F3 Knoxville


AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Steam
PAX: Tri Delt, Lilydipper, Lizzy, Crawdad (Robbi Dickens), David Procopio (Two Shoes)
FNGs: 1 David Procopio (Two Shoes)
– SSH: 20×4
– Windmill: 10×4
– Imperial Walker: 10×4
– Lunge: 10×4
– Body Builder: 5×4

(Mosey up Picketts to the Coliseum)
1 – BSIA Challenge
– Here at the overlook
– B = 15 BBS
– Take a lap
– S: 15 SSH
– Take a lap
– I: 15 Imperial Walkers
– Take a lap
– A: 15 American Hammers
– Take a lap
(Mosey to the Lit Lot)
2 – Catch Me If You Can
– Catch Me If You Can
– 1 BB does 2 burpees while the other BB takes off in a Bernie
– After the BB doing burpees finishes his 2 – he runs to catch his BB and then the roles are reversed
– Rinse and repeat until you get to the other side + mosey back here to the starting point
3 – BB Slingshot
– HQ is here
– You and your BB will take turns doing further down and around the lit lot until you get to the opposite curb to the left
– Here: always be 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 SSH
– 1 BB will run to the crosswalk and execute 1 burpee and run back
– When they get back, their BB will run to the next farthest crosswalk, do 1 burpee, and come back
– Rinse and repeat until you or your BB makes it to the last POC on the other side and back
(Mosey back to the Coliseum for BSIA #2)
4 – Broga w/Steam
– 10 dive bomber cobras
– Hold the cobra for 5 seconds
5 – Core 4 (15×4)
– Flutter kicks (Top door and back)
– American Hammers (Top door and back)
– Reach for the stars (Top door and back)
– Cockroaches (Top door and back)
(Mosey to the 🇺🇸)

– Cherry Pickers + Willie Mays Hayes

– Convergence at Big Ball on 2/17 @ 7am
– GTE (GrowRuck Training Event) on 4/26-28

Show and Tell with Steam: New tat: “Temporary sacrifice for the greater good.”

3 components to this:
– Time: You have a specific # of days of life, no more no less. There’s nothing you can do to add to those days or subtract from them. Time is also the only non-renewable resource.
– Sacrifice: There are opportunities everyday to sacrifice things for the ones you love (big and small things). What are you willing to sacrifice for the things you love?
– Greater Good: What sacrifices are you willing to make for the greater good? Who or what is the greater good for you?

Here’s the peak of temporary sacrifice for the greater good: God sending his son to die and take our place on the cross so we could be redeemed and have access to our Heavenly Father. It was a temporary sacrifice for the greater good. The greater good? Us. God’s immense love for us activated this temporary sacrifice.

So here’s a takeaway – think about how you can live out temporary sacrifice in your life today, this week, this month, and this year.

BFW (burpee-filled workout)

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Gmail, Z-Pack, Lizzy, F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Disclaimer, Warmup stuff

10 8-count man makers
10 1 leg burpees (5 ea leg)
10 ninja burpees
10 sandbag burpees
10 burpee broad jumps
10 regular burpees
Paused at 4 to celebrate Z-Pack’s completion of MABA
10 ball-pees
10 Kraken burpees
5 8-count man makers with a broad jump
5 regular burpees
Celebrated Pluto’s completion of MABA
10 regular burpees again, I think
100 burpees running total

Mosey to the walking track
25 burpees
25 sandbag rows
25 sandbag overhead press
25 sandbag squats
1 lap
Finished 2 rounds, approximately

Spotted 1 rare “bro-pee” in the wild
150ish burpees running total

MARY: no

Q forgets announcements and prayer, but Z-Pack is on it.
2/17 Convergence at Big Ball
Log your burpees!

The Word #1
Psalm 13, taught it to my kids on Monday. Had to teach it to myself on Tuesday.

The Word #2, group discussion
Question : Why do 3100 burpees in a month?
Answers from the PAX :
It is a challenge, and you can do more than you think you can
To improve cardiovascular health and endurance
It is stupid
It is good to do hard stuff together
It is a good example to our children
It is memorable

After parking lot coffeteria, Gmail, Z-Pack and FixerUpper do a few more burpees, b/c why not?
200ish burpee final total

Cardinal 1 Year Anniversary

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Drum Major
PAX: High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Switchhitter (Tony), Lizzy, Pusher, Lilydipper, MD Hammer, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Pac-man, Tenderfoot, Rooney (Carl Whipple), Rooney(Carl Whipple), Abacus, Dain Bramage (Will Olson)
FNGs: None


• 15 Side Straddle Hops

• 10 Tempo Merkins

• 10 Flutter Kicks 

• 10 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward

• 10 Little Baby Arm Circles Backward

• 10 Hallelujahs

• 10 Knoxville Cherry Pickers

• 20  Sec. Samson Hold

• 10 Willie Mayes Hayes – sideways lunge

The Thang:
Choose two points about 100 yards from each other – these will be Point A and Point B. Starting at “Point A” perform Set 1 exercises, then run to “Point B” and repeat those same exercises. Run back to “Point A”.
Repeat this sequence for exercise Sets 2, 3, and 4.  

Set 1
5 Burpees
5 Big Boys
5 Heels to Heaven

Set 2
10 Burpees                                                 
10 Little Baby Crunches
10 Mt. Climbers Double Count

Set 3
15 Burpees                                                 
15 Air Squats
15 Freddy Mercury’s

Set 4
20 Burpees

Hallelujahs = a shoulder burn exercise. Hands up at ear level. Raise up to full extension I cadence. 1 up, 2 down, 3 up, 4 down.
Samson Hold = Arms extended straight out like your pushing against two pillars.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence at Big Ball on 1/20. And Ababus winner of 1st annual Asylum PM Fantasy Football League. Congrats Abacus!

I did not know Cardinal, but have heard he was kind, generous with what he had and a loving individual. Why he was chosen to leave us in such a way is beyond the understanding of everyone standing here tonight. All I know is he was not granted the opportunity to tell his own story after that sad day nearly a year ago.

DO NOT take one second in this life for granted. We are not guaranteed one more split second on this earth. Nobody is promising us one last laugh with friends, nor one more hug from a loved one. Appreciate the gift all of us have that Cardinal was not given. Go enjoy that gift. Be kind, be generous (whether it is with time or money), show love over hate, be a light in others lives and not darkness. Choose to live a life of enjoyment over disappointment and sadness. There is so much good in this world. Seek it out and shun the bad. It IS a choice we all make every conscious minute we are blessed to experience. High Heels the other day said this is the best AO he has experienced in all his travels and said it may be due to the 2nd F efforts, and while I thoroughly enjoy our 2nd F excursions, I think there may be a bit more to it. Do you think it also may have something to do with the positive and kind influencers we have surrounding us every time we step into this circle? I don’t just think that….I know it. We are a special group, and I couldn’t be more proud to share with others I am a part of it.

Cardinal’s VQ, 1 year later

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Secret Garden, Z-Pack, Lizzy
FNGs: None
Cardinal’s Q

15 Side Straddle Hops
10 Tempo Merkins
10 Flutter Kicks 
10 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward
10 Little Baby Arm Circles Backward
10 Hallelujahs
10 Knoxville Cherry Pickers
20  Sec. Samson Hold
10 Willie Mayes Hayes
The Thang:
Choose two points about 100 yards from each other – these will be Point A and Point B. Starting at “Point A” perform Set 1 exercises, then run to “Point B” and repeat those same exercises. Run back to “Point A”.
Repeat this sequence for exercise Sets 2, 3, and 4.  

Set 1
5 Burpees
Moment of silence after burpee #2
5 Big Boys
5 Heels to Heaven

Set 2
10 Burpees                                               
10 Little Baby Crunches
10 Mt. Climbers Double Count

Set 3
15 Burpees                                               
15 Air Squats
15 Freddy Mercuries

Set 4
20 Burpees

ANNOUNCEMENTS: big ball convergence 1/20

COT: 1 more burpee
There’s a last time for everything
Do good as long as you have the opportunity. Galatians 6:10

52 Card Beatdown

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: FixerUpper, Lizzy, Gmail
FNGs: None

Flamingo Stretch
Abe Vigoda
Cherry Pickers IC
Michael Phelps
Baby Arm Circles IC
Tempo Merkins IC
Tempo Squats IC
Mountain Climbers IC
Run Panda Express

♥️ – Burpees
♦️- Decline Merkins
♣️ – Lunges, single leg
♠️ – Step Ups, single leg
Ace – run a lap around park
Jokers are wild.

The number on the card drawn equals the number of reps. Jack is 11 reps, Queen is 12 reps, King is 13 reps.
We made it through most of the deck including 3 laps around the park, which is about 1 mile, total.

no, ran out of time

Convergence at big ball on January 20. Quacken guys need to plan the pre-ruck

Examine your life.
We talked about roles, goals, planning and the brevity of this life. This was encouragement for us all to be intentional in the spheres of our lives. We can do this by planning and and examining our priorities. What is God calling you to? Let’s keep pushing and continue to grow as HIM in 2024.