F3 Knoxville

The Men in The Arena

 Just cool enough. No wind. FNG (now known as “Title 9” was the first to show this morning, followed by Abscess & Hercules aka Tank the dog


  • Welcome to F3: FitnessFellowshipFaith
  • Name is Steam & I’ll be your QIC this morning!
  • A couple things before we begin:
    • Not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • Modify as you need but push yourself  and the men around you. They deserve to be pushed and motivated and so do you.

[ Name of the game for this morning is 1 foot in front of the other ]


☐ Motivators: 10 IC  

☐ Rockette: 10 x 4 IC 

☐ Iron Mike: 10 x 4 IC 

☐ Michel Phelps: 10 x 4 IC 

☐ Windmill: 10 x 4 IC 

☐ Merkins: 10 x 4 IC


(Mosey to Cardiac Hill) 

☐ Battle-Buddy Up

☐ You and your BB have 3 points of contact 

☐ Top – Curve 1 – Bottom

☐ Top: 15 BB sit-ups (hold feet) 

☐ Curve 1: 15 1-count buddy merkins (Hugh five)

☐ Bottom: 15 squats

(Sprint back up to the top and hold the plank)

☐ 10 down/up merkins All-Together 

( 10 count)

☐ Rinse & Repeat – same exercises – 10 reps of everything instead of 15 

(Curves led PAX in 10 up/down squats)

(10 count) 

(Mosey to path that goes towards dock) 

☐ 2 lines —> bear crawl to the dock

(COP – Change of Plans: Path/boards to dock were slippery —> Q modified for PAX —> Hold the Al Gore after 1st light post and 10 sea claps)

(Mosey on to the dock)

[ Quarter Pounder ]

☐ 25×4 flitter kicks 

☐ 25×4 LBCs

☐ 25×4 hello dolly’s

☐ 25×4 straight legged curls 

(Mosey to hill before Everest by way of:

—> Dock —> through grass to small pavilion by soccer fields —> up the hill on path towards Everest

@ Small Pavilion

  • New Battle Buddy
  • BB1: Wall-sit + overhead seal claps
  • BB2: Sprint to lightpost in the middle of exterior parking lot + 2 merkins (just 2 ain’t bad right?) + recover BB1
  • Rinse & Repeat 1

(10 count)

(mosey from small pavilion in 2 lined American Indian style)

.25 later —> merge into 1 big American Indian run mosey

☐ Bear crawl up the hill and over the top 

(Mosey to base of Everest) 

“I’m Up – He Sees Me – I’m Down”

☐ “I’m Down” command – 5 merkins and hold until the next command is given 

—> “I’m Up!” Command = sprint up Everest

☐ All the way to the top

(Sandy is planted at the top of Everest behind tree at the top middle)

(Battle buddy Sandy Run to AO)

—> Sandy being carried in front by 2 PAX for 10 seconds (modified to 25 seconds later) and then recovering to the back

PAX rush past Haslam rock and stop at the small (sort of) hill right below Saturday AO parking lot

  • Sandy Toss + 5 up/down merkins up the hill to the parking lot
    • 2 PAX chuck Sandy as far as possible up the hill, all PAX sprint to it and execute 5 up/down merkins until everyone is at the top

– 2 rounds of Boat/Canoe

– Cashed out the day with ATMs

16 PAX + 1 FNG = 17 total HIM

Cheatsheet, Mr Jinxy, Curves, FNG —> Title 9, Lulu, Waffle House, Otis, Crawdad, Abscess, Jumbo, Choir Boy, Hawk, LillyDipper, Brick, Snag, Swimmies


The Man in the Arena does not quit, although he may be knocked down and falter from the original path at times, he’s in the arena and must learn to get back up again and again and again. This is the way.



“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

               – Teddy Roosevelt

☐ In the ring of life sometimes it can feel like we’re on our knees crying out for freedom and all we can do is look up right? 

☐ Song by Anthony Hamilton “Freedom” — some of the lyrics go like this: “Felt like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. Pressure to break or retreat at every turn. Facing the feat that the truth I discovered. No telling how all this will work out, but I’ve come too far to turn back now. I’m looking for freedom, looking for freedom. And to find it cost everything I have.”

1. 1st F3 Knoxville Truebadours Q101/GrowSchool Convergence: Saturday, February 29th, 2020 – Asylum AO. More info to be pushed out in weekly emails + GroupMe soon

2. F3 Morristown Launch: Saturday, April 4th, 2020. Clown car(s) will be assembling to go support the launch on 4/4. Be on the lookout for opportunities between now and then to go post at some “test-Qs” at their new AO in the coming weeks/months.

Keep the Faith & Fight the Good Fight!

Lessons from Noah’s Ark

THE SCENE: 45° Cloudy

50 Star Jumps, 50 Air Punches…let’s mosey to the flag pole



  • 10 Burpees, 50 Picnic Rows at the Pavalon
  • Mosey to Cardiac-Run up to the top and do 10 Hand release Merkins at chalk stars x 5
  • 10 Burpees, mosey to Pickets Charge
  • 10 Burpees- run up and do 5 chicken peckers at every cone x 10
  • Mosey to Memorial and do 10 Burpees
  • Mosey to Space Station Stop and do 50 squats half way
  • space station run up/down do 25 Froggy Jumps, up/down 25 Froggy, up/down once more
  • 10 Burpees at Handicap Spot then mosey to Grinch’s Hill
  • Hello Dolly’s x 10, Run to the top, Hello Dolly’s x 10, run to bottom, RR then 10 Hello Dolly at bottom x10
  • mosey to Area 51- 10 Burpees then run to the top and do 50LBCs
  • mosey to Everest – run up to each cone and do 10 Dive Bombers x 5 to the top
  • mosey back to the AO and stop along the way to do Bear Crawl 360 x 10 each direction with 2 Burpees per direction
  • mosey back AO

50 Flutter kicks 4 ct

50 LBCs 4ct

plank for 1 min
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
There’s several lessons from Noah’s Ark..main one is Never let yourself get into a position that when God calls you to help others you’re not able.
I’m very thankful for each of these guys and the impact they have on my life.
take the Pole for TN Convergence, we have MLKJR parade Monday

This Is 2020 (Without Hugh Downs and Barbara Walters)

THE SCENE: Rainy, low to mid 50s


SSH x 20, baby arm circles forward x 20, baby arm circles backward x 20, 20-second plank, Pilates push-ups x 20 (10 each leg – merkins with left leg raised up x 10 followed by merkins with right leg raised up x 10), tempo squats x 20

Mosey to CMU pile via the Dragon’s Tail stopping at each light pole to do an exercise x 20 reps – alternating between merkins and squats

Pickup a CMU and mosey to the pavilon

CMU curls x 20 followed by 20-second recovery, rinse and repeat for 4 rounds (80 total reps)

Mosey to Crawdad’s Yoga Studio

Carolina dry docks x 20 followed by 20-second recovery, rinse and repeat for 4 rounds (80 total reps)

Mosey back to pavilon for table rows using the same reps and recovery as before

Mosey back to the yoga studio for flutter kicks, same schedule

Mosey back to the pavilon for CMU overhead presses, same schedule

Mosey back to the yoga studio for more Pilates push-ups, same schedule – Cheatsheet and Crawdad started singing the Hokey Pokey Song and dubbed the Pilates push-ups the “Hokey Pokeys”

Mosey back to the pavilon, pick up the CMUs and mosey to the CMU pile to return them

Mosey to Cardiac with just a few minutes to spare, so we only had time for one run up Cardiac and to the AO without stopping for any exercises

We ran out of time for Mary, but we did get some ab work in during the workout

13 HIMs getting better in the rain on the first Saturday workout at the Asylum in 2020

Veggie was here, but he is not in the group, so I couldn’t tag him.

It is a new year and a new decade and no one knows what it holds.  It could be the year that someone is added to your life, or it could be the year that someone is taken away.  It could be the year of the promotion, or it could be the year of the demotion.  It could be the year of kindergarten, or it could be the year of graduation.  It could be the year of the big win, or it could be the year of the big loss.  Regardless, you don’t need a resolution, you need a constitution, a foundation.  On a big scale, it should be God, your family, your friends, etc.  But, it can be anything that grounds you.  It can even be as simple as the F3 workouts.  The asphalt, concrete, and grass do not change, and they are always there waiting for you whether you have a good day/week or a bad day/week.  They are checkpoints after good times or bad and before whatever lies ahead.  If nothing else, start there and build.  Have a good new year but not just for what good fortunes may come your way during the year but based on what you keep your eye on and focus on while the year goes by

Prayers for Pinto, Flashback 2, Lady Tank, Cheatsheet’s family, Lady Junk, and Veggie going back for another semester of college
Party at Tank’s house on 1/10

Still need money for pull up bars for the Dog Pound

Better Than Money

THE SCENE: Almost 80 and humid.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Lunges each leg, 10 Windmills, 8 Cherry Pickers, 7 Forward Baby Arm Circles, 5 Forward Wide Arm Circles, 7 Backward Baby Arm Circles, 5 Backward Wide Arm Circles
Mosey to driveway that goes to northeastern corner of Admin Bldg.  We will divide into teams of two men each to do Doras.  While one partner runs to end of driveway, does ten merkins, and runs back the other partner will be doing the exercises.  Then partners switch places. The exercises will be done with a set of bricks that will be available.  These are the exercises the partners will do as a team:

  • 100 Overhead Presses
  • 100 Curls
  • 100 Tricepts
  • 100 Rows with bricks at sides
  • 100 Punches where both hands = 1
  • 1000 Upward Wings
  • 100 Downward Wings
  • 100 Outward Wings

Mosey to grass area that is marked with lines at ball field closest to flag.  20 Hello Dollies.  We will then do sprints from one sideline to other on marked field.  We will do six sprints.  Then 20 more Hello Dollies.  Then six more sprints.  Then football toss where each man must do an out and each man must throw a pass.  Any missed balls or bad tosses equating to a missed ball equals two burpees for the entire squad.  All men not throwing or passing will do Big Boy Sit-ups.

Mosey to Pavilion that is close to flag.  We will do 30’s starting with 5 bench dips and 25 picnic table pull-ups, then going up and down in increments of five until we end up with 25 bench dips and 5 picnic table pull-ups.

Mosey to bottom of mini cardiac hill.  Sprint up cardiac to AO.

25 Box Cutters.  10 Shoulder Taps, each shoulder.
11 men with two FNGs:  Pigsticker (Mark McKeen) and Party Pooper (Shaun Wynne)

Loving Us Back

Let’s face it, commercials work because we love the products that commercials sell.  We love nice things and we love entertainment.  One thing those of us in modern society love is technology.  We spend a significant amount of time on our cell phones.  We love our computers and our Flat Screen Televisions.  We often ignore other things around us because we are so consumed.  I remember a television commercial where a family was in a majestic nature spot – I think it may have been the Grand Canyon.  The family notices a large TV screen on a cliff overlooking the majestic canyon.  The TV screen the family sees is showing the same scene that they can observe via the view of the canyon.  They are fascinated with the TV shot and look at the TV rather than the natural view.  The idea of the commercial was to show how amazing the particular company’s television was, that it could create a picture so much like the real thing.  But, I couldn’t help but laugh at the social commentary that the commercial makers probably didn’t mean to imply.  Here was a family in the middle of the Grand Canyon and they would rather look at the TV screen than the real thing!

We are also consumed with entertainment.  People spend thousands of dollars to take their families to Disney each year.  Ocean liners offer the best of vacation cruises.  Hotels offer us all the luxuries money can buy.

And, speaking of money, we are consumed with that.  Money Magazine annually ranks the best places to live for your dollar in the United States.  We push on in our careers hoping for greater salaries so that we can buy bigger houses and get more “things.”  A favorite past-time of many is to go to malls to buy “things” or go online to buy “things.”

I am certainly guilty.  I find myself looking at homes in neighborhoods more costly than I can afford, wishing I could live in THAT house.  I was making fun of the TV Commercial of the nature scene above.  I may not be consumed with televisions but I am consumed with Nature Gear.  I love looking at camping gear, dreaming of getting a newer tent, the greatest pair of hiking boots, the most comfortable sleeping bag.

We love technology, products, entertainment and money.  The problem is that these things don’t love us back.  They are what they are and they can be nice and great to have.  But do these things build us up?  Can we talk to them to obtain better understanding?  Do they form relationships with us?  Do they have our back in times of trouble?  Do they lead us to be better men?  Do our products and money love us?

We need to invest in relationships, men.   People love us back.  And when we give our time to others, we get rewards back that fill us up in ways that products cannot.  Our relationship with God is the most important.  Thanks you, Lord, that you love us back.

I am thankful that I have friends like those of you in F3.  I have brothers that love me back.  I have brothers that share something that is more than words can describe.  I have relationships with men that have my six.  That raise me to a higher standard.  That push me to be the best that I can be.  That lead me to more than money can buy.  That bring me closer to the Glory of God.

And another thing – what we have in F3 doesn’t cost money.  It is Free 99!!

Prayers for Junk’s wife, for Pinto and Mr. Jinxy’s health, for Mayberry, and for Mr. Rogers and his family.

Coffeeteria at Panera with Pluto who joined us for the BOM.

How do you spell B*E*A*T*D*O*W*N?

THE SCENE: Cool, low humidity, most beautiful sunrise in Knoxville

25-4ct. SSH, Cherry pickers, Moroccan nightclubs, Baby arm circles forward and back.

Mosey to trail

B: Burpees – Route 66 style

E: Everest on Everest up to stump (see Exicon for description of exercises), run up rest of Everest to road.

Mosey to Pier behind KUB substation

A: ATM – 1 round

T: Tammy Wynette

D: Dying cockroach (2 sets, 10-4 ct.)

O: Obama (8 rounds for 8 years)

Mosey to main lawn.

W: Wilt Chamberlain

Mosey to parking by restrooms

N: Newtons Cradle (10 – 4 ct., 3 rounds)

Run up small hill to AO

Crawdad led box cutters, Gus led shoulder blasters until time.

Remember that God is greater than our fears, insecurities, and what we understand.  Too often we put Him in a box that we comprehend, but He is so much more.  The relationship is similar to what we have with children where they have a very limited and sometimes skewed perspective of the world.  That is how we are to God.

Isaiah 55:8-9
