F3 Knoxville

The Boys Are Back

AO: asylum-am
Q: Rainbow (Curt Wright)
PAX: Bunny, Rainbow (Curt Wright), Gibbler (Tim Basch), Hot Tub (John Muller), Cosmo 2, Matlock (Bill Maddox), TRC/Crab legs, Hands (Robb McKeown), Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Double Wide, Cinco (Scott McGuire), Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Woodpecker, Sawdust, White Belt
FNGs: None
WARMUP: start with 10 burpees OYO for those who didn’t help with park cleanup.
Then 20 SSH on 4ct, Imperial Walkers x12, Tie Fighters x12, Arm Circles/OH Claps/Seal Claps/This Guy x10 on 4ct
20 Rocky B’s on each side of parking lot

Mosey to Cardiac 2x’s 10 hand release merkins at bottom, curve 1, curve 2, and top

Mosey to front of Asylum for 2 burpees at every other light pole.

Mosey to Overlook for 100 single count reps of ab exercise of your choice followed by lap around loop. Followed with 75 reps and run, 50 and run, then 25 and Run.
Some Coach Wayne Dunn’s to finish us out

12 Minutes of prayer every day for 8 days can change your brain. Visible on a brain scan.

Back to School Bash at the Bathhouse

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Bookman (Oscar Hemmelgarn)
PAX: Ribbed (Joshua Sagraves), Stripped (Carter Cross), Unibráu (Nick Robinson), Utah (David Angel), Matlock (Bill Maddox), Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Russell Crook/Crablegs, Woodpecker, Madoff (Daniel Hereford), Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), mouthwash (Mike), Sawdust, Snowbird (Nick Wilson), Bunny, Bookman (Oscar Hemmelgarn), Lilo (I swear he was on Slack a while back), None
FNGs: 1 None
– 20 SSHs
– 4 Cherry Pickers
– 15 Gradycorns
– 10 Rockettes

Mosey to bathhouse

Tha Thang:
– Burpees 8 x 20sec on, 10sec rest
– 40 SSHs
– 30 sec rest

– Merkins 8 x 20sec on, 10sec rest
– SSHs for 1 mins
– 30 sec rest

– Squats 8 x 20sec on, 10sec rest
– SSHs
– 30 sec rest

– Lunges 8 x 20sec on, 10sec rest
– SSHs
– 30 sec rest

– Flutterkicks 8 x 20sec on, 10sec rest
– SSHs
– 30 sec rest

– LBCs 8 x 20sec on, 10sec rest
– SSHs
– 30 sec rest

– Wall Sits 8 x 20sec on, 10sec rest

Fellowship Mosey to Shovelflag

MARY: None.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Poker night at Voodoo 8/17. See Crableg’s note f3knoxville.slack.com/archives/C01EK08G6FQ/p1691414358333559
Flag handoff on 9/1! Be THERE.
COT: Prayers for favor for Ribbed’s family and the SSA and Everett’s successful procedure

We can’t solve everything ourselves. Trust in your faith, yourself, and your people. When things get too intense or chaotic, you seem confused or frustrated, break it back down to basics to help move forward. Be grateful for what you have and the experiences you are going through at this moment and in the past.

You Need to Let Go to Take On Something New

AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: CRISPR (David Smelser)
PAX: Choir Boy (Kenny Saffles), Veggie (Rylen Huddy), F6 (Tim Pope), lebowski, Matlock (Bill Maddox), Lulu (Greg Huddy), CRISPR (David Smelser), Dung Beetle (Scott Kimsey), Brick (Chris Tittle), Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Qbert (Bob Buckner), Jumbo(Carter Dickens)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, cherry pickers, rockettes, this and that, imperial walkers

25x step up, pull up, dip, incline merkin, rocky balboa, SSH, imperial walker, squat, then 20, 15, 10, 5

LT Dan down the parking lot, then merkins up the dragon, some squat ring of fire, imperial walkers down the dragon, core 4 around the parking lot, and ending with some rounds of William Wallace.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2nd F at Abacas tonight, choir boy family travels

COT: I’ve been struggling with Heroic Individualism as defined by Brad Stulberg. My intent had been to do Words based on his book The Practice of Groundedness, but life got in the way and couldn’t prepare a Word for this Q. Actually, heroic individualism got in the way. I had an opportunity to do some professional development that would be amazing and a big resume builder. But it’d be a huge commitment and require a massive amount of time. My wife and I chatted and she asked what I’d have to give up to take something like that on? What’s less important in my life right now that I could replace it with this opportunity? Her, the kids, work, F3, church, etc? Turns out she’s right and I have no more time to give, or at least that much time for that level of commitment.

Everything has an opportunity cost. Taking something on might mean not taking something on lad or perhaps having to let go or step back from something you’re already doing. There is only so much time available to you, so while you may want to take on all the amazing opportunities that come your way, but choose wisely so you don’t over burden yourself to a point you’re half doing everything and losing focus on those things that matter most.

The Electric Charger

AO: asylum-am
Q: Rainbow (Curt Wright)
PAX: Charmin (John Willis), Matlock (Bill Maddox), Double Wide, Scott McGuire (Cinco), Bunny, Rainbow (Curt Wright), Tricycle
FNGs: None
20SSH on the 4 count
Baby arm circles front/reverse, OH claps, seal claps (all 4 count and 10 reps)
To the curb for butt kickers down and mosey back and super Mario’s down and mosey back
Mosey to circus Maximus for 4 rounds of
20 reps of exercises at each of 4 cones on one side of circus Maximus. Run the other side back to start another round.
Exercises were: Merkins, Jump Squats, Gas Pumpers, Carolina DD

Mosey to parking lot for partner workout. Partner 1 down and back while parter 2 did abs. Switch out. Abs were done amrap and exercises were: LBC, Hello Dolly, Heel Touch, flutters

MARY: Charmin cashed us out with some ATM’s
COT:what we look for we will find. If we look for negativity we will find it. If we look for the positives we will find those too. Task was to be a hummingbird (in search of the goodness) instead of a vulture (in search of the decay)

Pictonary Ladder Route 66

AO: asylum-am
Q: Sawdust
PAX: Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), TRC/Crab legs, Matlock (Bill Maddox)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Tempo Merkins, Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Rockettes, Tie-Fighters & X-Wings

THE THANG: Played a Pictionary Ladder Up Route 66 with 10 Reps at each light pole (even if it was not lit). We added a station each time up Route 66 and down Baby Everest.
1. Coupon Combo (Curls, OVHD Press & Tricep Extension)
2. X-Factor (4 Count)
3. Imperial Squat Walkers (4 Count)
4. Carolina Dry Docks
5. Flutter Kicks (4 Count)
6. Bobby Hurley’s
7. Pickle Pounders
8. Big-Boy Sit-ups
9. Lt. Dan’s
10. Bearpees

COT: 1 Timothy 2:1-2 & a reminder that Hard Times make Strong Men; Strong Men make Good Times; Good Times make Weak Men; Weak Men make Hard Times. May we continue to pray for the Lord to intercede in our lives and others to keep us Strong HIM during Hard Times and Good Times.