F3 Knoxville

St. Joseph Ruck

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: FixerUpper, Lizzy, Gmail
FNGs: None

1 lap at Fountain City park

We rucked to St. Joseph School, making a loop route along residential streets.

“Think about it. You walk into a video store, you see 8-Minute Abs sittin’ there, there’s 7-Minute Abs right beside it. Which one are you gonna pick, man?” – There’s Something About Mary

OTB Karns workout on Wednesday mornings – new AO location.

We lifted up prayer requests.
Have a great weekend!

Limber Jack/3 points of pain

AO: thequacken
Q: Secret Garden
PAX: FixerUpper, Lizzy, Switchgrass (Stacy Clark), Road Block
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Limber Jack

Calf Raises 10 count in cadence
Calf Stretch 30 second count on CMU
Full Squat Hold 30 sec count
Gorilla Walks 30 seconds
Crab Walks 30 seconds
Lean-to’s Hold (Natural Leg Extension/Lean Back) x10

Standing Straight Leg Stretch (Hamstring) 4 count x10/side

Hula-Hoops x5/side (hip rotation)
Lying Butterflies

Chicken Wings (Thoracic) 10 Count in Cadence

Baby Arm Circles Forward 10 count in Cadence
Baby Arm Backwards 10 count in Cadence

Scalp up/Down (Scalpula) in Cadence x10

Scalp Forward/Back (Scalpula) in Cadence x 10

THE THANG: 3 Points of Pain

3 Cones in a Triangle- Press ups to one, murder bunny to the next, lunge to the last w CMU. X5

MARY: Volunteer


COT: no FNG’s

12th days of Christmas at F3.

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Pusher
PAX: Steam, Lilydipper, Brick, Welch’s, Pusher, Flashback, Drum Major (Mike Johnston), Curveball, Lizzy, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney)
FNGs: None
COUNT: 11 HIM and Redcard too.
Motivator 5
Baby arm circles/ reverse / overhead
Slow tempo squat
Trunk Stretching on your six

12 days of Christmas workout (suicide)
1-6. And 6-12. Gift from Pusher 😊🎄🎅
1st Bigboy
2nd Hello Dolly
3rd day Flutter kicks
4th day Carolina Dry docks
5th Burpees
6th diamond merkins
7th Merkins
8th Jump squat
9th Squat
10th Bobby Hurley
11th Lunge
12th Side straddle hops

For the Christmas Eve (Noche Buena)
4 stations
1st Carolina dry docks/ Merkins/ Wide Merkins
2nd LBC / Bigboy sit ups/Fluttek kicks
3rd overhead/ Baby Arm Circle/ Reverse
4th Rocky Balboa/ side straddle hop/ Mountain Climbers
10 reps all exercises

Mosey to Haslam Rock
Side straddle hop 12 reps
Mosey to the No parking sign and IRKINS 12 reps and Jailbreak back to AO
Stretching Cobra and Finally
ATM ( confusing atm). 😊

ANNOUNCEMENTS: the Forge with Steam and Brick

Word : Don’t let anybody that you can’t do it. If you have a dream, protect it

Iron Pax, Week 2 – WHY?!

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Lizzy, Z-Pack, Herbie, FixerUpper
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Sorta, while disclaiming
THE THANG: Totally f3greenwood.wordpress.com/2023/09/10/bde-mile-ipc-2023-week-2/
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Marine Mud Run 9/16 at Melton Hill Park. Contact Lizzy to run or man the tent.
COT: Why would someone get up at 4:45am and drive across town to run for miles at a middle school track? A couple reasons come to mind :
#1 – The dudes who will be there. I’m excited to see the PAX and celebrate the wins and carry the burdens with you all.
#2 – A daily dose of discipline. If I regularly don’t go to F3, I tend to stay up too late, eat too much, and spend too much time on screens. Bad place for me to be.

The IPC is hard, and so are the other 11 months of F3, but the investment of time and effort is well worth it.

IPC Week 1 – Participation Award

AO: brickyard
Q: Herbie (Kortney Jarman)
PAX: Spellcheck, Gmail, Natty, Lizzy, Drop Zone, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Switchgrass (Stacy Clark), Slabs, A-Rod (Nate Peterson), Gordie (Steve Wheaton), Simmons (Justin Creasey), fast-n-easy (Nate Votta)
FNGs: None
– LBCs Forward and Reverse 10x
– Cherry Pickers 10x
– SSH 15x


In each of 3 rounds, PAX must alternate between executing 10 reps of each of the round’s two exercises until 80 total reps are completed (40 reps of each exercise).
Throughout the WOD, every 5 minutes PAX must complete a 20-yard (10 out / 10 back) MOT associated with the round they are executing before continuing to execute reps
If time remains after completing all three rounds, loop back to the beginning & repeat from round 1 to continue adding reps to score until time expires.
Score = Total Reps Completed

Round 1

Exercises: Flying Squirrels / WW3 Sit‐ups
MOT during this round: Coupon Lunge Walk

Round 2

Exercises: Block‐Over Burpees / No-Cheat Merkins
MOT during this round: Murder Bunny

Round 3

Exercises: Thrusters / Jillian Michaels
MOT during this round: Rifle Carry


Lie on ground and catch breath.


Marine Mud Run – Sept. 16

So live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now!

Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning