F3 Knoxville

Ring of Fire

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: FixerUpper, Herbie, Lizzy, Gmail
FNGs: None

Abe Vigodas
Cherry Pickers IC
Michael Phelps
Flamingo – Quad Stretch
Tricep and Shoulder Stretch
Tempo Merkins IC
Tempo Squats IC
4 Stations around the park track. 2 Exercises at each station. 3 minutes at each station.

Station 1 – 10 Burpees, 10 Step Ups each leg. Repeat these two sets for the 3 minutes.

Station 2 – 10 pull-ups, 10 Bruce Lee. Repeat sets, 3 min.

Station 3 – 10 Merkins, 10 Lunges each leg. Repeat sets, 3 min.

Station 4 – 15 Decline Merkins, 15 flutter kicks on 4 count. Repeat sets, 3 min.

We got 2 laps of these 4 stations done before time ran out.

We also did a quick squat ring of fire – 3 reps

not today

Gobbler work out led by Fixer on Friday. Check the channel for details.

Thankful for God’s provision and providence in our lives. I recounted the story of Squanto and the Pilgrims. If you don’t know about this Native American’s story, look him up. It’s amazing.
We lifted up prayers and then had a coffeeteria. Happy Thanksgiving!

See and do

AO: brickyard
Q: fast-n-easy (Nate Votta)
PAX: Spellcheck, Appleseed, Lizzy, Herbie, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Simmons, Gordie, Natty
FNGs: None
WARMUP: windmills, squats, LBC, overhead, seal, Moroccan, long lap

THE THANG: apparently quite confusing???

10yrd breakdowns with partners
-Partner 1 10 merkins/ 1 burpee, then run to end and call out partner and SSH till partner joins
-Partner 2 SSH to fail until called out, then 10merkins/ 1 burpee. Then join partner
-Wheelbarrow across the grass field, run back to next 10yrd marker and repeat adding 1 burpee each time.
-When at the grass field, swap wheelbarrow with partner

There was only 7 increments, so top number was 10merkins/ 7burpees

We got off course so we had to do MM to reset the standard a few times.

10 count slow mountain climbers

MARY: flutter kick

COT: realize your issues are not as bad as you may make them out to be. Sometimes our issues just need to be solved or resolved. There is always someone there that can put it in perspective.

Skatepark Beatdown

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: Lizzy, Gmail, FixerUpper, Postman (Scott Colby), Trip, John Deere, Big Sky, Boots
FNGs: 1 Boots
My 2.0 Trip turned 12 last week. We celebrated his birthday, and he helped out with cadence counts and exercise demonstration.

WARMUP: Greeting and Disclaimer, then…
Abe Vigodas
Flamingos- Quad Stretch
Baby Arm Circles, IC
Michael Phelps
Tempo Merkins, IC
Squats, IC
Mosey from AO to Skatepark

AMRAP – 6 exercise stations and a bear crawl.
Station 1 – At low rail do 2 manmakers, jump over rail, do 2 manmakers. Repeat for 12 total manmakers.
Station 2 – at tall sloped wall- climb over wall, at bottom do a merkin, climb back over wall do a merkin. Repeat for 12 total merkins.
Station 3 – there is a low curved wall. Do box jumps down the length of the wall.
Station 4 – Do 24 LBCs
Station 5 – At hand rail with steps to calf raises – 12 reps each leg
Station 6 – 12 Decline Merkins
Mosey back to other side of skatepark, then bear crawl the length of the skatepark.
Mosey back to Station 1 and repeat the circuit.
At 0605 we jogged back to the AO
Hello Dolly IC
Freddie Mercury IC
Bruce Lee IC
Low Plank 1 min.
Flutter Kicks IC
Thor Hammer IC
Trip shared inspiration from his study of George Washington – sacrificial leadership, bravery.

Prayer Time – lifted up requests

52 surprises and a Migraine

AO: brickyard
Q: Natty
PAX: Lizzy, fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Herbie, Switchgrass (Stacy Clark), Gordie, Natty
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 20 SSH, 20 OH Claps, 20 seal claps, 20 Chinooks, 20 OH Press, 20 Army Cherry Pickers, 20 Thai Fighters, 10 Windmills
THE THANG: mosey to Field and lunge the end zones sprint the straights performing 10 Man Makers at each except the last do 12 for total of 52
50 burpees P1, P2 sprints to EZ and back
100 OH Claps, Bear Crawls to 50 and sprint back
150 MKNS, side shuffle L to EX and R back
200 BBS. Bernie to EX and back
250 SQUATS, run up and down 4 flights of stairs
15 Australian Nut Knockers

MARY: 10 Bruce Lees