now, but overall as a company we have about half of our normal cash flow right now and we really need things to pick back up by early next year or we will all be looking for new jobs. That’s at least 3-4 months out, but it pops into my head about every hour of the day. I start trying to figure out how to fix my situation. Yesterday I was driving to work and running the numbers in my head again, then I just stopped and realized what I was doing and just simply prayed that I would not try to fix this, that I would let God be in charge. 


Mermaid Pocket Q

THE SCENE: Comfortable

No one was scheduled so I picked up the Q.  We went to the CMU pile and grabbed a block.  There are 4 corners in the parking lot.  Mermaid took the first round and in corner one picked an upper body exercise, rifle carry to corner 2, for a lower body exercise, carry to corner 3 for an ab exercise, and finally to corner 4 for a bonus, whatever you want exercise.  We had 6 in attendance, and everyone got a turn picking exercises in the above fashion.

A short Mary consisted of two minutes of flutter kicks, it was a crowd pleaser.

Commission stepped up and brought a great message off the cuff.


Revised Memory @ Shamrock

THE SCENE: Sweaty!

Tempo Squats
Arm Circles forward and backward
Cherry Pickers

Pieces of cardboard were laid out face down.  We drew the pieces one at a time and played memory or match.  You did each exercise turned over unless it was a match, in which case you ran a lap.  One team decisively beat the other 5 matches to zero.  The first time we played, it was 4-1.  We will keep this one on hand and do it again in the future.

No time left for Mary.  The workout had plenty of Ab exercises.

We talked about the importance of discipline.  Working out is hard, it hurts, hard to wake up in the morning, but we enjoy and we keep coming back.  I encouraged everyone to apply that same discipline to other aspects of your life.  For me that is spiritual discipline.  I need to be more disciplined in that aspect of my life.  It is hard, it may be painful, but if I stick with it, it will become enjoyable, and I will miss it if I don’t do it.


Bear Crawl Crazy 8’s

  • Welcome: it could rain … 
  • Warmup
    • Yoga with Trolley. Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Toe touches, Sky reaches,  SSH, Upward Dogs, Splits, Right side, left side toe touches.
  • Workout
    • Bear Crazy 8’s all around Campus.   The Crazy 8 consists of:
      • Fast pace run of figure 8 route. Start in middle of 8 and go clockwise.
      • Back at starting of 8, bear crawl half of the eight (ending back at the middle)
      • Fast pace run of figure 8 route starting in the direction where the crawl left off.
      • Back at starting of your crawl end, bear crawl the second half of the 8.
    • We repeated this four times around different terrain on campus.   We hit some stairs, some grazzy knolls, some long parking lots and the inner Sanctum!
  • Warmdown
    • 50 LBCs
    • 50 Flutters
    • 20 Side Crunches Left side.
    • 10 Side Crunches Right side.
  • Word
    • One of the best sermons I’ve heard anywhere was here at Fellowship Knoxville yesterday.  https://middlebrook.fellowshipknox.org/live-mb (Sept 19, 2021).  Often we hear sermons on Faith, Hope and Love, but not as often on Honesty, Gentleness, and Honor.  Please Please listen to this sermon if you can. It will do your heart, spirit and soul good.
  • Wrap-up (Announcements)
    • Hardship Hill Sign up.
    • Q Sign Up
    • IronPax Challenges.

Memory @ Shamrock

THE SCENE: Beautiful Cool & Clear Morning

Baby Arm Circles forward and backward
Cherry Pickers
Tempo Squats
Tempo Merks
Mosey to the CMU Pile
72 pieces of cardboard were labeled with exercises, and we divided into two teams.  Wee turned them over two at a time, trying to make matches.  We did all of the exercises that were flipped over.  This turned out to be too many cards.  We made 3-4 matches total out of 36 exercises.  We will pare this down and try it again soon!

No specific mary, lots of ab work included in the workout.

It was Labor Day and we talked about the fruit of your work, referencing Matthew 7:15-20

Hardship Hill and Iron PAX