F3 Knoxville

Remembering Scripture and Remembering Dung Beetle’s

THE SCENE: A nice, crisp 50 a clear.

Cherry Pickers x 7, Little Baby Arm Circles x 10, Little Baby Arm Circles Backwards x 10, Apollo Ohno’s x 10, Tempo Merkins x 10, 10 BBS.

Mosey to the Big Parking Lot, do a moving workout to each line and do 20 calf raises at each line.

  • Walking Merkins (Alligator Merkins)
  • Lunges
  • Bear Crawl
  • Frog Jump
  • Frog Jump
  • Bear Crawl
  • Lunges
  • Walking Merkins

Mosey to the coupon pile, take the coupons to the parking lot and partner up

  • One partner does a coupon push to the opposite parking lot line and then dung beetle’s back.
  • The other partner runs up the hill, does 1 burpee and then runs back.
  • When they meet, they do 10 curls.

Put the coupons back and keep the same partners

  • One partner runs and does 3 pull ups.
  • The other partner holds a wall sit or plank.

Mosey back to the flag

James 1:22-25 says, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.”

Unfortunately, as fallen humans, we forget things. We are told one thing and then minutes later we forget the thing we had been told. Not necessarily intentionally, we just tend to forget things. So, we do different things to help ourselves remember. We write things down, we put it on a calendar, we put it on a sticky note, we repeat it back to people. And I think we can do similar things with Scripture. Because so often, like James says, we hear the Word or read it and then instantly forget it and think about other things, therefore we cannot do what it says. So, I wrote down a few things that help me remember what I read. It’s not extensive, but I got 4 things that help me remember Scripture.

  1. Write it down and meditate on it throughout the day. Put it on a notecard and put it on your desk. Meditate on it, mumble it to yourself to remind yourself of what you read and how you can use it in your life.
  2. Memorize it. This is similar to number one, but the more we read a verse, then we can memorize it and hide it in our hearts.
  3. Sing it. This one is a little different and can be awkward, but it helps because remembering a tune is a lot easier than just remembering a sentence. So, my wife now has a song for Psalm 23 and sings it every now and then.
  4. Have a partner to talk to about Scripture and to encourage you in working to remember what you’ve read.

Choose Your Partner for War Wisely

THE SCENE: The rain held off for a 65° windy perfect morning

Tempo Squats, High Knees, Let it Hang, Reach for the Sky, Cherry pickers, inch worm merkins and 2 SSH.
Indian run to the big parking lot dropping for 5 merkins.

  • Slalom each median in the big parking lot with a burpee every time your cross the “road”
  • 11’s in the pit by the far entrance with squats at the bottom and merkins on the road.
  • Mosey to the outer loop behind lake
    • 10 floor tricep dips, and 10 inch worms
    • run the loop
    • 20 flutter kicks and 20 pickle powders
    • run the loop
    • 30 lunges and 30 squats
    • run the loop.
    • on each loop is 5 burpees, 10 4 count hello dollies, and 15 bobby hurley’s
  • found a rope laying on the ground, so we played tug o war, of course

Flutter kicks, Pickle pointers, Mountain Climbers, Freddie Mercury 


Psalm 27 verse 4, it says “Though an army May encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war may rise against me, in this I will be confident.” 

David saying he has lot things against him, an Army, and a War, but David says “my heart shall not fear and, in this I will be confident”  in response.

How does he do that?  FAITH. David has outstanding faith. When David was fighting Goliath, King Saul giving David his armor; but David did not want it because he had faith that God would protect him. How do we get that faith that David has? 

James chapter 1 verse 2 Says “Count it all to Joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for you know the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.”

David no doubt has had trials that tested his faith, like fighting Goliath, ruling nation, running from king Saul when Saul was trying kill him. The trials grow your faith. I bet none of us are going to fight a giant, rule a nation, or run from king trying to kill you, but I bet most of us will or has had trials like temptations, relationships, or even COVID.

Thinking about going into battle, if you get to choose 1 guy you guys wouldn’t choose me; not yet at least.  I’m going choose you big guys.  You’re all a lot bigger than me and I look up to you and I know you’d protect me. God is infinitely bigger, infinitely stronger.  One way we show this in our prayer life is to get our knees, like we do here, and say with our posture that we are small. 

I challenge you pray to Jesus privately on your knees and ask Him to grow your faith so you could be confident in trials, and even pray for trials so you could test your faith. David knows that his God can do the impossible. God wants us to believe that he can do impossible. All the big problems in our life are tiny to him. Our God is bigger than our understanding. 

Don’t Wait Another Day!

THE SCENE: 55 and awesome!

  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 7
  • Windmills (IC) 4CT X 7
  • Overhead Claps X 10 (IC)
  • Tempo Squats (IC) X10
  • Tempo Merkins (IC) X 10
  • Tennessee Rocking Horse X 10
  • Indian Run To Coupon Pile (lead runner drops & does 5 merkins)


4 Corners in Parking Lot Near Coupon Pile

  • CMU Bentover Rows Per Corner X 20
  • CMU Overhead Press, Curls & Squats Per Corner X 20
  • Merkins, Big Boys, Lunges, Per Corner X 20
  • Wall Squats
  • Mosey To Shovel Flag


Imperial Walkers X 20


15 men


Don’t let wait until it’s too late to tell someone you love them or mend fences with friends and family.  We never know when our time on this Earth is up so be intentional with great, good and terrible relationships.

  • Jesus said, “If you enter your place of worship and, about to make an offering, you suddenly remember a grudge a friend has against you, abandon your offering, leave immediately, go to this friend and make things right. Then and only then, come back and work things out with God.” — Matthew 5:23-24(MSG)
  • A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense. — Proverbs 19:11(NIV)
  • Jesus said, “First get rid of the log from your own eye; then perhaps you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye.” — Matthew 7:5(NLT)
  • Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody. — Romans 12:18(TEV)
  • Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” — Matthew 5:9(NIV)


  • Sign up for May JUCO Challenge

Did not count

THE SCENE: 65 and prefect

Explained that YHC can’t do 3 things at once.  Exercise & Count & Pray for ya’ll and the day.  So today we just worked out based on time it took others to do stuff.  No counting required.

High Knees -while: Explained the above
Side Straddle Hop-while: Each HIM did 1 Burpee in sequence
Plank (High, Right, Left, 6 inches)-while: Each HIM ran the outside of the circle 1 at a time
Moroccan night club, Overhead clap, Arm circles -while: Each HIM ran the outside of the circle 1 at a time
Flutter Kicks -while: YHC Bear Crawled the inside of the circle

Mosey to the close guardrail where one HIM did prison-cell-merkin-burpee’s while everyone else did guardrail dips. Then Clap Merkins on the guardrail while each him did one burpee.

Mosey, with a little Bernie, to the coupon pile (which was nicely cleaned up) where we played “Simon Hey Ho He”  Each guy added one CMU exercise to a sequence and if we got it wrong we had to do a burpee (which in the end seemed far easier than the sequence, and made counting seem super simple.)


Mountain Climbers While partner:
Pull Ups AMRAP
Advanced CPR Leg Lifts
BBS Wall Touch
Merkins Tree Touch
Wall Hang on brick wall with holes Sprint for Sign

Let others try out the inner circle bear crawl while they called out a Mary Exercise.  Hello Dolly, Flutter kicks, Freddie Mercury, Low plank


22 quality HIMs: 7 were rushers

Today we didn’t count exercises but I want to talk about making today count.

My good friend from college, Julien, does an awesome job of making every day count.  He is perhaps the smartest guy I know and when he isn’t turning a company around or becoming the CEO of a bio tech company he is rehabbing a 300 year old barn by hand.  The guy works amazingly hard.

A few years back he was down in Mexico at a conference and took some clients out deep sea fishing.  They didn’t catch anything.  When they returned to the harbor they see a local fisherman and his son in a tiny dinghy with 3 huge fish.  Julien, impressed at the catch asked him: “Sir, How did you do that?  How long did it take you?”

“Señor, it’s what I’ve done for years.  My son and I caught these in a little less than an hour.”

Julien responded, “That’s amazing!  Are you going out to catch more?”

“No Señor.  This is more than enough for my family and I’ll sell one at market.  Tomorrow is soon enough.”

Julien, a bit confused but intrigued by this mindset asked, “Can I ask, what do you do with your time?”

The Mexican fisherman replied, “I get up early and spend some time with God, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, stroll into the village each evening where I sip a glass of wine and play guitar with my amigos: I have a full and busy life, señor.”

Julien offered to help the fisherman make a business of this man’s fishing talent.  “My name is Julien and went to the best business school in the US.  I’m a CEO and love making business succeed.  I want to invest in you.  Can I help you build a business of this?  You could take clients fishing, get a bigger boat, heck a fleet of boats, then make a business of it.  We’d sell the extra catch direct to the distributer, cutting out the middle man, you could make millions!”

“What would this take señor?  How long would it take?”

“You’d move to Mexico city and run the business, in 15, no maybe only 10 years, you bring the company public, huge IPO!  You’d have enough money to do whatever you want.  What would you do with that kind of freedom?”

The Mexican fisherman looked off to sea and smiled as he thought of the possibilities.  Then locked eyes with Julien. “Julien, I know just what I’d do.  I’d move to a small coastal village, much like this one.  I get up early and spend some time with God, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, stroll into the village each evening where I sip a glass of wine and play guitar with my amigos.”

And from that day on, Julien lived his life differently.

Okay, I’ll admit, most of that isn’t a true story.   Julien is a real friend, talented hard working CEO. I don’t know if Julien has ever been to Mexico. The parable, you may have heard before, I heard years ago.  But it speaks to the scripture I want to share for today:

Psalm 90:12 “So, Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”

The “so” points back to the first 11 verses that give us God’s perspective on time.  He was before the mountains were formed and our lives are but a breath.  But then it goes on to ask for God’s favor, wisdom – for Him to satisfy us and make us glad and see Him for who He is.

God’s perspective on time is very important to ponder. Take some time today to realize God’s eternal nature and his perspective.  What are you striving after? Your past doesn’t matter; you plans don’t matter.  What matters: Where is your heart with Jesus right now and are you willing to do more with Him?
Maybe that means to spend extra time with your wife or kids. Maybe it’s difficult, but life altering conversations.  Maybe it’s just helping a neighbor in need.

Read Psalm 90 and consider these things.

Get those Save Haven donations in before the month is up and check out Spotter’s May challenge- I encourage you to join.

We didn’t melt…

THE SCENE: A wet 55 degrees.
Good morning!
You gentlemen are here for F3. That stands for fitness, fellowship, & Faith. This is a free workout. You are here on your own volition. I do not know your injuries. Modify if necessary. Modification does not always mean backing down if something is too easy, I encourage you to add on. Covid guidelines make sure you maintaining 6 feet of space and we will not be sharing equipment. Let’s get started!

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
10 Windmills in cadence
10 tempo merkins
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Cherry Pickers
Side straddle hop in cadence 20

  • Mosey to the large parking lot w/ the person up front falling off for 2 burpees after a 5 count
  • Soccer drill on the curb
  • Walking lunges to the next line 1 burpee
    Bernie back

    Sprint two lines 2 burpees
    Bernie back

    Bear crawl back to the 2nd line
    Flutter Kicks x20
    Repeat from new starting point

  • Mosey with the person in the back weaving to the front to the coupon pile
  • 10 Blockees run up the stairs and do 5 pull ups
  • 20 Thrusters run up the stairs and do 5 pull ups
  • 30 Curls run up the stairs and do 5 pull ups
  • Flutter kicks in cadence
  • Mosey to the flag stopping for flutter kicks and Freddy Mercury

Mucho Chesto

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
So what’s the #1 commandment? Put God first.
What did Jesus say was the 2nd most important commandment?
Love thy neighbor as much as you love thyself.
Why is this so difficult?! That’s a question. Why?!
Our neighbor doesn’t necessarily mean our next door neighbor. It could be anyone we encounter.
The truth is, we don’t know what someone is going through and a simple act of kindness or a smile can be a game changer.
I challenge you to be kind to everyone you encounter this week. Volunteer your time to help someone , give blood, a simple smile can go a long way. Do it even if you don’t get a “Thank you” or a smile back. That’s not why you’re doing this!
Matthew 22:34-40
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.