F3 Knoxville

Your Treasures

THE SCENE: JUCO, clear and humid

15 SSH, 15 mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan night club, 10 tempo squats, 10 harry Rockettes, 6 cherry pickers
Mosey to JUCOmanjaro. At each painted line, perform alternating 5 burpees and 10 merkins all the way to the top. When finished, pick up the six and finish there set with them. Mosey back down to first cul de sac and do 20 flutter kicks IC. Continue mosey to the Maple Street parking lot. Perform 20 LBCs IC.

Begin next set with 10 burpees at the corner of the main building. Then, run to the next corner and do 20 squats. Continue pattern around the building twice. Mosey back to the flag.

Protractor, 20 heels to Heaven
15 PAX (including two 2.0s) for a slightly more tame Q courtesy YHC.
Matthew 6:19-24

19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; 21 for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

22 “The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is [k]clear, your whole body will be full of light. 23 But if your eye is [l]bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!

24 “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and [m]wealth.

Lately, YHC has been contemplating my priorities. What should we hope to gain in this world? This passage reminds us of our focus in live:  to serve God. If we make our priority gaining earthly treasures, we cannot truly serve God. Lay up your treasures in Heaven and they will be eternal.

Still collecting clothes for the Mend House. Hardship Hill and Iron PAX coming up.

Time well spent

THE SCENE: clear and not quite as humid

15 mountain climbers IC, 10 tempo Merkins, 15 harry Rockettes IC, 10 tempo squats, 15 Moroccan night club IC
Mosey to our Thursday spot behind the recruitment center and grab a block. Today, we focused on upper body and core. Perform the following pairs of exercises four times alternating between the exercises.

  • 25 Merkins and 25 heels to Heaven
  • 25 curls and 25, 2-ct heavy Freddie’s
  • 25 overhead presses and 25, big boy sit-ups
  • 25 tricep extensions and 25, 2-ct heavy flutters

Mosey back to the shovel flag.
Back just in time
8 HIMs today
“There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven— A time to give birth and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted. A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to weep and a time to laugh; A time to mourn and a time to dance. A time to throw stones and a time to gather stones; A time to embrace and a time to shun embracing. A time to search and a time to give up as lost; A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear apart and a time to sew together; A time to be silent and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate; A time for war and a time for peace.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1‭-‬8 NASB
Since there is an appointed time for everything, we should use our time wisely. We never know when it will be time for some new stage of our life. Take advantage of the present and don’t wish for something new to begin. Enjoy future prospects, and don’t dwell on the past. Live for today because that is the day we are promised.

We didn’t quite get through all the reps today, but everyone worked hard. With all the running lately, YHC has forgotten the feeling you get after cranking out some major strength training exercises. It felt good today.

Re-visiting the road less traveled

THE SCENE: Humid, but nice

SSH x 20
Tempo Squat x 10
Tempo Merkin x 10
Freddy Mercury x 20
Burpees (OYO) x 10


Mosey to the Greenway Path, doing 1 set of the following every 4 min
10 Burpees
20 Freddy Mercurys
30 Merkins
40 Squats
Leaders will wagon wheel after every set to get back to the 6, finish their reps, and start each new leg together
Continue to do 1 set of each of the above until we complete the nearly 3 miles course
Mosey back to the AO

1 minute worth of Flutter Kicks

Romans 12: 7-11:

Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all. Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”

While we undergo suffering in some shape/form right now, we as believers know that there is a purpose in it and can take comfort that we will come through this stronger than before.  Take heart men, and represent Christ well in being a positive influence for our families, communities, and the world.

Custom Fit

THE SCENE: 68 and clear.  Perfect.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

  • Moroccan nightclubs (for our boy, Erector) – IC x 8
  • Cherry pickers – IC x 8
  • Ranger merkins – IC x 8
  • Mountain climbers – IC x 8
  • X and O


Mosey, sprint, and bear crawl our way to “The Half-Pipe” (two sets of 15 steps that face each other).

Perform exercise at the top of staircase 1, run down, across, and up staircase 2.  Perform the same exercise at the top of staircase 2, run down, across, and up staircase 1.  That’s one round – repeat with the following;

  • 20 Bobby Hurleys
  • 20 Flutter Kicks 4-ct
  • 20 Ranger Merkins
  • 20 Mountain Climbers 4-ct
  • 20 Lunges
  • 20 Hello Dolly 4-ct
  • 20 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 20 LBCs

Mosey, sprint, and bear crawl our way back…


  • Freddy Mercury IC x 20
  • Hello dolly IC x 20
  • Sleeping hillbilly L&R IC x 10
  • Jailbreak!


SEVEN:  5 HIMs and 2 2.0s


Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4

Many of you have heard me talk about a sad time that our family recently went through.  My wife was 10 weeks pregnant and we lost the baby.  I’ve spoken before about the grief that followed – but this morning, I want to commemorate one part of that season which impacted me in a positive way.

We got the bad news from the OBGYN on Monday, May 18th.  We heard that the pregnancy was not viable and that a miscarriage would happen after some time – that might be days or weeks.  It occurred on the day which we’d dreaded most – May 20th, which was also the 4th birthday of our youngest son.  So instead of joyfully celebrating him, our family was devastated, and my wife spent that day in agony.

In that terrible moment… Mailbox’s wife (S.O.S’s mom) texted my wife to check on her.  Knowing our situation, his wife asked this unexpected and deeply moving question, “can we come decorate your home for your 4-year-old’s birthday?”  The family brought balloons, streamers, and homemade signs – they made our living room look awesome.  They brought Chick-fil-a for lunch, gave him a personalized tee-shirt, sang Happy Birthday, and had him blow out a candle on a cookie.  They brought all of our kids to the park for a play date…. For our 4-year old, it was a good birthday.

They came to meet a need that we didn’t even know we had.  They came to make our son’s birthday special, when we could not even think about it.  I will remember their kindness for the rest of my life.  We were so moved by this gesture (I tear up writing about it almost 3 months later) because it was incredibly thoughtful and tailored specifically to our need.  

That action has inspired me to seek out opportunities to meet the needs of others in a way that is customized to their need.  I’ve challenged myself to not only offer those around me, “if there’s anything I can do, just ask…” – but rather to look deeper into their situations and offer something specific.

Takeaway:  Search for opportunities to serve others in a way which is customized to their circumstances – and offer them specific, not general, support in their time of need. 

You’ll need to be observant and thoughtful.  What’s more, you’ll need to be creative to identify the needs of others that they may not even realize they have.  Are you up to that challenge?

Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4



  • The Word was inspired by Mailbox’s awesome crew; C, K, C (S.O.S.), and K – you guys are so thoughtful and special! T-Claps! T-Claps! T-Claps!
  • Prayers for Erector’s family
  • Speedy and full recovery, Rocket!  See you in the gloom again soon, brother!
  • Where on earth has Samaritan been?


You Can’t Share Q-Tips or Sharpen Iron by Yourself

THE SCENE: Ominous. Thunderstorms on the radar. 100% chance of PAIN (or at least DOMS haha)
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Administered + Cell phone check (COVID rules applying). Q noted today is his F3iversary Q and he was almost named Prison Mike. Original picture here from July 31, 2019

Also noted was the concept that we all have something to contribute. Q stated he wanted “Q-tips”- things that make a Q, a workout, and each other better throughout the workout. PAX seemed to understand and during the warmup the Q gave several examples, encouraging the PAX to be ready to share a tip when the Q asked for some:

-prep the PAX for the workout beforehand (giving the spiel about Q-tips before the 1-minute warning as well as during the warmup doubly prepped the PAX)


  • 7 x Moroccan Night Club IC
  • 7 x Tempo Squat IC
  • 7 x Overhead Clap IC
  • 7 x Side Lunge
  • 7 x Tempo Merkin
  • 7 x Squat Walking Rockette
  • 7 x Hillbilly
  • 7 x Tennessee Rocking Chair
  • 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100% sprint progression to first light pole in AO parking lot
  • 20 Calf Raises for Booster

Q-tips during the warm-up (not all Q-tips listed were stated during the Q):
-Use the warm-up as a time to preview new exercises if possible. This gives the PAX a chance to mentally warm-up and adjust to the new movements.
-Pay attention to each individual PAX. If a PAX is struggling, offer a modification move to a different exercise (and think about modifying your Q)
-Do only what reps seem profitable – it’s a warmup not a beatdown
-Demonstrate all possibly unfamiliar exercises
-Do a longer warmup than you might think. This can help
Mosey to the Large Parking lot:
Q-tips on the way
-during a mosey is an ideal time to have some intentional mumblechatter with other PAX, especially after the warm-up and before the beatdown part of the workout
-the Q can lead without leading the pack but giving clear direction if the Q is not in the front of a mosey helps everyone follow more clearly
-during COVID, consider running / moseying shorter distances as during a “wagon wheel” PAX tend to not socially distance as well

First Phase – Full Speed 2-3 minutes of the following:
-100% Sprint to the first light pole
-1 x Burpee
-Jog (not rushed) back to starting curb

-tell the PAX how long they’re going to do something that you’re saying is “max effort”.
-encourage communication and questions by eliciting feedback from the PAX “make sense?” is my go-to but you can find your own

Mosey to the newest parking lot
-PAX were instructed we’d keep moseying until they gave at least 1 Q-tip (they were all trying to be respectful but I really wanted this to be collaborative)
-PAX responded with “threaten the PAX with punishment if they don’t enthusiastically participate” which was funny and kept the mood light
-sign up for Q’s so Judge Judy kill us with a beatdown (I’m sure he also meant so that Judge doesn’t have to Q every week)
-use the mosey time to talk about what’s happening next as you move in between additional workout locations while still giving the PAX a breather

Second Phase: Proper Scaling
Pax were asked to evaluate the following exercises in order of most difficult to least. Each was done starting with the most difficult at 2 reps and increasing by 2 reps to the least difficult (exercises are put in order for order done though they were list randomly for the PAX):

1. Burpees x 2
2. Bobby Hurley x 4
3. Air Thruster x 6
4. Tempo Merkin x 8
5. Flutter Kick x 10
6. Squat Jump x 12
7. Heels to Heaven x 14
8. Pickle Pointer x 16
9. Merkin x 18
10. Squat x 20

-give the PAX choices. It engages them and they take ownership of the workout
-look for ways to engage multiple PAX so as to give a break through verbal feedback, other things like a 10-count (who can’t give a 10-count except the FNG who can’t breathe well and he probably doesn’t know even what a 10-count is?)
-numbering off (which we did 1 through 4) is also another way to give a break to the PAX
Mosey to the far side of Sophomore Hill (more Q-tips on the mosey)

Third Phase: Proper Social (aka Physical) Distancing
1’s & 3’s on the near side, 2’s & 4’s on the far side:
Bear crawl up (if you can’t bear crawl, you have to Bernie up, jog back down, & Bernie up again)
At the top: 15 lunges, 15 rows
First PAX to finish leads the group in the exercise of his choice until the 6 is up

-verbal confirmation of continued and paying attention to COVID conditions meant skipping the rows for me as the Q. As the Q you need to make sure your men are SAFE above all else. You actively participate but even though they’re attending the workout you’re leading on their own volition, this doesn’t remove your responsibility (saying that just helps you not get a lawsuit nearly as easily should something go wrong)

Fourth Phase: Pulling & Pressing
Mosey to pull-up bars
5 pull-ups each, CMU exercise at the bottom (directions given weren’t super clear so I modified this one to be 20 CMU presses, putting the CMU back and doing a wall sit until the 6 except Erector who communicated he would be joining us after his marathon training run he did).

Fifth Phase: Slippery Scaling
Mosey to Freshman (or Stadium) Hill
PAX given 10-20 seconds to recover as I went over the next part:
5x of:
1 Merkin at the bottom (which basically is a burpee but shh the PAX don’t know this haha)
Up the hill
1 Squat at the top
Down the hill

Q called recover after only 4 times because it was exhausting.

Q tips:
-Rule of (Q-)thumb Q-tip – if you can’t do it, don’t Q it (so we only did 4 and didn’t do any hand stand push-ups)
-Q called for more Q-tips (some were probably given but not coming to mind – a tip that can be well-taken is if you don’t know or didn’t do something, admit it)
-directed the PAX to the courtyard (giving PAX direction to the next location, especially when it’s the end of the workout, allows you to pace yourself as the Q and see how the not-at-the-front PAX are doing)
FiA had their first official week at JUCO and hollered at us in the rain. I know several M’s of the HIM’s we have were there and hope the distance was good but encouraging to see us working hard in the rain. This is how we can and should encourage our sisters in Christ (and men one way you can serve your M). One note is that their website is not yet updated but contact Doubtfire for more info if your M is interested).

When we got to the picnic table at the edge of the courtyard and as I was explaining what we were supposed to do there (listed below), lightning flashed. I had talked to the PAX if we saw any lightning (because of the strong likelihood of thunderstorms in the forecast), we would immediately stop the workout and go home- so that is what we did With COVID physical distancing, taking cover was also not an option because we’d be in an enclosed space and it’s just not worth the risk right now, especially looking to lead the PAX in what is wise.

Sixth Phase: The Home Stretch
PAX at 4 corners of the courtyard. 3 exercises, 1 per corner, run to the next and run past the 4th corner. 10 reps first round, 5 reps second round, 1 rep last round
1. Lunges
2. Pickle pounders (yes, there’s actually video of someone doing it- might even be F3 Knoxville guys but I couldn’t tell)
3. Rainbow hip drops (plank – hip drop left – plank – hip drop right)
4. Free Space (keep running)

MARY: (aka Phase 7):
Zilch. Unless it was OYO after we saw lightning or in your vehicle.
17 soaking-wet PAX (I took the picture, of course)
There is so much I wanted to say here. But often God has other plans for us. One year ago today I did F3 for the first time. Trolley led the massive beatdown I mean Q. Spotter was my slot car partner. Ribbed invited me to F3. Ribbed also came to JUCO for the first two weeks and he and so many of you HIMs have walked faithfully with me through the hardest year of my life. The pain and suffering were self-inflicted and yet God saw me through every moment of it. He has given beauty for ashes in spite of the great loss I’ve suffered – as Jesus says “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” (Mark 8:36). “And as Paul would echo Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ.” (Philippians 3:8)

There’s so much to be thankful for about F3. It’s similar to 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (I encourage you to read this verse), but as I’m sure you all have heard over and over, it’s really about Iron Sharpening Iron, or Proverbs 27:17 – “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” There are so many application points that I could come up with, but just as over the past year I’ve gathered all of the Q-tips from various places, I encourage you to read what I have below and come up with your own:

Be a proactive man, not passive (somebody else can do it or if they want it done they should ask me) or aggressive (other people had better do what I want them to so that things get done my way). A proactive man plans, seeks the Lord, and also looks for opportunities to serve others and be served. A proactive man sees benefit and value in all PAX who come – athletic, intelligent, out of shape, slow, quiet, whatever (let’s keep pushing for diversity among the PAX as well my dudes). Iron sharpening iron isn’t about you going and being the know it all. It’s about, as Swimmies well said when I went to the Asylum for the first time, “getting better together.” That’s what we’re doing F3 for. It’s not just about us. We lay down our lives for others. We let other men speak into our lives and then their iron sharpens our iron. We look at the plank first and then remove the speck from our brother’s eye.

The above is a broad summary of what’s taken place over the past year – and also what I hope will take place over the next year. There have been so many wonderful moments with each of you men I cannot express my gratitude enough, but as John Piper recently said when reflecting on his 1500th Ask Pastor John episode:

7. Let your motto be the principle of the apostle Paul “forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead

Trolley said it last year too:

This F3 stuff is the best thing ! Feeling so grateful for it. It’s the best part of my day. Creative, challenging, always different, always free. Rain or shine. Always encouraging. Great testimonies and BOM’s. We be sittin’ on GOLD fellas! I hope where ever I go I can always find an F3 PAX to workout with!

Year 1 of F3 down. Now year 2 begins! You keep sharpening me and, Lord willing, I’ll keep sharpening you!

SYITG soon,
-Pool Boy aka Prison Mike

One of the reasons I felt confident in everything we did for this workout was because I was prepared. I thought through a lot of the “what if’s”. Even if something comes up and you’ve not specifically covered it, you can succeed. I really thought we might be able to get through the workout, but God had other plans. This is a constant lesson that has been with me over the past year both at F3 and outside of F3 – surrendering to His will and way are best. Is it hard? It’s impossible. But that’s why we must rely on the Spirit and no do things – even exercising – in merely our own strength. “What did you have that you did not receive?” Trust Him for each day. Reach out. Take a Q!

Q-tips Part 1 was a success. We’ll see if a Part 2 is in the future.
-Mend house clothing was a little hard for Spotter to collect (though if you bring things in the future it’s probably best to give them to the person collecting things before workouts). They’re still collecting them as I’m sure the need didn’t instantly go away as these men recover from addiction.
F3 Work Day at Mooreland Heights Elementary School August 8th at 8:45am
-FiA now at JUCO on Wednesday/Friday. Message Doubtfire for more info or see www.FiAknoxville.com to contact them if your M is interested.