F3 Knoxville

Man Glitter in a Box

THE SCENE: Cooler, but still oppressive. 73 degrees, lots of humidity and no wind.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yes, all the things

SSH, Tempo Merkins, Cherry Pickers, Windmills, TN Rockin’ Chair, Rocky Balboa’s with Karaoke

  • 10 Spider Merkins, run up Baby Everest, 3 Man Makers at the summit
  • Route 66 with Merkins on the way up and Squats on the way down
  • Run up Pickett’s Charge with Burpees at each plateau
  • DORAs at the Overlook with 6 Stations
    • Round 1
      1. Calf Raises
      2. Boxcutters
      3. Step-Ups
      4. Big Boys
      5. Merkins
      6. Lt. Dans
    • Round 2
      1. Carolina Dry Docks
      2. Imperial Squat Walkers
      3. Derkins
      4. X-Factors
      5. Sumo Squats
      6. Hello Dollys

Tha-Thang was enough. No time for Mary.
23 HIMs, including several from Big Ball who came to visit. Also Doublewide’s 2.0 Newton was part of our crew.
Matthew 5:9 and excerpts from Mark Richt’s book “Make the Call”. Learning to think outside the box to work on sharing God’s love with others, but seeking a way to be real with others using compassion & unique approaches.

Cleanup Service Opportunity, details forthcoming from Rainbow. Crab Legs invited everyone to a Poker Night charity event at Shults Brau for CCAHT (August 18th at 6:00pm).

Pleasure Cruise

THE SCENE: Not bad. Mid 60’s at circle up

Start with 25 SSH then mosey to lower parking lot for some Baby Arm circles forward, backwards, overhead claps, and front claps all on 4 count. 12 reps apiece.  Then a mix of a Rockette and Windmill.
Mosey to hill on the dragon.  Pulled random cards of Hill Sprints, Merkins x25, Bear Crawl up and Crawl Bear down, Mosey to AO Flagpole and back, 20 Dry Docks, More Sprints

Mosey to Overlook.  Random cards there too?  25 Merkins, 3 laps around circle, 20 squat jumps, 25 4ct flutters, 20 4ct lbc, OH Claps with a lap

Mosey to Cloud.  What do you know? Random cards there as well!  Run to pavilion for 20 table rows then back to plank, 25 dips, 20 step ups, 20 4ct LBC, 25 merkins, 20 4ct Hello Dolly, then Repeated a few then 10 burpees

Back to AO for…

20 4ct Freddie Mercury, 20 4ct Flutter, finally 12 tempo Merkins to close out

Talked about Obama’s Birthday Today and his quote:


Take of your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes…shake it off.  Stop complaining.  Stop Grumbling. Stop Crying.  We are going to press on.  We have work to do.

Barack Obama



Parking Lot Circuit

THE SCENE: Very Foggy morning, but cool (68 F)


SSH, Windmills, Tempo Merkins, Rocky Balboas, and different jogs across the parking lot (buttkickers, high knees, and Karaoke)

After moseying to the 1st of 3 parking lots, we started a circuit of the 3 parking lots. Circuit involved starting with 5 of an exercise, run to the end of the parking lot, complete 10 of the exercise, run to the next parking lot, complete 15, run to the other end complete 20, run 15, run 10, run 5, run to the starting point, and start the circuit again with a new exercise. Exercises are as follows:

  1. Burpees
  2. Bigboys
  3. Squats
  4. Merkins
  5. Hello Dollys
  6. Exercise of Choice

Gave a HIM choice of exercise to lead before time was up.

Words taken from Adolph Brown’s Blog DocSpeaks.com:

The phrases being grateful and being thankful are often used interchangeably as a result of most dictionaries listing them as synonyms.  However, there are subtle differences between the phrases.   The word thankful is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as “pleased and relieved.”  The word “grateful is defined as “showing an appreciation of kindness.”  Here is where the distinction lies; being thankful is a feeling, and being grateful is an action.

Being grateful has two parts, one part is about appreciating what one has, and the second part is about recognizing where the goodness comes from (often an altruistic act).  Being thankful implies one is acknowledging their appreciation for something that someone has given them.  Per the old adage, “action speaks louder than words,” being thankful is an expression of words we use to acknowledge a kind act, and the action of gratitude is a deliberate practice. Being grateful builds on being thankful by helping us give deeper meaning to our lives, make sense of our lives and learn to affirm those around us for their roles in our lives. One can be thankful without being grateful, but one cannot be grateful without being thankful.

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”

 Ralph Waldo Emerson


THE SCENE: Mid 60s no humidity

10 baby arm circles in cadence

10 reverse baby arm circles in cadence

10 imperial walkers in cadence

10 cherry pickers in cadence

10 mountain climbers in cadence

10 American hammers in cadence

25 SSH in cadence

Mosey up hill by parking lot stopping at each light pole for 5 merkins. Moseying to various parking areas to do some Tabata work :20 work :10 rest 12 rounds

  • Bear crawl
  • Bilateral bear crawls
  • Reverse bear crawls
  • Gorilla hops

Mosey back to AO along same path hitting 5 merkins at each light pole
13 pax no FNGs

“On a cold January day, a forty-three-year-old man was sworn in as the chief executive of his country. By his side stood his predecessor, a famous general who, fifteen years earlier, had commanded his nation’s armed forces in a war that resulted in the defeat of Germany. The young leader was raised in the Roman Catholic faith. He spent the next five hours watching parades in his honor and stayed up celebrating until three o’clock in the morning”

Excerpt From
Start with Why
Simon Sinek
This material may be protected by copyright

Reading this we might think the situation is referring to JFK, but in actuality it’s referring to Adolf Hitler. I encourage everyone to not make assumptions on what we think we know but make informed decisions with every possible bit of knowledge at our disposal so that we carry out our purpose of serving others and serving God!

Bears and laps

THE SCENE: Super muggy, humid and gloomy
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  – No FNG’s so it was brief

Split Jacks, high knees, butt kickers, Rockettes, some yoga and stretches.  Bernie up baby Everest.

-So, I wanted to do something terrible.  Went to the newest path on the NE part of the park.  First light pole – 5 dive bombers, bear crawl to the next light pole, jog to next light pole and start the cycle again.  We did this until we reached the road.

-Jogged to the Overlook.  Did 25’s with merkins and BBS, did a lap around the oval in front of the admin building between sets.

-Back to the AO.  Bear crawl 360 down the parking lot, then Super Mario back, then Frankenstein back again.

– Finished off with a super terrible Ring of Fire that was Al Gore/Jump Squats.  Kinda like a failure to launch.


Did 10 O-Rings in each direction in honor of the failure to launch.

16 Pax, no FNG’s.

Jesus gave us the parable of the seed and the mustard tree to show us that we are all works in progress with small beginnings and then a final fruitful glorious form.  Realize that growth, difficulties, change is all part of God’s plan for us.  Ignore words of discouragement if your path is currently not what you’d like it to be, listen to the words of encouragement as you move forward.
We prayed for Katie who recently had bypass surgery.
Safe Haven still needs donations.  CSAUP coming up at Dog Pound.