F3 Knoxville

brickyard invasion JUCO

THE SCENE: Cool  32’F
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  Screwed that up!   10 Burpees


had to get to the Coupon PileMosey– walked  M.A.R.S up 10  and Down 10

Mosey — Imperial Squat Lunger 10

Mosey– Walked     Over head Claps

Mosey — A little of this, that, get some more, do not forget that
With your Chilled Coupon,


Push-ups, straight arm raises, squat thruster, squat, twists

( on paper it looks so easy )


had to get back to the A/O

Mosey — 10 ct LBC

Mosey — 10 ct Bicycles

Mosey — 10 ct Flutter kicks

At A/O gut buster No feet on the deck!

100 Flutter kicks, 75 hello dolly’s, 50 Bicycles, 25 box cutters

Ladder Run the parking lot

27 HIMs Strong
you may not always understand someones path, and seeking out to understand their path may not work.  But know that the lord put you in that individuals path for a reason.  you are given a choice just as everyone else is.  What will you do with your choice.


I call to mind the merciful story of God’s love that we heard today in a spiritual retreat for the clergy.   the Priest speaker said that God knows the struggle of those who are addicted.   He knows that their efforts are flawed and weak.   God also knows that with-in the fog of confusion, there is a soul crying to God for his help.  Like the good thief on the cross, you son will have the chance to hear the words, “Today, you will be with me in paradise.”

-Fr. Val Bartek



Mt. JUCOnte – Round 2

THE SCENE: 50ish and raining. Wet, very wet.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Barely, but got it done.

10 x Windmills, 10 x Hairy Rockettes, 10 x Tempo Merkins, 10 x Mtn Climbers
Mosey across the street and past Mikata parking lot to Mt. JUCOnte!

Demonstration of five exercises to be performed along the five light poles up the center of the road.

Progressive workout performed as such:

Complete first station then run to second and complete. Run back to start and complete stations 1-3. Run back to start then complete stations 1-4. Run back to start then complete stations 1-5.


  1. 10 x Burpees
  2. 20 x 4-count Mtn Climbers
  3. 3 x Clockwork Merkins (performed on steepest part of hill) (perform one merkin at 12 o’clock, 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock, and 9 o’clock by rotating yourself after each merkin. one rep = one time around the clock)
  4. 40 x Monkey Humpers
  5. 50 x 4-count SSH

This is a  true grinder up Mt. JUCOnte and proved once again to be a tough one, but the PAX pushed through and got work done.

Mosey back to the shovel flag for some Mary.

5 minutes of Quick-fire Mary.

10 reps of an exercise as called by a member of the PAX. Immediately upon completion, the next PAX in line calls out the next exercise. We did BBS, Breast Stroke, Flutter Kicks, LBCs, BBS, Shoulder Taps, Box Cutters, and SSH

19 HIMs tackled Mt. JUCOnte in the pouring rain. 2 FNGs defied all odds to come out on a rainy, cold day. Welcome Tinker Bell and White Noise!
As we start a new year, reflect on your commitments in 2019 and learn to say “No” to those that don’t benefit more than just you. In 2020, my goal is to say “No” to those things that only benefit me and take time/passion away from my faith and my family.
Shoutout to Tinker Bell and White Noise for making the HC to come out on such a nasty day. I felt bad having their first Q be such a grinder, but they both killed it.
Hardship Hill – Mandolin has stepped up to design the obstacles that JUCO will be building for race day. Let’s work with him on collecting the needed materials. Keep an eye out for a future workday to get the obstacles built.

New Year’s Day at JUCO

THE SCENE: 35 Degrees, a slight wind, but otherwise comfortable.

The Motivator from 10

Mosey to the pond .75 miles
Warmup exercises
Walking Lunges
Cherry Pickers
1 mile run
once finished, find people still running and encourage them, pick up cones
Push up PT test
Sit up PT test
Mosey to AO

I will add a tab to Mandolin’s spreadsheet, so that if we want to repeat these, we have a baseline to measure improvement.  See link here.  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QvJB3KJoW9XvUVQYBBMQ-kUdJR3yOgKx_jjZbzyHQxY/htmlview# 

Results from testing:

January 1, 2020
PAX Weight Mile Time Pushups in 2 min BBS in 2 Min
Booster 9:16 45 47
Cheatsheet 8:08 100 61
Erector 6:07 81 50
Hurry Can 7:06 41 50
Judge Judy 6:57 75 55
Mailbox 6:45 41 50
Mandolin 11:29 55 40
Mermaid 199 N/A 56 50
Ralph 9:05 15 33
Spotter 6:06 68 57

The mile run and additional warm up exercises took longer than expected.  No time for Mary.
10 guys, no FNG’s today  Ralph was here too, but not yet entered into the website, so he can’t yet be tagged.
The new year an new beginnings.  I spoke about my professional life, and some challenges that led me to the where I am professionally today.  Don’t be afraid to make a professional change.
Prayer Requests:
Cheetsheet – Pray for his family
Booster –  A friend named Jim Johnson who recently passed.  His family and their grief.
Judge Judy – His Wife’s family member Chris Kerr who is gay and is having issues with his family because of his decision to come out.
Mailbox – his wife has had some good days, continued prayer for her hart condition because the cause is still not known.

Polar Bear Plunge New Years day at noon, clown car options avail.
F3 New Year’s Party on Friday night 1/3 @ 7:00PM.

McDonald’s on the Fly

THE SCENE: 20’s and no Q in sight….

LBAC-F/B, Overhead Claps, Tempo Merkins, Mountain-Climbers, Tempo Squats, TN Rock’n Chair
Mosey to big student parking lot, stopping for a short Bear Crawl. Perform the Double Quarter-Pounder (without cheese) – look up in Exicon.  So Fun!!

Mosey to small parking lot. 4 corners – rotate between 10 jump squats and increasing 8ct Body Builders at each corner. I think the lead group made it to a corner of 8 BB’s.  Great work!

Dead Bug, Flutter Kicks
25 strong
Talked about inner peace and 5 steps that have helped the Q obtain inner peace: 1) Trust totally in Christ. This settles where you are headed when you die. 2) Trust in God’s sovereignty and control over all things, even the small details of your life. This eliminates fear. 3)  Trust the Lord to meet all of your needs. Takes care of the constant desire for more. 4) Maintain a clear conscience. Helps protect your inner peace. 5) Accept the way God made you.  You can’t change things that are outside of your control. Trust Him with those things.

Ribbed was on Q but slept thru his alarm. Trolley (JUCO’s newly appointed Executioner) will decide his fate upon his next appearance at JUCO.
No official workout Christmas Day at JUCO.


THE SCENE: cold and clear, 25 degrees !

10 ct Cherry Pickers, 10 ct side straddle hops 10 count baby arm circles forward, 1o ct baby ar circles reverse, all in cadence


The 3rd Monthly “JUCO 1500” performed in the big parking lot, the backside of campus.  each station was a parking space. The bear crawls, lunges and cmu mosey were all from line to line from one end of the lot to the other. If all 5 rds were performed the total reps would equal 1500 and the total distance would be approximately 1.5 miles. Below is a link to the spreadsheet to enter your reps if you’re interested in keeping count and tracking your improvement. I’ll be glad to enter your # for you as well if you want to send it to me. If you don’t care that’s okay also.


The JUCO 1500 will be repeated on 2020-01-18!

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

What message does this picture send to you? It makes me think about how Santa Claus represents Black Friday, our spend, spend, spend, consume, consume, consume culture and we take all of that to Santa Claus, yet we are supposed to be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, who lived his life as an example of the opposite of all these things. Ultimately we should focus more on Jesus and how he lived his life and less on gifts, presents, consuming and so forth

Image result for santa praying to jesus"

Prayer Requests

Poolboys cousin, Mailbox’s wife, Guard rails job, Gingers coworkers father, any other request I may have forgotten