F3 Knoxville

Let’s Just Get Through It

Low 50’s. Kind of quite perfect.
Delivered as desired. I am not a professional.


  • SSH 20
  • Willie Maze Haze/Cherry Pickers IC
  • Imperial walkers IC 20
  • Graddy Corns IC 20
  • Little baby arm circle IC 20
  • Reverse baby arm circle IC 20
  • Shoulder taps IC 20
  • Mosey
  • Sprint follow by Monkey Humper IC 20
  • Sprint follow by Burpees 10
  • Sprint follow by handstand merkins 10 with partner (2 rounds)


Mosey to pull-up bars.  Using pull-up bars as first station.  Add three more stations about 25 yards apart.  In a line so that 4th station is 100 yards out.  Then starting at pull-up bars.  Do the following:
1st – 10 Pull-ups
2nd – 10 Burpees
3rd – 30 Prisoner squats
4th – 30 Merkins.
R&R three times.

Mosey to pavilion (picnic tables). 2 rounds of 20 Dips, 20 Durkens, and 20 step-ups

Mosey back to flag.


AMRAP ab exercises of: ”AWFL”  10 each 2 times through.
-American Hammer
-WWII Sit-ups
-Freddie Mercury

2 Supermans for last minute.

15 Good Men.

For Anchorman’s Grandmother’s 80th birthday celebration; For my father’s loneliness and situation in Indiana; For Curry’s 20th anniversary and many more.


Shamrock – Wrestling

THE SCENE: 59F and dry

Side Straddle Hops 20-4 count

5 Merkins

Cherry Pickers: 5

5 Merkins

Tie Fighters

5 Merkins

25 Calf Raises 

5 Merkins


Mosey to CMU pile then to the grassy hill “The Saddle” I think we have named it? 

10 Squat presses, but do 5 presses at the top before your next squat

Run down and then up

20 Hello Dolly 4-count 

Run down and then up

30 Lawn mowers – 15 each side

Run down and then up

40 CMU overhead press

Run down and then up

50 Alternating CMU Merkins

Run down and then up

60 American Hammers single count

Run down and then up

70 SSH single count 

Run down and then up

80 LBCs

Run down and then up

90 CMU Bench Press

Run down and then up

100 scissor kicks single count 

Run down and then up

Back to CMU pile

25 Curls – Run to end of parking lot – drag CMU back

25 Flutter kicks – 4-count 

25 Tricep Dips – Run to end of parking lot – drag CMU back

50 windshield wipers with CMU pointed up

Return CMUs

Mosey back to AO flag

No time
17 – Crawl Space, Curveball, Eliza, Caveman, Betty, I-Beam, Oscar Mayer, Kick-Flip, Rocky Top, Mandolin, Slappy, Curry, Mermaid, Skid Mark, Voo Doo, Honeydew, Anchorman,

What are you wrestling with? 

Sin? – That’s great news! That means that you have the Holy Spirit in you.

Your faith? – Again, great news! God knows that we have up and down moments in our lives that challenge our faith. Keep wrestling with God. That way is better than the alternative of walking away from him. 

F3?  – Is it just me? Some weeks I’m on fire for F3 and specifically Shamrock. Other weeks I’m like that Homer Simpson disappearing into the shrubs animation. I’ll just be checked out. Other weeks, I wrestle with F3. Why am I doing it? It is good for me? Physically? Spiritually? Mentally? Should I be coming out here 3-5 days a week?

Your marriage / kids? Same thing. If I’m wrestling with it, at least I’m engaged and fighting for it. 

Your job?  – I feel like this is also a constant. Am I supposed to be here? Am I making a difference? Am I happy? Will I have a job in 6 months? Does God want me to be here? 

So I will wrap it up by encouraging you to keep wrestling. It shows that you care. Just don’t wrestle with it alone. I know there are brothers here that would love to be your coach, cheerleader, friend to walk with you through your wrestling. 


CMU Totem Pole

THE SCENE:  Cool and humid
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

Finkle swings
Cherry pickers


Mosey to the track.  Grab a block.

First, do all exercises.  Suitcase carry to 10 yards, switch hands, suitcase carry back.

Repeat:  Each successive round, drop the highest rep exercise – and carry the CMU 10 yards farther

Exercises were;

  • 40 Tricep extensions
  • 35 Goblet squats
  • 30 Curls
  • 25 Rows
  • 20 Derkins
  • 15 Thrusters
  • 10 CMU swings
  • 5 Blockees


Round 1:  40 + 35 + 30 + 25 + 20 + 15 + 10 + 5 + Carry to 10 yards and back.

Round 2:  35 + 30 + 25 + 20 + 15 + 10 + 5 + Carry to 20 yards and back


Round 8:  5 blockees + Carry to 80 yards and back


PAX choice for four rounds


Me and 17 of the best men that I know

Pivoted away from what I had planned and talked instead about the fruit and blessings that come from repentance.

Shamrock – Weigelmanjaro

THE SCENE: 64 and foggy

Baby Arm Circles forward then backwards (IC) 4 CT x 10 each

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 10

Cherry Pickers 5

Twinkle Toes  (IC) 4 CT x 10

Stretch quads, runner’s stretch, cobra, down dog

Short Mosey 


Spread Out in Parking lot

There are 12 parking space lines

Line 1 – 25 Big Boys

Line 2 – 25 Squats

Line 3 – 25 Merkins

Start over at line 4. 

We will end up at 100 reps per exercise. 

The rock pile

Pick up 2 small rocks

Baby Arm Circles forward then backwards (IC) 4 CT with rocks X10

Butterfly with rock x20

American Hammers with rocks x20 x2 

Mosey to Weigel’s Hill 

Bear Crawl to the top. Anytime you stop for a break you have to do 10 ( feet pointing uphill ) BBS. When you get to the top head back down and pick up the 6. 

At the top we all do Monkey Humpers until it burns then head to the AO

If time, we will try to do our 12 lines challenge again to make it to 200 reps per exercise

We made it about halfway through a 2nd round. 


No time
Honeydew, Stitch, Curveball, Betty, Le Bling, Caveman, Mermaid, Eliza, Skid Mark, Base Salary, Voo Doo, Oscar Meyer, Tailhook, 8-seconds, Mandolin, Fire!, Brimstone, Rubber Duck, Curry, Commission, Crawl Space, Anchorman,

Psalm 143:10 

10 Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground!

 1- The request –  “Teach me to do your will,”- Isn’t that basically what we all want and need from God? It’s a direct request to God that he will honor. 

2- The praise – “for you are my God!” – I love this declaration of worship and respect to God. 

3 – Continued praise and doubling down on the request – “Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground!” – This gives me a visual for “Your will be done” – David invites God to lead him. He humbly admits that he can’t walk through life on his own. He needs the one and only mighty God to walk with him. 

Hardship Hill – Work day Saturday

Shamrock – Neon Moon

THE SCENE: 51F little foggy

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 10

Tie Fighters X10 

Cherry Pickers  x5

Bird Dog each side 10

Toe Merkins 4-ct IC – 10

Plank Punch Alternating 10 each side  – From a basic plank position, raise one hand off the ground and punch across, behind and under the opposite arm, keeping the core stabilized.


Mosey to the back of campus. 

50 – 2 count  Flutter Kicks

15 Merkins

Run a lap then wait for the 6 before starting each round by holding a plank. 

40 LBCs

15 Merkins


30 American Hammers

15 Merkins


20 BBS

15 Merkins


10 Burpees

15 Merkins


20 Dead Bug 4-count 

15 Curb dips


30 Plank Punch singles 

15 curb dips


40 LBCs

15 Curb Dips


50 Hello Dolly’s 

15 Curb Dips


Bonus round – Mandolin made us do 10 more Burpees

15 Curb dips


CMU work on the way back

* AMRAP: CMU bench press, curls, then CMU toe merkins.  

Mosey back to the flag. 

16 – Hoopty, Waxjob, Hotpants, Skid Mark, Dumpster Dive, Slappy, Caveman, Kick-Flip, Curry, Jenner, Betty, Mandolin, Mermaid, Nadia, Curveball, Anchorman,

The Holy Spirit  – I often forget about this powerful and holy presence that Jesus was very proud about leaving with us?  

John 14:26

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things

Romans 8:26

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.

I leave you with this: 

Create some quiet space this week and ask the Holy Spirit to work in you.