F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE:  Summer in Antarctica

GLOBAL WARMING – PAX maintaining Al Gore pose while shuffling around circle (rotating left and right after each exercise) while exercises were called and performed: Tempo Merkins (IC) x10, Tempo Squats (IC) x10, Plank Jacks x20 (OYO), SSH (IC) x10.

Mosey to campus side of large parking lot: 15 Merkins – Sprint to other side – 1 Burpee, Sprint back.  Repeat until 5 burpees reached at opposite end. Mission Complete.

Mosey to triangle shaped median: WHAT THE HECK? PAX became “lost” in the Bearmuda Triangle – Bear Crawl one side of triangle, 3 Burpees.  Bearcrawl second side, 6 Burpees. Lunge Walk third side, 9 Burpees.  Polar Vortex drew us out of the triangle and set us back on course.  We could have been lost forever….Mission Complete.

Mosey to Sophomore Hill:  DORA – Partners complete Monkey Humpers x100, 6inch LBCs X200, SSH x300.  Other partner Bernied up Sophomore Hill and performed 10 Diamond Merkins at top before heading back each time. Mission Complete.

PAX pondered and hypothesized why the Q was carrying around a Frisbee during the entire workout.  Q then led PAX back to large parking lot – MYSTERY UNVEILED!  FNG (born again as Ghost Rider) was instructed to throw the Frisbee as far as he could.  PAX Lunge Walked to the Frisbee.  Second throw – PAX bear crawled to the Frisbee.  Third throw – PAX Burpee Broad Jumped to Frisbee.  Completed 6 rounds total, crushing all three exercises twice.  SO FUN ;).

Mosey back to AO.


Calve Raises x100,

ABC’s – On 6 with feet off the ground throughout, PAX each draw out the Alphabet with legs, rotating legs with each letter, nice and big capital letters. Lots of suffering in silence.

Cash out with Flutter Kicks – (IC) x40

12 Strong including 1 FNG – Welcome Ghost Rider
Accountability – Not easy to embrace correction, but we should beg to be rebuked.  If you don’t have someone in your life to help keep you accountable in your walk with Christ, find one.  Treasure the sweet aroma of their hard words.  As sinners, we all tend to dislike Godly correction but we need it. Often times, as the Bible states, the forces we are battling are not of this world.

Proverbs 25:12 – “Like a gold ring or an ornament of gold is a wise reprover to a listening ear” Proverbs 27:9 – “Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel Proverbs 12:1 – “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid”



CSAUP coming up

Push Yourself

THE SCENE: 30 degrees and clear skies

SSH (IC) x 20, Tempo Merkins (IC) x 10, Little Baby Arm Circles F & B (IC) x 10, Cherry Pickers (IC) x 10, Tempo Squats (IC) x 10, Flutter Kicks (IC) x 10

Dora Style Workout. Indian Run to CMU pile. Each team will get 1 CMU. Take CMU over towards the stadium.  Each exercise will be 200 reps.  The PAX not performing exercise will run up the hill and do 5 burpees and return to trade with other PAX. If a team finishes, start from the top and do it again. Exercises are:

  1. Curls
  2. Big Boys with CMU on chest
  3. Rows
  4. LBCs with CMU on chest
  5. Squats with CMU
  6. Flutter kicks holding CMU
  7. Overhead Press
  8. American Hammers with CMU
  9. Triceps Extension
  10. Leg raises holding CMU

(I don’t think anyone made it past squats today)

Indian run back to AO


Hello Dolly (IC) x 10, Freddy Mercury (IC) x 10, American Hammers (IC) x 10

17 strong today!  Bonus points to Judge Judy for joining me on the ruck this morning!

My challenge to everyone this year to is to Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable! Do this personally, physically, and spiritually.  For those who have never been on Q, take that next step and lead. If you have not been to other AOs for a workout, go to all the AOs. Try a Saturday workout which is an hour long or go the Burbs for a longer beatdown. Personally, talk to someone different at work or try to repair a fractured relationship. Spiritually, set a positive example for others and be a witness to someone who needs it (Jude Judy recently started a bible study group). We tend to be complacent and get in routines.  Break that routine and do something different this year.

Prayer requests for Gump and his family as his wife recovers from surgery and son recovers from broken foot/leg.
CSAUP at Bomb Shelter on Saturday.  Wesley House workout Wednesday at 5pm

All Together

THE SCENE: 28 deg. F and windy

15 SSH, 15 Imperial Walker, 15 Mountain Climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 10 windmill, 15 Moroccan Night Club

Mosey to the base of Jucomanjaro.  All exercises today were performed in cadence so that we can stick together the whole workout.  8 cones were spread out along the mountain and at each cone the following exercises were performed IC.  After each exercise, run to the next cone and wagonwheel to the 6 (not much there…all PAX stayed pretty close).

  • 10 burpees
  • 20 mountain climbers
  • 10 merkins
  • 10 diamond merkins
  • 5 stagger right, 5 stagger left merkins
  • 20 squats
  • 20 lunges
  • 15 Iron Mikes

For a little core work and time to breath, we did Heels to Heaven, Flutter kicks, and the protractor at the top.  Then, we made our way down the mountain and performed the same exercises as on the way up.  Judge Judy made sure I grabbed the cones on the way down to ensure that we didn’t come back up today.

When we reached the entrance to the school, we did a little “catch me if you can”.  All PAX are running backwards and the last one in line drops and does 3 burpees and then sprints to the front until all have sprinted once.  We then moseyed back to the shovel flag for some calf raises in honor of our site Q, Booster, who couldn’t make it this morning.  Something about a Metallica concert.  We did the calf raises in cadence with our arms resting on each others shoulders to help with balance and keeping with the theme of working together.

Hello Dolly (Snaggletooth) and Freddie Mercury
9 HIMs today at JUCO
Ecc. 4:9-12 – If we work together, we are stronger and can accomplish more.
Great job worked together and encouraging each other along the way.

Don’t forget to bring snacks for Wesley House

Short Circuit at JUCO

THE SCENE: 40*, drizzly
10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Rockettes, 10 Overhead Claps, 10 Tempo Merkins
Mosey to the courtyard for a round of 11’s with incline merkins and box squats. Jump over the brick wall in between sets.

Mosey to the brick pile.

Circuit training: 5 stations of exercises to be performed as a circuit with a lap around the retention wall after each station. The stations were:

  • 15 – Over-the-Shoulder Sandbag Toss (50lbs and 40lbs options)
  • 10 – Burpees
  • 25 – CMU Rows
  • 15 – CMU Swings
  • 25 – CMU Curls

We completed approximately 3-4 circuits before heading back to the AO. Kudos to Bagger for taking the initiative to carry the sandbags the 1/2 mile back to the AO.

20 – Flutter Kicks (Erector)
13 HIMs came out on hump day

“If you pray for rain, take an umbrella.”

This phrase has always stuck with me when I consider the things I pray for. If you’re going to ask for God to intervene in your life, you need to have faith that He will do so. Our faith is manifested in the belief that God will answer our prayers. Ezra is a great example of this principle. When Ezra made plans to travel from Babylon back to Jerusalem he refused an escort from the King. He knew he would be traveling a long distance through hostile land, but he insisted that he did not need an escort because he had prayed to God for protection. Ezra had faith that God would answer his prayer and he acted on this faith. The next time you pray, don’t forget to take your umbrella.

Shoutout to Bagger and Judge Judy for joining me on the pre-ruck and to Erector for knocking out a pre-run. We’d love to grow the pre-ruck/pre-run group. Come on out at 4:45 for some extra credit.
Bring snacks this week and next for the kids at the Wesley House.

The new Oak Ridge AO is set to start up on February 5th and will be on Tuesdays. Contact Erector if you are interested.


THE SCENE: 14 degrees, windy, CAH

SSH x 20 IC

Team Mosey
Complete the B.R.I.C.K. Between each set, run a  “down and back” in parking lot. Constant motion…

  • Burpees: 2-4-6-8-10, 10-8-6-4-2
  • Rocky Balboas IC: 2-4-6-8-10, 10-8-6-4-2
  • Incline Merkins: 2-4-6-8-10, 10-8-6-4-2
  • Captain Thor’s: 1:4 Ratio… 1:4, 2:8, 3:12…. 10:40. PAX leading PAX on this one. Nice to see the guys collaborate and figure it out…
  • King Kong Thrusters: 2-4-6-8-10, 10-8-6-4-2


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BRICK A singular positive Habit that is Advantageous to the individual or others.

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