F3 Knoxville

That is a lot of goose poop

THE SCENE: Beautiful morning.

Insert information about the warmup.
Mosey to the parking lot with the least amount of goose poop. Start at first cone. Do qty of 1 of 1st exercise. Move to next cone, do qty of 2, next cone qty of 3 etc. Total of  8-9 cones across lot. Run a lap around the lot after completing all cones and go back to start doing same exercise adding up again. switch to second exercise, then 3rd,4th. While waiting on the six, do LBCs or hold plank. 

exercises with travel movements are:

  • Merkins with runs
  • Squat jumps with bear crawls (every other line)
  • Dry docks with Bernie Sanders
  • Lunges with side shuffle

mosey back to start but 4 of the PAX became “injured” and had to be carried.
Mosey to AO stopping for 5 burpees.

No time for her today.
Short worried about sacrifice and helping others. Spent most of the BOM talking about the Hardship Hill and participation from the PAX.
Man! there is a lot of goose poop at the JUCO. I went to set up early this morning and the parking lot I was going to use was literally filled with hundreds of geese and thousands upon thousands of piles of goose poop. No go. I found a much better parking lot above and to the side of the school. Freshly paved no pebbles, perfect for today’s workout. It’s amazing how much poop a goose can churn out for the size of that animal. I mean, take a look at an Alpaca. It’s a big animal and it poops out little rabbit pellets. Did you know that alpaca poop is actually referred to as black gold. It is highly sought after for fertilizer. Also, alpacas and llamas are not the same animal. One time I did a llama race for charity. I got to run around the lawn at worlds fair park with a llama named Betty I think. I’m not real good with horse size animals. Never really get along with horses very well. I’m not intimidated by much, but horses are so big and one kick in the Jimmy would put you down for a long time. Well, I gotta get to work so no more time for the rambling poetic waxing of this PAX member. I will leave you with this. The only thing worse than it raining after you washed your car is having to poop after you get out of the shower. Leave a 💩 emoji on the slack post it you read this far and you will be an honorary member of the I read Tank’s BB club.
Hardship Hill and snacks for Wesley house.


THE SCENE: Wet and Rainy…. and Wet


  • Reach for the sky
  • Let it hang
  • left over right/right over left
  • baby arm circle forward/back
  • tempo squat
  • tempo merkin


Mosey to Jucmanjaro. Simplified the workout since it’s so rainy and I can’t write with chalk on the mountain.

Start at the bottom and do either 15 SSHs or 15 squats

Run to the first hash mark and do one of the hash exercises 10 Burpees, 20 Merkins, or 30 BBS.
Run back to the bottom and do the bottom choice.
Run to the second hash mark and choose again. Repeat at a higher hash mark each trip up the mountain.

We repeated 8 times to reach the first turn about up the mountain.

Head back toward the flag and stop and do some work behind the maple street strip.

  • Dips on the rail
  • Curls x 30
  • Shoulder Press x 30
  • Tricep extensions x 30

Head down to the flag parking lot.

Do some cool-down suicides.

  • 100% to the first line
  • 75% to the second line
  • 50% to the third line
  • 50% to the last line

Finish with some 21s.

Squats and flutter kicks.



Heb 10:24
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.

My pastor was talking about this passage recently and thought I’d share some encouragement.

We’re all pretty good at encouraging each other to work out. That’s why we’re out this morning putting in some good work. But don’t forget other aspects of life. Family, Church, finances, work, etc. Consider how to encourage each other in these areas.

I encourage everyone to make a plan, consider their friends and family, and how they can stir each other up.

CSAUP Saturday

Birthday Q

THE SCENE: Dry and hot 89F weather.


Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community. I’m Jetlag and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!


Raise the roof
Grady corns
Tempo Squats

Imperial walkers

Tempo Merkins

Plank Jacks


Mosey to bottom of Everest

11 no touch merkins

11 dry docks

11 high knees 4ct

Workout 1:

11 forward lunges

11 burpees

11 bear crawls 2ct

11 side straddle hops at the top

Mosey to bowl:

Workout 2:

Squat jump shots on top 11x

Mountain climbers on the bottom 11x 4ct

Burpee Indian Run up to AO: 2 burpees everytime a person reach in front of you.

Ultimate Basketball: ultimate frisbee rules using basketball. 2 burpees every turnover


19 HIMs.

Age will always just be a number. Don’t let your age define what you can or cannot do. And don’t let it be a base measure of success. All of us are unique and take different paths. Success is relative and should not be compared.

“The greatness of a man is not how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” – Bob Marley

Prayers for Drum Major’s daughter as she prepares for an acl surgery; Corona weight’s brother has been sober for 3 months now and have been away from trouble.

Steam and Guppy in partnership with heart and soul church will be serving Girls Inc. by painting, cleaning, landscaping, donating and more on August 12 in Oak Ridge.

3rd Annual Road Less Traveled

THE SCENE: Humid, warm, typical

Tempo Squat
Tempo Merkin
Freddy Mercury
Burpees (OYO)


Mosey to the Greenway Path, doing 1 set of the following every 4 min
10 Burpees
20 Freddy Mercurys
30 Merkins
40 Squats
Leaders will wagon wheel after every set to get back to the 6, finish their reps, and start each new leg together
Continue to do 1 set of each of the above until we complete the nearly 3 miles course
Mosey back to the Flag


Toe Merkins, Imperial Walkers

Matthew 5:3-5 Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth


My time as a Christian has seen so several different phases in my spiritual growth.  Where I am now is not the person I was 27 years ago when I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior.
I have become increasingly aware of my humanity and fallibility as a man, even though I desire to be a HIM.  Much of the Scriptures (especially the NT) stresses the need for the heart to be right before God.  Don’t get me wrong, doctrine is super important and very worthwhile to pursue, but without adding love and preparing the heart then I find those pursuits somewhat empty.  So I guess what I’m saying is as you pursue the things of God (which we should all do), I encourage you not to neglect the fact that we are to be poor (broken) in spirit, mourning our sin, and meek/malleable in our approach to the throne of God.


The Power of Encouragement

THE SCENE: Warm and humid…August

Abe Vigoda x7, Cherry Picker x6, Tempo Merkins x10
Mosey to the courtyard and partner up:

One partner runs down to the ERC and crawl-bears up the stairs the runs back to the courtyard.

The other partner works through these:

  • 100 x BBS
  • 100 x Step Ups
  • 100 x Dips
  • 100 x Star Jacks

Next up, suicide ladder. Start with 5 x Diamond Merkins and 5 x Bobby Hurleys increasing by 5 each round.

Exercises were performed at opposing corners of the grassy area between the ERC and the courtyard. To transition from one corner to the other, run, karaoke left, bernie, karaoke right.

Mosey to the large parking lot for some sprints. Sprint to farthest light pole then crawl-bear to the six, sprint again. Performed 20 Flutter Kicks. Next, sprint back to the start and Bernie til you reach the six, sprint again.

Moseyed back to the flag stopping for some BBS in cadence along the way.

Steering wheels courtesy of Dart Gun. LBCs from Stye. Somehow Commission though Burpees were a good Mary exercise. A few imperial walkers followed by some planks to finish it off.
14 men encouraged one another to get better
Acts 11:22-24

Only 10 times in scripture is the phrase “a good man” used. One of these times is in describing Barnabas. In this passage, Barnabas is sent to encourage the brethren at a struggling church. His encouragement earned him a status as a good man. Let’s all strive to encourage one another in all areas of our lives.
Called out Butter Knife for his constant encouragement of the PAX. I really appreciate his attitude during the Q’s, never complaining and always pushing.

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.