F3 Knoxville

Fellowship-Snake for 36

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Blindside
PAX: Stripped, Ribbed, mouthwash (Mike), Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), High Heels, Brick, Glamper, Madoff (Daniel Hereford), Podium, Eliza, Junk (Sam Yoakum), Headgear, Ice Cold, MegaArm, Messi, SplashPad
FNGs: None
SSH IC x36 | LBAC each way IC x10 | Cherry Pickers IC x3
Mosey to Dock:
6 down of 6 exercises (CDD, BBS, Shoulder Taps, Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers, No Cheat Merkins)
Mosey to Rock Pile:
6 reps of each of the following –> Bench, Goblet Squats, Rows, Curls, OH Press, and Triceps Ext.
Mosey to BathHouse:
6 reps of each of the following –> Pullups, Merkins, Lunges, Squats, Imp. Walkers, and Wide Merkins
Mosey to SplashPad:
6 reps of each of the following:
Step-ups/Box-Jumps, dips, Diamond Merkins, V-Ups, Incline Merkins, 4 ct. Hello Dollys
Mosey to Top of the World:
6 reps of each of the following:
Burpees, Squat Jumps, Smurf Jacks, Iron Mikes, Skater Boys, Georgia Cheerleaders
Mosey back to dock to do 5 of each exercise.
Time was called after the complete round of 5 at the Top of the World and a Fellowship Mosey ™ was made back to the ShovelFlag.

Squat Ring of Fire (3 down)

Go Ruck Basic

Don’t live your life passively. Don’t let things happen to you, go out and make them happen yourself. Take responsibility. Do the hard thing. Or risk losing it all.

17 October 2023

AO: dogpound
Q: Madoff (Daniel Hereford)
PAX: Aladdin, Choir Boy, Junk (Sam Yoakum), Earmuffs (Dan Studt), Podium, Google(Tim Dugas), Madoff (Daniel Hereford)
FNGs: None
15 SSH
15 TN Rocking Chairs
15 Little Baby Arm Circles
15 Rockettes
15 Little Baby Arm Circles
10 Flamingoes
15 Calf Raises
Run up the hill – 15 dips – Run long way around to Stairs

10 min AMRAP
10 Air Squats
20 Little Baby Crunches
20 Merkins
20 Mountain Climbers (2 count)
Lap around Dock Road back to Stairs

10 min AMRAP
5 Burpees
20 Big Boy Situps
20 SSH (4 count)
20 Rocky Balboas (4 count)
Run to base of Matterhorn

Sprint up hill to Backbone
20 hanging knee raises
Crawl Bear down to light pole
Run back to AO

30 second Plank


Reminder to all men to not get jaded and feel like we’ve seen it all and done it all. Encouraged to try to see wonder in everyday things and try something new. My Son convinced me to drive him to Peach Tree City, GA to see an airshow where the F-22 Raptor Demo Team was performing. I really did not want to go, but I wanted to give my Son the experience he wanted. It was an astounding demonstration of the capabilities of that aircraft. It reminded me of my love of aviation and planes fueled by adolescent memories of Top Gun, Iron Eagle, Firebirds, and other stupid movies that haven’t aged well. Be positive Guys and remember your Kids still have things to learn from you.


AO: dogpound
Q: Unibráu (Nick Robinson)
PAX: Ice Cold, Waxjob, Google(Tim Dugas), Junk (Sam Yoakum), Madoff (Daniel Hereford)
FNGs: None

jumping Jack’s, Grady Corn, Bend and Reach.
Burpees on the mosey to the pull up bars.
Pull ups.
Burpees on the mosey back.
Super 21s, for a total of 231 push ups and 231 sit ups/ crunches.
Leg Lifts, Flutter Kicks, and V-Ups.
Shared testimony.

Triple Mike

AO: dogpound
Q: La-Z-Boy (Zac Smith)
PAX: Google(Tim Dugas), Junk (Sam Yoakum), Ice Cold, Aladdin (Mansour Hasan), Waxjob (Josh Brady)
FNGs: None
SSH IC x 21 (Champions do more)
Squat IC, 4 count x 11
Merkins IC, 4 count x 11
Windmills IC, 4 count x 11
Cobra Burpees IC (kind of), 5 count? x ? it was a mess
Cherry Pickers IC, DogPound Style x 6
Trunk or Treat at the Camry to grab the Sandbag and head to the track.
HR Merkins x 20
Lunges x 20
Squat x 20
Run a lap
R&R until it is your time to carry the burden. Every PAX got a turn walking with the sandbag.
Attempted to create a Triple Mike Exercise
Plank to single leg plank
Flutter Kicks IC, 4 Count x 21
Cobra to Downward Dog
Hip Flexor stretch and oblique crunch

Shovel Flag handoffs at Equalizer and Asylum
F3 Men’s retreat –
They say that the Good is the enemy of Great. Because if you’re content with being good, you’ll never push to be Great. However, Perfection is less than Good, because it can stop you from even getting started.
I am a recovering Perfectionist. Early in life when something wasn’t right, I would approach the problem with a hammer seeking swift correction. Instead of approaching it like a Scientist and inspecting it with a flashlight. It’s not wrong, it needs work. This has helped bring understanding as a Husband, parent and co-worker. We’re all going to have good days and bad days. Let’s be understanding when someone else isn’t at their best because we know what that’s like ourselves.

Go Forward today Men with Appreciation, Boldness, and Curiosity.

Over the Hills

AO: the-farm
Q: Choir Boy (Kenny Saffles)
PAX: School Zone (Michael Shope), Trash Panda, Junk (Sam Yoakum), Choir Boy (Kenny Saffles)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSHs, Rockettes, Little Baby Arm Circles, Tempo Squats


Mosey to the big hill with all of the steps for some “Over the Hills.” Do 45 reps at the bottom of the hill, run up the hill, do 46 reps at the top of the hill, run back down the steps, and do 9 more reps to make it a round 100 reps. The exercises were calf raises, CDDs, squats, merkins, LBCs, and V-ups.

Mosey to the small picnic area by box jumping up the steps and lunging on the landings to the next set of stairs.  11s on the picnic tables – table pull-ups and box jumps.

Mosey around the loop back to the AO.

MARY: Some side crunches and a 1-minute plank.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 in the Nude this Saturday (probably should be renamed F3 Sand in Your Crack).

COT: Time flies, kids grow up, and you get older.  Father Time is undefeated but make sure he is out of breath when he catches up to you.  Cherish the time that you have because none of it is guaranteed.