Q: Eliza
PAX: Eliza, Glamper, Jon Boat, Lizzy, Stripped, Jardet
FNGs: None
Hit the rogue pp route to celebrate our freedoms for 4 miles on the 4th. Some stayed for a 5th.
COT: go to the dr.
Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.
COT: go to the dr.
Flutter Kicks IC
High Plank 1 – 2 minutes
I think Skid shared from Proverbs 18. It was about trying to do things out of our own power instead of relying on God.
THE THANG: Lily took us to the new workout area, preliminarily called LA Beach. We did stations there and ran in the parking lot between sets. Switched off to Pusher, who started us moseying before Ol’ Pele was back from the end of the lot. PSL: Severe
Pusher took us up Pickett’s Charge, doing something painful at the bottom of each hill. Can’t remember, since I was beginning to become dehydrated and starting to hallucinate. We did some things with rocks and cones, though, as I recall, and ran around the Colosseum area until it was time to pass it off to….
PELE! Finally! My turn had arrived. Put down an insurrection that was attempting to hijack the Q and have us go up Everest to show it off to Mouth to Mouth, who was DR from GA. Nope. Not enough time to do that (or was there?… we’ll never know…). Did Route 66 (Peter Parkers) to Pav-a-Lon. Then did some PT sets, running around the building and then the parking lot until Time. PSL: Critical flow. Everything soaked. Everything…
MARY: Did some Homer/Marge and Hello dollies mixed in. Stretching until time. PSL: Pruning up from stewing in own sweat.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: UnCOVEred July 13 at the Cove. Fourth of July Asylum PM workout at 9 am, with Board Meeting and Soccer Taco lunch to follow. Come one come all.
COT: Talked about the importance of joy and humor by recounting some funny F3 stories. PSL: Formed a substantial sweat puddle in the prayer from sweat dripping off head. Also was unknowingly giving Snitch a form of Chinese Sweat Torture from sweat dripping on his arm in the circle. :face_holding_back_tears:
We warmed up and did S L O W (the correct way) cherry pickers, and a few other things before grabbing our bags, and additional sandbags and kettle bells and went to MOTO hill. At the top of the hill, we set the heavy things down and did a set of 20 Monkey Humpers in Cadence at the entrance to the West Side Y. We picked up our heavy things, and went back down the hill.
I explained the Ruck Tabata, which was 6 stations, for 1 minute each, 15 seconds in between stations for a total of 6 times. We were encouraged to wear a vest or ruck at 20-30lbs, then we had weight options at each station if you wanted to dial up the workout. The statins were as follows:
Sandbag Thrusters
Sissy Squats
Good Mornings
The total elasped time of the above was about 45 minutes, so another trip up Moto hill was in order, to revisit Monkey Humpers and the entrance where we bumped into Swimmies.
We then had a COT talking about the amazing COT that Commission shared on Friday focused on 1 Kings 19:19-21.
Where in your life do you need to be as committed as Elisha?
Mosey to the colosseum with person in front falling off for 2 burpees
Circle up :bear: crawl to the center give some dap crawl :bear: back stand up x3
45 second stations we ran the inner loop after completing two stations. I sprinkled in some different drills throughout.
Fighter Merkins
Curls w/ CMU
Tris w/ CMU
Agility Ladder drills
Thrusters w/ med ball
Flutter kicks
Kettlebell Swings 35lb
Mountain Climbers
Man makers w/ 20 lb dumbbells
Walking Lunges with weighted bag
Kick Flip’s Mucho Chesto
Med ball toss drills with core focus.
10 burpees for our fallen CMUs.
NMTA Not Meant To Arrive
There are 4 Pillars of arrival:
Can’t arrive. This is a negative mindset. You don’t believe in yourself and we need to fix that immediately.
Has arrived. You’ve made it, now what?
You’re not trying anymore. Afraid to take chances, because you might lose the title. Do not stop. Continue to set goals!
Will arrive. Once XYZ happens, then I’ll be happy. There are people sitting in nursing homes right now, still waiting on XYZ.
Not meant to arrive. This is where we should all strive to be! Become the next best version of yourself. Enjoy the journey just as much if not more than destination.
My development has no end. There is always more to learn, always more to do, and you can learn from every situation and everyone.
Be “Blissfully Unsatisfied!” Brothers!
”Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.“
Psalms 37:4 NLT