F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Clear skies with temperature of about 39˚F

SSH x 15, Windmill x 7 (4CT), Baby arm circles (forward & reverse) x 10(IC), Tempo squat x 7, merkins 7 (4CT), cherry picker X 5 (4CT)

1/2 mile Indian run

At soccer field (REPEAT 3 times):

  • Indian bear-crawl along long side of soccer field (audible length to avoid exhaustion).
  • Mosey across short side
  • 5 burpees at corner, mosey to midfield then 5 CDD, mosey to other corner then 5 merkins
  • Mosey along short side, repeat.

11s on the hill

  • Bottom: Imperial walkers (4CT)
  • Top: box cutters

Mosey to 2nd soccer field. Dora 1-2-3 inspired rep. with battle buddy running to midfield and doing 1 burpee

  • 100 Bobby Hurleys
  • 100 Lunges (2CT)
  • 300 Flutter kicks (single CT)

Run back to AO with a minute to spare for one Guantanamo round

11 HIMs got stronger together (1 FNG)

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Two are better than one,
    because they have a good return for their labor:
10 If either of them falls down,
    one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
    and has no one to help them up.
11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
    But how can one keep warm alone?
12 Though one may be overpowered,
    two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

A reflection on my 1st year in F3. I’ve become stronger physically but more so mentally. Through the good days and the bad days it is important to surround yourself with people who will push you to get better, will be honest with you and will encourage you. Let us strive to be such people for others as well.
Potentially we had the longest Indian run of all time


THE SCENE: Low 50s and damp.

(IC) – SSHs, Tennessee Rocking Chair, Cherry Pickers, Windmill
Mosey to CMU pile by loading dock, stopping halfway for some Burpee Broad-Jumps.

Perform the following exercises using CMU (except Monkey Humpers):

  • Monkey Humpers x30
  • CMU Squats x30
  • CMU Swings x30
  • CMU Curls x30
  • CMU Overhead Press x30
  • CMU Calve Raises x30
  • CMU Bent Over Rows x30
  • 10 Burpees (cash out)
  • Short Distance Run and back

Repeat rounds with amounts descending to x25, x20, 15, x10, x5 for each main exercise. Burpees and Run remain same.

Mosey to Large Parking Lot.  Partner up at line.  One partner runs length of parking lot while other is on six doing Freddy Mercuries at line.  When Partner returns from run, he locks arms underneath sitting partner, performs rescue carry/drag approx. 15 yards to next parking line, roles  repeatedly switch until teams make the length of parking lot.
9 strong
QIC shared a story of being at Salsarita’s with his daughters and noticing all of the soda selections.  Point was made that only water truly quenches someone’s thirst.  Similarly, there are many options out there when it comes to “religion” but only one person can quench the thirst that is inside all of us for “something more”:  Jesus Christ who provides living water.

QIC shared an excerpt from a 60 minutes interview of Tom Brady back in 2005 where Brady stated his concern and exhaustion of constantly struggling with the thought that something more has to be out there for him but he doesn’t know what the answer is (even though he has everything: super bowl rings, married to a super-model, etc.).  The answer is Jesus.  We all have something inside of us that seeks and needs Him and are condemned, un-reconciled to God without him. Those of us that are in Christ know the peace and assurance that we have.  There is no struggle to find something more, His “yoke is easy and His burden is light.”  He is everything, the only essential in life, the only thing that will quench our soul’s thirst.
Special thanks to Spotter for being present for the Pre-Ruck.


Ode to Bagger/Copyright Infringement

THE SCENE: 43 degrees. Perfect weather!

10x Cherry Pickers, 20xLBAC Forward/Backward, 10xTempo Merkins, 10xTempo Squats

Chumbaburpee! – Performed to the song “Tubthumping” by Chumbawampa. Perform SSH for the entirety of the song and perform a burpee every time the song says “I get knocked down”. There’s no doubt we were all warm after this!


Paying homage to Bagger at the first Q since he left, I copied my favorite workout that he Q’ed

Mosey to JUCO Lake.  Do a Burpee Mile (12 Burpees followed by 1 Lap around the lake x 4) JUCO Lake is close to a half mile so it ended up being the Burpee Double Mile.

Mosey to large West side parking lot.

4 Corners of Fun

At each corner of the parking lot do:

  • 20 Merkins
  • 20 Big Boys
  • 40 Mountain Climbers
  • 5 Burpees

Mosey back towards AO

No time today
9 HIMs got better today


What’s your legacy?  Today marked one year since my grandmother passed away. She was an amazing Christian woman who was always looking to help others. When I think of the legacy that she left behind, I think of being a humble servant. My grandma was 80 years old when she passed away, still push mowed her one-acre yard, made meals every Tuesday for the shut-ins at church, went on mission trips to Honduras every year, and much more. She never let her age, and sometimes her health, get in the way of serving others. She was a remarkable woman and example to our family.

Shoutout to the PreRuck crew Jude Judy and Spotter and Erector for the PreRun.
Wesley House workout tonight. Launch of the Quaken AO on Friday AM.

A JUCO Farewell

THE SCENE: 31 degrees but no precipitation! A beautiful morning!

SSH (IC) x 20, Tempo Merkins (IC) x 10, Moroccan Night Club (IC) x 10, Cherry Pickers (IC) x 8, Tempo Squats (IC) x 10


Mosey to Sophomore Hill Bataan Death March Style (Indian run with PAX in back doing 3 burpees before running to the front).  Dora Style Workout with 100 Body Builders, 200 Merkins, and 300 Squats.  PAX not performing exercise will Bernie up the hill and do 5 Big Boys.  When your group is finished do Body Builders until 6 is finished.

Mosey back towards AO

Cash out with a game of 11’s starting with 10 Calf Raises and 1 Burpee


12 HIMs crushed it today!


1 John 4:18 – There is no fear in love.  But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.  The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

Today will most likely be the final time I Q in F3 Knoxville.  This week, my wife and I will be moving to the Atlanta Metro area to start a new chapter in our lives.  As the verse says above, we do not fear this change and are looking forward to it because everything has worked out how it was meant to.  The process for us to get to this point our lives has been very frustrating and stressful at times.  However, if things hadn’t worked out the way they did, I would have never been exposed to F3 and had the opportunity to meet and get better with all of you over the last few months.  For that, I am extremely grateful and consider myself lucky to have had that opportunity.


Bonus points to Judge Judy and Spotter for joining me on the preruck!  I encourage some new people to give the preruck a shot.



THE SCENE:  50 degrees, down-pour, and flooding.

All IC: SSH, Tennessee Rocking Chair, Squat Failure to Launch (like our careers), Merkin Failure to Launch, Parking Lot Mosey Lap


11s at trash can hill: CDDs at bottom + Squat Jumps at top……..Mosey to MRSA breeding ground zero (soccer field).

3 rounds of: Merkin Exercise at one end (x20), sprint to mid-field, 5 Double Burpees, Lunge rest of way to opposite end, Squat Jumps (x20), (PAX then switch to Reverse Gear), Bernie back to mid-field, 5 Double Burpees, Backward Lunge to Start. Repeat. (Ends Included Merkins, Squat Jumps, Diamond Merkins, Wide Merkins)……..Mosey to concrete bleachers.

7’s: Incline Merkins at bottom, Derkins at top. **Sick Twist: on way up- Jump and do 10 Calve Raises each stair……..Mosey to Playground Hill.

AMRAP: At bottom of hill: 20 Monkey Humpers, 20 4ct MCs, run to top of hill. At top: 20 Pull Ups, 20 BBSs, run back down hill. (did 3 or 4 rounds)………… Only one way back to AO – Mosey through the newly created lake (thigh high water) all the way back to AO.  Keep those knees up to maximize splash! (Junk was almost giddy about this part – thank you for your enthusiasm, brother!)

One minute of Burpees. Out of time.

9 Strong
2 practical techniques to battle sinful thoughts when they enter the mind: 1) focus on the cross – the ultimate price that was paid for you. This helps supply the motivation to dedicate our mind, bodies, actions and words to Him. We are not our own, we were bought with a price!  2) Rest in the absolute conviction that His ways are infinitely BETTER than ours. We see this proven time and time again throughout the Bible and history.
These guys were awesome today. Very proud of this crew! Thank you for allowing me to serve you this morning!