F3 Knoxville

Ring of fire 3

THE SCENE: 35, calm, wonderful and warmer than predicted.

Harry Rockets, Cherry Pickers, Maracan Night Club, Mountain Climbers and Tempo Squats
Mosey through the cones by the new building to the crosswalk by the Clayton Performing Arts building. Partnered up.   At each crosswalk/Cone we did some exercises, then mosey, sprint or bear crawl to the next.

  • 15 Money Humpers, 15 Peter Parker Merkins, 20 Flutter: Sprint
  • 15 Squats, 20 Merkins, 20 Big Boy Sit Ups: Bear Crawl
  • 5 Burpee, 15 Dry Docks, 15 Flutter: Mosey
  • 5 Iron mikes, 20 Diamond merkins, 15 Heels to heavy: Bear Crawl
  • 10 Long Jump, 20 LBC: Mosey
  • 20 Monkey humpers, 20 merkins, 20 Flutter kicks: Sprint
  • 10 OH Press, 15 Triceips, 20 Heavy american hammers: Rifle carry
  • 15 Squats, 20 Curls: Cary
  • 10 Peter Parker Merkins, 20 heavy flutters: Rifle back

The group largely stayed together so on the way back we did 1 exercise at each station, detoured for 5 pull ups, monkey humpers and planks.  Ring of Fire at the start and pletny of time for dealers choice.

Dealers choice; we should be sore all over.
I recently learned how to catch a monkey.  string, rock and a coconut.  Put a small hole (monkey fist sized) in the coconut and put the worthless rock in it.  Monkeys are always very curious (George taught us that) and they will put their fist in there and hold the rock, then unable to get their fist out and then they will give up their freedom to hold on to what is worthless.


If you are holding on to sin or trying to live this life in your own strength it is like you are caught by choice.  The pebble may be your career or a secret sin or your fitness or a relationship you are holding on to so tight.  Whatever it is; you are not free. True freedom is only found in Jesus Christ.
John 8:36
So if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

For those of us who have put our faith in him, we can still be dumb monkies and grab ahold of things that steal our freedom.  Is there some secret sin you are falling into that you are too stuborn to let go of?
Is your bank balance ore job potential or what people think of you something you hold on to tighter than what God thinks of you?
Examine your life and make sure you are free; and by that i mean a bond servant of Christ. There is no better place to be!

Q’ing isn’t hard.  Look at an old back blast and do it.  Hat tip to Kick-Flip who did this back on fathers day 2019.

Be a Good Driver


Partly Cloudy Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
41 ℉ 83% 36 ℉ 6.1 mi/h NNE

I am not a professional.  I have a phone.  Workout as injuries allow.


Happy Jacks (5)
High Knees (15)
Abe Vigodas (10)
Cherry Pickers (3)

Mosey to CMUs.

On way, Burpeevators to 8.  (Start regular Burpee, 2nd is Burpee with 2 Merkins. 3rd, Burpee with 3 Merkins up to 8th and Burpee with 8 Merkins.)

On to CMU pile and have everyone grab two. Using parking lot, place a CMU on each side of the parking lot. Starting at one CMU#1, do an exercise, mosey to CMU#2 do exercise, mosey back to CMU#1 do exercise, mosey to CMU#2 do exercise, and then mosey back to start CMU#1. While waiting for six, do second exercise. Finally, when six has finished doing first exercise four times, do third exercise in cadence. So, first exercise 4 times with CMUs, second exercise while waiting, and third exercise as group.
1, 15 CMU Merkin walk-overs, Squats, Jump Squats
2, 15 Overhead CMU Press, Big boys, Flutters
3, 20 CMU Curls, Calf Raises, Twinkle Toes
4, 25 CMU Bench Press, Hello Dollys, LBCs
5, 15 CMU Triceps, Lunge, Jump Squats
6, 15 CMU Rows OR CMU Kettle Bells, LBCs, Box Cutters. Due to time, PAX was given a choice. And Recover was called cutting this short.

No real time for Mary but some got in almost 10 or 10 American Hammers.

16 total.  8 Bootcamp/PT and 8 Rushers.


“If a guy cuts you off in traffic, you can take that as “drop dead” and respond in kind. Or you can just assume that he is a bad driver and keep driving reasonably. If you choose the former, that means that you too become a bad driver and may provoke another negative response from him. A good driver wouldn’t do that because it might disrupt him from getting to his destination safely, which is the whole purpose in driving, to get where you are going in one piece.”
With your goals, don’t let the bad change you in a way that could keep you from where you want to end up.


For our suffering friends and our student in intensive care and for their families.  For my mother and all of my family.  For the unsaid prayers in our hearts.


Give 100% to God every hour or every day!

THE SCENE: 40 degrees and awesome!

  • Side Straddle Hop (IC) X 15
  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 5
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 (IC) followed by Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backwards X 10 (IC) followed by Michael Phelps
  • Overhead Claps X 10 (IC)
  • Tempo Squats (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Tempo Merkins (IC) X 10
  • Mosey to the CMU pile
  • 15 Merkins & 15 BBS on the way


CMU & Around We Go

5 Exercises X 15 reps & then run the parking lot (rinse & repeat)

  • CMU Squats
  • CMU Overhead Press
  • CMU Tricep Extensions
  • CMU Curls
  • CMU Bentover Rows

3 Exercises X 30 (rinse & repeat)

  • CMU Pullovers
  • CMU American Hammers
  • CMU Bench Press
  • Curls on the walk to put up the coupons
  • Mosey to the Flag


  • Flutterkicks X 20
  • LBCs X 25
  • Hello Dollies X 25
  • BBS X 15

COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA – 18 men between Rush and the Bootcamp


Acts 1:8 – “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”

Matthew 28:19 – “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”

John 20:21 – “Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.”

2 Corinthians 5:20 – “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us.”

Throughout the Bible, we are called to share the good news to the ends of the Earth.  I haven’t done that.  Sure, I’ve given my life to Christ, I’m a believer, I’ve chosen to serve in non-profits, I’ve attended church forever, I volunteer and I’ve even invited people to church but I now realize I haven’t done enough.  If I died today, I’d consider myself a failure in evangelizing to non-believers or those that aren’t on fire for God.  We all know lots of people that say they’re Christian and not bad people but they’re not on fire for God.

I can do more.  I have to do more if I’m going to follow the word to be a witness and make disciples.

I just finished a study series about evangelism and the speaker shared some advice…he said,

  • You’re not going to your kid’s ballgame…you’re going to share the good news and when you’re there, watch the ballgame
  • You’re not going to the grocery store…you’re going to disciple to others and when you’re doing that, go ahead and get groceries

The presenter also encouraged us to make lists of concentric circles of people that we need to intentionally visit with to learn more about their faith journey.  For example, one circle should be our family, another our friends, another our coworkers.  He challenged us…ME…to be intentional and seek opportunities to share.

Think about that…if 100% of what you did was for Christ how would that change your life or your actions or laying on the horn when someone cuts you off or won’t go.  This is pretty deep and I’ve doing a lot of soul-searching and I’m proud of how I live and serve most of the time but I’m not “all in” all of the time…I’m not actively seeking out non-believers or fair-weather Christians like I need to be.

So, I’m 50 years old and a little pissed off at myself for not listening to what I’ve heard through the years.  I’m a bit ticked off that I didn’t hear someone at 25 or 35 tell me to get my head out of my “you know what” and start living an abundant life by proudly sharing my faith with other.  I’m challenging you to not be like me and to start spreading the good news today and don’t wait until you’re an old man like me.


  • Sign Up To Q/VQ
  • Trunk or Treat this Saturday in parking lot across from JUCO
  • Coats for the Cold – bring them in every workout

Do the leg work

THE SCENE: 50’s and clear

22xlbac fwd, 15xlbac bck, 7xCherry Pickers, 10xTempo Merkins, 20xSSH

Mosey to the courtyard of the new building for some 11’s.

11’s of Box Jumps in the courtyard and Diamond Merkins on the road at the bottom of the stairs.

Mosey to the light poles heading toward the Information Center.

Lunge forward one light pole and perform 15 merkins, 15 squats, and 15 BBS then Bernie back one light pole. Once there, sprint forward two poles. Repeat till at the road.

Mosey to the information center and partner up to complete 100xBaby Merkins & 100xCalf Raises.

One partner performs exercise while the other runs one lap around the information center.

Mosey back to the flag.

No time

16 men willing to do the leg work.

I’ve been studying church organization/leadership and one thing that I keep coming back to in everything I read is that we still have responsibility for ourselves. Yes, there are men elected to roles of leadership and charged with overseeing the congregation, but we ourselves still retain responsibility. We need to recognize that responsibility and not forsake it. Take the talents that God has given you and use them for good works.

Luke 12:48b – “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

Great to see the numbers coming back at JUCO. Keep EHing!

When We Are Weak, He Is Strong

THE SCENE: Mid 60s with some sprinkles

Cherry Pickers x 7, Harry Rockettes x 10, Lil’ Baby Arm Circles x 10 forward and backward, tempo squats x 5 then hold an Al Gore, tempo merkins x 5 then hold plank.

Mosey to the Courtyard for 21s

  • Start at the wall and do 20 box jumps onto the wall
  • Run to second overhang, stop and do 5 BBS at middle overhang
  • Do 1 hand release merkin at second overhang.
  • Eventually moved to 11s and got down to 6 box jumps and 5 hand release merkins

Mosey to the Coupon Pile

  • Get a coupon
  • Do 10 curls, 10 triceps, 10 swings, rifle carry up the first two staircases then back down
  • Take off 2 off each workout each time and go all the way to zero.

Mosey to the Parking Lot

  • Start at the first line doing 3 squats, duck walk to the line, lunge back to the start.
  • Then do 2 squats, duck walk, lunge
  • 1 squat, duck walk, lunge

Mosey back to the flag

Read 2 Corinthians 12:8-10: “Concerning this, I pleaded with the Lord three times that it would leave me. But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness.’ Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me. So I take pleasure in weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and in difficulties, for the sake of Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

This is so opposite of our culture and really the opposite of what men think. It is difficult to admit our weaknesses and even boast in them, but this is what Paul says and we see throughout Scripture that we are to be dependent on God and rely on Him and not ourselves. We see throughout the Psalms that David cries out to the Lord to help Him. He knows that He is weak and often in danger, so he constantly cries out to God for help. And this is how we should look to God. It is like a child doing something and he is struggling and his father is right there waiting for the child to ask for help. The child (us) is stubborn, but the father (God) is right there waiting for us to ask Him for help and it is His desire and pleasure to help us and give us strength because He gets the glory in that, not us.